Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Hope that your butt is feeling better, BB. You've got to be careful when planting your can down on those invisible chairs.

The Bojangles fast food place that was still under construction last week was open yesterday. So on the way back home from getting my stitches out we decided to buzz through the drive-thru, just to look at their menu and maybe get one item. BUT, there were 2 lines for the drive-thru, and both were wrapped 3/4 around the building. Pass.

Popeyes I've heard of, but I can't picture one anywhere near here.

Thanks for describing your heart monitor works, Lee.

HEY GUYS, the mighty Browns WON on Sunday!

The mosquitoes must think you are pretty tasty, K2. Happy that the Medi-Honey worked for Art.

Today the new couch arrives between 3 & 6.


2nd Officer
Good morning. IT will be another hot day today as it is already 90.

A few days ago I was asked if I had figured which chair I wanted, well I am waiting until we are home from Hawaii to actually figure out which one and then order the recliner and sleeper chair. I have not even mentioned it to Bruce yet.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer

Good morning! We're on the cooler side of Florida. It's ONLY 85 here right now!

Dave - My butt feels much better today. Thank you for asking. Give that Bojangles a few days and the lines should go down. We see that all over this area, except for one plac e - White Castle!! We have the only one in Florida and there is always a wait at the drive thru. Haven't been there in almost 2 years now, but have been wanting to stop by one of these days for a sack of hamburgers and fries.

Bill - Great that you and Rita are off on your latest adventure. Say hello to Bayonne for me. LOL Spent a lot of time at Port Liberty back in the days when it was a Navy base and then the Army's Military Ocean Terminal. Bought lots of cases of beer and soda as well as $2. a carton cigarettes!! Also bought most of our original kitchen appliances there while Bert was in Vietnam. I'm sure I wouldn't recognize the area today.

Kathie - Sorry to hear that your SIL tested positive for Covid. It really is rearing it's ugly head all over the place right now. We definitely will be going back to wearing masks when we're going into any stores. Our neighbors 2 doors away both have Covid right now. They caught it at church! They're both our age and have gotten all the boosters, so theirs is a pretty mild case. Still better to take precautions to protect yourself.

Nancy - I'd like to get another recliner. The one I have was a cheap version, as I wasn't sure how I'd like it or be able to use it. Now I'd love to get good ones for Bert & I, but I'm sure Bert won't want to get them.

Our corned beef and cabbage last night was delicious. The best part is that there is plenty left for dinner tonight, plus I see some hot corned beef sandwiches in our future or possible corned beef hash. Time will tell.

I think Bert wants to do some running around today for a few things. We also want to make an appointment to get that RSV shot as soon as possible. Then we should be able to get the new Covid booster next week. That way we will hopefully, be covered for everything by the time we go on our cruise.

So where is everyone else this morning? Lee? Karen? I'll be back later to find out what's happening with the rest of the group. Take care, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Now, I know it’s not nice to swear but I would have sworn I was here this morning.
I’m glad to hear that your bee-hind is no worse for wear Pat. I love the smell, and taste, of a good feed of corned beef and cabbage.
We had a coolish day here Nancy. That after a week of crazy hot and humid temps. Hopefully you get a chair that meets your needs.
How cool was it? I had jeans and a light jacket when Ava and I went for our early walk.
You can pretty well count on long lines at new spots for a bit Dave. It was like that when Dairy Queen opened in The Burg in August. Now that the temps are cooler, kids are back in school and people realize how stupid expensive it is for ice cream it’s not busy at all. You should have that new couch / sofa by now. I hope you and Kathi are enjoying it.
Good advice on Covid awareness all ‘round Kathie. It is back. With any luck Mark will get through it with no real long term symptoms. Being able to sit out and enjoy nature is always a bonus in The Fall. Is Art thinking of going to the Detroit Auto Show this weekend? They did a big feature on our 6:00 news tonight.
Sending a virtual hug your way Karen. I hope that the antibiotics the dentist prescribed are doing their job.
Safe and happy travels Bill and Rita.
Here’s the itinerary for you to follow Kathie.

Date / TimePort
14 Sep 17:00 Departing from New York, NYC-Cape Liberty Bayonne NJ hotels
16 Sep 07:00 - 17:00 Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
20 Sep 08:00 - 17:00 Nuuk, Greenland
22 Sep 09:00 - 19:00 Qaqortoq, Greenland
23 Sep 08:00 - 18:00 Nanortalik, Greenland
25 Sep 07:00 - 16:00 St Johns NL, Newfoundland-Labrador Canada
28 Sep 08:00 Arriving in New York, NYC-Cape Liberty Bayonne NJ
All of you have a great rest of this Wednesday and a good tomorrow too!


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits.

Busy doing little things around here.
I drove Art over to the Auto shop to pick up his car. He had Rear Brakes and new rotors installed. On Sunday he had 4 new Michelin tires put on. Next he will have a Radiator Flush done. He never had that dibs and since he wants to keep his Escape he’s catching up on a few things. He does get the Oil changed on time!
Should get some nice reward bucks for all the charges going on the Costco Visa card! :D

Hope Bill & Rita don’t get tossed around on the cruise. Looks like the weather it running up the coast.

I started this post 4.5 hours ago. Ha ha. Stopped to get us dinner and just saw I didn’t press POST.



2nd Officer
Good evening. It was quiet here today. Tomorrow I go to the hand Dr. hope he thinks the surgery he did on the right hand worked okay. I do have some problems at time with bending the index finger and when I do it hurts abut not bad. I do have to ask him about a spot on the left hand but I don't think there really is anything he can do about it..

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Useless Information!
We saw that GAS PRICES at our Krogers went up from $3.32 to $3.79 overnight!!
Checked Costco’s and they were $3.29 a gal. Art’s car was at less than 1/4 full so I took his car over to Costco just in case they raise their prices over night! ( I’m a night owl)
At 8:30 pm the gas pump area was JAM PACKED with cars at every pump waiting to get gas. Folks that have to drive to work everyday must pay close attention to gas prices.
I saved $.50 cents a gal.
Always feels good even if it’s only $6 bucks! Nice to be a straight shot away from Costcos!!

Like I said USELESS INFO for you Wrabbits!

Good Night Star GIF by pikaole


2nd Officer
A "GOID" Thursday morning, Bunnies.

BB; It sounds like Bert is frugal like me. Others may say cheap. They are building a Chick-fil-A here in Massillon. Got a feeling it's going to be nothing but mobbed when it finally opens.

Sounds like some smaller cruise ship went aground in Greenland yesterday. All is fine, but the passengers may be stuck on board for a few days.

Thanks for Bill's itinerary, Lee. Yup, the new couch showed up on time yesterday. Got the old one out and set by the curb for pick-up, and the new one brought in and set up. They were here only about 20 minutes. The backs on La-Z-Boy couches come off with a flip of a switch.

Nice to hear that Art keeps up with maintenance on his car, K2. It pays in the long run.

Thinking of you KC!

Oh goody, another appointment for this morning at 10. Tomorrow's is at 8. Life in the fast lane.


Wacky Wabbit
WOW DAVE….UP and posting at 4:02 A.M.! :eek:
How are things after the “stitch removal”? Did it leave a scar? Hope not. Hate to see you have to wear long pants all the time! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Like that would ever happen.
So tell us more about this switch you FLIP to remove the back cushions? Do they fly across the room when you do that! :oops: And does is it the kind that has a LEG elevation gizmo? Should be interesting to see if the old couch is still around before the trash guys get there!
Good luck with all your appts.

LEE: Thanks for the Itinerary for Bill/Rita’s cruise. Hope their ship doesn’t get stuck like that one Dave was talking about. I saw it on the news and they said it was a RATHER EXPENSIVE cruise ship. Upwards in the $15,000- $20,000 range. Sounds as expensive as the Viking cruises.
Art is NOT going to the Auto Show. He wasn’t too keen on their new venue of most of it being OUTSIDE. Lots of WALKING from one area to the other. Now if they let him ride his bike through and around the areas he would LOVE IT! :clap002:
Okay, I‘m going back to bed. Just passing through when I got up to close a few WINDOWS around here. Brrr cold.

Later gang.
Karen: Hope your jaw isn’t hurting as much today as the other day. Feel bad for you girl. HUGS COMING YOUR WAY!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Holy Cow!
Just what time do you all get up in the morning?
I was a tad later going for our early walk and now I know why I like to go earlier. All the worker bees hurrying out turn the roads into a race track. Not all streets have sidewalks.
I‘m a weather follower and our Weather Network was cyber attacked and we’ve had no online weather for a couple of days now. I have to rely on AccuWeather or 4Warn weather to get our temps and follow that pesky hurricane.
But first, coffee.
See you all in a bit.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
You guys are definitely getting up too early for me! What time do you all go to bed to be up so early? We're up until between 11:30 & 12 every night. Lately that's been a bummer due to the strike going on. Only late night TV we have right now is Steven Colbert & I think we've seen most shows twice at least at the point. I just turn the TV off after his monologue these days. I'm sure it's killing him with all the great news stories he could have been reporting on.

Went and got our RSV shot and I'll tell you one thing - The shot hurt going in and my arm is sore today where I got the shot. Every time I move my arm, it hurts. Time to take some Aleve and hopefully, that will help.

Dave - The Chick-fil-A here always has a long line. I refuse to support them due to their various stands on birth control, abortion, etc. Bunch of religious hacks, just like Hobby Lobby, another place I have never stepped inside of.
One question - What the heck were you doing up so early???? Glad the new couch arrived on schedule. Is it comfy to sit on?

Kathie - At least you had enough sense to go back to bed. But the question is - Did you go back to sleep? When I wake up around that time, I am done for the night. I'll lay there, but sleep never comes.

Lee - A cyber attack on your weather? Hmmm ... might someone or something called Lee have anything to do with that? Just asking for a friend!

By now, knowing Bill & Rita, they are already at the ship. They are usually some of the first to get on. They'll get something to eat and then head for the Schooner Bar for that first, all important drink on the cruise!!

Karen - How are you doing? How's that tooth feeling? Sorry it's going to take so long to get into the dentist. Hopefully, the antibiotics are helping.

Not sure what we're doing, if anything, today. Trying that breathing med the doctor gave me once again. I've had to up my oxygen level to 4 litters, which I haven't had to do in a couple of years. I'll keep you posted on how this is progressing.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Thursday Blessing GIF by GIPHY Studios 2022
Late Morning ..... passing through and thought I'd say hello!

PAT: I was able to fall asleep. The room was still "BRISK" from having the windows open and I curled up and fell asleep. I think today might be a good day to bring up the heavier comforter. At least have it close by in case those darn Fall temps go down around here.

Lee: You best be very careful walking during RUSH HOUR! Those "Workers" are busy drinking their coffee and not paying attention to a guy walking his pupster! Hopefully, you have a jacket that has some type of REFLECTOR COLOR on it.
bright lights GIF by Motion Addicts
Something like this would really get their attention. Maybe a little too much!

I'm out of here for now. Enjoy your day!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!! I am finally feeling like I might just survive this latest tooth infection! Mon & Tues I basically slept all day or laid around in bed. Yesterday I felt some better so got a shower & went to church, skipped the Bible study & just went the church service, got some prayers which are always appreciated! This morning the swelling is just about all gone, chin & jaw are sore & tender but not really hurting. So far I haven't taken any pain meds today, but may take an aspirin later just to help get the last of the swelling down.
Dentist appt. Monday at 9, but I'm not holding out much hope that he will pull the tooth then, may need more time on antibiotics or a referral to an oral surgeon.
Didn't read back over everything, but did see that Pat took a spin on the imaginary chair again! Sure glad you didn't do any serious damage!
Have a good day all & stay safe !

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon. OK, so where did we leave off?
Those LazyBoy backs are great for moving and cleaning Dave. Yep, as Momma Bunny said chick fil a is certainly run by a “different“ group. They have some pretty antiquated policies towards women’s rights. We have stopped there on the road if we can’t find a Panera or other place we like. The food isn’t all that good and they’re always lined up! I don’t get it.
WHO DAT? It's Karen. :) Good to hear that you’re feeling somewhat better. Ya, I hate appointments when they look at something and make another appointment to deal with it or make a referral. Is this the weekend of your retreat?

Your friend sure is nosy Pat...The Network being out, especially as I, I mean Lee, meanders towards the east coast isn’t good for the folks who live down there. Sometimes, not unlike bananas, we take a day or two to bruise. Hoping you’re feeling A-OK after that near miss with the chair.
I‘ve heard mixed reviews on the auto show location too Kathie. Funny enough, the simplest thing anyone can do to help a vehicle last is change the oil. Bit so many people just can’t seem to be bothered. I used to see a lot of that when I was at Wendell Motors. Then they’d complain to the “silent“ shuttle driver about the cost of repairs. I’d often say something like “Well, I’ve got xxx,000 km‘s on our van. I just take it in for scheduled service.” Then the passenger would become quiet… Between 5:30 and 6:00 there’s hardly a car out there. Still we face traffic and stick close to the curb if we are in an area with no sidewalks. Plus, except maybe for electric vehicles we can hear them coming and see the glow from the headlights.
Don’t know what the rest of the day will bring. Lu-Ann and Gail headed off to pick up tickets for a fashion and food event in Kingsville in the fall. I washed Subie.
Considering the season, I thought this little ditty may be fun. It’s the choreography that caught my eye…

Hi to the rest and you be good and be safe.


Wacky Wabbit
Well, sometimes things just don't go as you want them to!!
JILL tested positive for Covid this morning. She had the "Cold Symptoms", so she tested and found out. I asked her if she notified the GUESTS that came up from North Carolina for the Football game last weekend and she said THEY contacted them first. So it looks like they might have brought it with them.
BE EXTRA SAFE FOLKS is all I can suggest for us OLD FOLKS.

Lee: Nice choice of video.
I'm not positive, but I know that when riding your BIKE you should RIDE WITH the traffic. I thought it was the same for people walking too. I know we all like to see what's coming at us, but I think the idea is that it's a distraction to the drivers and might cause issues. Might have to Google that one. Just trying to look out for you and Ava's better interests.

Karen: So good to hear from you. And glad the pain is all but gone. Thanks for letting us
CONCERNED Wrabbits know how you're doing. You know how we worry about each other!

By the way all you PET LOVERS:

Mr Manny went to see a specialist this morning about a leg issue. When he gets up from laying down for a long time he was limping. The local VET sent them to a specialist about 45 mins away from their house by way of I-75 freeway. Had to wait 3 weeks for that appointment. That Spec Vet said it wasn't his HIP or KNEE..THANK GOODNESS.. took X-Rays and has him on NSAID pills for a week. Said he will be doing some research on the issue in the meantime. They are to get back to him next week.
This Vet takes your pet into the office from CURBSIDE. They do that for all the pets. I guess the office wants to be extra safe. Jill said some other Vets are still doing that system. The doctor comes out with the pet and talks to them in the parking lot while they are in the car. :oops: Different. Hope the little guy will be okay without any surgery. ( Jill and Mark did not go to the appointment just the 2 kids took Manny there) ALWAYS SOMETHING!

Called Comcast about something and the nice lady suggested that I change my password. So I did that. I usually try and change it every year just to keep the creeps from getting into my STUFF! Ha Ha. Easy to do online. We should all change our password every so often to be on the safe side.

Later gang.


Wacky Wabbit
3d yes GIF
LEE: I checked with Art and YOU ARE SO CORRECT WALKING FACING THE TRAFFIC. It's only when biking that you GO WITH the TRAFFIC!
Whew........glad I got that straight!
:clap002: :emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well the Dr was happy with the right hand and he felt that that the left it is starting to become a trigger finger so he injected Cortisone to help keep it from doing that.

On the way I stopped at Publix and picked up 3 Rx's for Bruce and one for me. I also got us subs since they have one we like on sale and that will be dinner. The left hand does not want to do much since two fingers are numb. Today I am charging batteries for my camera and the portable chargers. So they will be ready for Hawaii.

Last evening Bruce got an email about the pineapple plantation on Maui and that they need people to come so said we should do that and I told him yes we are doing that.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the numbness is starting to wear off. I took the bandage off and have quite the bruise where he put in the needles.

Just watched the ARCA race and the Truck race is in about 30 minutes, but I will be in bed.

All have a good night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just dropping by to say good night and to tell you that in all probability I will be heading for Celebration Hospital in the morning. The meds the doctor gave me aren't working and my O2 level keeps dropping whenever I move from one place to another. Time to find out what's going on here. Hopefully, I'll make it thru the night without calling 911.

I'll catch up with you soon. Love you guys!!