Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well except for a couple of things that can't be packed until the morning we are packed. Since we have the 70 lb weigh I have managed to get us to just one carry-on. We have gotten our showers and I managed to cut Bruce's hair, it has been since before our last cruise last year that I have done it.

After getting up tomorrow I will print out our air tickets, since you can't do it until 24 hours ahead of first flight.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Welcome back to the hutch, KC! So glad you had a good time at the retreat. I'd bet that quite a few people there went nuts without their cell phones always in their hands. But not having my watch would bug me. Please tell us more about your adventure.

How could you not bring home "Bernie", K2. You always say to keep moving. Well, a puppy would definitely do that for you. Here's an oddballer question for you, but something I've been wondering about; Having worked for Ford, does any of the deals made on this UAW strike effect Art?

You sound a bit skeptical of those 2 mansions burning down by accident, Lee.

Doesn't everybody dress their little puppy in a princess dress, BB? Is there any other weird behaviors of your new neighbors? (Like going out to lunch to celebrate signing new wills. :) )

Work on your drinking Bill, or everyone will start to think you're a Baptist. I chose Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC, OVER the football game last night.

Maybe, just maybe, we'll get a prescription picked of at Wally-World this morning. That pick-up has been on our schedule since Saturday.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Early morning chat with the cardiologist. That’s the follow up to the bloodwork and monitor I had completed earlier this month. Any money on how delayed a 9:15 appointment will be?
Welcome home Karen. It sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed your retreat.
Not much else this early on a Tuesday morning.
have a good day everyone.


Chief Security Officer
Our fantasy football team won its first match of the season- by a whopping 1 point. Oh well, a win is a win. Wish I could be as successful in my football pool where I am pretty much supporting the other 27 participants.
Looks like a very nice day at sea with blue, partly cloudy skies and calm seas. Had a good breakfast in the main dining room where the pinnacle breakfast is held and ready to face the day.

Sad to hear of David McCallum's death. Have been a fan of his since he played Ilya Kuriakin(sp?) on
The Man from Uncle and then on NCIS.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

A sad day knowing "Ducky" is gone. Turned out that last night CBS had an NCIS marathon. The first show was the original NCIS first episode! Boy, were they ever all young. It was from 2003, I believe and featured a lot of Ducky. At the end of the show they acknowledged David McCallum's passing. Not sure if that episode was a last minute addition or just a coincidence. One way or another, it was nice seeing Gibbs and DiNozzo once again.

Bill - Your cruise sure has passed quickly. Almost time to pack that suitcase and put it outside your door. That's always the saddest night of the cruise. Glad the casino decided to smile on you once again.

Karen - Sounds like a great retreat you went on. Plus making new friends as a bonus. You certainly found the right church for you this time.

Lee - Good luck with your chat with the cardiologist this morning. At least it's a video chat and you didn't have to go somewhere and then sit in an office waiting. Look on the bright side.

Dave - The only weird behavior around here is that we did not go out for lunch after signing the new wills. Bummer, huh?

Made a big pot of chicken noodle soup yesterday. I was just in the mood for some soup. Have enough left for lunch today and then to freeze a container for future use.
I'm making lamb shanks for dinner tonight. I have to get them into the crockpot as they have to cook for 5-6 hours. I just need Bert to show up in the kitchen to get out all the stuff I need to get started.
I don't think we have anything else planned for today.
Coffee is calling, so I must answer ...


Wacky Wabbit
Passing Rest In Peace GIF by GIPHY Studios 2023
So sorry to hear of David McCallum's passing. I didn't realize the man was 90 years old.

Nice chatter on here today.
I was doing some major driving around. Even stopped and topped off the gas tank at Costco since we will be traveling a few miles (a lot of miles) later this evening.

I'm looking forward to a good "Old Fashion Bourbon" drink tonight to celebrate giving birth to our daughter, Jill, years ago! Back then you got to stay in the hospital for at least 6 days! I got to stay 7! Now they Moms-to-be sit in the parking lot of hospitals just so they can have a extra day in the hospital. Crazy to kick them out so fast. But then they kick you out even faster for back and hip and even heart surgery. :eek:

You all behave.


2nd Officer
Good evening, finally get a chance to check back in!

Dave, about all I can say is the retreat was amazing! But like Las Vegas, what happens at Cursillo, Stays at Cursillo. :D

Kathie, a Very Happy Birthday to Jill! Enjoy your Celebration Bourbon!
Your picture of breakfast cooking on the grille brought back flash backs of hurricane season & no power, thank goodness for gas grills!

Lee, hope your appt. wasn't delayed by much & even more important I hope you passed all your tests with flying colors!

Pat, that must have been interesting having a stray dog show up in costume, usually only see that at Halloween. How did the lamb shanks turn out?

Bill, you're right a win no matter how small or how ugly is still a win. Hope the casino continues to be kind to you as well! That sure seemed like a fast cruise.

Still trying to catch up around here after being gone all weekend. Jane spent the night again Sunday night so I could help her set up an online IRA account. We got that done & after she went home I chilled for most of the day until around 3 when I had a meeting with our HOA treasurer.
This morning I went to water Tom's plants on his patio while he & Grant are visiting family in Ohio. Then this afternoon was melon smashing. I left early because I wanted to drop my Dr's release off at the dentist & set up my appt. for the extractions. Nov 8th at 8 am I go in to have the last 4 teeth left in my mouth pulled. Not looking forward to it, but 3 infections in 2 months is just to much to mess around with. Got to the radiologists about 20 mins before my appt was supposed to be & was in my truck ready to go 10 mins later. That place doesn't mess around, works for me!
Tonight was the community pot luck at the club house, it looked for a while like it was going to be a bad turn out because of rain, but it stopped about 15 till 6 and then we had a decent turn out.
Now I'm ready to put my jammies on & get comfy, catch you all in the morning


Wacky Wabbit
Dinner was great and the waiter made it fun for all of us with his jokes! The DRINK was just what I needed.

Karen: After all you did today I hope you got real comfy and rested up. You're one busy girl lately! And that's a GOOD THING.

Off to see if the Detroit Tigers can hold onto a slight edge in the bottom of the 8th!

Lee: Hope you got a good report buddy!

Nite all.


2nd Officer
Time to pick the brains of you ever smart Bunnies. In your never to be humble opinion, what's the best way to keep bananas from ripening so quick. If we buy them slightly green on Tuesday, by Friday they are all spotted and mushy. And Kathi does NOT eat mushy bananas. We leave them out on the kitchen counter, away from direct sunlight. Our only solution so far, is Kathi putting mushy ones in the frig for me. Any other ideas?

Another dry day here. For Ohio, it's been the driest September since 1908.

Good choice on getting the last 4 teeth removed, KC. I never knew they could make it so complicated and drawn out. No more toothaches. YEA!

K2; Come to think of it, having your celebratory "Old Fashion Bourbon" for your daughter's birth.......She's old enough now to have one with you.

Oh BB, you're making me hungry again. I too could go for a good thick bowl of chicken noodle soup. So thick that you could actually eat it with a fork.

Even toward the end of your cruise, keep those updates coming, Bill.

I give Lee, how delayed was your 9:15 appointment?


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
The meet n’ greet with the cardiologist was actually live in his office.
I started this at 6:05 this morning and somehow got distracted!
Anyway, he was only 15 minutes late. He was pleased with everything and reduced the strength of one medication and added another back in. One which I kinda quit because I thought it was for bp and that was doing fine. Some of these meds are, according to him, like additives for your gas and oil. So, even though the bp was good I should have kept taking that pill. Damn. I just want to get off of all of them.
Well Dave, if you don’t want bananas to go mushy in the kitchen store them in the dining room. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Actually I have heard that if you wrap the stem end in cling wrap that helps preserve them as does storing them with the stem in a bowl of water. I also read that once ripe they can be kept in the fridge and that slows the ripening process.
Good call to eliminate the source of your tooth and jaw problems Karen. Nothing worse than a toothache! Please tell us the treasurer wasn’t trying to coerce you into another term or position…
A belated happy birthday to Jill. I hope she bought you that drink! Right you are about hospital stays. I reckon that’s why they have revolving doors. In, procedure, out and the door doesn’t even stop rotating.
I sure hope that you and Bert spelled all of your cyber family’s names right in the new wills. ;) I have been tempted to do a pot of soup too Pat. We have a couple of recipes, one tried and true and a new one, that I’d love to make. If and when it gets a tad cooler.
Do those you are supporting in your football pool provide tax receipts Bill?
It was sad to read that David McCallum had passed. Although known for playing “Ducky” on NCIS, he actually originated the roll on two episodes of JAG. There's a great trivia question to score a buck or two!
Fuel has dropped to $1.52 per litre here. That would make it, if I’m correct, about $4.50 USD for a US gallon. Either way, it’s cheaper than it’s been for a while so I may as well fill up.
Have a great and safe day everyone.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good late morning. everyone! Day started out looking very grim outside. Still not that sunny, but better than earlier. One nice thing I saw this morning when I came out into the kitchen - There were 2 beautiful American bald eagles sitting on a rooftop by us. Definitely a mated pair. Wish I had a decent camera to take a picture of something like that. Usually don't see the pair together. I guess eggs have not been lain yet or one of them would have stayed on the nest.

Lee - Glad your doctor visit went well. I know what you mean about having to take all these pills. I take 6 or 7 every morning and then 1 going to bed. Most of them are for blood pressure and come from my cardiologist too. At least most of them are relatively inexpensive, as compared to the breathing meds. Those are big bucks.

Dave - Most of Lee's suggestions to keep bananas from getting mushy are right. I've also read that if you put aluminum foil around the stem, it will slow down the ripening process. Good luck figuring it out.

Kathie - I just realized that I never got to wish Jill a happy birthday yesterday. I hope your bourbon drink hit the spot.

Karen - You wore me out with all you did since you came home from your retreat! Slow down, lady. Glad you're going to get those teeth taken care of once and for all. No more infections!!

Bill - The party is almost over. That sure went quickly. I hope the casino continued to smile on you right up until the last minute.

The lamb shanks turned out perfectly. The meat is so tender and there was plenty of gravy to put on the potatoes. Got enough left for tonight's dinner too. Also will finish off the chicken noodle soup for lunch today. Easy day for me!
So who's going to watch the clown show tonight? For lack of anything else to watch, we'll put it on.

Gotta run - phone call ...

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just saw that as of next Monday (October 2nd) Stephen Colbert will once again have new shows thanks to the writer's guild settling their strike. YIPPY!!! We've missed so much good stuff from Colbert while that strike was going on. He could do the whole show as a monologue to catch up!!


Chief Security Officer
Suitcases packed and ready to be put in the hallway later tonight. Almost impossible to believe that the cruise is almost over. So glad we made it to Greenland even though our mobility issues limited our time ashore.
Contrary to previous experiences, the casino's slots have continued to be generous much to my pleasure.
Didn't win enough to pay for another cruise but going home with still some money in my pockets is a nice, if unusual experience.
Lunch in the main dining room instead of the Windjammer was a good experience. Chicken and waffles was quite good. This has been a wonderful cruise on a beautiful ship with a terrific staff and overall, friendly passengers and a unique (to us at least) itinerary. Next up for us is the Christmas cruise with all of our family.
Not looking forward to the drive home but will be happy to get home.
Will likely sleep in until late tomorrow but will try to check in at some point tomorrow,

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As good as any getaway is Bill I believe Dorothy said it best. “There’s no place like home”. Mind you, what does a kid from Kansas know. Safe travels my friend.


Wacky Wabbit
SAFE Travels as you make your way back home. Hope you still have some of that FOUND MONEY with you! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Thanks for all the B-Day wishes for our Jill.

And her DAD picked up the tab for everyone's drinks and dinner. Art offered to help and, of course, Mark said NO WAY OUR TREAT. My drink was very good.

I have nothing for you wonderful people today.

Lee: Good to read that your visit with the Heart Dr went as well as it did. Once on some of those heart pill, you're always on them. I've cut my one heart pill from 2 times a day to 1 time a day and feel just as good as I did when I took both of them. I think if I took the blood thinner once a week my blood would still be THIN. It's a pain to get even a paper cut. Hate it.

Kathi Allen: That quilt is fantastic. You do good work. Thanks for sharing with us.
We only buy 3 bananas at a time and I do wrap the stem end. I hate buying too many because of the FRUIT FLIES and having the bananas get brown and mushy. Put brown and mushy ones in the freezer for future Muffins or Banana bread.

BB: Good to know your Lamb Shanks turned out so good. I love them in the Winter.

A good SOUP to try is UN-Stuffed Pepper Soup. Nice and thick and easy. Make enough to freeze a bunch of it for a quick meal when it gets cold. Or if you live up North, like some of us, for when the snow fly's.

Out of here for now. I'm off to Krogers to get us some much needed bread, eggs and 1/2 & 1/2 and a bunch of other stuff.

Art has managed to eat 1/2 of the huge Pumpkin Pie from Costco's. I had one slice. I must say it was very good. (that coming from a person who can take pumpkin pie or leave it) :emoticon 0140 rofl:

It'll be good sleeping tonight with the windows open. Nice to get under the cover, but harder to get up in the morning when the room is cooler.



2nd Officer
Thanks for all the B-Day wishes for our Jill.
And her DAD picked up the tab for everyone's drinks and dinner. Art offered to help and, of course, Mark said NO WAY OUR TREAT. My drink was very good.
Is there something you have been keeping a secret all these years Kathy??? If Jill's Dad paid for the dinner & Art's offer to help was turned down what am I missing?:eek:
Another crazy busy day in Belleview & I am beat, I even laid down on the couch this afternoon & took a nap for a little while. More running to do tomorrow and then Friday I have no where to go, so hopefully I can just catch up & relax