Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Yup, masks may be back again. Good thing we didn't pitch them. Loading up on all those vaccinations is a great idea, before we spend so much time inside in winter. Flu, Covid, pneumonia, and others. In both our cars there are masks for each of us.

As a runner at one time, I too found out that buying an expensive pair of shoes IS worth it, if they work.

Wednesday is going to be a good day for...."somebody".

Yes, my appointment went well yesterday. 2 thumbs up on all my healing. My blood tests came back all good except saying that I was low on protein. Never had that one before. So, wolfing down protein drinks and other sources of that stuff.

Hair in our eyes can drive you nuts. And yet some hair styles call for it.

Hmm, it's early. I may just go back to bed.



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by Travis Foster
Enjoy your cup of JAVA Wrabbits!

GO GREEN! Another Michigan State Univ Home Football GAME today in East Lansing!
Yup, I'm off to watch Mr Manny! Seems like there are "out-of-town" lifetime friends of Marks and they will be going to the game with them. So Manny gets a little more discipline from his BABA (Grandmother)! No 'bully sticks' today. He should have one left from last week when I brought 2 over.

DAVE: Good to know you're healing and got a good report from the doctors. Eat some Chicken and Beef if you can stand either of them. And I think EGGS have protein in them. A good Egg Salad sandwich might be a good try.
And I'm thinking it's going to be a good WEDNESDAY for Bill/Rita leaving for their cruise.

Just hope that "LEE" doesn't intrude on their fun! (Behave LEE)

It's a whopping 58F right now at 8:30 a.m. Suppose to get up to 72F sometime today. Welcome to ever changing MICHIGAN PRE-FALL weather! Hopefully, we'll still get a decent Indian Summer of nice warmth without humidity. Best time of the year around here with color changes, etc.

4:00-4:30 pm Ladies US Open FINAL round game! Sure hope our young American Coco G wins, but that Belarus gal is vicious.
Excited Big Day GIF by Tennis Channel

Have a good day all!


2nd Officer
Good morning, been awake since 4:30 & up since 6:15, I almost didn't get up in time to make it to church for the work day. There were 7 of us there today, including another lady which made it nice & we got a lot done. Carmen brought brownies so the guy's were REALLY happy she came today.

Kathie, the retreat is held in Oviedo, Fl which is near Orlando, it starts friday eve. Sept 22 & Ends on Sunday the 24th. I don't have to drive as your sponsor picks you up & drives you there & then comes back on Sunday to pick you up, nice to have shuttle service!

Dave, nice to hear you are healing well, I've never heard of low protein before either. How do the protein shakes taste?

Pat, we never got any rain last night, but it still stayed a bit cooler which was very nice! What did you end up having for dinner?

Lee, you sleeping in this morning?

I'm giving some serious thought to taking my shower & crawling back into bed, but then I probably wouldn't sleep tonight. Definitely going for a 2nd cup of coffee!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Plan for today is watching the Xfinity race and going to BJ's

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Beautiful day outside, but hot and humid this afternoon.

Karen - What time did you have to be at church this morning? What exactly is a "work day" and does everyone have to do it? Never heard of that before. Nice that you won't have to drive for that retreat next week. I remember as a kid having to go on a retreat, but it only lasted one day.
Ended up finishing off the peppers, onions & sausages for dinner. Ribs will be on the menu tonight.

Kathie - Have fun puppy sitting today. We may miss seeing the Gator game this evening, as the gang will be here for dinner just about when the game is due to start. Not a big deal though, because they are playing some obscure college team that they should be able to beat up on. They need to build their confidence after last week's loss.

Dave - Good for you getting good reports from the doctor. I actually like those protein drinks, as long as they are chocolate. When I've been in Celebration Hospital, they give you one with each meal. I usually bring a slew of them home, as after eating I am not thirsty or hungry to drink one. I understand they are really good when ice is added to one and then put in the blender. Makes a good frosty drink.

Not much going on around here until it's time to start the ribs around 3. In the meantime, I'll prep most of the veggies, except for the asparagus. They all like bacon wrapped asparagus, but I'm not a fan. I'd rather just roasted ones with garlic to ward off the vampires!! LOL
Might just send Bert to Publix to pick up some vanilla ice cream. I think dessert should be an oldie but goodie - root beer or coke floats. Adult version can have a shot of rum or bourbon in it. What do you think?

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sleeping in. Now that’s funny Karen. So far I have walked Ava, walked Lu-Ann and I, walked Ava, Lu-Ann and I at the Navy Yard, trimmed and cut the back grass AND been to Starbucks and back. And as I peck away here it’s still not quite noon.
I was thinking that adding a tug of an adult beverage to a protein drink might make for an interesting pick me up. To many of them could be a “pick me up off the floor” beverage.
In spite of the bad rap I’m getting, I will NOT be anywhere near the east coast so will not “
intrude on their fun!“ nor will I ”spoil your plans”.
Best get a move on. Lisa and Shiraz are popping over for a glass of wine in a bit.
You all have a fantastic rest of your Saturday.


2nd Officer
Lee, well after all that activity this morning I guess you've earned a glass of wine or 2, and possibly even one of Dave's beloved naps!

Pat, Once a month they have a work day to trim shrubs, weed the flower beds & just general trimming, this way they don't have to pay the lawn people to do that. Start time is 7 but some people get there while it's still dark & other's don't show up till 8. I had set my alarm but forgot to turn it on, like a big dummy


Chief Security Officer
K2 - here are some of my favorite authors: Jonathan Kellerman (any of his Alexander Delaware series), Frederik Backman (his Beartown series, or some of his other books), John Sandford's Prey series or his Virgil Flowers books. JD Rabb's "in Death" series, Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club series, Janet Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum books, most of John Grisham or David Baldacci's novels, and almost anything by Steven King. It's a bit of an eclectic list but most are pretty quick reads and some feature some offbeat characters. If any of those are in that batch of books, I'd be interested to hear your or Art's thoughts about them.
Starting to actually pack for our cruise but may have to include clothes for two totally different destinations if Hurricane Lee affects our plans. Hopefully we will have a more definitive idea before we get to the ship and can unpack some things and leave them at home or in the trunk of the car.
We have missed some of the wilder weather that occurred just north and west of Boston but there were a few very loud claps of thunder here this afternoon so we will likely get at least a bit of rain. Just heard a few more rumbles so I think I'll shut this down.
Hope that Florida can redeem itself by beating up
whatever small school is on today's schedule, BB. Saw a bit of the BC-Holy Cross game when the ACC channel showed it during a rain delay of the Wake Forest game. Last I saw, BC was ahead with one quarter remaining.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the race today was okay, don't like the driver that won.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning!

Well, looky there K2, Coco WON. Was Manny good for his Baba this time?

Those protein drinks aren't bad, KC. At least the "Ensure" vanilla and chocolate ones are. Thanks for explaining what a "work day" is at your church. I couldn't figure it out either.

BB; Interesting idea about blending ice cubes with a protein drink.

And Lee, you improved the recipe by suggesting a shot of an adult beverage in it. Oh the creative minds in this hutch.

My favorite author at the moment is Jack Carr. But I own all of his books already.

For some reason I'm beginning to think our new recipe for protein drinks.......just may make it my favorite drink.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick "Good Day, EH?".
We're on our way over to Lisa's place. Her smoke detectors are acting up and she needs a hand to swap out the batteries. They are all hard wired but one of them is "The Master" and also has a battery. I just have to find that one and swap out the battery. I may take the rest down, check their best before dates and vacuum the sensor chambers.
Bac later.
Have a wonderful Sunday my friends.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Just finished my shower. I decided a while back to only take a shower if Bruce is home because sometimes I get off balance and if I fell and he was not home I don't know how I would get up.

We will be going to lunch later and then the race this afternoon.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Karen - Thank you for explaining what a work day at church is. Never heard of that before, but I guess it would be something convenient and save some money for a small church. Between work days, choir practice and singing at church, and going on a retreat, you're not going to have much free time these days. They sure are keeping their "newbie" busy!!!! LOL

Dave - The idea of putting ice in the protein drink and then blending it was given to me by a doctor's wife. That's the way they make them at their house. I like the idea of a shot in them too.:beer2:

Bill - That's some list of authors you had there. I'll have to check and see if Bert's read any of them. Hopefully, Lee won't interrupt your cruise and you'll still get to Greenland as scheduled. That would stink to have it turn into a Caribbean vacation when you are looking forward to heading in a different direction.
Tell me, how strictly do the hold you to your 6 drinks a day on the cruise? That would be weird to keep a tally of in like the diamond lounge or suite lounge. I bet a couple of good trips up front would work wonders!
Yes, the Gators beat up that high school team 49-7. Next up is Tennessee which is #9 in the rankings. You know which column that game is going to go in. Here's a little tidbit for you - the Gators play more ranked teams this year that any other team!!

Lee - That's great that you could pop over to Lisa's place to help her out with the smoke detector. Our system is hard wired too and it took quite a while for Bert to figure out just which one it was. Now he automatically heads for that one when we have "beeping" going on. Unfortunately, sometimes it's one of the other ones where the battery goes bad.

Kathie - So how was your puppy sitting job yesterday? Did Manny behave?

Nancy - Enjoy your lunch. Where are you going?

Our dinner last night was delicious and the best part is that here are lots of leftovers for tonight at least. Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. I hope you all have plans to do something special today. Whatever you're doing, make it a good one.


Chief Security Officer
When you determine which smoke detector is the master, Lee, check the date on that one as well. We had a similar problem here and found out that, after a certain number of years (I think 10) they need to be replaced.
Big day at the Razor today: Pats open the season with a game against the Eagles and, at half-time, there will be some sort of ceremony honoring Tom Brady for his years with the Patriots.

Another hot and very humid day here-not exactly football season weather- but it is what it is.Checking the temps in Nuuk when we will be there and heat will definitely not be the problem - more likely it will be the lack of it. Looks like 40 degrees F might be th high.
BB- 6 drinks a day is more than
sufficient for us, but I think they track it pretty well by recording your sea pass for each order. Even on sea days I doubt we would have more than 6.
Not sure I'm familiar with Jack Carr, or his books, Dave. Will have to check him out to see if I want to add him to my list.
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New Member
Not quite sure how I stumbled onto this site. Interesting that most of the postings aren't about cruising;) Enjoyed reading through the past messages and look forward to checking in from time to time.


Wacky Wabbit
Macsails........We are basically a group, for the most part, that has been chatting for over 2 DECADES.... hence it's NOT ALWAYS about cruising. We get a few folks that try and keep up, but they usually just 'float away' after awhile.
We do have some steady "cruisers"
among us. Covid put a dent in some of the cruising, but those that still cruise keep us up to date as to what's- what on the the ships.
Truth be told, we were on another CRUISE CHAT SIGHT years ago and they didn't like some of our posts and "WE" decided to leave them and have had nothing but fun and good times on Cruise Addicts. The staff here treats us very nicely!

And now you know the whole story! Ha ha.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits!
So, I left the house to go to church this morning at 9:05 a.m. Had time to get a TIM's Senior Coffee. Choir sounded fantastic today. The priest had meetings right after church and skipped the sermon and had told our choir director he wanted to move the service along today. HEY....wish he was in a hurry EVERY SUNDAY!
Our choir had a meeting right after church too. I think every spare room in our hall had some kind of meeting going on.
Long useless story for all of you. I got home at 1:45 pm. BEE's around church parking lot were horrible today. All around the cars. They come from the huge flower garden path by the church.

Manny was a dream to watch yesterday. I think he knows I mean business and he just wanted to be GOOD! Ha Ha. When he wanted to play he'd bring me one of his toys and I'd play tug of war or toss them around. When he wanted to go out to do his business he rang the bell by the door. We did at least 3 walks and he Pooped and Pee'd on one of them and then used his own backyard for another go at it. I carry the "bags" and make sure nobody's lawn gets messed up.
The worst thing that happened is the NASTY ^(&%# blood thirsty MOSQUITOS in their yard and on the walks. One got me twice on the open palm of my right hand. Talk about ITCHY.

I was smart enough to have my HOODIE UP so they didn't get my face and neck. Just too much rain lately and they love the moisture and humidity.

Lee: Nice of you too help Lisa out with her smoke detectors. Hate when those things go off and you almost have to rip them OFF THE CEILING to stop the noise! The smaller step ladder is in the basement and never handy when that happens. We changed out units this past Spring and added new ones in the basement where Art connected the gas stove.
Like BILL mentioned they do get OLD after so many years.

BB: What happens when you reach your DAILY limit of 6 drinks on a cruise? Do they just bill your SeaPass or take drinks off the following day? :oops: Do they still give FREE POP/SOTA on cruises?

Karen: Did you get that haircut? I love the idea of someone from the church driving you to the retreat. What a plus. We have "Work Days" for landscape clean-up at our church. Last time Art and I took on getting all the weeds out of the cracks in the pathway where the huge flower gardens are. We dug them out instead of spraying weed killer. I'll tell you one thing..........if I ever volunteered to do that again we would be using WEED KILLER. That was a long hard job. I'll have to get a picture to post one day so you can see what I'm talking about.
This year the priest even
shed his "churchly robes" and did some cement patching by the church hall entrance. You don't see that happen often! Ha ha.

DAVE: They sell some really good PROTEIN BARS about the size of a Snicker Bar that have like 30 gr of Protein in them. They're in the area where they sell Sports Drinks in most stores. Art uses those on his bike rides at times. They come in ALL kinds of flavor combinations. With NUTS, Choc Chips, without, etc, etc. That could help boost your Protein levels for your next check up.

Later gang. Time to chill out. 72F here now. Could stand to be at least 78F for me.


Chief Security Officer
K2 - I can answer your question about the drinks. You get charged for any that exceed the daily allowance and in all our decades off cruises none of our cruises have offered free soft drinks.
A bit disappointed with the final outcome of today's Pats-Eagles game. Not really surprised that the Patriots lost, but pleased that they performed as well as they did and were still within
striking distance of a winning score as time ran out. Wish I were doing better in my football pool but it's a long season so perhaps I will do better as the season progresses. Gotta think positive.
Another period of thunderstorms with heavy downpours. It's 71 degrees now and the temps are predicted to be in the high 70's with a good amount of rain over the
next few days.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Lunch was good as usual, we went to the Mexican restaurant. And of course we brought home enough for lunch tomorrow.

K2, in 39 cruises I have never seen free soda.

I have to say that the left side of my neck is not actin like the right side did. It is still achy and about this time at night it feels like it can't hold up my head, so I have to go to bed and lay flat for awhile.

The race was pretty good.

All have a good night.