Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, Bunnies! The last Sunday of our summer.

Great picture, Lee. Speaking of freighters; A couple of days ago a freighter was going down a river in Cleveland, and a group of younger people were partying along the shore, drinking lots of beer. One of the guys in the group yelled to one of the crew of the ship, "Want a beer?" The guy yelled back, "Sure, but we're too far away". The challenge was on. So the guy threw a can of beer approximately 50 yards AND the crew member caught it. Someone in the group recorded it. What a HOOT.

25 thousand bucks from a slot machine. Not too shabby, Bill.

I've never heard of someone getting tooth pain from Covid, K2. Great
bargaining with Comcast.

Hi to all the rest of you Wabbits.

Oh, our old couch is still at the end of the drive. Pick up day is Monday. Still no nighttime takers.


Wacky Wabbit
65F overcast and not looking promising for a Rip-Roaring Sunday! Guess I should have went to church after all! ;)

DAVE: I guess there are many different
symptoms when you get a case of Covid. Jill mentioned that her gums and teeth just ached for a day. That "virus" can do strange things. I checked with her yesterday and they feel much better and she will be doing another COVID HOME TESTING before going back to work on Monday. She did say that everyone ALWAYS has to wear a MASK in the Potato Chip building. Gotta be careful when you're working around food products. :emoticon 0144 nod:

Love the story about the BEER TOSS! need to try that with some of those freighters that pass close to Navy Park! Let me know if you ever need to get BAILED OUT OF JAIL for doing that!

Okay all have a really nice day. Hopefully Mama Bunny is getting her well needed treatments and will get out of Celebration soon.

Later..........Dang I hope it doesn't rain.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Just finished my shower. We will be getting our Flu shots later this morning. And don't know what else the day will bring.

I fell asleep during the race and woke when they were talking with the winner show made a stupid remark because the crowd were booing him big time, he said "yeah I beat your best driver". No wonder so many people don't like him. He always speaks without thinking.

Today is the last Sunday of summer, only a few days until Fall.

Well we got the shots then went to BJ's for one thing, then Aldi's for a couple of things and then to the Mexican restaurant for lunch.

The left side of my neck has been hurting since I had the procedure done on it just under 2 weeks ago so today I decided to take some aspirin and of course the only kind we have is Low Dose so I took 6 since they say to take between 4 and 8, it has been just over an hour so really need to wait a bit longer to see if they help.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Dave, that was quite a story about the beer can toss, not sure I believe it, but quite a story non the less. Maybe you should have put a sign on the old sofa for $50 and then somebody would have hauled it off by now

Kathie, I did indeed put in a good word for all of us here in the hutch. Have a funny story about communion today, when Rev. Lisa got to me she was trying to get the wafer out of her little cup & it just kept sliding around inside, she couldn't get ahold of it to save herself, she just looked at me & started laughing. She did manage to finally snag one. Nice to have a priest with a sense of humor, my sister's said it was God's way of telling me I didn't need a 2nd communion in one day

Lee, beautiful pic's of the Navy Yard flowers, before long you'll be posting pics of the pretty leaves there.

Pat, hope you are feeling better & will soon be sent home!

Today's my last day on antibiotics, I'm feeling pretty good. Dentist appt. at 9, I'd be delighted if he'd pull the tooth, but if not I am going to ask for another prescription for antibiotics to have on hand.
I never did ask about re-scheduling the retreat next weekend because they told me today they have someone else who can take me there & bring me home. I've heard it's a very moving experience so I'm looking forward to going.
Barb had Jane & I over for lunch today after church, roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, glazed carrots & cole slaw! It was very good, I made a batch of homemade brownies for dessert.
Pool at the clubhouse is still closed, the motor for the filter went out last weekend, they have a company coming to put a new one on tomorrow that's going to cost between $800-$1,000. Our budget for this year is pretty much shot, we've had a lot of unexpected repairs to make. Glad I only have 2-1/2 more months to deal with it.
Have a great Sunday all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As first reported here by Dave, we cut to our intrepid waterside reporter for this next story…If you click on “watch on YouTube“ it should play.

And now we throw it over to Kathie with the weather.

“65F overcast and not looking promising for a Rip-Roaring Sunday! Dang I hope it doesn't rain.”
In other news, Nancy is reporting that summer is almost over and Karen is doubling down on wafers ‘n wine.
Yes, I’m acting up. Again. See what happens when Momma Bunny isn’t here to keep me in line.


2nd Officer
Lee, thanks for finding that video, that was a once in a lifetime throw! And yea, my sister's tease me that I am so excited about my new church cause they serve real wine at communion, not grape juice. :)


Chief Security Officer
We move through two time zones enroutte to Nuuk, Greenland so the ship's clocks were moved ahead by an hour last night and will be moved forward by another hour tonight. Naturally, our watches failed to automatically change so we were late for the breakfast for pinnacle members and ended up going to the Windjammer instead so that we could get to the Top Tier party in the theater. The actual number of Pinnacle club members on this cruise is 268 and about 1900 of the 2000 or so passengers have sailed with the line previously, some with as many as 500 cruises. We would have to take a lot more cruises to even come close to their numbers.
We had more than 50 people in today's slot pull but very few wins so we each got back a little less than half of what we paid to participate. Still it was fun.
Two more days at sea before we reach Greenland and the Captain announced that we will actually stay in Nuuk much later than originally scheduled and will not leave port until 10 pm.
Seas have calmed measurably so it seems that RCI made the correct decision by delaying our departure until Saturday. Haven't heard any complaints from the passengers.
Look forward to watching the Pats game tonight.


Wacky Wabbit
breaking news trinity GIF

LEE: THAT WAS ONE FANTASTIC VIDEO. Thanks for digging it up and posting. Made my night for sure! Love the rest of your NEWSCAST too.

FYI: Careful not to over due it......Mama Bunny has been released and is home! Not sure if she'll go back and read everything~ LOL. Great reporting.
Karen: Glad you're doing better. Good luck with the DENTIST APPT. Hope they send you to a Specialist to do a Root Canal and save the tooth.
Glad you're able to still get to the Retreat. I know you were looking forward to it.
Thanks for the "prayers".... Lord knows this Hutch can use them.
This coming week is suppose to be SUPER NICE weather wise starting about Tues all the way through the following week. BRING IT ON MOTHER NATURE. I have shrubs to trim!
leave park trimming GIF by Sarah & Duck

Out of here for tonight. Sleep well. Our windows are open and no smokey fires so far!


2nd Officer
Monday morning has arrived again. Time just keeps ticking away.

Thanks so much Lee for finding that news clip of the beer can throw.

Are you a believer now KC in my telling of it? Real wine at your church. No wonder you took a second communion on Sunday.

K2; I keep thinking about how much your daughter has invested in Manny. But, once a pet becomes part of the family you can't do otherwise.

Loving your cruise updates, Bill.

We're all thinking about you BB.

Had a nice surprise yesterday. One of my favorite TV channels in Cleveland has been blocked on our cable service for months. The station and the cable service have been fighting over money for months. Yesterday they finally must have come to an agreement, and it's back on our boob-tube. Sure wish they had done it a day earlier so I could have watched the Ohio State football game.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
It sure stays dark longer in the morning and gets dark sooner in the evening these days.
I’m hoping the weather guessers are right. Or wrong depending on who you look at. One says a few clouds and 68F. The other says all day rain. Don’t they know that I’ve got grass to cut!
You all have a great day and I’ll check on you later.


Chief Security Officer
One disadvantage of the time difference is that it was nearly 1:00 am by the time the Pats game ended and we were up this morning at 7:00 am in order to get for breakfast. Slept pretty well but with probably less than 6 hours sleep, I suspect that an afternoon nap might be necessary. It was a bit overcast this moning but has cleared up and the seas have calmed considerably. Nothing special on today's agenda and looking forward to our arrival in Nuuk tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Bill, wow, I think I would have needed a medi-vac if I ever won that much money on a slot machine! Sounds like a nice cruise so far & hopefully the seas will stay calm for you.

Pat, hopefully you are home & all settled in & cozy. Just don't be in a big rush to get back to doing all the things you do at home, take it easy for a while!

Lee, I've noticed it seems dark later in the morning & earlier at night too, and our time doesn't change for almost 2 months yet, it's going to be dark at 3 pm when it does at this rate!!

Forgive me Father Dave, for I have sinned by doubting your amazing story.
It is still a little strange to me having real wine in church & having communion multiple times a day. Growing up Baptist it was grape juice & a cracker once every 3 months. Glad you got your channel back, did the cable company give you any kind of rebate while it was gone?

Kathie, enjoy your cooler weather, just don't be over doing things trying to get those bushes all trimmed!

Dentist visit went about as expected, he couldn't pull the tooth today, but not because of infection or anything, but because I've been on the generic Fosomax. Apparently it can cause problems with your jaw bone during extractions. I have to get medical clearance from my Dr. and will probably need to be off the fosomax for about 3 months before he can pull the teeth. He did try to talk me into a root canal, saying that would eliminate the pain & infection, but once the tech got an X-ray even she said the tooth was not worth saving. So the treatment plan is to pull the remaining 4 teeth, let my gums heal & then go with a full bottom denture. The estimate for my cost is just over $800, I was surprised to see insurance covering as much as the office say's they will. The dentist is giving me a prescription for antibiotics. All in all I was very pleased with the office, my appt. was for 9, I got there super early, and they ended up taking me back before I even finished all my paper work. By 9:16 I was pulling out of the parking lot! The dentist was willing to listen to me & not just push his ideas on me, that was a big plus! Now to relax & unwind for a little while!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I 'M BACK!!!!! I see that while Momma Bunny was away, there was some goofing off going around here. Time to straighten up the hutch!!

Dave - Instead of telling unreal stories and even including a video, time for you to get all those dirty dishes washed from all your crazy meals.

Lee - Stop posting beautiful pictures from the Navy Yard, with freighter in background and get the floor vacuumed, after picking up Ava's toys.

Kathie - Time to bake up a batch of scones to share with the rest of the hutch and stop worrying about Manny. He knows you love him and will get better. Nice to hear that the Covid people are starting to feel better.

Nancy - Enough watching races. Time to get all your cruising stuff together in one place instead of having it spread all over the house. Good job getting your flu shots.

Karen - Set your butt down and stop all that drinking in church. They're going to start talking about you, you know! That's a long time to have to wait for a tooth extraction. I hope the antibiotic helps during the wait time.

Bill - You definitely have been playing hurricane roulette! Ya know going from Bayonne to Manhattan would have been easier had you just taken the ferry! That person had a nice hit in the casino.

Whee ... You all sure gave me a lot of work here this morning to get things back the way they are supposed to be in the hutch. Remember, I'm supposed to be resting.

So my staycation at Celebration Hospital was a relatively short one, thank goodness. The secret was going when I did. I was really sick by the time I got to the ER. They had 6 people working on me in the trauma room! After about an hour I was sent to another room to wait for a room to be admitted. That took about half an hour to get to my room with a crummy view of about 4 dumpsters. Definitely not the scenic area.
Had a CT Scan on Saturday which showed nothing. By yesterday morning, my pulmonologist made up his mind to send me home. Bu first they wanted me to have a nuclear scan with radioactive dye inside of me. They assured me that I wouldn't glow last night! They wanted to make sure there were no blood clots in my lungs. It showed nothing. Once they had that result, it was time to get dressed and hit the road. We got home around 7. Just in time for Bert to go get some Publix fried chicken!!! And that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

By the way, Kathie, very few people were wearing masks in the hospital, including doctors & nurses. Right now there is not a big outbreak of Covid in this area. I got swabbed at the hospital and all was good.

Now it's time for a REAL cup of coffee. That decaf crap just doesn't cut it, especially when they only give you Splender to put in it! UGH!!!

Have a great day, gang, and know how happy I am to be back with the people I love!! :emoticon 0115 inlove: :emoticon 0152 heart::emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Well yesterday I took some Low Dose Aspirin for my neck and it helped, so this morning I went and bought regular aspirin and just took two.

I think I may pull a few clothes for our trip to Hawaii, but not sure.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Momma Bunny is back!
Jim Bean Dancing GIF

And we’ve all been put in our places. :emoticon 0152 heart:
I LOVE it!


Wacky Wabbit
nene leakes GIF
YUP.... Mama Bunny is in CONTROL again. I told you guys to clean UNDER your beds! She gotcha ya!

BB: Glad you're back with us. Great post.
Now just what did they do to make you feel better that quick?

I never heard of GRAPE JUICE for communion. But then you did say Baptist! :smiley25: Still don't know why you would do more than one communion in a day. Hey, every little bit helps!

DAVE: Was the couch still around this morning?
And yup, once you have a pup in the house it's FAMILY BIG TIME. Jill use to tell us when she was little that we took our "Annie" to the Vet more than she went to the doctors when she wasn't feeling good. Ha Ha. So true! I know that Jill would do anything for her Manny. I know I spent a unreal amount of money on our dog when she ate a small box of really good Chocolates when she was at Jill's God-parents house. They had the box on the floor next to the couch and the dog got to them. Cost us a small fortune in Vet bills.

Out of here to eat my homemade Stuffed Cabbage Rolls. The house smells so POLISH right now. :eek:
weaning burt shavitz GIF
It's cold enough over here for that kind of dinner. 67F


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I only packed underwear as it does not matter if they get wrinkled, but I did split non clothes things between the two suitcases. I had been looking for over a week for the new tag holders and never could find so I ordered again and I had been looking for the power strip and could not find so had reordered it, they come in tomorrow, so of course I found both today. Guess I will be returning the new ones after they come in tomorrow. I also decided that we will only take one carry on as I just don't have enough things for two .

When I was at the grocery this morning I found the Atkins snacks and bought the chocolate and coconut one to take so have split them in the baggies I have for the snacks. And when we are in Kona I know we will need the snacks as we don't have time for lunch between the two excursions.

I has needed to get more Calcium and had to go to Walgreens and while there I found a nice looking cane so bought it so I now have two extra canes that I am taking. So I can change out from day to day.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
So very nice to see you home. And so quick. And seeing that you are full of piss & vinegar you must be feeling a whole lot better. Any reason they gave you that explained your oxygen levels dropping?

"Forgive me Father Dave, for I have sinned by doubting your amazing story." Go and sin no more KC. And a little extra in the basket they pass around in church could use a little extra. Hint, Hint. 3 months is a long time to wait for tooth extractions, but it takes a while for some medicines to be completely out of your body.

Did you ever get the grass cut, Lee?

I've learned one things about cruisers Bill, come Hell or high water they aren't going to miss a meal.

Yes K2, the old couch got picked up yesterday as scheduled. I've never understood why chocolate is so poisonous to dogs, but that stuff can kill them. And I know one lady who's dog did die from it. It's been a long, long time since I've had any stuffed cabbage rolls. Too long.

Yup, starting off another day with an appointment.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So, it was you rattling around at 3:18 that woke me up Dave. ;)
Yes, I got the front cut. With the cooler temps and rain the other evening the back needs it again. Not this morning though. Lisa has asked for a hand to hang some pictures and stuff. She’s having a friend from Ayr for a visit and wants to get a few more things done.
We played mini golf yesterday for games day. We have a dandy little course about 15 minutes away. Sand traps, water hazards, rough. No animals or windmills. This thing plays like a real miniature course. Mini golf almost cost what a round of real golf used to cost!
In honour of your upcoming Hawaiian Cruise and as promised Nancy, here is Jake Shimabukuro playing Bohemian Rhapsody on his ukulele.

We’re anal when it comes to chocolate being kept safe and away from our fur kids. And grapes can make dogs sick too!
Hmmm. Is that coffee I smell? It will be in a minute. Right after I dust under the bed like Kathie said we should yesterday.
You all have a fantastic day.