Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
I occasionally mention a local mechanic that has a sign out front where he puts humorous things.

Yesterday his sign said;

"It's back!
Pumpkin Spice
car repair."

At this time of year, people are crazy for anything pumpkin spice. (Not me.) Speaking of which, when Kathi went grocery shopping yesterday some pumpkin spice mini donuts found their way into the shopping cart.

Your doctor would be proud of you for all the fruits and vegetables you eat, K2. Excellent picture. Although we're not that far apart, I didn't get a drop of rain all day yesterday. Not till early this morning.

Thanks Lee, I've now got a hankering for some fried chicken.

KC; At our age I think we all can identify with those "mystery" scrapes and bruises. Good call on turning down that presidency job of your HOA.

So BB, what's Friday's menu for fattening up Bert?

Lucky Kathi, she's off to a massage this morning.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A little cooler this morning. We had a lot of rain yesterday afternoon / evening which has helped lower the humidity a tad.
Ava and I went for our morning walk. One mile in the new shoes went just fine.
I've got an appointment with the Heart Institute this morning. I get an ECG and to wear a Holter Monitor for my annual check up for the next 3 days. I see the cardiologist two weeks after that to discuss the results. Oh boy.
Pumpkin spice? Why, no thank you Dave.
Good for staying away from the HOA presidency Karen. You would do a great job but don’t need the headaches that seem to go with the job. With the walking I do I need good support in shoes. I found that out the hard way after years of “cheap“ footwear. Good luck to Scooter today!
Good looking hall of fruits and vegetables Kathie. Our roadside fruit and veggie stands are on full swing as the produce comes in. One of my favourites…”Adam‘s Garden of Eatin’.”
Our east coast has been getting all sorts of weather and natural mishaps lately Bill. I sure hope it doesn’t muck up your cruise.
See Momma Bunny. You mention fried chicken and Dave and I want some and Kathie gets some. You should get a referral fee from the chicken places.
Geez Nancy. I sure hope that you feel better soon so you can enjoy your Hawaiian cruise.
Coffee time.
Have a wonderful safe day everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! A beautiful sunny morning here in Kiss-my-a$$! The kind of day I love.

Lee - Good shoes are always a plus, especially if you do a lot of walking. That's you to a "T"! Between those early morning you and Ava walks and then the walks at the Navy Park, that's a lot of walking that you do.
Good luck with your ECG this morning and wearing the monitor for the next 3 days. That so reminds me of that life vest I don't miss in the least. I hope you get good results from it all.

Karen - Smart move turning down the presidency of your HOA. That is a totally thankless job and no matter what you do, someone will be unhappy and bad mouth you. I hope Scooter gets a good report from the vet this morning.

Dave - I was planning to fatten up Bert with ribs Friday night, but we might have to put that off until Saturday as Missy may have to work Friday night. Time will tell. In the meantime, here's tonight's dinner ... Peppers, onions & sausage sandwiches. Sorry if I made your mouth water for one. Trying a different method to make it this time which looked pretty good to me. Time will tell.

Kathie - Glad you're finally getting lots of fresh veggies being grown in your area. Bert knows I love peaches, so he bought 2 while in Publix the other day. They were from up north and were as hard as a rock. I kept them out on the counter until they softened. I ate one yesterday. It was real juicy but totally flavorless! I told him not to buy any there again. I'll stick with the ones I get in June from the Peach Truck from Georgia. You just can't beat them. A close second were some I got at Trader Joe's. They were really delicious once they softened up. We're sort of at an in between time for growing fruits & veggies here right now. Still to hot to start planting seeds and too early for local citrus. At least this gives Bert's hip a chance to heal before he's crawling around putting in seeds and plants.

Nancy - Sounds like you're pretty well getting everything ready for your cruise. That cane with a gel handle sounds great. Did you ever find lounge chairs that would work for you?

Not much planned for today. I thin Bert said something about wanting to go get out flu shots this afternoon. I'm good with that. Then in a week or 2 they will have the new Covid shot available. Want to get that before our cruise next month just to be on the safe side.

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. Also see what Publix has on sale this week that I absolutely, definitely have to have TODAY!!!

Have a wonderful day, gang!


2nd Officer
Well the old saying, Man plans & God laughs, still holds true. As last night even though we had a perfectly qualified person willing to step in as president for the next 3 months, several homeowners pitched Hissy fit's over not being able to vote on the person. Even after they were told the board had the right to appoint someone they kept right on complaining. So for the next 3 months the board will operate without an "official" president & I will have to preside over the annual meeting in Dec. not thrilled about it, but other than resigning as VP last night & leaving the rest of the board holding the bag there wasn't much else I could do. The secretary called me last night to see if I was ok & said we'd just all work together and handle anything that comes up. I thought that was very nice of her. And one of our other homeowners came up to us after the meeting & said we had a lot more patience than he would have had, he said he'd have gone over the table & smacked a few of the rabble rousers. We just laughed & thanked him for his support. And of course all the ones who made a fuss last night won't be bothered to step up & run for the board in Dec. either
Scooter's vet visit went well, her eyes are still not producing enough tears to cut back on the drops, but she didn't have any infections or other issues AND she had gained about 4 ounces. Vet bill was less than $50 so it was a good visit for "mom" too
Need to go find some lunch & relax after all my running around this morning. Check back with you all later


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Gang! Off and on Sprinkles here this morning and afternoon. 74F, but feels like 78F. Humidity is low because the SUN is hiding in and out behind clouds.
Got my hair colored! Yippee. Feel human again.
Went and dropped off freshly made PESTO from my own Basil plants to my Brother Rich's.

Bill: You would have loved being at my brother Rich's house. They read A LOT. He had 3 full to the top paper handed grocery bags full of books going to the local VETS. He gave me a assortment for Art and myself that filled yet another paper bag to take home.
If you get a chance and can list some of your favorite authors and book titles I see if any of them are in this BATCH he gave us. And then I'll make sure to look over the other 75+ plus books they still have on their bookshelf! I love that they're all HARDCOVER books.... and FREE! Ha Ha.
Had a few bucks on my Starbucks card and today was BUY one Get One Free on anything "Pumpkin flavored". I took advantage of that and got 2- Pumpkin spice Lattes. Too sweet for me to bother getting them again, but enjoyed BOTH of them on the way home. Yup, 2 -12 oz Latte's. Helped me get through traffic from the East side of town to home.
Karen: Good to hear that some folks appreciated your board keeping it's cool while being screamed at during the meeting. You just wonder WHY they have to be RUDE! I guess they have nothing better to do. Wait until nobody wants to take a position on the board and you guys have to turn it over to a COMPANY to handle. The HOA's will go up dramatically and then they'll really have something to COMPLAIN about. Hang in there kiddo.
Good to know that Scooter gained a few Ounces. Nice to know your BILL was decent this time around.
BB: I'm so glad you're away of the new Covid vaccine coming out and how important it is for YOU to get it. I was listening to the car radio on the way home and Dr Gupta said it's REALLY MOST BENEFICIAL FOR PROTECTING FOLKS (our age) from getting a bad case of
I thought of you immediately and your up coming cruise. You really need to be extra careful. But you already know that .... :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Lee: I think it's great that your heart doctor has you go through all the loops, etc, etc for your annal exam. After all, you did have MAJOR heart surgery. They way you run around with the O.G.C. guys nobody that didn't know you would never suspect it! Keep up the good work.

Bill/Rita/ Are you guys leaving this weekend for the Greenland cruise? I wrote down Jewel of the Seas here by the computer, but no date! DUH!! Have fun in case I don't get to tell you again.
DAVE: It's Kathi's PUMPKIN time of the year. Does she make Pumpkin bread, muffins, cookies? I personally think it's overkill on pumpkin stuff!
Out of here for now.........Gotta make some dinner.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well today was a bit busy. Had appt at the Podiatrist's, don't have a new appt will call when I need. Then got a haircut, then cash a check and last dropped some things at Salvation Army.

All have a good night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I told Bert that we needed an appontment for the flu shot, but he thought he could just walk in to get it. Well guess what - We have anappointment for the shot tomorrow at 12. I love to be able to tell him I TOLD YOU SO!!!

See all you wonderful people tomorrow. Now to try to find something to watch on TV - Beat Bobby Flay or watch a Blue Bloods repeat from a number of years ago. Such choices!!!


2nd Officer
Hello again!

Kathie, Nice you were able to enjoy some Starbucks on the drive home today, your hair looks marvelous too! Jane mentioned today I'm about due for a haircut again.

Lee, hoping you pass all your tests with flying colors! But I can't believe you san No to Pumpkin spice! I love pumpkin everything!

Pat, you are so right about Publix peaches not being worth the money. I bought some a while back that smelled soooo good, but they NEVER got soft! They were on the counter for over a week & once they started drawing fruit flies I just tossed them, never again.

Dave, have you & Kathi ever thought of doing a couples massage? I've only had a message about 3 times, but I've enjoyed them all. My fav was on a beach in Mexico, so relaxing!

Nice turn out for choir practice tonight, I few more people are back for the winter so we had 12 there tonight. Think I'm going to pour a glass of wine & sit outside on the patio for a bit, it a little cooler & less humid than it's been for a while so I plan to take advantage of it. See you all tomorrow when I actually have NOTHING scheduled, yippee!!!


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning, Bunnies! Ah.......I think it's Friday.

Something tells me KC that you are no longer going to get involved in serving on your HOA. Good for Scooter. Nope, no couples massage.

With a choice of ribs or sausage sandwich, I'd choose the sandwich, BB.

What's the brand name of those new shoes you got, Lee?

Purple. Please tell me that when you got your hair colored K2 that you had at least a few strands of purple in it. Yes, Kathi makes all sort of pastries flavored pumpkin.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, at 7 it's off to an appointment we go.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Lee: I think it's great that your heart doctor has you go through all the loops, etc, etc for your annal exam.
OK Kathie, I’m laughing pretty hard at the auto correct that has the cardiologist “digging a little deeper” than my heart! Ah, to start the day with a smile. Congrats to your Lions on beating KC.
Back later once I stop giggling. :emoticon 0136 giggle:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Friday morning!

Kathie - Glad you got to use your Starbucks points to get yourself those drinks. Still haven't been to our Starbucks. They do seem to be doing a pretty good business at this location. Years ago there was one in Poinciana but it didn't last long. They just didn't have the business at that location. Where it is now is definitely doing better. By the way, your hair looks great!

Dave - I agree that a sausage sandwich is better than ribs, but I have to keep the masses happy once in a while too. We won't have the ribs until tomorrow night as Missy is going to work again tonight. Why, I don't know, but she's doing her thing. Good thing we still have more sausage, peppers & onions left for us to eat tonight.

Karen - Sounds like you had a good group at choir practice the other night. Bet they got along better than your HOA group! Aside from a Sam's pumpkin pie, my favorite pumpkin thing is a pumpkin roll with cream cheese filling. I could make my own, but Publix does a pretty good job of it too. Unfortunately, at our Publix they don't refrigerate it, so you have to be careful with that cream cheese filling. I immediately refrigerate it, when we have some.

Lee - Have you stopped giggling yet?

Will be heading for Publix in a little while to get our flu shots and to pick up a few things that we're running short on. I also want to find out when the new Covid shot will be available next week plus that other shot (RSV or something like that) We want to get all of them before our cruise.

Speaking of Covid, numbers have been going up on people being hospitalized and people coming down with the virus a lot right now. Enter our wonderful governor ... He's mandating that schools will NOT close due to an outbreak of Covid and that schools CANNOT tell students to wear masks. We are the OPEN and FREE state of Florida where parents make the rules. Elaine had Covid just 2 weeks ago, right after school opened. It took her about 10 days to start feeling better. I did see some people at the store the other day wearing masks again. Might be a good idea to keep the masks handy once again.

Coffee time before we head out of here. Have a fantastic Friday, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good later in the morning to you all.
The brand I find suits me and my foot the best Dave is Saucony. I've had / got three pairs. Two top of the line that I use for the treadmill and 5K's and one mid line pair I use for walking Ava and going to the grocery etc. The first really good pair I got did hundreds of "serious" miles and I still use them for kicking about and doing yard work.
We had grocery store "punkin" donuts one time Karen. I bit into one after a couple of days and it seemed kind of mealy. to me. Put me off any and all things "punkin" after that. So, how long did the "nothing scheduled" last?
I think that it's neat that you support The Salvation Army Nancy. One of the guys I went to school with became a captain. Yep, the LAST guy you'd expect to go down that road!
I reckon that Kathie's busy "peeing" this morning after TWO, count 'em "TWO 12 ounce foo drinks from Starbucks.
I think that you nailed the future of Karen's HOA on the head. Soon there will be a "management company" and then the complaining will start.I remember how frustrated Tony used to get with the HOA where he and Nancy lived.
I see you popped in while I was mucking about here Pat. No, I haven't stopped chuckling entirely. I do hope that your arms aren't sore after the shots. We will wait until October for ours. Then they should be good through March as here they say their are at their peak effectiveness for 6 months. Sounds like we should be packing our masks this winter...

WOW! From WFLA... DeSantis directed flags to fly half-staff at the Monroe County Courthouse, Key West City Hall, and the State Capitol in Tallahassee, from 5 p.m. Thursday to 5 p.m. Friday, “because it’s always five o’clock somewhere.” in honour of Jimmy Buffett.
Hurricane "Me" looks to be headed for a gap between two counter rotating air masses Bill. Right now it looks like a running back finding a hole. Which could soon be over the upper eastern US states and Canada's east coast. Stay tuned...
We went to the Bell Store yesterday to, as instructed by the agent I spoke to, return our old iPhones for a bill credit. Well, the young fella said they could only do a "store credit" towards the purchase of something from Bell. Long story short, he did everything he could to convince customer service that he should be able to credit our account. Needless to say I dropped them off at the Post Office this morning where they will go back to Bell and we'll get that bill credit. What is it Kathie says? Oh ya. "Always something".
I guess that our front grass isn't going to cut itself. It's been too hot and humid the past few days so it needs a cutting' today.
Have a great rest of the day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good "Almost NOON" Wrabbits!

Lee: I just saw that Auto-Correct. Too Funny. You might just get your monies worth if they do a complete exam like that! Ha Ha. Hope it all goes well with hooking up the monitor. In this day and age they should invent something a tad more comfortable to wear.

Lee you just posted as I'm typing away here. I'm going to go read what you had to say and be back. (like anybody is paying attention) :smiley25:


Wacky Wabbit
I'm back! .........

Lee: Good post. Sorry you had so much trouble with getting credit for your old phones. I just got a text message the other day that "our old phones" made it to the return location and they were "INSPECTING THEM"! Ha ha. Like they look like new. No broken glass or and protected by covers and screen protectors. And we didn't have to pay anything for the new ones, except TAXES! So, I hope not to hear from them in the future. Phone exchanges should be a lot simpler if you as me. The place that gives you your new phone order should take back the old ones. I must say I really like the new cell phone. It charges up very fast and holds that charge for a long time. Glad we realized it was time to get new ones before the great rebate was gone.

BB: If anybody should be wearing a MASK in the grocery stores it's YOU. And on the cruise when you're moving around in the elevator and hallways or crowds. You don't need to be paying a visit to Celebration Hospital again.
There was a news report the other day saying you can get the FLU-SHOT and the Covid shot at the same time. I'm still not a fan of doing that. If there was a issue after getting them how would you know which one was the cause?? :eek: I will get the new and latest Covid booster as soon as they decide whose paying for it and it gets to the local pharmacies.
And my "mask" is in my purse and I put it on at my local grocery stores. I just don't want to get sick, even if it's A LITTLE SICK!

BILL: Are you off for your cruise on Saturday? Safe sailing folks.

Karen: Enjoy your "Nothing time" while it lasts. Hope you can fit in that hair cut. It always makes me feel better when I get mine cut.
The humidity is gone today up here and I even have the WINDOWS and back doorwall open. Feels nice to get some air circulating in this place.

I watched the US Womens Open last night and WOW they played their hearts out. COCO is in the finals, but the gal she is up against is seeded #1 in the country. She's a real NUT CASE. She was throwing her racket around in last nights game and screaming at her coaches. A real distraction. The USA girl was playing really good and just missed winning. Felt bad for her. She was poised and composed the entire LONGGGG game. I can't wait for these tennis games to be over with. Love watching them, but they are killing my sleep time.

You all have a good day. I have a kitchen floor waiting for me to wash. It will be a quick wash today. I'll be using the steamer.

Sure wish the SUN WOULD COME OUT. Dreary out there.

Cantaloupe I posted a picture of was the sweetest and juiciest we've had in a long time. YUMMY.
And just to let you gals in Florida know: The peaches you say are HARD like baseballs, DO NOT COME FROM MICHIGAN. Michigan doesn't ship it's Peaches South. WE get those same ugly BASEBALL HARD PEACHES at our grocery stores. I refuse to EVER buy them. They are tasteless and a waste of money. The orchards around Michigan don't supply the grocery stores around here with their peaches. They have contracts with canneries that buy them from them. Most of the orchards just sell to the public. They are asking $40 a bushel this year. :eek::oops: A few years ago it was $18 a bushel! Those were the days.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Just home from Winn Dixie. They have T-Bone and Strip steaks on sale so I got 3 packs which is 11 meals for us and it works out to $6 a meal so that is really good. Also got a chuck roast to fix for dinner tonight, have not had in a long time.

Later today will watch truck qualifying then the ARCA race and then the truck race.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
We leave for NJ on Wednesday and sail on Jewel of the Seas Thursday to Canada and Greenland (Hurricane Leo permitting).Back in two weeks.
You also could have watched the Lions/Chiefs
football game, BB. In my pool there was an even split between those who picked the Chiefs and those who selected the Lions so I guess the folks that set the spreads did a good job. 28 of the 30 people who were in my pool last year have returned this year which seems like a pretty good result.
I think that this Punkin Spice thing has become more than a little ridiculous. One of our local supermarkets is advertising Punkin Spice trash bags.
Off to get a haircut later this afternoon so that I look somewhat presentable on the cruise.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, nice that you have a back up plan for dinner, I have no clue what I'm fixing tonight. I haven't had Publix pumpkin rolls, but have had Walmart's & they are pretty good. I have a loaf of pumpkin bread in the freezer it may be time to take out.

Lee, always good to start the day off with a smile or a giggle! Bummer that the phone place wasn't more accommodating on your rebate.

Kathie, luckily my "hairdresser" is pretty flexible on scheduling for me to get my hair cut. Right now the back & sides still look good but he top has gotten long & falls down in my eyes. Found out last night that 2 other ladies from choir will also be going to the retreat the end of the month so that will be nice to have people there I know.

Dave, hope the early morning appt. went well, I like to go early, but that's a little TO early for me. My dr's office called me yesterday to remind me of my appt. Monday, then she called back a few minutes later to ask if I could come at 8 instead of 8:15. I said no problem as the Dr. office is about 2 blocks from here.

Bill, as much as I like pumpkin, even I think pumpkin spice trash bags are a bit much. Nice that you had such a good return group for the football pool

Today really was a do nothing kind of day! I did go out this morning & spray weeds on the patio but other than than I've done pretty much zip!
We had quite a bit of thunder going on this afternoon & a nice rain that has dropped the temp, so I think I'm going to go sit on the porch & take advantage of the nicer weather. I'm hoping our cool streak continues till tomorrow morning & maybe I won't sweat to death working outside at the church. Later gang!


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Thanks for the update on your cruise time-table. I wrote it down this time! :emoticon 0140 rofl: Hope that Hurrican "LEE" doesn't spoil your plans. The Comcast Weather Station is doing a good job keeping folks up to date on it's course! I'm sure you're watching all you can on it too.

Karen: Good to know you'll be in good company for the retreat. Is it far from your house? How long is it for?
It's been CHILLY here today. After the 95's and 100's real feel it's a bit of a shock to open the door and know you'll be putting on a sweatshirt to go outside! :oops: 67F right now. But at least the sun is out now.

I called the Prescription company that our insurance uses now "OPTUM" and was able to order 3 scripts with a rather nice customer service lady. I tried to do it online, but their system was giving me a hard time and I wanted to talk to a REAL LIVE PERSON! Sometimes, you just have to go through the hassle of listening to the Auto-Response person for 2 minutes before finally getting to that LIVE PERSON! DUH! And then I wonder why I take HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE PILLS! Ha Ha.

Off of here now that I'm done with my prescription order!


Trash Can GIF by beckadoodles

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Karen - We had thunderstorms come through here too and it dropped the temps back into the 70s. Feels good for a change. Skies are still cloudy, so looks like we may have another round of rain in a little while.

Kathie - Good job getting the prescriptions all straightened out. I'm waiting for a renewal on my one breathing meds. They told Bert they had a prescription ready for me. I'm so glad I was in the store because they wanted to once again fill the same meds I got just 2 weeks ago, plus have samples from the doctor. Didn't need to spend $166. for something I didn't need. Now if only the doctor's office responds. Otherwise, I'll have to call the office on Monday for a refill. What a pain!

Getting the flu shot was easy as can be. Found out that they already have that RSV shot available, so we will schedule to get that shot next week. They're hoping that the Covid booster will be available before the end of the month. As soon as it is, we'll get that one too. Noticed that a lot more people are back to wearing masks in Publix again. Haven't seen that in a long time. Governor pudding fingers isn't going to like seeing that.

Got a great bargain while in Publix. They had orchids for sale BOGO. $18, for 2 beautiful plants, so of course, I bought 2. They had 2 other ones I liked, but I knew Bert would have a hissy fit if I bought more. They also had beautiful mums at a good price, but Bert wouldn't even roll my wheelchair anywhere near where those plants were. People were buying them up all over the place too.

Bill - Didn't watch the football game as I'm not interested in either of those teams. We settled on a couple of Blue Bloods repeats. Who knows what we'll watch tonight. Good luck staying out of the way of Lee on your cruise. You plan so much for a special cruise and along comes a storm to change your plans. The Jewel was always one of my favorite ships. I love their Schooner Bar area with lots of room at the bar and all that glass to look out the windows. Bet you'll see lots of orcas on this trip.

Nancy - Enjoy your race. Where is it taking place this week?

Lee - Absolutely no pain from the flu shot. Actually, the gal who gave the shot was very gentle and you couldn't even feel the shot as she gave it. My kind of shot!!

Next order of business for me today is to go online and find a nice Halloween shirt to wear on our cruise. I've seen some nice ones, but I don't remember where. I hate when I can't remember things like that!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the roast was good and there is enough leftover for at least one more meal. Actually the cost today was not too bad, but definitely most meats are getting more and more expensive.

Watched the ARCA race and there were only 2 cars on the lead lap at the end. And the second place driver it was his first ARCA race. All the races this weekend are at Kansas Speedway.

All have a good night.