Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Sunday morning. So I wonder what the republicans are going to try and screw up today. As I heard on a news show last night, "Elect clowns, expect a circus".

We've purchased Christmas stuff from Bonners over the internet before, but it's probably a lot more interesting going into their Christmas Store.

I'm impressed when someone says they lost 50 pounds. But losing 125 pounds shows you a whole new level of determination.

Not much on our agenda except a quick trip to Walley-World this morning.

Lots of fall festivals going on in Ahiya this weekend. Beer fests, buying and selling anything to do with apples or pumpkins. Even a Mac & Cheese festival with over 20 different kinds.

That's pretty much it for me, except for an oddball thought;

I'll never be young again, or any younger than I am today.



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Coffee GIF by theBrokerList
YES.... we have
SUNSHINE this morning! Suppose to get to 80F. Bring it on.

Dave: I love the quote you posted:
"Elect clowns, expect a circus." How true. I'll have to borrow that one.

So the Democrats got the vote to keep the COUNTRY OPEN until at least November and then we can do this ALL OVER AGAIN. What a way to run a country as big as the USA. Geez.

We had Waffles for breakfast. Made it feel like it truly was a Sunday. Ha ha.

The most I did so far today was make a pot of coffee, eat breakfast and fill my 7-day pill holder. That should be enough for today. Don't want to overdue things. :emoticon 0140 rofl:

We'll be headed for the Lake Cottage around noonish to enjoy the sunshine. Should be nice over there for the next 3 days and then things start to change. But we won't dwell on that.

So LEE.......where are you two off to today? Can't possibly just stay home! Ha Ha.

Karen: I hope you mention all of us Wrabbits while at church. We have no choir director today, so even though I should still go to church I'm taking a PASS DAY today. :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Have a WONDERFUL DAY ALL. Come back and tell us all about it.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and happy first day of October! What's different about today from last month? Not a darn thing!! It's still summer here in Kiss-my-a$$. Of course, right now we have some very dark ominous clouds passing over. I hope the rains don't come too soon. We're still repotting of a few plants to do.

Kathie - Your waffles sound so good. I would have made some too, but I'm not sure where my waffle iron went off to. Every time things get used around here, they get put back in different places from where I always kept them. If they end up on the wrong shelf in one of the lower cabinets, I'm stuck because I can't get at them. I tried to convince Bert to get those roll out shelves, but that never happened. So, no waffles around here this morning!!

You said:
We'll be headed for the Lake Cottage around noonish to enjoy the sunshine. Should be nice over there for the next 3 days and then things start to change. But we won't dwell on that. Am I missing something here? What's going to change?

Karen - It's nice to know we have someone who goes to church and says a prayer for all of us heathens. Keep up the good work!!

Dave - Have fun at Wally World today! We stay as far away from that place as possible in our area. The employees love to tell you they don't speak English, so they don't have to help you and the people who shop there are the nastiest, nerviest people who will push right in front of you to get what they want. They have never heard the words "excuse me" in their lives. I hope your Wally World is better than ours.

Lee - Thanks for the information about the Drury Inn. Now here's my question - Where's the closest one to us? Asking for a friend!

Not much planned for today beyond getting those plants in new pots. Thought about going for a ride today, but with the chance of rain, that doesn't sound appealing. Guess it will be time to get some snacks and settle down to watch some football. I sure hope the Steelers do better than the Gators did yesterday. That was a pathetic game which I think is going to lead to the coach being fired very soon.

That's about it for me right now. Time to read the newspaper and enjoy another cup of coffee before the repotting begins. Have a super day, gang!


Chief Security Officer
Sorry about those Gators, BB, but on a bright note, BC rallied from a 21-7 deficit to beat Virginia 27-24. Hope the Pats can do as well today against the Cowboys. I fear, however, the Cowboys will be smarting so badly from last week's debacle against Miami, that they will be seeking to take out their frustration by beating up on the Pats.
Sun is finally out but the temps are only in the 60's today with warmer weather on the way.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Sunday afternoon to you all.
My gosh Bill, we're looking at mid 70's here in The Great white North with temps set to rise over the next week. This is October, right?
Tell your "friend" that the closest Drury is about 1/2 a mile from Disney Springs Pat. The next closest one I can think of is in Valdosta, GA. Yes, they all have 5:30 kick backs. I'll be keeping an eye on a couple of NFL games this afternoon too.
We headed out for breakfast here Kathie. A neat little place in Windsor called "Anchor Coffee". Best of all, Ava is allowed inside with us. This morning there were three dogs (Ava was the smallest) and two children. The kids were all over the place and screaming like banshees while the dogs all just sat there and looked at them.
Living where we do Dave, we can go to The Navy Yard and have front row seats to look across the river at the circus. What a great quote! All I can say about Bronner's is their property and store are HUGE as is the hotel complex attached to it. If there's a Christmas decoration out there, they have it.
Agreed. Losing 125 pounds is like making room on the planet for a whole other person!
Karen, Sunday is traditionally a day of rest. I hope you get a chance too.
Time to help Lu-Ann get her Hallowe'en decorations out. I can do that seeing as I cut the back lawn when we got home from breakfast.
Everyone be good!


Wacky Wabbit
It was a great day at the Lake. One nephew was busy bringing in the dock. Another was there to pull out his boat and we got to hang with Aunt Tass and then after lunch mist of us grabbed our books and found a comfortable spot on the grass to read. Ashley was soaking in the sun and reading when she realized she was laying under an WALNUT TREE. Yup,1 of those hard golf ball size heavy nuts dropped on her back and before she could move her blankets 2 more barely missed her! We were all laughing and she a good sport about it. :cool:
The local weather man on channel 4 has his cottage 4 doors down from our cottage. We thanked him for the great weather.
Jill has a small treasure Hunter gizmo and she was in the water finding nails, metal washers, a double sided small wrench and some Penny’s.
She brought everyone bags of
Downey potato chips. Every one was happy to get them.

BB: I think you asked if Tass had a birthday drink at the bar the other day. She only drinks coffee.
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Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Your Pats were about as bad as our MICH STATE Univ football team.
We had to switch station they were so bad.

BB: What's going to change is the fantastic weather. Temps will drop from 80’s to 58 degrees. And rain too. Not to mention LOWS AROUND 38F. Yikes not good at all.

Here’s a few random pics from around the water.



2nd Officer
Another piece of exercise equipment disappeared from the end of our driveway yesterday, well before the sun went down. Even before the trash can was put out there for today's pick-up. A sit-up gadget that we no longer use. With Kathi on a mission of getting rid of stuff we no longer use in our basement, I've got a feeling that teenagers keep an eye on our driveway around trash day.

BB; Our Walley-World here is full of nice helpful workers. As for customers, there is definitely no dress code. And with the sunshine yesterday and warm temperature, the place was a zoo.

Oh joy, in about 6 weeks get to watch another cluster-f**k of congress trying to shut the government down, K2. Looks like a dandy day at the lake cottage.

At least the Lions, and Bills won yesterday, Bill.

Lee; That is so neat that the "Anchor Coffee" lets people bring their pets inside. Such a shame that they also allow people's kids inside too.

After yesterday's church services, are you going into Monday feeling a bit calmer, KC?

No reason for this song. It just reminds me of where I was when it was on the charts, (1974)


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just time for a quick post this morning. We're going to Leu Gardens for a couple of hours. It's a free admission day, so we decided to take advantage. Even after all these years of living here, we have never been there before, so I'm looking forward to it.

Kathie - Those are some neat pictures from the cottage. Glad Aunt Tess only drinks coffee. Good for her.

Dave -We've got some kind of exercise thing in the garage. I think it was Gary's years ago. It would be nice to get it out of there to give us a bit more room. Nice song, by the way!

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to stop back later after we get home.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
"I'm leavin'. On that midnight train to..." Oh, hi there. You caught me singing along to Dave's tune this morning. Fortunately I was sitting at the computer. Not in the SHOWER!!! :eek:
Believe it or not Pat, we know where Leu Gardens is! We have passed it on the way to Gideon's Bakehouse (the amazing cookie place that's also in Disney Springs) which is not too far away on Corrine! Enjoy your day. We expect a full report later on please.
You need to post a sign at the end of the driveway Dave. "Coming To Garbage Day This Week". You could list what's to be expected and folks would be able to come by if they're interested. ;) I agree...nice song.
It looks like a dandy day at the lake Kathie. We all have to be careful where we park at The Navy Yard because the black walnuts are dropping there too!
Needless to say I was happy to see Buffalo put those upstart Dolphins in their place yesterday. Although it was back and forth during the first half.
We got a text and picture from our niece, Tiffany, yesterday. She was beaming from ear to ear as she had just won a gold medal in her karate competition. She was told when she started he martial arts that she had excellent control and form. She has kept at it and yesterday her dedication and effort paid off.
Best get going here. Lu-Ann found a wall hanging while we were in Frankenmuth. It's much smaller and lighter than the big framed print that was on the wall. BUT I need to fill the old picture hanger holes and touch up the paint. I'm hoping that my tried and tru "Q-Tip paint brush" will do the trick. If not, well, I guess I have a wall to paint. Karen, is it wrong to ask for a little divine intervention to have the easy fix work?
Hi to the rest of the gang and all of you have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good almost AFTERNOON Wrabbits!

We were up and at it early this morning. Art had a 6 week Retina check-up.
Good news for a change after eye was dilated and x-ray'd. The LASER ZAP worked on the aneurism! It's not bulging. Whew! Goes back in 6 weeks and hopefully more of the post Laser Zap swelling will be all but gone. After almost 3 yrs of dealing with this issue it's nice to have some "light at the end of the Retina"! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Got to listen to the MORON's 8 min political speech this morning after dropping Art off. What a piece of CRAP this sub-human is. Trashing the Judge right in the courthouse lobby. And then at the same time on his so-called social media page ASKING that everyone donate $30 bucks towards his legal fees. REALLY!! :puke::emoticon 0119 puke:

Dave: Good for Kathi getting rid of unused exercise STUFF from the basement. And nice it got picked up. I bet a SCRAP MAN comes around your area just like the one we have up here.

Thanks for the Midnite train to Georgia song. I played it as I typed along here. Is there really a train that goes to Georgia??

Nice that you can take advantage of free admission to the Leu Gardens. Hope you have a great day.

Karen: What's going on in your neck of Florida this week? Hope Sunday church was inspiring. You'd love it up here today. No wind, No humidity and blue skies. Pure Michigan.:clap002:

Lee: I always love that you know more about Bert & Pat's Florida area than they do. Ha Ha.
Congratulations to Tiffany. Nice accomplishment.
Enjoy TODAY and Wednesday.... we're in for some UGLY RAIN and a drop of at least 30 degrees in temps come Thursday.
Regarding that new picture. Measure TWICE and pound the nail in gently ONCE! Are you sure you don't need the O.G.C. gang to come help you out! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Bill: Your Pats team were.... well .... let's say NOT THERE for the game!

Later gang. I need to get my car washed. And I'm not taking up my time doing it myself. It's REALLY DIRTY.... even for a White vehicle that really doesn't show the dirt.


Chief Security Officer
I don't think that the team wearing the Pats uniforms yesterday could beat a team from The Little Sisters of the Poor, as we used to say when I was much, much younger. Congrats to the Bills for the way that they manhandled the Dolphins, Lee.
There was a strange yellow globe in this morning's skies for a change and those skies are blue instead of gray, and the government will remain open, at least for the moment, so all's well with the world.
Listening to Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis, I have to wonder if there is something in Florida's waters that causes the Republicans in Florida to choose such Luddites to represent them.
Now that I am home and have a good internet connection I can finally read those books that I loaded before the cruise, so that is good.


2nd Officer
Quick check in from Belleview, life lately seems to be one never ending merry go round, the scenery changes a bit but you never really get anywhere! I did get 8 bags of rubber mulch put down for Miss Reba today so that was a plus. Other than that I was busy but couldn't really tell you what if anything I accomplished! Tomorrow is another day so I plan to start fresh then, until then have a GREAT evening all!


2nd Officer
Rachel Maddow plus Stephen Colbert yesterday. It doesn't get much better than that for evening television viewing.

Nice to see you checking in KC. I think we all have those days where we were busy all day but can't recall getting much of anything accomplished. Normal daytime chores just don't get much credit as a needed accomplishments.

So nice hearing from all you Bunnies yesterday.

For now, I'm crawling back in the sack.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I'll type softly, as Dave may still be sleeping.

Lee - Realized that Leu Gardens is right next to the hospital where Bert had is hip surgery. He was surprised that I knew the area and all the great places right there.

Kathie - Great news about Art's eye. I hope it continues. I too heard the moron's rant yesterday. Apparently he went on another rant on social media during the night after the late night TV hosts made so many comments about him. His best line was that he wished the strike had never ended! Talk about anti union!!! Don't feel bad about not getting the car washed, ours hasn't been washed in quite a while either.

Dave - Good thing I recorded Stephen Colbert. I was so tired I slept through half the show! I'll watch it in a little whole.

Bill - That was not very nice of you to say such nasty things about our esteemed governor and Matt Gaetz. Us Floridians have known what those 2 have been like for a long time now. Heck, Gaetz even transported an underage girl out of state to have sex with her and nothing was ever done about it!:mad: He also is entertaining the idea of running for governor, God help us! Glad you're finally getting to read those books you recorded.

Karen - So who are you doing anything for today? Sister? Neighbor? There has to be someone on the receiving end of Karen's help!!

SO now for my review of Leu Gardens ...First of all, apparently in the morning on the free day, this is a very popular place for mommies to walk their babies. There were strollers all over the place. Thank goodness they were pretty well gone around noontime. It actually was more crowded than I expected. We covered about half the gardens. This was the first long walking Bert has done since his hip surgery, so he had to stop every once in a while and sit for a few minutes. He basically did the gardens like he shops - just keep moving! Not a lot of chances to really check out any plants or flowers, so I never got to take any pictures. Bummer! It started to get really warm (89), so we left around 1 and headed for home. I'd like to go there again, but when the weather is much cooler. End of review.

We're supposed to go to Music Bingo tonight, but we shall see. Usually they have it at the Grille where you can get food and drinks, but now it's at the rec center where there is nothing to eat or drink. We'd have to bring our own beverages. I can just see it now - wine in a to go covered coffee cup. That's about the only way we'd go, so we might just skip tonight.
Speaking of the Grille, Bert looked in the window yesterday and said they haven't done anything to start getting it organized. Who knows if it will ever reopen anytime before the end of the year. :emoticon 0107 sweating:

Time for a cup of coffee and to see if Bert ever decided to get up today. Talk about a sleepy head!!!


Chief Security Officer
That is quite an indictment of your fellow Floridians, BB. The fact that the have known the sordid history of Gaetz and have experienced life under DeSantis and keep voting for them is almost incomprehensible.
Sorry to hear of the latest problems with the Grille. It certainly has had a checkered history that has become even more checkered since Chef John left. Hope there is some action on it soon and they can open a "new and improved"Grille before the end of tthe year.
We are finally getting to enjoy some of that lovely weather that the rest of you have been experiencing, With predicted temperatures in the 80s for the next few days we may actually have an Indian Summer this year. Of course on Saturday we are of course, expecting rain.
HOA is hosting an Italian dinner at the end of the month. No menu or price yet, but I expect it will be good and also pretty affordable.

It would have been difficult to avoid last night's NFL game here because 3 of the channels on our cable system were carrying it. Talk about over kill. It was on the local ABC channel, ESPN and ESPN2 (that one with Eli and Peyton commenting).
It was a sad weekend for us Boston sports fans with the news of the
deaths of Tim Wakefield (brain cancer) and Russ Francis (plane crash). They were big favorites of Red Sox (Wakefield) and Patriots (Francis) fans. Seems we are losing all too many great people recently.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
keep voting for them is almost incomprehensible.
Bill, in the words of Forrest Gump..."Stupid is as stupid does". I had seen that Russ Francis was in a small Cessna that had an emergency and failed to safely return to the airfield. The weather here is pushing 80F today with a return to reality on Saturday. Much cooler temps and rain.
Except for the Mommies and their kids Pat, it sounds like you somewhat enjoyed your trip to the gardens. Based on how you describe his shopping and touring of places I'm sure that Bert and I are related. ;) I consider that an honour.
I woke, the kind of woke from a sleep not the political kind, about 4:15 too Dave. But I elected to stay in bed for another hour and a bit. When I got up it was super foggy! No school buses meant that the kids either had the day off or the Moms or Dads had to drive them.
After visiting The Navy Yard we decided to do some running around. On my list, like Kathie's was wash and vacuum the Subie. The vacuuming part got done. There were two cars in line at the car wash so that will wait. Worse than rush hour I say!
We did some running about to take care of some chores which had me thinking about Karen's observation. It didn't seem like we'd accomplished anything.
Funny lot we humans.
One of the chores we took care of was picking up some fresh fruit. The strawberries were from a little place in California called Watsonville. That of course had me thinking about Tony and wondering how Nancy, the kids and grandkids were all doing.
We're meeting friends from Toronto for breakfast tomorrow morning in Kingsville. They were in Point Pelee yesterday and last evening enjoying the sunsets and some fine Ontario wine. They're staying in Kingsville tonight.
Well look at that. It's a quarter to wine. :)
Everyone have a fantastic day.


2nd Officer
Good evening! Another day on the Merry go round, I did at least make it to the grocery store so the kitty's are well stocked with cat food again!

Dave, smart move crawling back in bed! I seem to be waking up around 5:30 in the morning lately, sometimes I can doze back off, other times I give up around 6:30 & just get up.
Monday DID start out calmer, unfortunately it didn't seem to last very long

Kathie, looks like a fine time was had by all at the lake, nice you could get up there & spend some time with the family. Great news about Art's eye & the laser procedure!

Lee, perhaps the car wash was running a Tues. special?
When I visited Nancy & Tony in Calif. I got to see some of those Watsonville strawberry fields! Tony was a great tour guide during my visit

Pat, to bad you didn't get to spend more time enjoying the gardens, even with our cooler mornings lately it sure doesn't take it long to get hot again! Your Grille remodel sounds like the Marco's Pizza that is supposed to be going in near the new Publix here in Belleview. The sign has been up on the building for close to a year now but the inside is still pretty bare. I did notice some activity in there yesterday so there may be some hope it's actually going to be going in there.

Bill, our community dinner this past month was Italian themed, we had quite an assortment of pastas, salads, and desserts.

Had a package to drop off at UPS this morning to return to Amazon, then picked up Jane & we went to the grocery store. Came home & puttered trying to clean up my desk area by sorting, tossing or filing all the pieces of paper that seemed to pile up there. Had a couple calls regarding HOA matters but thankfully they were resolved pretty easily. Tom & Grant are back from their trip to Ohio so I took their key back to them & chatted for a while. And that was about the extent of my day. Need to tidy up the kitchen a bit & then see if there is anything worth watching on TV tonite. Have a good one gang!