Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Happy, happy birthday, Dave! May you have many, many more! :birthday:

Good morning and happy Friday the 13th! It was so humid here this morning that I couldn't see out any of our windows! Everything was so steamed up from the AC in the house and the humidity outside. The windows are finally starting to clear.

Dave - So tell us, aside from grocery shopping, what else are you doing for your big day? Can't wait to hear about any unusual gifts you receive from your daughter. There has to be something coming.:emoticon 0123 party:
Here ya go, Dave - apple pie dump cake ... Let the giggles begin!!:emoticon 0136 giggle:

Lee - Thanks for explaining KW. I too was wondering about someone driving from Key West and only stopping for a coffee. do enjoy your visit.

Karen - Glad the arm is better. What day do you leave for your trip? Must be coming up within the next few days, right? I know you'll enjoy it and the time will just fly by. We didn't get any thunder or lightening from the storm the other night. Just a lot of off and on again rains. Heck, we were even able to sit outside without getting wet for a little while before dinner.

Bill - So how are things up Mass way? You've been very quiet recently. Bet it has a lot to do with how your sports teams have been doing. You can talk to us about other things, you know! LOL

Kathie - Great gas price by you. Lowest by us is $3.33 at some regular stations and $3.13 at Sam's.

Got some cleaning up to do around here today before the family invasion this evening. Still trying to schedule a Covid booster. Hard to get in this area for some reason.

Have a wonderful Friday the 13th, gang, and don't let any black cats cross you path!!


2nd Officer
Lee, is this correct? $141.9 CDN per litre. I did a conversion and that came to over $100.

A late good morning. Have ran an errand. And hope to get at least one load of laundry done. My one big problem is my right knee is really hurting so it is very painful standing.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I skipped a period Nancy. Fuel is $1.41.9 per litre. If my math is correct that’s about $7.36 CDN for a US gallon. So, at over $100 you’re really not that far off. :emoticon 0104 surprised:


Chief Security Officer
Not much to write about recently but my high school class held its semi-annual luncheon yesterday and we had about 15 present. Not bad considering that we graduated in 1958, 65 years ago.
My calendar for the month would be pretty empty if it were not for doctors
appointments. Next one is next Monday and three more before the month ends.
They are claiming that we will likely not get any rain this weekend, which would certainly be a change from what we have experienced over the past month.
Guess we can go back to ignoring Powerball for a while now that someone (in California again) has won. We actually had two numbers in the last drawing but having two numbers without the powerball number has the same payout as having no numbers at all - NADA!
Not all our sports teams are doing poorly, BB. Boston College beat Army last weekend and the Bruins opened the hockey season with a victory. Celtics season begins shortly so we have a few teams to cheer for instead of just suffering through the rest of the Patriots season.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Birthday Love GIF by Chippy the Dog
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE! Hope it was a good one!

Hi Wrabbits. Where did the day go??
We had some errands to do and then later went to the Nephews bar for a really good Fish & Chip early dinner. Even had a Bud Lite!
Made one of those one bowl breads that you make in a cast iron casserole pot.

Karen glad you are feeling better. Worth the discomfort if you fob’s get COVID. And since you are much more active with church and more PEOPLE CONTACT and flying to Maryland is another hood reason to be protected.

Sure hood the person who won the huge lotto knows their life is going to be a mess from this point in! I’d love to have the problem! Ha ha.

image.jpg Here’s the bread!

Bill… nice to see you post!

Lordly Jim Jordan is in the running for House Speaker. They’re saying he won’t get enough votes.

Lee: Good luck with Saturdays walk. Might be too wet for both Ava and you.

BB: Sure hope you’re doing your treatments!!


2nd Officer
You were warned that yesterday would be spooky. Near Halloween, Friday the 13th, and it turned out to be my birthday.

I do want to thank y'all for the birthday wishes. Didn't do diddley, other than grocery shop. (Yes, some miniature pumpkin spice donuts did find their way into our cart.) No weird birthday presents from my daughters. Arizona daughter had a big BBQ lunch delivered here. Half a dozen different kinds of meat, cole slaw, beans, biscuits, and I can't remember what else. (Leftovers for DAYS.) Virginia daughter sent me an E-mail from Paris, which she's visiting. And had mailed me a T-shirt from Naval Air Station Oceana, before her and hubby left. Their due home in a few days, hopefully not bringing bedbugs with them. (At the moment, Paris is infested with them.)

Bill; Since you graduated from high school in 1958, you are now at the age to run for President. You'd be the first President to not only have Air Force One, you'd have Cruise Ship One. Not a bad gig.

So, so happy to hear that you are feeling better KC. I know it was a pain in the patoot, but a small price to pay for the protection that Covid booster gives you. I only have one more vaccination to go for the year. RSV.

"I skipped a period..." You're a bit old for getting pregnant, Lee. :)

I'll be honest K2, if you had just posted that picture and not said it was bread, I never would have figured out what it was.

Today I just want to keep things calm and quiet. I may need to have a little talk with the hounds.


2nd Officer
Good morning, waiting for the coffee to kick in before I head to the church for work day. It's still pitch dark out too, I'm not pulling weeds in the dark, I haven't seen any snakes there yet, but I'm not taking any chances! Have a good one all, I may or may not be back later depending on how long my afternoon nap lasts. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Dark AND rainy this morning. Ava and I didn’t get out and I’m not sure we will.
Tell them it’s your Birthday at the bakery counter in the grocery Dave. They may give you a cookie.
As Jim Stafford sang Karen, “I don’t like spiders and snakes”. Remember though, the communion wine is not a reward for a job well done by the work day crew!
See you all later.
Have a great Saturday.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Since getting home from Hawaii I am having a hard time sleeping, I get a couple of hours then am awake for a a couple then a few more hours so I am tired everyday, all day.

Today I will get at least one load of my laundry washed.

My arms are hurting today,, I think because yesterday I did one type of neck exercise a few times, so will only do it once today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, y'all! Aside from some clouds right now, this is going to be a beautiful day to watch that eclipse this afternoon. They're already saying that the shies will be weird during the afternoon football games. That's when the Gators will be playing today, so I have to make sure and watch the game.

Dave - Sounds like you had a pretty normal birthday this year. Nice that your one daughter sent a whole BBQ to you. That's my kind of gift! Do enjoy it.

Lee - Sorry about the rains keeping you and Ava inside this morning. I wouldn't have wanted to go out either. Just checked - True Blue Winery bistro reopens October 25. Too bad it has gotten so hard to get there with all the construction of developments and commercial properties. That quaint little town sure is changing, unfortunately.

Kathie - Your bread looks delicious. You really did a great job. Nice that you now have that dive bar to go to for a quick dinner. I love GOOD fish & chips. It's not always easy to find. I had it in the hospital last week. The fish was less than a quarter of an inch thick and with the breading was so dried out and tough. Plus they gave nothing to dip the fish in. UGH!!

Karen - I hope you didn't run into any crawly creatures this morning at church.

Bill - Glad you still have some teams to root for this year. That's a pretty good number of people to have made it to your reunion. Unfortunately, I only made it to 1 or 2 reunions before the kids came along and took up too much of my time. I understand that now they manage to get 1 round table for those I graduated with. Only about 10 show up, as they still live in the area.

Our gang are getting all hyped up for our cruise. They're making or buying costumes for Halloween. Found out that there will be trick or treating for the kids, so I have to pick up some candy this coming week. My Halloween shirts arrived yesterday. One of them has 3 seasonally decorated wine glasses. The shirt says Happy Hallo-thanks-mas! Really cute and I can wear it for the next few months.

Dinner last night turned out great. They ate a couple of pounds of salmon, as well as the spaghetti in a garlic Alfredo sauce cooked with baby spinach. Man, was that good! Best part is that we still have some of the spaghetti left, so I'm good for another day or two without cooking.

Bert actually got up early today, so I made us western omelets for breakfast. I wanted to show him the good stuff he misses when he sleeps until almost noon!

Aside from watching the football game this afternoon, we've got nothing planned except to fill out the paperwork for our cruise.

Have a super day, everyone!


2nd Officer

As Jim Stafford sang Karen, “I don’t like spiders and snakes”. Remember though, the communion wine is not a reward for a job well done by the work day crew!
Lee, they might have more people turn out to help if wine were served after we got done.:D we did have 6 people today so we got done pretty quick. 2 of them were "young folks" so we really got lucky!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bread looked great Kathie! I bet it went down really welL hot and fresh with lots of butter.
I guess what quaint town anywhere isn’t as quaint Pat. Good to know that True Blue is ramping up for another season. I wonder how many offers from developers on their property they have turned down. We’ll be lucky to see the sun let alone the partial eclipse!
I’m willing to bet that the not so young folks still did more than their fair share of work Karen.
We did get her royal highness, the contessa of Avaland, to The Navy Yard. After we came home from breakfast at Wolfhead Distillery which is about 15 minutes from here. I still have trouble wrapping my head around a simple breakfast for two running $33.00 with tax and tip.
Way behind on my exercise today so I best get my butt in gear.
Be good folks.


Chief Security Officer
I'm with Dave, K2. I wouldn't have known it was bread unless you identified it. Hope it was tasty though. Fresh baked bread is always a favorite of mine-even the smell of it stimulates my taste buds.
I like your suggestion about Cruise Ship One, Dave. I guess the closest that any President has come to having one was when JFK had the Honey Fitz.

Finished reading one of the books I downloaded to take on my cruise and have to say I was not especially impressed with the writer's attempt to recapture the late Steig Larsson's Girl with the Dragon Tattoos essence. Her Lisabeth Salander seemed to be only a pale imitation of his character.
I've started the 4th book in Richard Osman's Tuesday Murder Club series and am much happier with it. Lots of time to catch up on my reading considering how poor the evening TV schedule is now and watching too much of the news from the Middle East is just too depressing. The clown show in the Congress would be amusing if it wasn't so stupid.
On a brighter note, a rose bush in our back yard is in full bloom- truly the "last rose of summer".


Wacky Wabbit
Raining on and off all day. Ugly chilly day! Michigan State lost the Football game and Univ on Mich won theirs. Next week we play the each other. I can’t see MSU winning at all.

I baked some Biscotti’s and my friend Marie came over. She got some to take home. Then I made a Cinn coffee cake. Took a nice size piece over to her house. (Up 24 Mile)

We’re having homemade veggie soup and the bread I made for dinner tonight. “Old people food” as I call it.

DAVE: Nice gifts from your girls!

This was cute enough to share!


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
FINALLY, the Gators had a win on the road. First time in a couple of years!! Almost lost my voice yelling at the TV during the game.

Nothing much going on this evening. Might be able to stay up and watch some of the new Saturday Night Live now that I have Peacock on our TV, thanks to our SIL Jimmy!

Have a great evening, gang, and I;; see you tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, Bunnies!

Happy to hear that the Gators won their on-the-road game, BB. Now go wipe off all the spit on your TV screen.

I've grown to hate weekend TV schedules. Wall to wall sports, but not showing the games you want to watch. Heck, they had the Ohio State football game on one of those stupid pay-for channels.

It sure would be nice to have some warm home made bread oozing with butter right now, K2.

What a wonderful thought of a rose bush in full bloom here as winter approaches, Bill.

No viewing of anything above our clouds either, Lee. Fess up, is it your internal clock or Ava's that has you up and moving so early in the mornings?

No spiders & snakes for me either, KC. And you've got a LOT more than we do. Not to mention a wandering gator in your neck of the woods. Blessed be the "young folks".

Another calm, don't HAVE to do anything, day. I should have retired years before I did.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
So, here’s another fun fact. Pacific Ocean has three of the letter “c” in it. Each one is pronounced differently. I don’t make this stuff up.
Even when The Gators win they send your BP through the roof Pat. Glad they got that monkee off their backs.
College Football Uf GIF by University of Florida

Well Dave, I think Ava has learned from The Old Man. After all the years of getting up early I just do. It’s a nice quiet time to go for a walk around the neighbourhood.
We had “Old People Food” too Kathie. I made up a batch of my roaster red pepper and tomato soup. We had a little herb and garlic sourdough bread to go with it. Darned good on a cool and rainy day.
Not much on the schedule here today. That I’m aware of anyway.
Have a really nice Sunday everyone