Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Way to go Pat! It sounds like somebody somewhere actually valued keeping a good customer.
Ya Kathie, what’s not to like about Winnie The Pooh. Or Kenny Loggins.
Thanks for the tip on Dolly’s Netflix show Nancy. We best hurry if we want to watch because it’s leaving on October 6. Again, what’s not to like about Dolly.
We have a surprise visitor docked at The Navy Yard for a couple of days. Those with kids and or grandkids may know Theodore the Tugboat. Unless he’s a Canadian “thing”. Which, after searching on Google, he is. But PBS did pick up the series back in the mid to late 1990‘s.



2nd Officer
Good evening. Well things did not go as hoped at the Dr's. They had not received the results from the breathing test that I did. In fact I had to sign a new form that they faxed so they could get the results, but they never came in while I was there. So they will call after they get them. But I did get the paper to get my annual MRI of my abdomen. so tomorrow I will call the place to set up an appt for after our cruise.

All have a good night,


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: That Tugboat is just too cute! Thanks for posting the pic!

BB: Yup mind was Light brown gravy to go with a Pork Roast. We ate like it was a holiday tonight. Got to use up our garden potatoes!

I managed to get new homes for all the items I listed on the GIFT ONLY LOCAL SITE. All picked up before 7:00 pm. I just wanted the stuff outnof the basement and gone. There’s more, but I was done for today. :clap002: ;)

BILL….love the name of the place you’re at in Greenland NUUK!
I envy you getting to see the Northern Lights. How exciting. It’s nice that you have good internet connections on this cruise.
I’m watching TO CATCH A SMUGGLER. A National Geographic presentation. After watching this I would NEVER bring in any meds from Mexico like I have done in the past. The famous Z-pak! Big No-No!
Night all.


2nd Officer
Good Thursday morning, Bunnies!

I'd be pissed too if I lost both ABC & NBC from my cable service, BB. We only lost a local Cleveland channel for a few months while the station and the cable provider fought over money. But I was about ready to switch cable providers when they came to some agreement, and now it's back on. Good for you talking to a real person at Dish and getting that giant monthly discount for a year.

Like you, this newest Covid shot should be available here next week. They must be expecting a rush of people wanting it. On that shot you have to make an appointment, whereas on all the other shots you can just show up and get it.

K2; I'm not sure you should be pressing your luck by moving around heavy furniture. Tried that precooked bacon once. Never again.

"How do you keep that much ice cream from going all crystallized?" It's all in the packaging, Lee. Even after months and months I've never opened one that was "crystallized. In a sense, it's vacuum-packed. All the cartons are filled from bottom to top, with a seal over the top of the carton under its' lid. So that means very, very little air is left in it. Pretty much like vacuum-packing meat before you put it in a freezer. Cute tugboat.

Hi to the rest of you Wabbits!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
It was a beautiful 60F when we went for our early walk. Hard to believe that the word “humidex” is back in the forecast for a couple of days.
A couple of days after the stitches came out, how’s that leg feeling Dave? The description of the ice cream packaging sounds like it should be segment on “How’s It Made”. I enjoy that program.
You sound like us Kathie. You’d rather give stuff away than have a yard sale. Either way you get it out of your basement. In no particular order, how are “The Covid Kids” and Manny doing?
I can’t imagine how vibrant the Aurora Borealis is where you are Bill. I hope the night skies were cooperative and you were able to see them.
I hope your enjoyment of your Hawaii cruise doesn’t hinge on the results of all of your test Nancy!
Pat, how many times do we Northerners have to remind you…Gravy is brown. Sauce for pasta is red. Like the wine we enjoy.
Are things still on track for your retreat Karen? Will your sisters be keeping an eye on your furkids while you’re away?
Speaking of furkids, I have one who’s telling me it’s her breakfast time. Duty, apparently, calls.
Have a great Wednesday everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Back from an excellent Panoramic Tour of Nuuk and the tour guide was very informative. She mentioned that they are trying to increase the population over the coming years. There are approximately 19,000 residents at present and they hope to increase it, at some point, to 30,000. Lots of construction going on and they are expanding the airport so that they can Tomorrow is a day at sea and the next two days involve tendering so we may stay on board until we get to St. John's, Nfld. Hard to believe that we have reached the halfway point of our cruise.
Temperatures today were in the mid to high 30's but since we are hardy New Englanders we managed pretty well.

Hope to get another visit from the Northern Lights tonight but not sure we will still be awake to see them.
As much as I like Janet Evanovitch's Stephanie Plum series, I'm not as big a fan of her other books, so I am looking forward to the upcoming Stephanie Plum book.
Wrote and thought I posted this last night but apparently not. Oh well, Slept pretty soundly last night so will likely grab breakfast in Windjammer instead of the dining room which has closed by now.
A sea day, so we can rest up a bit. Lots of walking yesterday since the scooters remained on the ship. Looks very cloudy outside and haven't checked the temps but as long as we can stay inside that won't be a problem.
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's a beautiful morning in our little corner of the world.

Bill - How nice to get to see the Northern Lights. Always wanted to do that, but it never worked out for us. So what was the most interesting thing you saw on your tour of Nuuk yesterday? Are you "hardy New Englanders" ready to go move there? LOL

Dave - Interesting explanation about how your ice cream in the freezer doesn't get ice crystals all over it I think some of our ice cream is packed the same way. I miss when the ice cream came as a block and you could just cut a slice off of what you wanted. Great for making waffle ice cream sandwiches. Just not the same any longer.

Lee - Sorry this Irish gal who grew up surrounded by Italian neighbors and friends will always call it gravy at times. Now if I'm making clam sauce that's another story. No such thing as clam gravy!! Have I got you confused yet?

Karen - You still taking it easy and giving those antibiotics a chance to work? I sure hope so. Is the retreat still on for this weekend?

Kathie - You did good getting rid of all that stuff. Way to go, girl!! So what's next to get the heave?

As usual, not too much planned for today. A trip to Sam's will be happening though. I need a piece of salmon for tomorrow's family dinner, as well as a few other odds and ends. It'll be nice to get out of the house for a little while. And, yes, Kathie, I will wear a mask, if I go into the store.

Other than that, not much to talk about. Our ravioli dinner last night was really good. Unfortunately, Bert just grabs stuff without looking closely. He picked up gluten free ravioli. They were much smaller and some fell apart in cooking. I immediately pointed out to him the words "gluten free" on the front of the bag, but he shops like a man and just grabs the first thing he finds. He also bought a bag of meat ravioli which I didn't ask for. I think he misses Chef Boyardee!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
For some reason, the last couple of lines of my post didn't print. Now I can't remember what I said, so let's forget about it. Time to write out a shopping list.

Be good, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon GIF by BDDRC
Well... ALMOST!
It's getting warmer here.....SLOWLY.......but at 74F right now at 11:27 am. Suppost to get to 79F! Bring it on Mother Nature.
Bill: Great review on your Nuuk excursion. Brrr cold!! And I laughed when the tour guide told you all that they are hoping to increase the population from 19,000 to 30,000! Good luck finding some HARDY FOLKS to move there~ :emoticon 0144 nod:
Did the ship tie-up or did you have to Tender to the port? I guess you didn't need your scooters if you were on a bus tour. A little too much work for you and the tour company getting them on and off the bus at every stop.
Continue to hold onto your winnings. Your chance to give it all back is coming soon! Enjoy.
Lee: I just don't have the patience I use to have to set up a garage sale and deal with taking it all down. Our house is basically in the MIDDLE of the Subdivision with a creek separating easy access to get to the house. I'd have to put SIGNS up on every corner to get people to find "The Sale"! And it seems these days there are more ESTATE SALES (yup, people dying) than garage sales. And that means people tramping through your entire house with tables set up with everything the people ever owned out for grabs. Thank Goodness I will never have to worry about that kind of sale! (I'll be gone) Ha Ha. I do love going to them though. First to look inside the houses and see how people actually lived and second to see if there are any KITCHEN items. I've gotten away from buying Corning French White casserole items. I have enough. I like going through the HUGE 5,000 sq ft homes that are usually reposed! I'll tell you people that live in those big houses live like pigs. Walls are scratched, wood floors are all scratched up and carpets are a mess. I think they get into these houses and just TRASH them knowing they'll be evicted soon and they don't care.

Lee Posted: In no particular order, how are “The Covid Kids” and Manny doing?
Thanks for asking, they are both NEGATIVE and all is good. The younger 2 kids are also STILL NEGATIVE. Seems like they were able to avoid the virus by wearing masks in the house and staying away from their parents. :emoticon 0140 rofl:
Mr Manny is still on NSAID for his 'leg' issue. They have a follow up discussion with the Specialist coming up. Not sure what he will have to say! He looked good to me when we were walking. Still pulls on the leash and 85% of the time has a mind of his own. He seems to have to limp when he is just sitting around for a long time and/or getting out of his crate after a nap or night-time sleep. But then, I do the same when getting up. Aches and pains. He's just too young of a pup to have any of this going on. TIME WILL TELL what will end up happening. I'll let you know, since you and Lu-Ann are PUP FOLKS!
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2nd Officer
Quick check in since I have nothing much to gab about today.
Retreat is still on, tooth is holding it's own, sore, but no swelling or pain so I am holding off on the antibiotics until I'm sure I need them.

Kathie, I go to Maryland in Oct, not Nov. for Alyse's birthday. She is going to be 11 this year & I can't believe how fast time has flown!

Made a pot of loaded baked potato soup today as a treat for Jane who will be staying with the fur kids.

Have fun & try not to mess up my bunk while I'm gone, I have everything just how "I" like it! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Wacky Wabbit
DANG..........went past the 10 mins of Editing time limit. Ha ha.

Lee: I just don't have the patience I use to have to set up a garage sale and deal with taking it all down. Our house is basically in the MIDDLE of the Subdivision with a creek separating easy access to get to the house. I'd have to put SIGNS up on every corner to get people to find "The Sale"! And it seems these days there are more ESTATE SALES (yup, people dying) than garage sales. And that means people tramping through your entire house with tables set up with everything the people ever owned out for grabs. Thank Goodness I will never have to worry about that kind of sale! (I'll be gone) Ha Ha. I do love going to them though. First to look inside the houses and see how people actually lived and second to see if there are any KITCHEN items. I've gotten away from buying Corning French White casserole items. I have enough. I like going through the HUGE 5,000 sq ft homes that are usually reposed! I'll tell you people that live in those big houses live like pigs. Walls are scratched, wood floors are all scratched up and carpets are a mess. I think they get into these houses and just TRASH them knowing they'll be evicted soon and they don't care.

Lee Posted: In no particular order, how are “The Covid Kids” and Manny doing?
Thanks for asking, the kids are both NEGATIVE and all is good. The younger 2 kids are also STILL NEGATIVE. Seems like they were able to avoid the virus by wearing masks in the house and staying away from their parents.

Mark and Eric actually went to the Auto show the other day and Eric got to sit inside some COOL looking Mustang! I bet it was the Elec one.

Mr Manny is still on NSAID for his 'leg' issue. They have a follow up discussion with the "Specialist" $$ coming up. Not sure what he will have to say! He looked good to me when we were walking. Still pulls on the leash and 85% of the time has a mind of his own. He seems to have to limp when he is just sitting around for a long time and/or getting out of his crate after a nap or night-time sleep. But then, I do the same when getting up. Aches and pains. He's just too young of a pup to have any of this going on. TIME WILL TELL what will end up happening. I'll let you know, since you and Lu-Ann are PUP FOLKS!

DAVE: Manny has to be the most spoiled pup ever. But we still love him.

BB: Thanks for the heads up on the Stephanie Plum Series all being good books. I'll have to see if my sister-in-law has more of them. They always get the Hardcover books that I love to read. Just something about a bigger hardcover book that makes reading more enjoyable.

Karen:...........When is that Retreat? I never did write it down. It has to be soon. Glad you still get to go. And hopefully the TOOTH will behave.

Later all. Not sure what I'm going to do today. A little of NOTHING sounds good to me.
Enjoy Your Day GIF by Five


Wacky Wabbit
Karen: Just saw your post. Thanks for the updates. Enjoy your RETREAT. Hold your hand in front of your nose if you're in a crowd! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Out of here .... again.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Called the place to get my MRI and had to leave a message. So have packed my clothes and have split them between suitcases. Will do Bruce's Saturday. I have weighed both and I think there will be some things I have to take out and put in the carry-on so they are both less than 50 pounds and we may be each taking a carry-on so we will have room for souvenirs.

Got a call this morning from one lady that Bruce does work for about going to lunch tomorrow and that is set.

Yesterday before going to the Dr's I went to the bank and got the money I needed for the cruise so have put all that in small coin purses and it is all in my backpack, ready for next week. I want to try to use cash for all souvenirs and some of our food on the islands.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Kathie, we docked in Nuuk yesterday but couldn't take the scooters off, so we had to walk a bit of a way to where the tour bus was parked. The next two ports require tenders so I believe that we may stay on board and enjoy the view of the ports from the ship. Hardy as we may be, neither Rita nor I see living in Greenland in our future. Not sure what Trump found so attractive about it that he wanted the US to annex it. Most of the buildings in and around Nuuk were either apartments or high rises and many reminded me of military barracks. Balconies on many units were draped in laundry. Didn't see a tree anywhere and very little greenery or grass.
It was foggy this morning but the fog seems to have burned off and the sea is calm. Don't think the ship has to go at top speed to make the next two ports and if you like the name, Nuuk, your should absolutely love the names of our next two ports: Qaqortog and Nanortalik.
Please don't ask me to pronounce them.
Not enamored of the new dinner menus that RCI has developed and I have already had to order spaghetti bolognese twice and the NY Strip steak twice. Both were quite good and the dining room wait staff has been excellent but the menu selections are severely limited.
Nancy - take half the clothes and twice the money -based on my experiences.
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer


Wacky Wabbit
Saw this poor soul up on a ROCK as I was coming into the park. Just had to stop and take a picture. The lady driving was STILL IN THE JEEP gunning her motor trying to get off. That was NOT going to happen. The lady out of the car just stood in disbelief.
That ROCK should have 2 poles on either side of it and be painted a NEON COLOR. It’s even worse in the Winter w/snow around it. Thank goodness we know it’s a hazard.

MY DAY at a local PARK! Tap pics to see bigger …..skip if not your thing. Ha ha

Went to the Shelby Twp Park right up 24 Mile rd to read my book as I looked at the pond from the bench I was on! IMG_8854.jpegIMG_8845.jpegIMG_8848.jpegIMG_8851.jpegIMG_8849.jpegIMG_8842.jpegIMG_8844.jpeg
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