Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
Thanks for the picture of Theodore Tugboat. It brought back memories of the several times we saw him during the times I was in Halifax working with the governors and premiers and when Rita and I were there on one of our cruises. Did I also see that the Blue Nose visited the Great Lakes recently or is my memory failing me?
Wasn't looking out on the water at the right times today as there were several reports of whale sightings. Will try to pay more attention tomorrow.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - I was going to ask if you have had any sightings of orcas in the area. I loved seeing tem on or one transAtlantic cruise. How about flying fish? I remember seeing them too on that cruise. So what are you going to do for those 2 days when you will be staying on the ship? Do I expect to hear about lots of trivia games?

Have a great night, gang. Time for me to put the computer to sleep for the night. See ya tomorrow. :sleep002: :sleepey smile::sleep2:


Wacky Wabbit
DAVE .... how you doing on that yummy Ice Cream? Got a 1/2 gallon finished off yet?

Bill: Hope you get to see some of the Whales and any other big fish while you're walking around the decks the next couple of days. I think it would be great exploring the ship, even if you've been on it before. Stop and get something to eat, drink and take a nap, etc. Enjoy!

After dinner Art and I went to see his Nephews newly purchased bar. It dates back to the early 1900's. It's actually a really neat place. A DIVE BAR for sure, but he's got it looking so nice and clean he told me he has to stop fixing it up or he will get kicked off the "5 Best DIVE BARS" in the area! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :cheers: It even has a tiny corner phone booth with a bi-fold glass door. He's going to get it restored as soon as he finds a phone for the corner.
Art is the oldest living Anderson relative and Doug was happy to see us show up and support his purchase.

Then we dropped off 2 bags of books at my brother Rich's house. He takes them to a place that distributes them to Veterans.

All in all a productive and interesting evening.

Enjoy your Friday all.


2nd Officer
"Gravy is brown. Sauce for pasta is red. Like the wine we enjoy." YES LEE. The way God intended.

I too am surprised that your cruise is half way over, Bill. Did you ever notice that having fun takes way too much energy?

I'll be honest BB; I don't remember a time when ice cream came as a block, and you'd cut off a slice. But I like the idea.

KC; Good to know that your tooth is behaving and the retreat is still on.

Loved your array of pictures, K2. Of course my favorite is the car stuck up on a rock. It was interesting to read that 2 RCCL ships are powered with liquid natural gas.

I think all of us has pulled out a drawer and then pulled our hair out trying to figure out how to get it back in and working normal. Yesterday was our turn. The bottom drawer of our stove came out so easy. But neither of us could figure out how to get it back in right. So once again, our nephew/contractor stopped by and in less than 5 minutes had in back in and working correctly. He can make things look so easy.


Chief Security Officer
Dave, don't you just hate it when that happens? Though pleased that the problem has been so quickly resolved, but almost embarrassed that despite all our years of "experience" we couldn't get it done on our own.
No reports of flying fish, Pat but will keep our eyes out for them and whales or other marine life. I'm sure we will be able to fill the time with some things, including naps.
In fact I may just head back to bed for another few minutes before checking out where we are and deciding where to go for breakfast, MDR or Windjammer.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
6:15 and I’m the third bunny on here this morning!
Good morning to you all.
I think Bluenose II did a tour with other tall ships a couple of years back Bill. It does sound like you and Rita are enjoying your sailing. We’ve not been to Newfoundland but have heard that it’s a beautiful spot. And the native Newfoundlanders are the friendliest folks anywhere.
I can’t even begin to figure out how you would get a vehicle up on a rock that big Kathie. Nice park pics. I see they even have one of those little libraries along the path. Neat.
Some of our ice cream still comes in “bricks” but most of it is in tubs or smaller containers Dave. But unless you go right to the dairies that make ice cream our flavour selection in the grocery is pretty basic. Exception being Ben and Jerry’s 2 - 3 serving little cardboard containers.
I love to watch lightening Pat. But not sitting outdoors. Being close to Lake Erie and along The Detroit River we get way more here than we did in Ayr.
Enjoy your time at the retreat Karen. I do hope it is an enjoyable time and the folks you meet are even half as kind and caring as you are.
How’s that packing going Nancy. Bill offered you some wise advice about the clothes and cash.
Lunch with friends from our old neighbourhood today and then tonight we have tickets to attend a book release and chat with “Brittlestar”. AKA Stewart Reynolds. I’ve shared a couple of his shorter dry and to the point humorous observations with you in the past. It‘s being held upstairs at our local book shop in town. I hear that wine may also be involved…
Everyone have a fantastic Friday.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Lots of early birds around here this morning! Glad to see so many up and going this early. I could have used the OGCs this morning. One of our smoke detectors decided it wants the battery changed. Is there an unwritten law that they have to start BEEPING in the middle of the night? Sure seems that way. I've been listening to the *BEEP* since 4:30 this morning! Bert just woke up, so it will be at least another hour before he changes the battery. I'm getting a royal headache listening to this %#@&% thing!!

Kathie - That picture of the car on that rock is really something else.. You have to wonder how a person would be able to do that. Your other pictures were great too. So did you finish the book? Nice that you and Art were able to check out his nephew's dive bar. Those are the best kind. We were just talking yesterday about how right now we have no place to go if you just want a snack and a drink. With the Grille closed, there's no other place locally to be found. Plus we still have to wait about 3-4 weeks before True Blue Winery opens again.

Karen - When do you head off for your retreat. I hope you find it meaningful and inspiring.

Dave - Back when we could get ice cream in a block, that was especially great if you wanted vanilla, chocolate and strawberry between 2 hot waffles. That was always a favorite of ours, until the ice cream container changed. Now it's much harder to fix one of them the right way.

Lee - I too like to watch lightening, but from a very safe distance and inside. We had a "show" one night last week where it was practically one continuous flash of lightening. Everyone was talking about it for days.

Bill - Enjoy your day wandering around on the ship while most people are off the ship. So where did you end up going for breakfast? Curious minds need to know!

We have a neighbor near us who has a sailboat. Now that the lake is back to correct levels, boats are back in the water. This guy has spent the last hour starting to get his sails unfurled and ready to go up. He spend more time and energy doing this. Once the said are up, he will take the boat out for a bit. Then he's take the sails down and come back using the trolling motor. What a waste of time, if you ask me. This would be fin to watch if the guy was younger and in better shape! I'll leave it at that!!

Got a bit of running around to do early today. Then the gang will be here for dinner. We have about a 4 lb piece of salmon to bake. I need to fix some lemon butter to put on it as well as make alfredo sauce for the fettuccine. Sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn't. Just looks that way. I wanted to make something special. Jimmy's sister will be here too. She's had a rough life involving drugs and spending time in jail, After all these years, she finally has her life straightened out and doing what she needs to do to clear her record. That's why she's here right now. We are all so proud of her for doing what has to be one of the hardest thngs you could do.

Now I need to go find a gun! I'm ready to shoot that %#@&% smoke detector!!!!!

Have a great day, everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good mid-morning Wrabbits!

Made us breakfast out on the deck grill this morning. It’s a perfect “Pure Michigan” day.

Bill: I thought of you when I was making our breakfast. Looking over our creek and thinking you and Rita were close to a window looking out at the water too. Hope you had a good breakfast! Are you doing a good share of reading these days that you are in the ship? Remember to take a break for a good drink and nap!:D
Pictures of nephews Dive BAR!
The cool old corner skinny phone both. Looks like something from the bootleggers days! Cool mural of a TRAIN WRECK on the side of the bldg. A train passed through across the street while we were standing on the porch. So cool.

That’s it for photos for today!
Enjoy your day!


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good thing I didn't get a gum and shoot the smoke detector ... Turned out to be a different one that was beeping!!

Did our running around already and now it's time for me to get to work.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well lunch was cancelled because the lady had to call for service on her fridge and of course the time the company gave her was 12:30 to 1:30, oh well we will do it another day. Today is the last day of summer.

So I started to pack Bruce's clothes for Hawaii and found I needed to do a large load of his clothes so am waiting for it to dry then I will have everything needed I think. But I can not find a second pair of swim trunks, will look again.

I am pretty sure that we will have to take 2 carry-ons because my suitcase is already over 40 lbs and Bruce's clothes are heavier and I am splitting our clothes between the 2 suitcases, just in case. So will have to move the non clothes to the carry-ons. And I want room for souvenirs, such as coffee and maybe candy. Of course we are going to a luau and will be getting a shell lei and those will be coming home with us. And I will be getting Bruce a Hawaii ball cap and hopefully him an authentic Hawaiian shirt and me a dress or top.

That photo of the car was something else. Am sure it cost a good bit to get it off. Nice photos of the bar.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Breakfast and lunch were in the Windjammer though I also had a cappuccino and white chocolate cookie in mid-morning. We didn't leave the room until too late to make breakfast in the dining room.
I'm fortunate that Rita brought a copy of actual books because I am having a problem with my kindle and can't open the new books I downloaded before we left home. Can't seem to switch my laptop to the kindle for the internet and the customer service representative I spoke to didn't have experience with kindles so she couldn't help me.
Dining room was quite crowded at lunchtime so I guess not as many passengers got off the ship as I had expected.
There is a large square shaped iceberg with a flat top, floating in the harbor. There are bright blue swirling lines on it. I took a picture of it but may have to
wait until we are home before I can upload it to Facebook.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Hope someone sitting around with a Kindle can help you out with yours.
Can't wait to see the Iceberg pictures.

75F and sunny and nice here. No wind and perfect.


2nd Officer
Yup It's Saturday.......Already.

Oh my goodness Bill. You reading a book that doesn't require batteries. Hope you remember how. :) I too am looking forward to that picture of the iceberg.

Lee; Attending a book release while drinking wine. Now that's laid-back.

Sure glad you didn't find a gun and shoot that smoke-alarm, BB. It IS fun just watching slow moving sailboats glide across the water. For some reason, I've got a taste for some salmon.

I'm still not clear K2 on what make a bar a dive-bar. Any fish in that creek of yours?

A beautiful day yesterday here in the Buckeye State. And made even better by having my last visit to the "Wound Care Clinic" at the hospital. All 4 "wounds" in my right leg have healed up enough for no more visits. Only minor cleaning care and compression socks at home. They even had me ring a bell on the way out of the clinic. YIPPEE!




Chief Security Officer
May have to wntil we are home in order to post my photos of the icebergs but the Jewel cruise we are on has a number of folks posting their photos on Facebook so you might want to check them out. There was an especially large and interesting one in the harbor yesterday and several good sized ones at today's location.
Was up at about 3am this morning and heard an Alpha,
alpha, alpha alert. Hope he person is okay. Perhaps the Captain will mention it during his noon report, though his Scandinavian accent sometimes makes it difficult to understand him.
Today's visit is a short one with everyone due back on board by 2:00pm and we head towards St. John's, Nfld. Clocks turn back half an hour tonight to prepare us for the unique time in Newfoundland and Labrador. Today is Day 10. Hard to believe that much time has passed already.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning and happy first day of Autumn y'all! Where is everyone this morning? Sleeping in??? Too pretty a day here to sleep in.

Dave - Glad the leg wounds are healed. Isn't it a great feeling not to have to go back to the wound doctor? I was so happy to be finished with him too.

Bill - Ever get your Kindle to work right again? Sorry it decided now of all times to decide not to let you get into your book collection. Can't wait to see your iceberg. Are they bigger than the ones we saw in Alaska?

Our dinner last night was delicious. Unfortunately, there was very little leftover. Good thing we are going out for dinner with G&E tonight. This dinner has been a long time coming. It was originally scheduled as my birthday celebration. Mind you, that was last May! Then it became Bert's birthday celebration. His birthday was August. I don't know what or whose birthday we're celebrating tonight. We're going to Manny's Chophouse in Haines City. Bill & Rita have eaten at Manny's before, but we went to their other location. Lee - Have you ever had dinner there? They have the most delicious steaks at reasonable prices, by today's standards at least. We haven't been there since well before Covid, so we are really looking forward to a delicious dinner.

G&E are coming over this afternoon to visit for a while before we head out for dinner. Might have to fix a mini charcuterie board to snack on and tide us over until dinnertime.

That's about it for me this morning. I was hoping Bert would get up early enough so that we could go to the produce market this morning in our community. Not going to work out now, as he just barely got up. By the time he comes out of the bedroom, they'll be shutting down. Oh well.

Have a great day, everyone. Enjoy your first day of Autumn!!!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits! A Tad chiller than yesterday right now, but hopefully it will get warmer by afternoon.

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On ringing the Bell and no more Wound Care visits.
Love the Song you just Keep on moving.
A DIVE BAR has NO FISH! Ha Ha. It's just a OLD COZY BAR.

Lee: I looked up the fella you went to see at the bookstore and he's really interesting. Saw a few of his FAST HEALTH videos online and he sure does like the cars he gets to drive around. Sounds like it was a nice event. SO WAS THERE WINE??

Bill: Keep busy while you figure out what you're going to read. Enjoy the last few days of your CRUISE.

To the rest of you have a fun and safe day. Enjoy your dinner BB! We have been to Manny's Restaurant.

Art and I are going on a DATE NIGHT DINNER later. It's our way of celebrating our
57th Anniversary! (yikes has it really been that long?) A Italian friend opened up a great restaurant and he occasionally bikes with Art's biking group. He's a fantastic chef and has made this place a GO TO EVENT place to eat. Has a band on Thurs nights, outdoor patio and excellent food. Pricey from the menu, but it's a special day. He also has BEE HIVES on the roof of the place and just got through harvesting the honey for the year. All around gret guy.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Only real plan for today is to watch NASCAR.

Have redone Bruce's suitcase and redoing mine and I need to take some things out of mine and put in Bruce's or just not take. So taking a break while I think about what to take out and whether to leave or move to another suitcase. Also going to see what I can take out of the carry-ons to make them less weight.

Bruce had opened the front door window and the back door this morning because it was only 71 when he got up but of coursenow it is 87 so the ac is on.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Day. And Good Night.

Well done Dave! Great tune by the way.
Fun pics of the bar Kathie.
There’s still time to take fewer clothes and more cash Nancy. Cash doesn’t take up as much room.
I'm looking forward to iceberg pics too Bill. Enjoy your stop in Newfoundland. Even if you stay on board.
We went to Manny’s with Kathie and Art on 192 Pat. It’s changed hands and names now I think. After a famous Momma Bunny Charcuterie Board will anyone have room for dinner?
I hope you’re enjoying the retreat Karen and they have lots of “practice communions”. With real wine of course.
So that’s about all from this side of the border. You all sleep tight.