Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Sunday Home GIF by Molang
A good day to knit! NOPE.... need to package up all the ground meat I bought at Costco and then put it in the freezing. Ground meat cost more than Pork Chops per pound. I guess the Cattle are more valuable than Pigs! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

DAVE: Pass this website on to your "bride" and she can whip you up a Fresh Crusty Round of bread. Art had been slicing and toasting it in the toaster and putting butter and strawberry jam on it. Just be careful not OVER TOAST it. :emoticon 0144 nod:

Lee: Finally we get to see some SUNSHINE. Although still cold (51F) it beats gray clouds and rain all day. Have a good day over your way.

Karen: If you're at church I sure hope you through in a small prayer for our HUTCH bunnies. I stayed home today. Yup, can't make "Heaven Points" doing that! Ha Ha.

BB: Congrats on your Gator WIN! SNL wasn't overly that great. It's hard to make jokes when the world is at war. They gave it a nice try.

Negc: Looks like you're finally having a sunny day. Get out and enjoy it while it's still here. You're about 10 degrees warmer right now than we are.

We took a drive to see Manny and his family after dinner last night. The dog goes CRAZY when he see's us coming up the walkway. Actually, hysterical to watch! I think he knows I have a dog biscuit or bully stick and he just gets excited.
Mark is in Vegas the last few days with his High School Buddies that still keep in touch. They went to "The Sphere" to see U2. Know I've heard of the U2 group, but didn't know what The Sphere was. I looked it up. What
an Amazing Structure with lights that turn the outside of it into a fantastic light show.
Here are the LIGHTS on the INSIDE of the Sphere.


And this is what the OUTSIDE of the Sphere looks like lit up: Just amazing what can be done with Hockey Puck size lights all over the Sphere! All done in lights.

I'm off to the kitchen to pkg up that meat and hopefully when I'm done, we can take a drive towards the water. That's if the sunshine stays out!

Enjoy your day folks.
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Nothing like seeing that they are calling for near record low temps here over the next two days. I'm thinking it might be time for a big ole pot of beef stew. I can taste it already!! Too bad I don't have any nice fresh homemade bread to eat with it.

Dave - Don't you hate when they make a game you want to watch a pay per view? Only once did I actually pay to watch a Gator game and it wasn't worth it. So never again. It's either a free game, or I skip it and follow the game on the computer.

Lee - Your soup sounds really delicious. Perfect for a raw rainy day.

Kathie - That bread recipe looks interesting. Glad you enjoyed your visit with Manny. Friday night, the gang brought Daisy with them. They all say that she's my dog, as as soon as she sees me, she's right at my feet and will stay there all evening. Missy said she gets all excited when they tell her that she's going to grandma's! She really is a sweetheart. Too bad she sheds something awful.

We missed all sorts of excitement outside our house last night. Seems like a little girl who loves nearby slipped out of her house in her PJs. Police and sheriff's helicopter were hovering over our house. I heard the loud noise and by the time I got Bert to take a looke, the helicopter was already gone, but police were still there with spotlights. I asked Bert what was going on. His answer was typical - "I don't know." I had to wait until this morning to read about it on Nextdoor.

Nothing planned for today around here aside from watering the plants on the lanai. After a 91 degree day, they are all so thirsty. Need to water them before the temps drop tonight and for the next couple of days.

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper. Have a super day, gang!


Wacky Wabbit
Busy day in the kitchen cooking and freezing Lasagna Roll Up’s for future meals.

Taking a break right now to watch the Detroit Lions football. Right now they’re beating what we call the “CREAMSICLES” of Tampa Bay!
Orange & White jerseys are why we call them that! :D

You all have a good evening.


2nd Officer
SAY WHAT?!? The lowly Cleveland Browns beat the undefeated 49ers yesterday. Miracles DO happen.

Congratulations to the Lions too, K2. Did I mention that Kathi has one of those bread-making machines? She mostly uses it to make crusts for pizzas.

BB; Any more details on that little girl who slipped out of her house in her PJs?

By now the "Old Man" and Eva might even be getting ready to head out on their morning walk. With the changing seasons, you probably get to witness some amazing sunrises. I was beginning to wonder of the Bills could pull off a win last night.

I don't know how Cruise Addicts is behaving on your computers but posting on it for me has been a bit screwy lately. First off it comes up not with the latest page but the very first page, where KC was working to set us up on here. Then it's a question as to whether it will actually post my "reply". Another electronic thing that has a mind of its' own.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good drizzly morning.
Yep Dave, Ava and I headed out a tad before 6:00. We hadn’t gone too far when it started to drizzle. Being as how neither one of us likes the rain we headed back home. Those doggone Bills sure do make a guy shake his head.
Let me know the spread we’ll use for this game Bill. I’m not confident even if it’s a push with the way Buffalo is playing and The Patriots being hungry for a “W”.
How was church Karen?
A few surprises and we have no undefeated teams and only The Panthers remain winless after their drubbing at the hands of Miami.
Yes Kathie, for sure Tampa looked like creamcicles with their retro uniforms. Did you get your rolls all done and sealed?
That sure must have been scary for all concerned with the little girl wandering off in her PJ’s Pat. I hope you were able to find out, as Paul Harvey used to say, “the rest of the story”.
It seems that we can start booking our flu and Covid boosters today. You can bet that is going to be high on my priority list.
Everybody be good.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Covid and flu are booked for tomorrow for Lu-Ann and I right after my hair cut.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Geez, did Kathie’s punkin’ scare everyone away this morning?


Chief Security Officer
Why do I that the Bills are playing as poorly as they have been just to lull the Patriots into thinking that they have at least a tinker's chance of posting their second win of the season when they face Buffalo? Will let you know the haspread as soon as the spread setters announce it, Lee. Anything less than double digits would be surprising.
Guess I should be glad that I never caught episodes of Yellowstone when they were on cable, or I wouldn't have found anything to watch on TV last night. Taped SNL the other night but from the comments I have seen, I probably shouldn't be in a rush to watch it.

Doctor's appt. at 1 pm so I should get a move on. Have a great day, everyone.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Yesterday we went to Longhorn Steak house for lunch and then we went to 4 furniture stores looking for a power lift recliner for me. And this morning I have been looking at the web site for one of the stores, and have found 4 chairs that I want to go back and look at again. I have been using Bruce's chair but since my back started to spasm I am finding it is not very good for my back so getting me a new chair makes most sense. So we will be selling the sofa so we can fit the chair in and then also buying a chair sleeper. That way Max will be able to stay with us and have a place to sleep.

Tonight we are going to Benihana's for my free meal.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Just checking in, Scooter has been feeling under the weather the last few days with the "scoots", I've been giving her meds & she seemed to be doing better, but now she's back to square one. I have a call into the vet hoping I can get her in today or tomorrow to get checked out, if not I may be cancelling my trip to Maryland. I hate to do that at the last minute, but I'm not going to go off & leave my sister with a sick cat.


Wacky Wabbit
Howdy Wrabbits. Windy as all get out here in PURE MICHIGAN!
Karen: Sending good vibes for Scooter to get better. Our pets our our joy and if they could only talk and tell us what’s going it sure would help both sides.

Nothing better than a Detroit Lions WIN. We’ve lost for so may years I’m still leery of cheering too soon. Sure was a good football weekend.

LEE: Art and I went to our local Kroger pharmacy right after breakfast and got our FLU & COVID shots. Yup, I got talked into getting both at the same visit. One in the right arm and the other in the left.
So far my arms are okay and I don’t feel any other effects YET! :clap002: ;)
Here in Michigan you get a print off of all your vaccines going way back in the years… 1948. Amazing.
Turns out I’m a TAD behind in some of the obscure vaccines.
1. Td/Tdap
2. Hepatitis B
3. Hepatitis A
4. PCV20
5. RSV

Some of these actually are a series of 3 injections.
I need to google some of these to see just what they are.
The nice pharmacist said I can do these gradually.
Art has the same ones missing.

We had a Sports Newscaster on Channel 4, Bernie Smilovitz’s wife pass away suddenly.
She woke him up and was telling him her Heart was racing rapidly. He immediately called 911 and before EMS could get to the house she passed away in his arms. It was so very sad. I watched the eulogy online and it turns out she was a very close friend of Katie Curic. Katie spoke at the memorial and brought me to tears. Amazing, since I didn’t know this beautiful soul.
Funny how we can react to different things like this. May she RIP.

LEE: I did get all the Lasagna Roll ups done last night. And this morning they all got vacuum sealed to keep any freezer frost from getting to them. Also, pkg’d the ground beef in smaller individual pkgs. I bought a large boneless Pork loin and cut it up into 2 small roasts and the rest into pork chops. We’re set for meats for awhile! I do want to cook up some soups to freeze for quick meals.
Busy getting ready for the LONG WINTER.

I came across a listing for a rental at the condo we had been staying at lately in Longboat Key. Someone had to cancel their 3 month stay for Jan, Feb and March, 2024 due to health reasons. If I win the Lottery I’ll be sure to BUY the ENTIRE CONDO COMPLEX! The owner is only asking $21,000.00 for the 3 month open rental. :eek::oops::emoticon 0122 itwasntme: Unbelievable just how much owners are getting for these places. And they don’t even come with daily bed changes! Ha ha.

You all have a good rest of the day.
AND BB…You can turn that FAN TO POINT UP TOWARDS OUR DIRECTION SO WE CAN GET SOME WARMTH UP HERE. Brrrr windy and chilly up here.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Can't believe it's taken this long for me to find a chance to post here today. We were out bright & early heading for Sam's to pick up Halloween candy to bring with us on our cruise. Then amde a stop at Dollar Tree for a few things. Finally Publix for the rest of the stuff I needed for today's dinner.
With temps dropping so much overnight and a high of only 72 right now, today really is the perfect day for beef stew in Florida. Got ours started after we got home. The smell is enough to drive me crazy and I still don't have everything in the pot. We'll be eating stew for days and still be able to freeze a few containers for when it's really chilly here.

Karen - Sorry Scooter isn't feeling better. Hope you were ablw to gt her into the vet and that the vet can fix her problem quickly. It would be a shame if you have to miss your trip.

Kathie - Good job getting those lasagna rolls all done and into the freezer. Bert still refuses to use the vacuum sealer. One of the packages he took out to put in the beef stew was so freezer burned that I just tossed it in the garbage. He just doesn't learn. Sad about that sportscaster's wife. Just as hearing the news that Suzanne Summers had passed. I always loved her Crissy roll in Three's Company. That's some price for the rental of that condo. Good luck to the owner getting it though.

Dave - Never heard anything more about that little girl. Obviously they found her, but it would have been nice to get details of what and where she went.

Lee - Don't blame you for heading home when the rains came. Nothing worse than chilly rain at an ungodly hour.

Bill - We just couldn't get into Yellowstone, so instead we watch one of my favorite movies - James Bond's "Live and Let Die".. No matter how many times I've seen it, I enjoy it.

Timer is going off. That means it's time to put the carrots into the stew and time for me to start pealing potatoes. My work is never done!! LOL On, and before I go, we too will be getting our covid boosters tomorrow. Finally got an appointment at our Publix.

Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


2nd Officer
Pat, I can smell your beef stew from here, if I call Uber eats will they deliver a bowl for me? Loving this cooler weather today!
Lee, that Ava is one smart girl, getting wet on a cold day is not any fun for man nor beast. Church was good as always & I did slip in a word or 2 for all of you in the hutch
Kathie, how many people does that condo sleep? $7,000 a month rental is crazy, I wonder how much of the deposit the people got back who had to cancel?

Dave, hopefully I'm not jinxing myself, but so far I haven't had any problems with CA opening on the right page.
Bill, hoping you got a good report from the Dr.

Still waiting on a call from the vet, if they don't call me today I will be calling again at 7:30 am when they open. I did call Amanda to let her know there might be a change in plans, she understood because she's done some cat rescue work too & knows how these things can pop up. I'm hoping that if I can at least get her seen tomorrow I will know more about what's going on with her. I think the fact she's eating & drinking is a good sign, but at 13 yrs old I know my time with her is getting shorter. Enjoy the rest of the day all!


Wacky Wabbit
Dave: The only thing I’ve noticed about the “boards” is that when I use my iPhone to post something on here I don’t have to SIGN IN ANYMORE! I hope I don’t forget my password! :D


2nd Officer
Didn't expect to see this on the news yesterday;

Hundreds of Americans need to be rescued from Israel. A few are being flown out, but hundreds are being taken out by ship. So do they send in the Navy or the Marines? Nope, they send in the Rhapsody Of The Seas. No joke.

No Lee, the casino will not be open. :) Happy to hear that you and Lu-Ann getting the Covid and flu shots today.

Poor little Scooter, KC. I hope you and the Vet get her to feeling better. It would be hard to cancel your trip up north, at the last minute. But like you said, you can't leave your sister with a sick cat. Plus you would never have a good time, thinking about Scooter all the time.

K2; On your list of shots that you may or may not get, I'm just glad I didn't see kennel-cough. :) With all the things you're freezing you may have enough to take you all the way into summer.

Beef stew sounds mighty fine to me too, BB. Kathi and I are off to get vaccinated too, today. It's the RSV one.

Bill; Add me to the list of people watching Yellowstone on CBS.



2nd Officer
Good morning! Scooter has a 9:15 work in appt. with the vet, I'm not happy about having to pay an extra fee to be worked in when they didn't return my call yesterday, but I'd rather get her checked out than fight about that. Hopefully there is nothing major going on & I'll be heading to Baltimore around this time tomorrow


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. Yikes we're at 46F degrees here. I'm just NOT ready for this yet.

Now about getting BOTH Covid and Flu Vaccines at the same time. That'll be the last time I do that. Both arms are "sore". I don't feel much until I roll over in bed. :oops: Thank goodness I took EXTRA STRENGTH TYLENOL before bed last night. That got me through 5a.m.
I'm not doing SWAT today.

Dave: Let me know how the RSV shot reacts!

Doesn't seem fair that the VET tacks on a extra charge to "WORK Scooter INTO" the schedule. Total rip-off, but you really have no choice. Sure hope all works out okay with the visit.

BB & Bert: Hope your Covid boosters don't give you too much trouble.

Seems like the "HUTCH" is getting Flu and COVID ready. Good going gang.

Lee: You and Ava best be putting on some heavy duty jackets for the early morning walks. Or maybe just take the walk later in the day!

I'm off to get some HOT COFFEE and a Biscotti.
Hot Coffee GIF

Have a good day all. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

I really feel bad for Pres Biden having to travel to the War Zone just to shake hands and talk to the big wig over in Israel. Not sure that's such a good idea.

And BB.........did you notice that Stephen Colbert has COVID and is isolated in a make-shift studio. Time to wear your MASKS when in crowds folks.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good chilly morning, everyone! It's managed to make it to 60 here this morning. For us Floridians that means brrrr.... Time to break out a jacket or sweatshirt going out for our shots later.

Kathie - Neither Bert nor I have ever had any reaction to the booster shot beyond the spot of the injection being sore for about 24 hours. No big deal, as far as I'm concerned. Have you not gotten your RSV shot yet? That's probably one of the most important ones to get and yes, the injection spot will hurt for a few days. Interesting that you get a print out of shots going way back. Never seen that before. I don't think most of us have had some of those shots.
As soon as I saw Stephen Colbert last night I immediately said to Bert that he must have covid and I was right. You could tell he was not in top form. I hope he feels better soon and is able to get back to his regular show.

Lee - Good luck with your shots today. Nice haircut, by the way.

Karen - Good luck with Scooter today. That's terrible you get charged an extra fee for them to "fit you in". What kind of crap is that? I just hope it's nothing serious. As our cats get older (Cappi is 15!) you just don't know what might happen.

I started this post around 9:30 and didn't realize that I never finished it. We've already gone and gotten our booster shots and now it's time for me to make a "traditional" Jersey sandwich - Taylor ham, fried egg, and cheese on a kaiser roll. YUM!!!

Have a fun day, everyone, but stay safe!



Chief Security Officer
According to CBS Sportsline, the Bills are favored by 8 1/2 points - not a big enough spread if you ask me, though if the Bills are suffering from jet lag after their return from London, that might explain it, Lee.
Doctor made one change to my diabetes medication, to one that supposedly also has a good effect on the heart and the kidneys. I will be seeing my PC at the end of the month and they will see if it is making a difference.
Taped SNL on Saturday and started to watch it last night when there was nothing else of interest on. Watched the opening monologue and decided that I didn't care to continue.
Had a good week in football pool with 11 correct predictions so I got the runner-up spot for the week. Proof that occasionally even a blind squirrel finds a nut.
Chilly weather is the word for most, if not all, of this week with occasional showers. At present there are small patches of blue but
more ominous gray and a few white clouds are dominating the skies. Another good day to hunker down with a good book. Do have to head over to the clubhouse to drop off a check for the end of the month Italian dinner.
Sorry you are feeling pain from those shots K2, but hopeful that will only be a short time experience. I had all three shots in the same arm and the pain only lasted about a day and then was gone.