Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Snap is it hot!
Humidex says it feels like 99F already. It was really warm when Ava and I went for our walk at 5:30. At least there was a nice breeze along the river for our 8:00 walk.
With the heat today there's not a lot going on. Front grass needs a cut. And it still will
I find myself asking "What's Going' On" with more and more things in the world these days Dave.
Other than that, I haven't got a lot this morning.
Off to the treadmill.
Have a great Tuesday and watch out for the kids heading back to their first day of school. If they didn't head back before today.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning check in with my Wrabbit family!

Dave: Burning Man festival sure had bad luck this year. Heavy rain caused all 32,000 people to camp in place because of DEEP MUD that cars/trucks couldn’t drive out of. I know a gal that sent pics of the extreme deep mud and mess. I guess they are now letting folks leave and digging out some cars that sunk in the mud. Not sure about BURNING A MAN STATUE! I’ll have to ask her about that.
Best part is you can understand what they are saying.

Lee: Yikes….5:30 and walking AVA! That’s one lucky pupster.

Had an early morning Endocrinology appt. All levels are great and see ya next year! Totally could be done over the phone. Bill me the office visit charge and spare me the morning rush hour traffic getting there! Crazy waste of time on both ends.

Off to pay our TAXES! I like to do it in person at the Township offices.

Hot. Hot, Hot here again. 85F and heat index is in the high 90’s and climbing.

Enjoy your day.

I wrote this post while in the Starbucks parking lot. They are CLOSED due to Air Cond broken! :eek: I just wanted to use my reward points before I lose them. I’m more into Tim Hortons lately.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another beautiful day in paradise. I can live with that!!!

Dave - I was questioning that Burning Man Festival last night. Sounds like a latter day Woodstock, but with people showing up with supplies - campers, tents, food, water, etc. Lots of music and then burning the statue of a man an the end. Apparently, they have been doing this for years already, but the heavy rain and their inability to get out of the area right now has brought it to everyone's attention.
That's a decent age range of the clan. They should get paired up with oldest taking care of the youngest, then 2nd oldest taking care of 2nd youngest, and so on. We had neighbors in NJ with 8 kids and that's how they did things and it worked really well.

Lee - Sorry it's so yucky hot and humid up your way. I think we're topping out today at about 91, but not very humid for a change. That makes it a nice day to be outside to me. Keep cool whatever you end up doing today.
Yeah, first day of school for those up north. Love seeing the first day of school pictures that people all take these days. Down here, those pictures got taken almost a month ago already!

Nancy - Good luck with the burning today. Excellent idea to get car insurance while in Maui. That road to Hana is wicked scary. Can't imagine the people who are driven up to the top and then ride bikes on the way down. Saw a couple of groups doing that. No thank you!!

Kathie - That was a nice haul of potatoes you got. Good for you guys! So how'd the chocolate chip cookies turn out? I found a recipe yesterday for chocolate chip snickerdoodle cookies that I might have to try one of these days. They looked so good.
I see you just popped in. Sorry you aren't getting to use your Starbuck's points today. We just got a Starbuck's right outside our subdivision. So far they haven't gotten a dine from us! Just not that much of a fan of coffee.

Bill - It's always nice to find a new local restaurant that you like. Wish we could find one. Newest restaurant near us is a Mexican place. I'm not an overly big fan of Mexican, so we won't be giving them a try. Good luck on your shopping trip to LL Bean. Hope you find something you can use on the Greenland cruise. I think many authors end up following a certain pattern that becomes predictable. Even Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series is easy to figure out these days.

Karen - So what's on tap for you today? Which of your sisters are you doing something for?

Not a lot planned around here today. I think we are making a run to Sam's for a few things, including some new seasonings that I'm running out of. Speaking of seasonings, apparently McCormick is discontinuing their seasonings and other products. I use a lot of cracker meal and now it has become impossible to get everywhere except Amazon, of course. I think they are also going to eliminate their Zatarain line of Cajun products. So I intend to stock up on that stuff while I can whenever I can find anything.

Now, speaking of coffee, I need a cup!


2nd Officer
Good morning, if hopefully I get this posted in the next 35 mins!

Pat, sounds like a tasty Labor day cook out to me! We went to the ice cream social at the clubhouse & then swam for a couple hours, pool was nice & cool for a change & being later in the day there was some shade!

Dave, I've heard of those T-shirt quilts & it sounds pretty cool, you'll have to ask Kathi to post a pic when she get's it finished. That's quite an age span on the super clan family!

Kathie, bummer about not being able to use your starbucks points, I've never been a huge fan of them either, it's good coffee but to expensive for me! I'd rather get Dunkin donuts instead. How did the cookies turn out?

Lee, good call on letting the grass cutting go for a day or to until the temps come down a bit. We've been enjoying a brief break in the temps & humidity here. I mowed Jane's front yard in one go on Sat. as there was a nice breeze and it didn't feel like 1,000 degrees for a change

Nancy, nice to have all your excursions lined up for Hawaii, don't think I'd be brave enough to rent a car after hearing some of the comments here.

Bill, good luck on your search for gear for your Greenland trip. Always nice to find a new GOOD dining spot!

After our pool time yesterday we could smell someone grilling somewhere & decided to go to Burger King for dinner, not quite as good as a back yard burger, but I had coupons so that made it better.
Had my 2nd B-12 shot today & then I went with Barb so she could get gas at Bj's then shopped there for a little bit, bought 2 bottles of wine & some knock off laundry scent beads so not to bad on the wallet.

The plan now is to grab some lunch & just chill for the rest of the day, have a full week of meetings & appointments so it's going to be busy! Have a great day all!


Wacky Wabbit
STILL HOT here! 89F at 5:53pm and Real Feel 93F. Crazy. Might get a passing shower tonight! That will only add to the humdity. o_O

Karen: I like a good freshly made Whopper Jr with everything on it every once in a while. Like the grilled taste! Good choice! So are you guys still fighting with the wacko lady that put in the wrong color/size gutters? :oops:
Do you feel any different after getting the B12 shots?? I never did, but I guess the blood levels can tell if it's really working or not.

The Choc Chip Cookies turned out really good! It's the recipe on the back of Toll-House Chips with a few changes that someone on Facebook at a site I follow posted.
1/2 Butter, 1/2 Crisco or whatever looks like Crisco!
Less Brown Sugar and Less Granulated sugar by 1/4 cup each

1 - small pkg of Instant Vanilla Pudding stirred into the flour, salt and baking soda before adding to creamed butter and egg mixture.
Put the dough (which is soft) into the refrigerator for at least a few hours or overnight.
Then make small meatball size balls and put on cookie sheet. Bake at 375- 10-12 mins depending on your oven. They will look soft and undercooked, but they get harder as they cool. They DID NOT SPREAD! I liked them and I'm not a big fan of Choc Chip Cookies.
I spared you folks the picture.
I froze one batch of the DOUGH that I made into round balls and after they were hard as a rock I used my FoodSaver sealer to get all the air out so I can just take them out and bake them when we want some fresh baked cookies.

I had all kinds of onions, garlic clove, tomatoes, small eggplant, peppers and I made
ratatouille. It turned out really good. Makes a nice side dish.

The SERB Djokovic won his match today, so he moves on! They played on the hottest day of the games so far! :cool::eek:o_O
Off to check on dinner and then watch more TENNIS.
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2nd Officer
Kathie, no longer fighting with the gutter lady, she ended up getting what she wanted. Since Chris the HOA president is resigning effective tomorrow he didn't want the board to have to continue with this after he left. So she was sent a letter saying the board would approve her gutters as they are & waive the fine as long as she agreed to no longer pursue legal action.
I didn't feel any different after the shots last year & so far this year after 2 shots I still don't feel any different, but from what the nurse was telling me my numbers were really low this year since I had quit taking the B-12 vitamins. will keep taking the vitamins this year to see if that makes any difference


2nd Officer

KC; I passed your request along to Kathi that you'd like to see a picture of her T-shirt quilt, when it's done. Yup, a Burger King burger isn't as good as a back-yard burger, but it's still pretty good.

How many chocolate chip cookies did Art wolf down before you stopped him, K2?

BB; I liked your idea of the oldest kids taking care of the youngest, but in the "mobs" case the 2 oldest kids have autism. (The oldest will probably never be able to live on his own. The 2nd oldest has a decent chance to.)

Hide under the covers folks. I see that a tropical storm called LEE is headed our way and most likely will turn into a Hurricane.

Enjoy your day Bunnies. And be thankful for what you have. In all our cases, we are more than blessed.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
LEE is headed our way and most likely will turn into a Hurricane.
Actually in my case it would be a “Himicane”.
I hope one variance doesn’t open the flood gates for others wanting to be treated special in your community Karen.
Back later. After coffee. And a chocolate chip cookie which I have a sudden urge to find.
Still just the other side of hot feeling like 88F already.
Be good folks.


Wacky Wabbit
I Love You Good Morning Monday GIF by Chippy the Dog
Well, so far it's a Good Morning! Temps climbing high again today and humidity is killing me. Should get a NICE RAIN STORM later about 5pm. It's raining hard in Chicago right now, and we get everything they get........just a tad later! :eek:

As to how many cookies Art has managed to eat. I don't count anymore. Art is a GRAZER. He passes by the area and grabs a couple and then when they're gone he'll move onto the deep drawer that holds all the chips and pretzels and helps himself. Opens the refrigerator and takes a few pieces of lunchmeat to gobble down or cheese. And he's SKINNY! ;) I guess it's all those miles of biking 3 times a week.

My job this morning was changing the bed-sheets, etc. I'd do it everyday if water was cheaper around here! Ha Ha.

DAVE: How's it going with your WALKING around lately? Getting steadier on your own yet?
Keep using the walker if it helps you NOT to fall!
I put some of that MEDIHONEY on a scrap Art got on his arm the other day when he was in the garden area. It really helped pull out any "yuk" that was around the scrap. Took the big bandage off the following day and it already was closing up. Can't leave that stuff without some type of covering on it. Very STICKY!

I was thinking about all the people in Karen's complex that will be BREAKING RULES now that the lady got away with keeping her gutters. Hopefully, the board will
downplay that situation so others don't follow with breaking ordinances.

We're off to the PEACH FARM to buy a few peaches. I'm not freezing any this year. Still have a couple pkgs vacuum-sealed in the basement freezer. Just want some to eat or put on cereal.

Hope Hurricane "Lee" fizzles out and spares those islands and the US Coast.
Plenty of time to just fizzle out. Almost 6 days away in this picture.

Have a great day folks. :clap002:

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Hopefully, Lee, the storm, will go wandering in the ocean and not come anywhere near the US. At least, we can hope.

Dave - Missy has one of those t-shirt quilts. It was made with some of the t-shirts that Justin had. A cousin in Alabama made it and it is beautiful. That quilt is very special to the family and will be kept safe from the dogs & kids.
Sorry to hear that the 2 oldest members of the mob are autistic. That makes things that much harder for everyone, so forget my idea.

Kathie - Your describing Art's grazing habits are exactly like Bert's. Every time he opens the refrigerator I'll ask him what he's doing. He tells me he's "taking inventory"! I guess he expects things to magically appear because he'll do it again in a few minutes. He's always munching on something. Unfortunately, in Bert's case, he does gain weight. Right now he's complaining that he gained 5 pounds because I was "making too many good meals that he couldn't stop eating". I give up!!!

Lee - It's hard to believe that your temps are so much higher than ours right now. Here it is just after 11:00 and it's ONLY 84 outside. It will probably hit 90 early this afternoon, but it sure is nice when we start out cooler.

Bert's going to be off to the dermatologist shortly to get this month's collection of spots burned off. The doctor has to be making a small fortune on my husband after all these years.

My right hand is all black & blue. I rapped it on something the other day and I think I may have broken a tiny bone between my ring finger and pinkie. It huts like heck and there is a bit of a bump there. Not much can be done for it, except take some Aleve and hope for the best.

I think tonight would be a good day to have some Publix chicken wings with salad and corn on the cob. I deserve a break tonight, but an already planning the Friday night clan dinner.

Hi to everyone I missed. I'll catch back up with you all later.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
The skies are getting darker towards the west. We already had a n hour or so of light rain but it really did nothing to lower the humidity. Last night we were treated to a great "heat lightening" show.
After our trip to The Navy Yard we headed to the drug store to pick up a couple of prescriptions. We both have $100 deductibles now that we're covered by OHIP (Ontario's medical / drug coverage). Lu-Ann's 2 PD meds put us over the top so future scripts are only $4.11. We stopped to pick up fresh fruit on the way home and no Kathie, I didn't get my danged cookie! :emoticon 0145 shake:
I don't know how Art stays as thin and fit as he does either! I only need to think, see, smell or read about food and I'm up a pound.
Sometimes it doesn't take much to do "a mischief" to a finger or toe Pat. And as you said there's precious little they can do for it. As far as I'm concerned any day that ends in "y" is a good day for Publix Fried Chicken! I fear that if I lived in your home people would be painting me blue and writing "Goodyear" on my sides! Everything you make adds pounds and I'm just reading about it!
My new Saucony brand walking / running shoes from Amazon should be here today. About half the price as the stores charge. Why? Because I don't care if they are last year's model. And I need good shoes! My phone should also be here today. I got Lu-Ann's set up yesterday. As Kathie said those Spigen cases and screen protectors went on like a dream. Hopefully mine go as well.
Anyway, we've got some exercising to take care of. Because the phones require a signature upon delivery we're going down stairs one at a time.
Be good everyone!


Chief Security Officer
All this talk about Toll House cookies has me wanting some. Actually we live one town over from where Ruth Wakefield first created them at her Toll House restaurant in Whitman, MA. Sadly that restaurant has been gone for a long time and there is a condo complex on its site.
We are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm Lee (as opposed to Canadian light breeze Lee) and hoping it doesn't cause our Canada/Greenland cruise to become a Caribbean Cruise. The clothes we are taking will definitely not be appropriate in the Caribbean.
Found the boots that I bought decades ago before my first trip to Alaska. They are insulated and should be perfect for Greenland, but they are also quite heavy and I may have to try walking around in them to see if I can function with them on.



Wacky Wabbit
So much for 5pm rain. We were coming back from the peach orchard and the other farmers and got SLAMMED with pounding rain.
Home now and CREEK is up! Rain has slowed to a drizzle. I saw on the car weather radar that NO more rain is coming from Chicago area anytime soon! Whew!
Saw all kinds of landscape trucks in the sun just pulled over and waiting out the rain.

I need to go back and READ ALL YOUR CHATTER now!

This is our haul from our trip to the farms! Prices are crazy HIGH! One farmer wanted $1.00 for each CORN! He had a 1 acre of sweet corn right next to his stand. I passed! You can see we are the Raspberries on the way home! Yum - Pure Michigan!
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Wacky Wabbit
S/B: Landscape trucks in the "SUB" not sun! Ha Ha.

At 2:45 pm It's dreary outside and sure looks like we could get more rain. :rolleyes: 78F.

The Peaches are SOOOO good!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Kathie, your fresh fruit & veggies look yum!! Crazy how much fresh fruit & veggies are, don't blame you for passing on the pirate corn!

Bill, will keep my finger's crossed the Hurricane Lee doesn't cause any problems with your planned cruise, that would REALLY be a bummer to end up in the Caribbean with parka's & heavy boots!

Pat, ouch! Hope the hand/finger feels better soon! Does it drive you batty to find a bruise or sore spot somewhere & have No clue what you did to cause it? It does me, guess it's just part of growing older & having thinner skin, it takes less "bump" to "bruise" now days.

Lee, I never could see the need for the latest greatest anything, whether it be shoes, phone, tv whatever. I'm also not a fan of paying over the top pricing just to have a "brand" name on my sneakers. Some things yes, I will spring for a brand name but run of the mill every day stuff, nope.

Dave, you are so right in spite of growing older with the accompanying aches & pains we all do have much to be thankful for, not the least of which is this group. Who would have guessed a bunch of people spread across the US & Canada would become online chat friends & continue that friendship for as long as this group has!

Tonight is the HOA meeting and I got some good news this afternoon when the secretary called me & asked if I wanted to just move up from VP to President & I said NO WAY!! She said I thought that would be your answer, I just wanted to check, she then said the former president has agreed to step in until Dec. 7th when we have the annual meeting & elections. Should be interesting replacing 4 of the 5 board members. She did mention so far 2 people have said they would be putting in resumes, so hopefully 2 more will step up & we will have the positions covered.
Other than that, nothing else going on here today.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Good for you 'just saying NO WAY'! You've helped the community out a few times on that board from what I remember, it's time for some of the slackers to STEP UP!
You've got the church activities and both sisters that keep you more than busy.
How is Amanda these days? I keep forgetting to ask. Hope the doctors have been able to help her out.
And how is Wendy doing? Is she in Florida or Ohio now? Either place would be just as HOT.

The rain we had actually cut down on the humidity for a change. Not a lot, but it's better than it was.

I was watching the Tennis match just now and it's 100F in that stadium. The one player went to use his towel and looked right towards the camera and said: "One of us is going to DIE here"! He ended up winning and moving on. Like one of the commentators said: "In this day and age the players shouldn't be TORTURED in this extreme heat".
I thought for sure one of those guys was going to pass out.
We have a couple from California that went to the game today. I give them a lot of credit to sit in that heat. I can imagine how many of the new Covid strain cases will happen with all those people breathing in that hot UNRECYCLED AIR in that stadium. :eek:
The First Lady, Jill Biden, is in isolation with Covid. 2nd time. Sure hope Biden has enough sense to stay clear of her. He did have a mask on the other day during a presentation of a metal to a fella. Now we all know just WHO SHOULD GET A GOOD CASE OF COVID!

Bill: Sure hope that the latest hurricane brewing doesn't spoil any of your cruising destinations. I can bet you're watching the weather station closely even though it's not suppose to get close to the coast until next week. All the best to you.

We're off to get something to eat at a local inexpensive restaurant. I just didn't feel like cooking tonight! We'll come home and have some of that FRESH Michigan CANALOPE.:clap002:

Lee: I don't know about your area, but over here we really got a good WATERING PLUS today. Still haven't had to turn on our sprinklers this season to water the grass. Just seems to rain just in time. The grass is way over grown. The last fertilizer application must have been really heavy. I asked the nice lawn guy, EDDIE, to lower the blades a tad when he cuts it this week. He keeps it way to high for my liking. I just hope he can get to it on Thursday. We're suppose to get on and off showers again in this area. :rolleyes:


2nd Officer
Good evening. This morning I found an ornament I had ordered had been delivered and it was in the mailbox, I had gotten a couple of emails yesterday saying it had been delivered and never saw it so checked the mail box and there it was. So I put it in a new envelope and have sent it to a long time friend as a high school classmate had died and the two were very close. They had cruise together so many times on Holland America that they had reached over 100 days.

I then went and got a manicure and pedicure, really needed the pedicure as I have a very hard time cutting my toenails, so that was very nice. Did a bit of grocery shopping as Publix was there.

Since having the sheafs for the two fingers cut the scars are hurting so it really hurts holding my cane, so I looked on line and actually found a couple of canes that not only are adjustable but also folding and have a gel hand grip, so got them. Now I can give the other canes I have to Salvation Army and will do so tomorrow. Keeping out a couple.

Yesterday the procedure went well, but he did not put in a steroid so the nonvaccine started to wear off after an hour so I was hurting. We had thought of going to BJ's after Bruce's Dr appt but I was not feeling well enough to do that so home we came. I decided that we would order dinner from the Mexican restaurant and Bruce picked it up. As usual we did not eat all of our dinners so we were able to have today as our lunches.

Tomorrow in the afternoon have an appt with the Podiatrist. Then I hope to get a hair cut then stop at he bank and Salvation Army, so it should be a busy afternoon.

All have a good night.
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2nd Officer
Night from Belleview, HOA meeting didn't go as well as I'd been told it was going to, but nobody had to call the cops so I guess it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Scooter has a vet appt. tomorrow morning so will check in after that.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen as long as NO PUNCHES were thrown st the meeting I guess all should be grateful! :oops:

We ended up at Chick-fil-A for a quick dinner. They do an excellent “Market Salad” that I really like.

Tired Good Night GIF by Chippy the Dog
