Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good catch, Karen! We need more information about Jill's dad and Art> LOL

Just dropping by to say good night. Time for a glass of wine and to settle in to watch the clown show. See you all in the morning!


2nd Officer
"Just saw that as of next Monday (October 2nd) Stephen Colbert will once again have new shows thanks to the writer's guild settling their strike. YIPPY!!!" That is music to my ears, BB. I was wondering if that writer's strike would ever end.

Thank you KC about not understanding what all that talk of Jill's Dad and Art were 2 separate people. I read that about 3 or 4 times and never could decipher it. Good for you taking a BEloved afternoon nap.

Nobody is happier than Kathi about her T-Shirt quilt being finally done. And the granddaughter that got it still has a gazillion more T-Shirts.

I appreciate you Bunnies suggestions on how to make bananas last longer.

Finally Bill, you'll sleep on a mattress tonight that is form fitted to your body.

Kinda stealing your quote Lee; "There is no mattress like the one at home."

Grocery shopping this morning at the smaller store. Yes, bananas are on the list. :) And more than 3 of them.


2nd Officer
Good morning, decided to try and get on here & post first thing this morning instead of waiting until afternoon when I have run out of brain cells. Now I just hope the coffee kicks in soon!

Dave, as for banana's getting ripe to fast I've never had much luck with that either. I'm not a huge banana fan and if I buy more than 3 at a time at least 2 of them are going to end up as banana nut bread. Which when bananas were cheap wasn't a bad thing. I've heard those banana tree hanger things help too, but have no clue if they do or not. Tell Kathi I too said the quilt looks amazing!

Pat, I missed the circus last night, but from what I've read so far this morning I don't think a glass of wine would have been enough to be able to sit thru it, more likely would need a case!

Lee, good to hear the Dr. visit went well. It's amazing how drugs can be used for different illness than what they were originally made for. And really interesting to see how many "human" drugs can be used for pets. The Bp meds Scooter takes is human as is the Gabapentin she takes on occasion.

Bill, well I would imagine you are probably heading back to the homestead about now or will be shortly. There sure aren't any lingering goodbyes when the cruise is over, more like here's your bags, hit the road jack! Nice you are coming home with some extra cash in the pocket too!

Planning on getting housework done this morning. This evening is the crafting meeting at church at 5:30 and then choir practice at 6:30. I think this will be my last craft meeting, with choir practice it turns into a pretty long evening. It's been fun, but I will finish my mermaid and call it quits.
I had a meeting with Rev. Lisa yesterday about the retreat weekend & being active in church & she mentioned that she likes her members to have no more than 3 ministries. Otherwise they tend to get burnt out to fast. Since I already have 2 choir & ground crew she suggested I take my time before choosing anything else to become involved with. Of course church dinners, bible study or coffee hour hosting don't count as "ministries" :emoticon 0100 smile: I know I rattle on about my church a lot, but outside of family & you folks, I've never been involved with such a kind & caring group of people. There are of course a few that are a little more rough around the edges, but over all it's pretty awesome!
Have a great day all, housework isn't going to finish its self!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave - Nice to know that something so simple as telling you Stephen Colbert is coming back made you day. I think he should do the whole show as a monologue covering all the things that happened while the strike was going on.

Karen - Good advice from your pastor about how much to take on. You don't want to burn out your battery now, do you?
Trust me, you didn't miss much last night during that debate. At times they sounded like a bunch of high schoolers the way they all kept talking at once. You couldn't understand anything they were saying. The moderators totally lost control. Obviously, they never heard of turning someone's microphone off once in a while. You could see they had favorites that they wanted to give a chance to speak. And yes, it was worth more than one glass of wine. By the end of the debate, I went ahead and had a glass of moonshine!! That should tell you something about the evening.

Bill - I'm sure you're well on the way getting home. Hopefully, you won't run into any rush hour traffic and will have a smooth ride home. Bet there will be a nap in your future today!

Got the gang coming for dinner tonight instead of tomorrow night. Jimmy had bought a big piece of filet mignon, but hadn't had time to trim and cut it into steaks, so he sent it over here for Bert to cut and that's what we're having for dinner tonight. Might also have shrimp cocktail, if we remember to get some shrimp ot of the freezer.

Other than that, it should be another quiet, boring day around here. But for right now, I really, REALLY need a cup of coffee.


Wacky Wabbit
Good AFTERNOON wrabbits! Wow…where did the morning go?
Cloudy, but not raining here now. It rained most of the night and early morning. Not hard, but enough that Art did not go biking!

I’m still laughing over my BIG MISTAKE as to who is Jill’s Dad! Ha ha. Thanks for catching that Karen!
That’s what happens when you make yourself a nice size “Old Fashion” drink and your brain goes to mush! (Boy would Tony have had a filed day with that mistake.

What a wise Rev Lisa, to explain why you should “limit” your ministries. I wish I had had that kind of guidance decades ago. So glad you have found a caring Reverend and church family.

BB: I wanted to ask you just how is Jimmy doing since his operation? Is he sticking to doing what he was instructed to do or is he cheating already? I hope he’s behaving.
Your dinner sounds REALLY RICH and that makes it yummy. Hope you have some leftovers.
There was a “Special“ on TV last night about how the GAY HEAD Lighthouse was moved from the edge of the cliff to a safer location. AMAZING how it was done.
Google Moving Gay Head Lighthouse to see the video. I can’t seem to get it to ‘paste’ on here.

Trying one more time.

Bill/Rita….seems like 14 days flew by for your cruise. You’re next family cruise can’t come soon enough! Now did you GAIN ANY WEIGHT on this cruise? Ha ha.

You all have a good day. Sure wish the SUN would come out.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well good evening from our room at The Drury Inn in Frankenmuth, MI. Funny thing. When we got up this morning we said “What’s up for today?” I went on the Drury web page and they had rooms. CHEAP! I guess like cruise lines they’d rather have rooms occupied than empty so…
Reverend Lisa sounds like a very wise pastor Karen. You do seem happy with the folks in the congregation. That’s neat. The crossover between pet and people meds is a lot closer than we all think. Except the people version can often be less expensive.
What a neat video Kathie. Thank You! I was expecting 2 hours and 38 minutes when you said afternoon movie.
We didn’t watch any of the debate Pat. The outcome of the election is important to Canada and us being so close to MI and liking to support the FL economy in the winter. It just seems that the Republican’T Party is hellbent (can I say that?) on not being cap able of nominating a decent person to run for President. Filet and shrimp. Again, what’s not to like.
Good luck with “Bananarama” Dave. Has Granddaughter come forward with a whack more T’s for “Granny Kathi” to work her magic on?
Straight to the bank with all those winnings Bill! Welcome home.
Hmmm. Bill and his winnings remind me I’d like to pick up a $925 MILLION powerball ticket tomorrow.
OK friends, you all have a fantastic rest of the evening and a great Friday. Yes, we’ll be careful heading home.


Wacky Wabbit
Well, I just not sleepy tonight.
So, you get a post from me in the EARLY EARLY MORNING! YUP, I know you’re thrilled.

Lee: I got to see the cute pictures of Ava up at Frankenmuth. Good choice for a quick get-away. And double good that you beat the WEEKEND crazies, especially since the temps are going to be close to 80’s. In another 2 weeks the Color Change tourists will be all over that area and further North.
Have you been to Frankenmuth before? Did you go for the chicken dinner? I must say I just can’t eat the amount of food they bring you. But I still try.
We could have met you guys up there….next time give us a call. It’s not that far for us. ;)
Glad you liked the Lighthouse video.

Today, Friday, we’re going to meet up with an Anderson Nephew at his brothers newly purchased “Dive bar”! (It’s really not that bad)
He’s bringing his Aunt Tass to see the place. It’s her 77th
B-day and he called to see if we wanted to meet up with them to help celebrate! Well, of course we do. I went to Kohl’s and found a really warm, cozy and cute lap blanket. 60x60 size. Hope she likes it. Hard to think of what to buy someone that stays inside most of the time a gift.

BB: How did that dinner turn out? I bet not many leftovers. Do you like Escargot. I found this recipe that I’m dying to try. It has lots of garlic, lemon and butter in it. Now to find some snails!

Karen: What was the ‘craft’ you got to make at church? Something for Halloween?

I didn’t watch a second of the debates. Saw a flash of the screaming on the evening news. That was more than enough. Our country is about to go into a budget shutdown that will affect everyone and screw a lot of things up and we have these idiots screaming at each other. Only in America.

Somebody asked if the Auto Strikes trickles down to Art. YES, they always are looking out for the RETIREES when negotiating. After all, one day the working Union folks will be retirees. We don’t get anywhere near the increases the working union folks get, but there’s always something in it for us!

Okay gang, I’m off to see if this over-active brain can slow down and get some sleep.

WELCOME HOME TO BILL & RITA ….when you arrive!
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2nd Officer
Ah yes, there was a time when if you needed a 60W lightbulb you just went to a store and got one. Easy peasy. Not anymore. Now that they are phasing out the old kind of lightbulbs, you've got to scratch your head with all the selections, and hope you got the right one. All different colors of light they can give off now.

Yes, 60W lightbulbs was on our grocery list yesterday. And surprise, surprise, Kathi didn't come home with anything pumpkin-spice.

I for one, found the news story about moving a lighthouse to be quite interesting, K2.

Rev. Lisa has probably seen a few people getting burnt out by volunteering for too many things, KC. It was nice of her sharing that observation with you.

Yes BB, I am excited about new shows of Colbert on Monday. I rarely turned on his show during the writers strike. Not interested in jokes concerning events of months ago.

Wishing all of you Bunnies a good Friday.


Wacky Wabbit
Adventure Time Coffee GIF by hoppip
We actually used up some of our Starbucks Star rewards and got a Pumpkin Spice Latte yesterday. It was BOGO free day. (buy one, get one free) Overly sweet for me. I'm trying to use up the Stars. I haven't been to a Starbucks in awhile. I will be sure to pick up a box of their Cranberry Bliss Bars when they bring them out for the holidays. YUM.

Dave: I should have stayed up a tad longer. You followed my post "1 hour later". We could have had a chat! Ha Ha.

Okay, I'm off to get that cup of coffee and make out the grocery list. I was looking over the Kroger flyer and the Digital Coupons had a few things that caught my eye. I haven't done a big grocery shopping in awhile. I was trying to use up as much as I could in the cupboards. I know one thing I have WAY TOO MUCH OF is PASTA. All shapes and sizes. Not sure how that happened.

Lee & Lu-Ann continue to have fun in PURE MICHIGAN. Hope Ava is having fun too.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Another nice morning here, but you know what we are expecting later this afternoon. This summer pattern just doesn't want to end. We may not be getting temps in the 90s, but everything else remains summerish.

Kathie - I totally understand not being able to sleep. That happens to me a lot but differently. I have no problem falling asleep, but when I wake up during the night between 3 and 4, I can't go back to sleep. I don't get up and hope I can get back to sleep, but it just doesn't happen. Of course, it helps that Bert snores away and that too keeps me awake.
You had asked about whether Jimmy is still following the diet that went with his surgery. The answer is definitely YES. He has lost around 125 lbs and works out 3 to 5 times a week in the morning before work. Following his diet and with the right meds, Missy has lost 49 lbs! I'm so proud of both of them. Of course, it makes it harder for me to make dinners for them any longer. I might have to buy some of that protein+ pasta made with chickpeas. That's something they can eat.

Dave - How did you manage to get out of the supermarket without any pumpkin anything? That's really hard to do this time of the year. I've got a pumpkin roll in the refrigerator and only eat a small slice. Laurie makes her own and it is so good, but I can't be bothered for just Bert & I. The Publix one is pretty good.

Bill - I hope you and ita made it home without any problems. I bet you're going to be spending a lot of time at home over this weekend with all the rain that's scheduled. The northeast is once again getting it's butt kicked.

Lee - How nice that you were able to get away for a mini vacation and at the right price. You can't beat that. Does this Drury Inn also have the nightly wine tasting? What are you planning to do while in the area?

Our dinner last night was so good. Aside from some peppers & onions that were leftover, everything else was consumed. I had made a few baked potatoes and 2 sweet potatoes. That worked out perfectly. M&J at the sweet potatoes and the rest of us ate the baked potatoes. Jennifer actually at 2 baked potatoes. That little girl has some appetite and she's growing like a weed.
Speaking of Jennifer, she now has a business! She makes beaded bracelets and necklaces. She really does a great job and plans to take a table at the next craft fair in our community. The girl is a natural salesperson and will negotiate on prices. She totally cracks me up.

Not much planned for today. I am so mixed up on what day it is due to the family dinner being on Thursday instead of Friday this week. I keep thinking that I've got a GATOR game to watch at noon today. WRONG!! The game is tomorrow.

Time to do a breathing treatment. It only takes about 5 minutes, but it's still a pain to set it up. May as well get to it before I start to make a western omelet for our breakfast/lunch.

Have a wonderful day, everyone! Don't forget about the super moon this weekend.


Chief Security Officer
There were delays getting off the ship as CBP took quite a while to process non-US citizens (mostly crew, I think) and we sat on an outside deck for more than half an hour waiting for them to let passengers off. Then things moved quite slowly with only a short wait for our ride to arrive to take us back to the hotel to pick up our car. This driver apparently thought we wanted a scenic tour of Newark because what was a short ride from the hotel to the pier turned out to be a lengthy convoluted journey back to the hotel. For a time I feared that the Fairfield Inn where our car was parked was not the Fairfield Inn that he thought he was taking us to. Eventually we made it and the driver helped us unload his car and load the then it. We met in our debarkation lounge at 8AM but with all the delays and the lengthy ride it was after 11 am before we drove out of the hotel parking lot and headed home. Except for heavy traffic approaching the GW bridge and heavy traffic in parts of CT we made it to Rhode Island about 3:15, had a good meal at our favorite Providence eatery and were finally home around 5:15.
Did minimal unpacking and hit the bed until 9am. As BB mentioned we will have rain for the next couple of days but it is supposed to get sunny and warmer next week.
I think I may have put on a few pounds over the past two weeks, but when I got on the
bathroom scale this morning, it appears that the battery died while we are gone, so the actual amount will remain a mystery for the time being.
Good to be home, but glad to have had the past two weeks on Jewel of the Seas. If anyone would be interested in a similar experience, Grandeur is doing a 15 night RT out of Boston next September. I'd recommend it highly.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi AGAIN gang!

Went to the nephews bar and all 3 nephews were there to help celebrate Aunt Tass's B-Day.
She was thrilled with all the attention. She loved the "throw" we got her and the Fish Fry lunch we had was EXCEPTIOINAL. The fish was hand dipped and fried to perfection. The gal doing the kitchen work and bartending too was amazing.

DAVE: Glad you liked the LIGHTHOUSE VIDEO.
Don't get me started on replacement LIGHT BULBS. Takes me forever to figure out what to buy to replace a lousy 60watt bulb these days. And I CAN'T STAND the "BLUE" looking color from some of the lightbulbs. :eek::rolleyes:

So did any of you folks see the AFTERNOON or EVENING NEWS with all the RAIN and FLOODING in NYC and New Jersery etc, etc areas. WOW. Water flooding the subways. Streets with cars floating around. Basement apartments flooded big time.
And the weather guy said it wasn't over. :eek: :oops:

Take a look at these pictures if you have time to click through them. Flooding in NYC

Bill: Hope you and Rita can straighten out your sleep time. You went through a few time zones on this cruise. Glad you made it home safe and sound.

BB: Aunt Tass has oxygen and she was huffing and puffing after walking from the parking lot to the bar. If you remember, she and her sister (Judy) were both in the hospital at the same time after going to a cousins funeral in Tenn. They both got Covid. Judy unfortunately didn't make it and Aunt Tass was touch and go. Her lungs are bad from smoking most of her adult life and then getting hit with covid issues.
Please make sure you do your breathing treatments. Thanks.

Lee: How's things going on your get-away road trip? Are you going any further up in Michigan or are you home by now?

The weather is suppose to be just perfect until next Thursday. Good time to take care of things out in the yard. I hate pulling flowers that are still pretty, but once the weather changes it will be in the 50's and that's NOT FUN temps for me.

Karen............What's the craft you made girl?

Out of here for now. Enjoy your Saturday all. Be safe.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning!

Where ya at K2? Decide to sleep in? It's nice to read that the UAW doesn't forget about the retirees when the union gets a new contract. "Aunt Tass" sounds like she might be a hoot, for going to a bar on her Birthday.

Here's an idea BB. Whenever you wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, just convince yourself that Bert's snoring is the sound of the ocean. You'll be back to sleep in no time.

With the weather forecast for the northeast, make sure you keep a life-jacket in your car Bill. :) Yea, we believe you that the battery died in your bathroom scale. Sure we do.

Hi to the rest of you Wabbits.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Welcome home Bill and Rita. It sounds like you had a long day but that likely only made your own bed that much more appealing when you got home.
I have to say that all of the folks that we met in Frankenmuth were all living breathing advertisements for spending time in their area. From the employees at Bronner's Christmas Store to the clerk in the post office to the young ladies in the two coffee shops we visited, EVERYONE was pleasant, super friendly and could not have been nicer. The folks at The Drury all came around the front desk to see Ava. The young maintenance fella even sat right down on the floor with her. Sadly, dogs are NOT allowed in most places in town.
Yes, Pat. Every Drury has their nightly "wine tasting" to go along with their 5:30 kickback.
We did make our way to a shopping complex called The Village of Rochester Hills on the way home Kathie. They had a Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and the worst Starbucks I have ever been in. Lots of shops with shiny things and clothes for Lu-Ann. Not a hardware store in the whole place for guys. ;)
From your description Aunt Tass kinda reminds me of Marcia's Aunt Willy?
Dave, with the cost of living increases in my retirement package I do better increase wise annually than I ever did while I was working. Any collective agreements Canada Post signs now have no impact on my pension.
Mornin' Karen. What mischief are you and your sisters up to today?
Apple Festival in a town about 30 minutes from here so we're heading out for a wander and look about. After Her Royal Highness gets her walk at The Navy Yard. I'm talkin' Ava here, Not Lu-Ann. Boy, if she reads that I'm gonna get a hurt put on me!
You all have a fantastic day.



2nd Officer
Good morning! It's been grey & dreary here the last couple days, with some light rain thrown in just for fun.

Lee, how cool that you, LuAnn & Ava were able to take a wander over to Frankenmuth for a vist. That used to be a favorite trip for my girlfriend & I when I lived in Ohio. I still have ornaments I bought many years ago in Bonners Christmas shop!

Kathie, sounds like Aunt Tess had a great birthday! Dive bars & hole in the wall restaurants are cool places to visit & celebrate special occasions! Nice that the unions remember the retirees when they negotiate their contract. The post office here doesn't do that for their retired folks.

Dave, I'm pretty sure there is a law somewhere that from Sept-Dec. 1st all shoppers must buy at least ONE Pumpkin flavored item, tell Kathi to expect a visit from PCE very soon! Pumpkin Code Enforcement

I'm with you on all the crazy lightbulb sizes, if you get really lucky sometime they will say on the package "equal to X watts" but not very often, they wouldn't sell as many light bulbs if they all did that!

Pat, wow, that's amazing that Jimmy has stuck with the plan & lost that much weight, congrats to him & Missy as well!!
And how neat that Jennifer has started a business, you need to post some picks of her work. How old is she now?

Bill, welcome home! Sounds like a long day and a less than stellar end to your trip but good to hear you had a nice time in spite of everything. Hope the rain & flooding doesn't get to bad in your area.

For craft night I painted the mermaid that I had made last time & then the lady was going to glaze & fire it again. I probably won't get to see the finished product because it's just to rushed trying to go to crafts at 5:30 and then get over to choir practice by 6:45
Last night Jane, Barb & I went to the fish fry at the Catholic Church, I got fish & Barb & Jane both got the chicken tenders. They said it was good but the cake they picked out for their dessert was very dry. At least they didn't pay an extra $2 for it since we had the gift certificate. Some friends from the Villas came in when we were about half done with our food so they sat with us.
This morning I need to go water Tom's plants on his porch, measure the flower beds at Miss Reba's for mulch, spray weeds in Debra's back patio & stop off at my friends to give her a couple tomato's from my uncle. They are starting to go bad because I can't eat them fast enough. None of these projects should take very long
When I get home I am going to make an applesauce cake with cream cheese icing & an unstuffed cabbage casserole for our church potluck tonight. Just another day here in Beautiful Belleview!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Morning, everyone! Sun can't wuite make up its mind this morning whether it wants to come out or not. Right now it's leaning toward coming out, but time will tell.
Kathie - Nice that Aunt Tass got to go to the dive bar to celebrate her birthday. She sounds like she was made of good stock. So how many drinks did she have?
Lee - What a great little getaway you had! Sounds like a very interesting and friendly town. Nice that you got to go to the Christmas store. The one that was in this area just recently closed. They had such unique stuff as opposed to Walmart and the other mass market stores.
Karen - You sure you have enough to do today? LOL Man, you just don't slow down, do you?

Dave - You said: Here's an idea BB. Whenever you wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep, just convince yourself that Bert's snoring is the sound of the ocean. You'll be back to sleep in no time. Only problem with that is that he sounds more like a lion roaring than the sound of the ocean! Once again last night he kept me awake for hours listening to him and not being able to get him to stop snoring.

Bill - Sorry you had such a hassle going home. But I bet sleeping in your own bed made up for it. So how's your weather doing today? I haven't checked the weather for other areas yet today. Just stay inside, if the rains are still coming down.

So let's see what's on tap for today around here ... We're repotting some of my Christmas cactus plants. They really needed it. Then we're going to move some of the orchids that are not blooming off the bakers rack to give the ones in bloom a little more room. Oh, yeah, we've also got a Gator game to watch.
But for right now, it's time for a cup of coffee.


Chief Security Officer
The headline in this morning's paper says it all: "If It's Saturday, It must be raining'. I believe this has been the second wettest Summer in memory. Another good day to stay inside and vege out.
We had our youngest granddaughter, Jaclyn as our guest overnight. Her parents, Lisa and Jason, and Jason's family, flew to Ireland last night and will be there for a week. Jaclyn will be staying with one of her cousins tonight and with her uncle, Kevin for the rest of the week, since he lives closest to her school and can get her there and back each day. Jaclyn is a sophomore in the Culinary Arts program at the regional technical school. The school operates a restaurant on the campus that is open to the public, so I expect we will have a few lunches there next week. The food is excellent and prices are very reasonable.
The VCR recorded the first episode of "The Amazing Race" so we watched it this morning. All I can say is that nothing about it made me think of signing up to participate in a future program. When I saw what one of the teams had to eat in order to earn a pass that would allow them to bypass some task that comes up in the future, all I could think was "what task could come up that would cause anyone to be more willing to bypass than what they had to do to earn the bypass?"


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon Wrabbits!

Watching the Detroit Tigers. Lots of accolades to our retiring #24 -Miggy! He’ll be missed on the field, but is going UP to the front office to take on another position.

Bill: Hope the Sun comes out for you guys soon. Nice that the Granddaughter can spend some time with you two.
We have a Culinary program at our local college that serves lunches for a minimum price. I’ve gone to it when I was taking some classes one year. Excellent good for the price.

Karen: Your family and neighborhood friends are so lucky to have you doing so much for them. Hope Scooters doing well these days.

BB: Fantastic on Jimmy and Missy’s weight lose. Kudo’s to them both. I’d LOVE to lose some weight. Maybe one I finally get the knee fixed up I can start walking again. Biking doesn’t take any pounds off for me. :D

Lee: I have to agree with you about that particular STARBUCKS bring plain old HORRIBLE. The staff has never been good from the time they opened. I refuse to go in there anymore. I don’t need coffee that bad. I’ve been in that Whole Foods maybe 2 times in all the time they’ve been open. Just WAY OUT IF MY PRICE RANGE! I could put down money for a down payment on a house for what they want from their MEAT DEPT! And the FISH Dept is even worse.
I do like the Bravo Italian restaurant there. Heat Chopped Salad and Crème Brûlée. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Dave: I was totally fast asleep when YOU were most likely doing a bathroom run! Ha ha !

Back to the baseball game.