Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Hoping you get sprung from the hospital this weekend, BB.

Well, Kathi and I got the newest Covid booster yesterday. They no longer ask for your covid-vaccination card to update it. Now they just update it with the CDC. When the first vaccination came out, I guess they had no idea there would be this many boosters.

Speaking of cards; It made me wonder what I did with my draft-card, when I was a young lad. (No idea.) All I remember is that my draft number was so low that it was guaranteed that I was going into the military.

Mister Manny is SOO cute. Thanks to your video K2, I now know what "upper deck golfing" is. I had no idea that there was such a thing.

KC; By your post, should I believe that you have or haven't gotten the new Covid booster?

I've got a feeling Lee that you're not a fan of truck traffic. Today's safety tip; if you can't see the trucks' mirrors, the truck driver can't see you.

The real bright fall colors haven't hit yet around here either, Bill.

Since the pharmacy we got our shots at was inside our larger grocery store, we went ahead and filled our short grocery list while we were there.

Yes, Kathi snatched up some pumpkin-spice English muffins.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Coffee GIF by Chippy the Dog
For my Wrabbit friends! Thought this was
appropriate! 50F.. Brrr.

Well, I'm proud of Dave & Kathi and Rita and Bill for getting the Covid boosters and other shots too. Dave do you go back for the Flu and the RSV shots or did you get a combo too?

Sure hope our Mama Bunny is getting the treatments and will be home soon.
Just not the same without her "Food Inputs"! I'm wondering how the family exists when she's in the hospital? :oops: Get better PAT.

KC: Good idea to quarantine yourself when you get back from visiting Amanda. Also, a good idea to get the Covid shots since you're so active in the church and around more people than usual. Just make sure you have a MASK on while you're traveling through the airports. For your sake and for Amanda's too. I'm sure her
immune system is fragile with all she's been through lately.
How did things go with the Homeowners Interviews for board positions?

Bill: Liked your post about the "1st's" with the presidents. And you have a jerk former president that is most likely going to be allowed to RUN for President again that has

91 felony counts against the former president across 4 cases! Only in America can this be happening. It's disgusting.

Lee: So........did you do a CHILLY WALK through Navy Park this morning with Ava? Brrr. I bet you can't wait to get to Florida and are over the top knowing you have a place already reserved. I've been looking for a place on the Gulf side, but most all of the places are already gone that we've been to or are WAY OUT OF OUR BUDGET since the prices went up after the hurricane in Fort Myers area. All those renters gobbled up places and are paying the unbelievable HIGH costs! Time will tell if we go to Florida or do a Puerto Vallarta vacation. Reminds me that I need to make sure to buy a couple of POWER BALL lotto tickets for tonight's drawing. 1.4 Billion could buy me a nice permanent place to vacation. Heck, it could buy a place for all of the HUTCH to vacation in 1st class style. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Okay, I'm out of here. Need some fresh HOT coffee to try and warm up. Lordy it went down to 48F degrees just while I was posting. And NOPE I refuse to turn on the
furnace in the 1st week of October. That's what sweat shirts and long slacks are for! Ha Ha.

Have a good weekend folks.
(not too sure about Pumpkin English Muffins) I'm thinking of making some Cinnamon-Raisin English muffins one of these days) Very easy and I can freeze some.



2nd Officer
Good morning! Well, we were supposed to be getting a "cold" front through Florida this weekend so I thought I would go out & work on organizing the garage some more, not sure where the cold front is but it sure hasn't reached Belleview yet, it was hot & muggy working out there!

Dave, you are correct I haven't gotten the latest booster yet, before I didn't think I would but being around so many people lately that have come down with covid I think it would be a good idea to get it. Hope Kathi likes the pumpkin english muffins, I've had them before & was kind of disappointed in them

Kathie, cute pic of Manny as usual! Prices here in Florida whether you are buying or looking for a place to rent are just ridiculous!
The interviews yesterday were not for board candidates, they were for new residents who are moving into the community. We go over the community by laws with them, answer questions & give them info about the activities that are available in the community. I'd be interested in trying your cinn. raisin english muffin receipe.

Lee, in case I forget, Happy Early Thanksgiving! Are you planning a get together with friends or a quiet low key holiday?

Not much else going on here today, started organizing things for my trip to Maryland in a couple weeks. I will be taking some of the Christmas presents for Amanda, Leon & Alyse & hopefully wrapping the rest of the gifts that we ordered & had shipped there. Every year I keep suggesting we just give them money & every year we hear, but we wanna open presents:emoticon 0145 shake: so presents win again!


Wacky Wabbit
KAREN: I'm going to try this recipe for English Muffins. I've made them before and they are easy and really very good. I plan on making these and freezing some with my FoodSaver vacuum sealer so we'll have some on hand.

This recipe had a great Video. You can print off the instructions that are at the bottom of the page.

Just watch the video a few times and add-lib some of the stuff this guy says.
One thing I would do is wipe out the frying pan after each batch to avoid the burnt look on the nice fresh muffins.
I'm going to try and add a touch of Cinn and Raisins in the mixing bowl and hope it works.

LEE: I think on a nice cold day or two you and Lu-Ann would enjoy trying to make these English Muffins. Let me know if you actually make them!

Our Mama Bunny is being DISCHARGED today! Yippee. Now let's get her Cubbie all cleaned out and ready for her. I added a vase of my fresh cut flowers. :emoticon 0115 inlove:


Later gang.
Last edited:


Chief Security Officer
When we arrived to get our vaccinations yesterday, it seems that somehow our reservations were not both for the same store. Mine was for a CVS a couple of miles away, but the clerk was able to do his magic and we were able to get our shots in the same store, We had a bit of a wait but the process was pretty smooth and quick and before too long we were out of the store and heading back home. Rita has been complaining of a sore arm but the only time I experienced any was if I turned over on my side in bed and lay on that arm.
It's Saturday so it is raining (and gloomy). Lisa and Jason and Jason's family arrive home this afternoon after a great trip to Ireland, Have seen some of their pictures and they brought back great memories of our times there.
Dinner tonight with our cribbage friends. Should be fun.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A cool afternoon here in The Burg. But then again it was cool, um, cold and felt like 39F at 5:30 this morning when Ava and I headed out. And it was still cold down by the river at 8:30.
Thank you for the good news about our Pat
Kathie. Let's all hope that there are no more visits to the hospital for a LONG LONG time.
Our boosters won't be available until the middle of October Bill. Or so the brain trust tells us. We will most certainly be getting the booster, flu and likely whatever other shot they are giving out and suggest that we should have.
I found it interesting that the English Muffins are done in a frying pan Kathie. As good as they look I'm thinking that our friend Thomas makes a fine English Muffin and all I have to know how to do it open the bag. Mr. Manny sure is one good lookin' pup. How's he feeling? Lu-Ann and I are so fortunate to have found the lady that we rent from for the winter. It may not be on the beach but it's not in the cold and snow either. Our rent has only gone up 10% over five years. Other friends have seen their rents double. I like to think that it's because we take care of the house, leave it clean and don't complain about every little thing while we are there.
Thank you for the wishes Karen. Half the gang is in Dewey Beach for a Greyhound gathering. Monday is games day so in a twist to the theme someone is bringing turkey soup - made from their left over Sunday turkey, we are doing baked potato skins, someone is bringing rolls and we have pumpkin tarts for dessert. Always a good idea to quarantine after being around any little folks. Or "germ factories" as I like to call them. Jim and Gail may stop at their daughter's in Cleveland and have said that if the kids so much as have a sniffle they won't be here Monday.
That rule of thumb for transports is something I do try to do Dave. I don't hate all semi drivers. Just the illiterate ones and the ones who think that the left lane is reserved for them. Refer again to the signs that clearly state "No trucks in the left lane".
I find it sad that no matter what or who is involved we tend to paint all of that group with the bad brush. Human nature I guess.
I know the clock says wine but my tummy feels like coffee. I'm sure I can rectify that. If I have enough wine I'll forget that I wanted coffee.
Whatever you all do for the rest of today, please be careful and enjoy!



Wacky Wabbit
3:18 pm
Nice posts Lee & Bill.

In honor of Kathi Allen's love for PUMPKIN anything..... I stopped and got a Pumpkin Spice Latte on the way home from my errands today.
The WIND could have replace my GAS in the car it's so intense out there right now. Cloud-bursts of drizzle every so many miles.

Lee: Making English Muffins is really easy. The hard part is waiting for the dough to rise.
It's a nice way to warm up the kitchen on a cold day. I might try making the dough tonight and frying them up tomorrow.

I can't believe I'm going to say this.......but I managed to find a 50% off deal on a item at JoAnn's that will end up as 4 Christmas gifts. Yup, MISS HUMBUG actually thought ahead and bought something for Humbug Day! Ha Ha.

Later gang.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Time for just a quick good afternoon and to thank you for all the get well wishes. My problem was definitely caused by the smoke from the Canadian fires. It took 2 days before we were warned to stay inside if you have respiratory issues. Now I feel fine again. I'm just trying to decide who to call - Morgan & Morgan and Dan Newlin to sue Canada for a couple million dollars! My chances are better than hitting the lottery. LOL

Taking it easy today. M&J are making snow crabs for sinner tonight so there's no work for me. I'll be back tomorrow after I go back and read everything. Thanks again for the good wishes. Love you all lots! :emoticon 0152 heart: :emoticon 0115 inlove: :emoticon 0152 heart:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer


Welcome home Momma Bunny. I got you some flowers.


2nd Officer
So nice to see you home, BB. So what did they do for you at the hospital to clear out your lungs? Hey, you got a couple days off from cooking. :)

Happy to hear that you are getting vaccinated up, KC. It should be effective by the time you head to Maryland in a couple of weeks. Kathi was not impressed with the pumpkin-spice English muffins. Now she doctors them up with cinnamon.

So how was that pumpkin-spice latte, K2? Christmas shopping already for you. Please tell me that you haven't gotten down the boxes of Christmas decorations yet.

Lee; So nice of you getting BB some flowers. Sure is handy living close to a cemetery. :) You are darn lucky renting a place in Florida and only having the rent go up 10% in 5 years. It pays to respect people and their property. You've given me a hankering for some baked potato skins.

Neither Kathi or I got any arm soreness from the Covid booster, Bill. But the flu shot created a bit for me.

Drat, yesterday's 7 PM sunset was the last sunset until March which is at or after 7.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
How time flies.
Three years ago today I was boarding an aircraft in FLL to bring Ava and Latte home. Jim and Gail met me at YYZ when I landed to help. They took Latte home and Ava started the last leg of her journey from China to Amherstburg.
All this as the world was just starting to emerge from covid. We could fly across the border but not drive. Masks on the aircraft and in Canadian airports and public spaces. A different time for all of us.
And That, for now, is my early morning thought.
All of you have a wonderful Sunday.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by ircha_gram
Brrr cold here in "Pure Michigan".... 42 degrees! Yikes. But Sunny.

Welcome back BB! You know we all missed you. Rest and check the pollution levels before going outside on the lanai.

LEE: WOW.... it doesn't seem like you have had Ava for 3 years. How wonderful. I remember when you told us all about her. She's a cutie and gives you lots of unconditional love. Ava should get a extra treat today!

Dave: The Pumpkin Latte was good. I have them put only 1/2 the syrup in it and that way it's not OVER POWERING with
pumpkin flavor. The drink is just too sweet for me.

Art and I are going to a Celebration of a former Biker who passed away last year. His kids live in various states and have planned this celebration at their Dad's favorite tavern. He use to go there and do sing-a-longs. It's from 3:00 - 6:00pm today. So we'll go and celebrate a great biker.

That's it from me for now. Be good, stay warm if you live above the Georgia border! HaHa.


Chief Security Officer
BB, your governor is always talking about how he would deal with the problems at our Southern border, maybe it is time you asked him how he intends to deal with that miscreant smoke invading our states from our Northern border.
Dinner last night with our cribbage crew was a success and we emerged from the restaurant well-fed.
BC did a great job defeating Army yesterday. BC's QB actually scored all four touchdowns to. pull off a last minute win. Only hope the Pats can do as well this afternoon.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Hi everyone! Slept in until after 10 this morning to make up for some of the sleep I lost while in the hospital. Those 4 AM blood draws really mess with your sleep pattern. Almost as much as a tech wanting to know if I wanted a bath at 4:30 AM!!!
Speaking of the hospital, I had an interesting observation. Since being there only 2 weeks ago, it was amazing to see that almost all of the staff has masked up again. You hardly saw anyone with a mask 2 weeks ago. I asked the nurse and she said while not required, they suggested it as a good idea.

Thanks for all the good wishes from while I was in the hospital and then heading home. It just feels so much better to be at home and doing what and when I want.

Dave - They managed to get my lungs cleared up with lots of breathing treatments . I get to do them at home too, but with different meds. Only problem in the hospital was that the air is so dry, I ended up with a sore throat for a day. Got rid of it with drinking lots and lots of water. Now that I'm home, it's better.

Kathie - I found out the perfect way to check for our local air quality now - Alexia ... where else? Just thought of that this morning.
I hope you enjoy going to that biker's life celebration today. That certainly would be different.

Lee - Thank you so much for the flowers, but that's till not going to stop my suit against Canada. That was just wrong sending that smoke so far south and ruining our great air quality.

Bill - They wouldn't sign my punch card. Heck, they wouldn't even give me a t-shirt as a frequent visitor.

Karen - Good idea getting the shot. We're having trouble finding a place to get it in our area. It's in very short supply. Waiting a day or so to make sure I'm all better before I start calling around to make an appointment to get the shot. I'm sure we can thank our wonderful governor for this shortage as he's recommending people not get the shot. He's making it as hard as possible to find it.

Our snow crab dinner last night was wonderful. I had orders to stay seated and not do anything. I like orders like that!! LOL Only problem with cooking this dinner in the house was that the place stunk of seafood boil. I know you would have hated it, Kathie. I sure was glad the smell was gone by this morning.
Got some cooked chicken cacciatore out of the freezer this morning. Easy meal over pasta, once it all defrosts.

Seeing as how Alexia says our air quality for today is good and the temp is a really comfortable 77, I do want to get outside for some fresh air. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well Pat. I have a little scientific theory about that smoke. Had there not been such a vacuum between your governor’s ears (yes, small “g” governor) the smoke would have drifted out over the ocean and simply dissipated. Instead, the aforementioned vacuum sucked said smoke directly to FL. I do apologize to you on behalf of all Canadians.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Apology accepted, Lee. Canada is forgiven! Guess I'll just have to wait for the next African dust storm to make it across the Atlantic to fulfill my "get rick quick" plan!! :emoticon 0136 giggle:


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, you would think with you being such a loyal & valued customer that Celebration could have turned loose of a coffee mug or some other small token of their appreciation for your patronage! I sure wish I could get somebody to show up at my house to cook, I'd even do clean up if someone else was cooking!

Lee, Happy Gotcha day to Ava! Hard to believe it's been 3 yrs already. Also, you are kinder regarding the space between our governors ear's than I would have been, I don't really understand why he leaves the light on when there is obviously nobody home!

Kathie, I hope Art's biking buddy gets a great send off, it sounds like he was highly regarded.

Dave, the latter sunrises & earlier sunsets are a little depressing this time of year. Sat. is work day at the church & one of the guys mentioned this morning that it would most likely still be dark at 7 when we start. We need to get in & get done & get out because they have a church service starting at 9.

This afternoon was the blessing of the pet's ceremony at Church, I took Ginger & Scooter, they were not happy campers on the ride there, but once we got out & settled down in front of the church they did fine. There was a goat, a rooster, a mini horse, about 10 dogs & 3 cats there. First time I've ever gone to something like that.

Called Publix this afternoon to renew a prescription & to make an appt. for my booster. The person who answered the phone said they have the Modena Booster but you have to make the appt. online. Well online doesn't give you any option to choose the booster or the brand, plus my Publix was not listed as an option for the vaccine, so I have an appt. for Tues. morning at another publix & hopefully will be able to get the right shot.
Tomorrow I'm going to Jane's for probably the last mow of the season & to pressure wash her front walk way & driveway. I probably won't get all the pressure washing done tomorrow but I'll try. Weather is supposed to be cooler & over cast so that will make it nicer to work in.
It was nice & cool here this morning so I have a pot of chili going in the crock pot, it's really starting to smell good in here. Have a great evening all!


Wacky Wabbit
Back from the Celebration of Life for Art's biker friend.
The family came in from Texas. Had a few guys drive in from Chicago area too.

It was at a Tavern in a not so good area of Detroit, but it had a fenced and guard watching the parking area. The inside of this Old Bavarian pub was amazing. Had one of those old huge Organs and one of the guys knew how to play it and after speeches from the 4 out of 5 grown kids and the 2nd wife they did a slideshow , told old stories about T.J. and the did his favorite sing-a-longs.
I could only wish for such a lovely celebration of life. Just perfect.
It was so kind of the family to have it during the DAYLIGHT hours. Driving home was a breeze.

It's windy and COLD here. 53F. I can't believe it, but I broke down and turned on the FURNACE. It was warmer outside than in the house earlier this morning. :eek: :rolleyes:

BB: Glad you home and hopefully you'll be still be able to go on your cruise.

Karen: Good for you hunting down a place to get your flu booster shot. We need to do that too.
Lee: STAY WARM over on your side of the Detroit River.

I'm out of here for now. We have 2 PBS series that we watch on Sundays. I've got my PJ's on and a robe. I'm thinking of making a batch of Popcorn for us.

You all behave and stay healthy please.


Chief Security Officer
Can't say I like these later sunrises and, more specifically, the earlier sunsets. Had to adjust the timers on the living room lights or we would be sitting in darkness before the 5pm TV news was over.
Absolutely disgraceful performance by the home team at Gillette this afternoon. Looks like a QB should be the first item on next year's draft as neither of the present occupants of that position earned their salaries today.
I see that CBS' "60 Minutes" is 90 minutes long tonight. Guess that says something about the effectiveness of the Writer's strike. The alternative would have been another mindless game show or reality program. Shudder!!!
Enjoy your Turkey Day tomorrow, Lee and LuAnn.