Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
We're due Wabbits for one of us to win the 1 1/2 Billion dollar Powerball drawing tonight.

"the blessing of the pets ceremony at church". Now THAT is a hoot, KC. Especially when you mentioned the rooster, mini horse and goat, along with the cats and dogs.

It's nice to see you feeling better BB, along with your sense of humor still intact.

K2; I like that "Celebration of life" for someone who's passed being held at a saloon with happy sing-a-longs. Yes young lady, furnaces being turned on when it's cold is what they are for.

Yes Bill, game shows and reality shows is what the writers strike had driven the networks into to fill air time.

I liked your comments about how things have changed in just 3 years, Lee. It's amazing how in just a matter of a week things can completely change. (Record and watch a news program of today's news a week from now.) Call me a dummy but I for one don't know hardly any airports by their letter designations.

No plans for the day, although Kathi has been hinting about going to IHOP for some pumpkin pancakes. I'm still trying to figure out which airport she's talking about. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning everyone. Thanks for the turkey day greetings.
I got our back yard cut yesterday afternoon and a few Halloween decorations put out front. The bright sun certainly made the temperature and cold wind a little more bearable.
IHOP Dave? That’s the International Home of Planes. I hear they also serve pancakes. I’ve always liked the three letter airport designations. Some seem perfect but others seem like they were arrived at by drawing tiles out of a Scrabble bag.
What a great send off for T.J. Kathie. Yes, we should all be remembered through songs, laughter and stories. “Some of ‘em true and some of them not”. Furnace was on here last night too.
The Bills certainly did nothing to show they want to be post season contenders either Bill.
Knowing we were forgiven will allowed all of Canada to sleep better last night Pat. We are a polite and sensitive nation you know.
The blessing of the animals at your church put a smile on my face Karen. I don’t know why but it reminded me of this fun tune by the late John Denver…

It seems even Ava knows it’s cold. She hasn’t been up for her early walk with me for a couple of mornings. Since the temps dropped to feeling barely above freezing. That dog’s smarter than I am. No comments from the peanut gallery.
Well, I guess if the dog isn’t going to get up I may just as well get a coffee.
Each and every one of you have a fantastic Monday.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, LEE & LU-ANN! In your honor we might get one of BJ's roasted turkey breasts to make some sandwiches.

Lee - That was a fun song. I never heard of it before. Sounds to me that Ava is one smart dog not wanting to go out in such chilly weather.

Kathie - Sounds like a great sendoff for T.J. Glad it all went so well, especially the singalong. That's always the best part.

Karen - A lot of churches have the blessing of the animals. Some get a really big crowd with a few really unusual animals. One girl brought her pig to be blessed. We should have done that with our imaginary traveling companions from years ago. I remember Poncho, but can't remember the other one. Getting old sucks!!

Bill -NBC does have a few decent shows right now that aren't stupid game shows. We had to break down and get Peacock in order to watch them, as the pi$$ing contest between DISH and Hearst continues. I also hate this getting light so late and gettting dark too early. By the time it's Happy Hour, the sun is already setting. Once the time changes, it's back to very long nights without much to do.

Dave - So did you make it to IHOP? I haven't been there in years, but always loved their pancakes.
I agree with you about the airport names. Our airport in Orlando actually is known by 2 different letter combinations - OIA, for Orlando International Airport, as the locals call it. Officially it is MCO. That stands for McCoy Airport. Before becoming a commercial airport, it was an Air Force Base called McCoy and so they kept that. See - A history lesson for you today.

I need to stick close to home today, as I know I will be getting follow up phone calls from the hospital and various others regarding my stay. At least it will give me something to do today while Bert does some running around.
Ate that leftover chicken cacciatore last night and still have enough for tonight. I like nights like this, but I know it's not going to last!!

Have a super Monday, everyone. Stay safe and behave.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Afternoon Wrabbits.

Delivered Art to the Eye doctor for a check-up. (this was the regular eye doctor) All is good and doesn't need to see him for another year. Works for us.

KAREN: Now about the blessing of the pets. We have a Serbian Orthodox church in Monroe, Michigan that sets aside a day to ..... are you ready..... BLESS CARS! Yup, they line them up in the church parking lot and the priest goes up and down with a wand that has water in it and then a Incense wand and blesses the cars. (donations are optional) Anything to make a few extra bucks! CRAZY if you ask me. Ha Ha. I'd go along with the pets getting blessed before a car any day. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

I managed to finish off the BIG PILLOW I was working on. It's not something perfect enough to sell in a craft show, but it sure works out good on our couch. And I can take off the the fabric and wash it if necessary. I have one 9x9 that I need to sew, but I'm done with that project for now. I'm beginning to feel like the "pillow man" making all these pillows. LOL

Lee: Hope you can find some type of Turkey to help celebrate Thanksgiving today. And the John Denver video/song was one I never heard of . Kind of cute.
Good for AVA knowing enough to stay in bed and not have to go out in the cold until absolutely necessary. Bet she'll be as happy as you guys once she's in Florida.

BB: You best be taking it easy over your way and doing the breathing treatments.

I'm off to find a few things for grandson ERIC for his birthday tomorrow. He actually gave me a few tips. All stuff I can find at AUTO ZONE to clean his truck. Works for me. And we happen to have a Auto Zone not far from the place I plan on using that FREE CAR WASH coupon at.

YES DAVE, today is the day to get the car washed. No rain alerts so far. Just COLD . 51F Sunny

Out of here for now.

Praying for the people of Israel. So sad that this is happening. The horror stories of what they are doing to the captives is beyond anything we could imagine. Lord help them all.


2nd Officer
Good evening! It was a beautiful fall day here today, so I got up early, got Jane's front yard mowed, pressure washed her porch area & about 1/3 of her driveway, and I'm BEAT!! It doesn't seem like it would be very much work to just stand there & point a pressure nozzle at some concrete, but my back is giving me what for tonite!

Pat, Penelope the pig & Pedro the donkey, wonder where they ever ended up? Last I heard they were doing a Vaudeville Show in Vegas but that was years ago.

Lee, Happy Thanksgiving, I always knew animals were smarter than us humans, & Ava's reluctance to get up on a cold dark morning just proves it!

Kathie, always nice when the grandkids give you specific ideas on what they would like for Christmas or birthdays. I know they always enjoy money or gift cards but it's nice to pick out a gift they will enjoy too! And if it would help with gas mileage I'd be down for a truck blessing! :)

Dave, so did Kathi get her Pumpkin pancakes? There is a dunkin donut over by the Publix I am going to tomorrow for my booster & I think if I can get there early enough I may treat myself to a cup of coffee & a couple pumpkin donuts. I even have a $10 gift card I can use, it may cover the coffee, lol!

Time to sit down & enjoy a glass of wine while I'm waiting on my baked potato & baked chicken to get done, enjoy the evening all!


2nd Officer
We are finally home. Saturday we had an 1:40 pm flight and after two more flights we landed in Tampa almost an hour early on Sunday morning. Because I knew we would have at least a bit of jet lag we stayed at daughter's over night. While we were not all that please with the food on board we had a great time. The best food we had on board were at Cagney's and Modenero's . Only ate 2 nights in main dining rooms, one night we ate at Smith's Family Luau, which was very good. Other nights ate the buffet. We did not expect a lot from the food but service in the main dining rooms for us was terrible and the food so so The islands are so pretty and there are so many things to see and do I would love to go back.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen Posted: Pat, Penelope the pig & Pedro the donkey, wonder where they ever ended up? Last I heard they were doing a Vaudeville Show in Vegas but that was years ago.
I thought those two trouble makers were in FLORIDA. But then again, I think the current "Governor" kicked them out.
I'm thinking they got past the border patrol and are somewhere in Canada! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Off to see if I can get into a new book since there is nothing on TV........again!

Good Night Stars GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios


2nd Officer
"Now where the Hell did I put the ice scraper last spring???"

After last night's frost-warning, that's a phrase a lot of people are asking themselves this morning.

As they use a credit card to clear off their cars' windows.

I'm just sickened by this new war in and around Israel. Can't get my mind off of the cruelty and hate involved.

Humans are an aggressive animal. Which is why there will always be wars.

Most people are good, but there's more than enough evil ones searching for power, wealth, or simple revenge. And the rest of us suffer.

And all for WHAT?

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! No frost here, but it is a very pleasant 70 degrees to start our day. May as well enjoy it as the rains will return once again come tomorrow.

Dave - I agree with you about what is going on in the Middle East. We were talking about it last night. Think about it - the heart of all Judeo/Christian religions started there. To have such holy, sacred areas be the center of so much conflict is mind boggling. So sad to see the pictures of the devastation and to hear the stories is so heartbreaking.
I don't know if you remember her, Karen, but there was a gal from Gainesville who used to come to the Florida get togethers from back in the day. Daphna was from Israel and had served in the Israeli army. She's posting about people and family she used to know who have been killed or have possible been taken hostage. This has got to he tearing her up inside.

Kathie & Karen - Penelope! That's the one I couldn't remember. Those were such great adventures those two would go on. If I remember correctly, Tony was the one who started their adventure and we all just kept feeding the story. Marcia had a copy of the whole story. Unfortunately, it was lost over time.

I can't wait to get off some of these meds. At this point I am taking 14 different pills a day, doing 3 breathing treatments, using lung med twice a day and always have the rescue inhaler available. This is just too much. I'm finding that once in a rare while, when I'm walking, I get dizzy and have to sit down for a while. (Boy, if it wasn't so serious, Tony would have loved that line!!) I make sure Bert is close at hand whenever I'm walking around. He's had to grab a seat for me more than once, including yesterday afternoon as I walked out on the lanai. I can't just sit in one place all day, so I have to get up and move around. Like I said, I can't wait to get off some of these meds.

Not sure what we're doing today nor what we're having for dinner tonight. Guess I'll just play it by ear. Time now for a cup of coffee. Have a fantastic day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So a pig and a donkey walk in to a bar.
The bar keep says "Hey pig, why are you so disgruntled?" The pig replied "I've lost my voice".

The same bar keep looked at the donkey and started to say "Hey..." To which the donkey replied "Yes please".
That's all I got for now but I'm here all week.


Wacky Wabbit
LEE: Not sure when your dear Mom dropped you, but it sure has turned out to be for our benefit that we get to hear all these great 'little stories' of yours! SURE MADE MY DAY! Keep up the good work.

The WAR, the unhuman things that are happening in Israel make it hard to be cheery. The stories of what has been done to these innocent human beings is beyond comprehension. When does this *&($^* STOP. These creatures from Hamas didn't even have uniforms on. They just came in mass and destroyed lives of babies, teens, mothers, fathers and grandparents.
It's hard to believe with all that is going on that WE HAVE DIFFERENT IDIOTS/MORONS in Washington taking a break while they try and figure out who will be their next Speaker. REALLY! Shame on them. And shame on
US for letting this happen. We can't
organize our military leaders right now because the HOUSE isn't in session and when it was they had one moron that wouldn't okay a vote to advance Generals and military to move on with protecting our country. They would rather see us destroyed than to allow a VOTE to be taken to support our military. This shouldn't be their call.
BE AFRRAID is all I can say. This isn't going to go away or get any better. The T-man is a piece of crap that just won't go away. How anybody can think he can be the leader of our country is beyond me. It just makes me sick.

And with that I'm out of here for now. I don't want to make a fool of myself on our beautiful site.

Be safe and hug each other a tad more today.

BB: Please take care of yourself when walking around. Never too late to change your cruise plans. That's a lot of walking around (even in a scooter or wheelchair) it worries me. :emoticon 0152 heart:
Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit
On a HAPPIER NOTE..... Today is our grandson's 22nd Birthday! Lordy just saying that makes me feel ancient! We'll be celebrating his birthday tonight. He's a good kid and I wouldn't miss it!

By the way it's 51F and Cloudy. Yup, the furnace is doing it's thing! :oops: $$$$


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Have one suitcase almost completely unpacked, only some papers and I will get them later, in a bit will unpack the other suitcase
Good afternoon. Have one suitcase almost completely unpacked, only some papers and I will get them later, in a bit will unpack the other suitcase.

Got a decent nights sleep. And tonight should be better.

All have a great day.

Got a decent nights sleep. And tonight should be better.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
A Trump supporter was seated next to an older woman on an airplane and he turned to her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.” The old woman, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?” “Oh, I don’t know,” said the man. “How about how they stole the election in 2020 and Donald Trump should be president.” “Okay,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?” The man, visibly surprised by the old woman’s, thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which the old woman replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss politics, when you don’t know shit?”

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Momma Bunny, as hard as I am laughing, I think that Kathie needs a time out in the corner.
First for suggesting that I was dropped by my Mom. Which may be indeed true and would account for a lot of things. AND, for telling that joke.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Momma Bunny, as hard as I am laughing, I think that Kathie needs a time out in the corner.
First for suggesting that I was dropped by my Mom. Which may be indeed true and would account for a lot of things. AND, for telling that joke.
Without a doubt, Lee. She needs to go to her room to think about what she just said. Kids today ... What are they thinking?

Before I forget - Happy birthday to Eric! Hope the family party was a big success.


2nd Officer
Thank you K2 & Lee for all your jokes yesterday. In this time of doom and gloom around the world it's gotten harder and harder to smile.

Ya'll be careful BB when moving about the house. 14 pills a day, WOW. It's not surprising that you are having problems. Hope they start reducing that number.

There was an oddballer story on the news yesterday. They asked people what accent was the most appealing. Kathi and I both got it wrong. Of all things, the most appealing was the Australian accent. Followed by either Irish or Scottish. (I can't remember which.) And the 3rd most appealing accent was the English one. Which is the one both Kathi and I picked.

An unusual week for us. ZERO doctor's appointments. Fuzzbutt, not so lucky. In to see the Vet this morning for a regular vaccination.

Enjoy your day, and be good to yourself.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy hump day, everyone! Rainy morning here in the hood thanks to a storm coming in from the Pacific into the Gulf. Lucky us ... Just what we don't need right now is more rain.

Haven't got a lot for you this morning. I've been awake since shortly after 3. Seems like Bert has a new habit of getting up during the middle of the night to read while trying to get his nose to clear up. Twice since I came home from the hospital, he woke me up. Of course, once you wake up, nature calls. Unfortunately with the trilogy mask I wear at night, I need Bert to rehook up the oxygen for me. When he leaves the bedroom, he can't hear me calling him, so I have to wait until he comes back. That's what happened this morning. Unfortunately, once I was back on the O2, I couldn't go back to sleep, so I laid in bed all those hours. Needless to say, I'm not going to be worth a d*mn today! Too bad I am not a during the day sleeper and the best I might do is fall asleep watching TV this afternoon.

Sorry for going on and on, but I'm not in a good mood at all. I hope the rest of you have a better day!