Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
I think we all share Dave's relief that President Biden has returned safely from Israel. I was more than a bit surprised that they would announce his trip in advance. Normally such a trip is only announced after it has been completed and the President is back in the US.
I recommend reading the Thursday Murder Club series in order, K2 though any one would be enjoyable if it is read on its own and out of order.
Enjoy whatever it is that Missy baked for you, Pat. Not many things better than fresh-baked goods, especially if they are full of carbs.

I saw something yesterday about Amazon introducing the use of robots in their workforce. Wonder how Missy will like working next to Robbie Robot?
I've about given up watching the Amazing Race considering all of the dumb or ridiculous tasks they set for the contestants.

Oh goody, weather forecast is for another rainy weekend. Considering how much rain we have received over the past two months or so, and the major flooding some local communities have experienced, you might expect that the bans on outside watering and such would be eliminated but I doubt tg hat will happen.
Any bets on how many ballots it will take before the Republicans finally elect a new Speaker? It took
Kevin McCarthy 15 ballots and then we saw how long he held the office. In the meantime nothing of any value gets done,

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
And now to our Canadian Correspondent...
Good afternoon from Parliament Hill where our Speaker of The House, Greg Fergus, was heckled during his attempt to give a speech about decorum and heckling on the floor of The Legislature.
So, it's not just The US House and Speaker that have issues. But at least ours are somewhat humorous.
No Dave, the "humorous" is not a bone in your leg.
So Pat, pray tell, what was the glorious carb laden baked item Missy had for you?
Waiting for the rain that was supposed to start at 11:00 am.
Enjoy your day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Late check in here from Pure WET Michigan!

I went for blood tests at the local hospital annex. It's for my yearly annual physical on Halloween. Hey.... it's better than Friday the Thirteenth! :emoticon 0140 rofl: The girl took 5 vials. Yikes, they must be doing a total work-up!

Pat: I'm betting that Missy brought you the CRAB and Linguini that Jimmy made for them the other day and said he would make some for you too. Doesn't matter what Missy is "Bucking for" it's nice to get help with the cleaning. Lord knows Bert loves it. You two really need to get a full time house cleaner a couple times a month.

Bill posted: I was more than a bit surprised that they would announce his trip in advance.

I thought exactly the same thing Bill. Whew. So happy he also didn't trip going UP or DOWN the stairs of the plane.

Lee: I aways got a HOOT out of the Parliament and how they STAND UP carry a folder over to a podium and then start screaming. We all have our issues.

KAREN: Hope you had a good plane ride and things are going well over in Maryland. And hope that Scooter is behaving while you're gone.

DAVE: As I have said before..........Mr Manny is the most SPOILED PUP ever. He had that entire family in the palm of his PAW from the get-go! Ha Ha :doggy: The Big
Rivalry football game is Friday night (7:30 pm) at Michigan State University and the kids have friends coming in from out of town to go to it. Jill said she'll go to the TAIL-GATE party, but didn't think she'd last too long inside the stadium. Art and I will be over at their house watching the PUP and watching the game in a nice warm environment. It's supposed to rain most of the day. Weather people are promising rain will stop BEFORE THE GAME. Why they're making the start time so LATE is crazy. Both teams are from Michigan.

I'm off to make us HOMEMADE PIZZA's for dinner. I have one of those "STONES" you put in the oven to get a nice crispy crust and I've had it in there for at least 1 hour to make sure it's nice and hot.

You all have a great evening.

I'm thinking of starting a GoFundMe acct to make about $15,000 bucks to take a nice vacation somewhere warm. Wouldn't that just be great if it worked~ Ha Ha.


Wacky Wabbit
The big football game is SATURDAY not Friday!
Now I really don’t understand why the silly game is on SO LATE?? Has to be a TV issue!

Our homemade Pizza was good!


2nd Officer
OK K2, you've got me nosey. What the heck is, "one of those "STONES" you put in the oven to get a nice crispy crust..."? I imagine you putting a bunch of bricks in your stove. I too hate football games that start late at night.

Heckling in a legislature is just dumb, Lee. No matter what country it's in. At least yours are humorous. If it's not in your leg, then where is that "funny bone"?

I too want to know what that baked item full of carbs is, BB. Everybody likes something different, but I've never been able to get into iced coffee. Speaking of Amazon; One of their distribution places in N.E. Ohio is shifting to paper packaging over the plastic kind.

Bill; The Secret Service probably went nuts when Biden announced his trip to Israel before he went.

Hoping your visit is going well for you, KC.



Wacky Wabbit
Good FRIDAY MORNING Wrabbits. WOW... this week flew by fast!

Dave: I tried to attach a website for the Pizza Stones, but it wasn't working. Just GOOGLE PIZZA STONES for the oven.

So, we have a BRIGHT and WET day here so far. Slight drizzle on and off. A STAY INSIDE type of day.

Should be interesting to see what the IDIOTS in the HOUSE do today (Friday) about their Speaker of the House. A shame the PEOPLE of the USA have to wait around for these idiots to figure out what they have to do to get a Speaker.
Actually, need to change that rule that allows just (1) person to kick the Speaker off his podium.

I made a fresh pot of coffee from fresh ground coffee beans and I'm off to get me a cup.

You all have a good day.

We'll be going over to the City of Rochester Hills to SELL back our beautiful
cemetery plots.
I'm giving in and letting the "Veteran" of the house get his wish to be buried in the Great Lakes National Cemetary. It won't matter once we're DEAD and GONE where the heck we are buried! Ha Ha.
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Wacky Wabbit
FYI: At Christmas time each gravesite gets a WREATH and on Veterans Day they place a FLAG on the site. Not bad. And there are no charges for being buried in a National Cemetary. So if you're a Veteran see if you have a National Cemetary in your state and take advantage for serving your country.


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Got a lot done yesterday around here with the first thing being Missy's surprise carb loaded treat. It was apple monkey bread! Bert & I are a quarter of it. There's enough left for it to be reheated and served for dessert tonight. Next time she makes it, Missy wants to add rum soaked raisins to it. How delicious does that sound? She had nevermade monkey bread before, so she was so proud of the results.

Kathie - We have one of those pizza stones too. Only problem is that Bert always forgets to put it in the oven to heat up, so it doesn't do what it is supposed to do.

Dave - Not to have it too often, but I do like iced coffee. The drink Missy made yesterday was delicious. She left all the ingredients here, but I don't know how to get it to the point of tasting like what she made yesterday.

Speaking of Missy, she'll be back again shortly. She drove up to Claremont to pick up 2 dozen live blue crabs for our dinner tonight. Once she gets back, she and Bert will stun them and clean them to go in the spaghetti sauce tonight. That's going to get tricky. They have their sauce and I will have to make our sauce. A lot of what I'll use, they can't or aren't eating right now. Theirs is low carb, salt and sugar free. Ours will be "bring it on" with everything I normally put in it. This should be fun - a cook off!!!! LOL

I can't believe that Jim Jordon still won't give up. What an a$$!!! Some of the threats being made against others and their families would make me NEVER vote for him. The repubs are so frustrating to watch and right now they're even worse than normal thanks to lil t encouraging Jones.

Time for a cup of coffee. It's 75 outside, so I might just take that coffee out on the lanai to enjoy while a check out what creatures are out on or by the lake this morning. May as well enjoy it before Missy gets back.

have a fantastic Friday, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon!
We‘re waiting on the town and the builder to come by and check the grading in our back yard. Yep, three plus years later they have discovered that nobody ever got the final sign off done on the grading here or at a couple of other homes on the street. And you thought the US speaker of the house issue was a cluster f*#%.
That Monkee Monkey Bread sounds delicious Pat. Why yes, I did enjoy the other Monkee’s when I was younger. Micky actually preformed on our first cruise on Serenade with Capt. Johnny! I give up. How do you stun crabs? Sit them in front of the tv and make them watch the votes for Speaker?

We have a pizza stone too Dave. But as everyone has said if you don’t allow it to heat up before you put the pizza on it, it doesn’t do its job. The humerus? It’s in your upper arm. And I’m not pulling your leg.
Kathie, I find that an outrageous price for the place in Longboat Key. The sad part is that I’m willing to bet that the renter will get their price. We are so lucky with our place in Emerald Island.
Hmmm. How much will you get from those burial plots? Enough for a nice ocean side vacation? Just sayin’.
Michigan / Michigan State was my first, actually my only, US College Football game. I still remember walking in to the stadium and my jaw dropping at the sheer size and capacity of over 100,000 people.
Lu-Ann looked up The Thursday Murder Club books on Apple Books for her iPad Bill. They were all in the $15.00 plus range. I don’t understand how electronic books can cost so much. I get all of my books at The Dollar Store and most of them come with the crayons.
All this talk of coffee makes me think I may need a cup.
You all have a fantastic day!


Wacky Wabbit
We stopped by our local Cider Mill (there since 1863) on the way home.
What a GOLD MINE! A Apple-fritter was going for $5.50! Just a tad out of line.
The Quart of Cider was very good.
Enlarge the pictures to see the wheel pressing the apple mush!
LEE: The lots were very reasonable. They only set us back $2200.00 for 2 beautiful lots. We forgot that Jill was listed on the Deed and needs to sign off in order for us to get our money back. So, we’ll drag the girl down to the Twp offices on her next day off. The nice gal helping us couldn’t have been any nicer. Excellent staff of workers ar this facility.

Costco had some really cute light weight doggie jackets. YES, of course I bought one! I sent Jill a picture and she said they had just bought one a hour before at their Costco. Now the Pup will have a dry one when the other one is drying off!
Drizzle of rain still going on and off.
That’s it for now!


2nd Officer
Just wondering K2; With you and Art now changing cemeteries, do you have to fill out a forwarding address? :) I think it was a good decision to go with the National Cemetery. Thanks for all the pictures.

BB; And just when I'm figure out what a pizza-stone for your oven is, you throw in "Monkey Bread". Thanks Pal. My ignorance of things has no boundaries. Hope your "cook-off" went well and everyone got what they preferred.

So Lee, what is the city and builder plan on, or not, doing to the grading of your back yard? Too high, too low, or draining in the wrong direction?

Welcome home, KC. (If this is the day of your return.)

Around here we got our mail-in ballots for the upcoming election. So yesterday we filled them out and mailed them, before we forget. Pretty quick to do since there wasn't much on the ballot.

Kathi and I pretty much agreed on our votes. There were only 2 major issues on ballot. I believe that we both voted to make abortion legal in Ohio. The other one was to legalize the recreational use of magic green giggle-sticks. I voted for it, but I don't think Kathi did. In my never to be humble opinion, too many people that drink get mean when they drink. And the next thing you know there is a fight or a shooting in the bar's parking lot. I can't think of a single case where there was a either of those in the parking lot of a store that sells "giggle-sticks".

As a matter of fact, I think they should be handing some of those sticks out to members of our House Of Representatives. Maybe then they might chill out and agree on something.



2nd Officer
Good morning. We got our Covid shot a bit ago.

I wish someone would come and buy the sofa. The sleeper chair is being delivered today. I still have not ordered the new recliner, I need the sofa gone for that.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Had some problems with my computer this morning. It kept giving me a message that it had encountered a problem and had to shut down & restart. It did that 5 times!!! I was ready to throw the computer into the lake. I was getting so frustrated. I guess it finally fixed itself because it hasn't shut down now in about an hour. Hopefully, it will behave for the rest of the day.
Dave - You really do live a sheltered life!! Monkey bread is made with canned biscuits cut into small pieces and made in a bunt pan. It looks like this when baked -
You just pick off pieces to eat with your fingers or a fork. Missy made it with apples. I've made it with raisins and blueberries. It really is easy to make. You'll have to show Kathi the picture. I'm sure if she wants to make one, the recipe is all over the place.

Kathie - Once again, you're spoiling Manny! That's too funny. Good move selling that cemetery plot. We don't have such a problem. Both of us plan to be cremated. What the kids do with our aches is up to them.

Lee - There are 2 different ways to stun crabs. The way they did it yesterday was to put them on ice. It will put them to sleep and you can clean them without worrying about being bitten. The other method is to do it with close to boiling hot water. That too stuns them and you can proceed. Only problem with that last method is that the hot water causes them to drop their big claws. The ice method allows them to keep those claws. You want to use either method to remove the hard body and to clean the insides under water before putting the crabs into the spaghetti sauce to cook. So now you know ... Class dismissed!
So how'd you make out with them checking the grading of your yard? Do they need to bring more dirt and if so, who will take care of replacing grass?

Dinner last night was great. I only had one problem - I was too tired to even eat any of the crabs. My battery was really rundown, so I just had a little pasta. Hopefully, they left some crabs here for us to eat today.

Need to make a run to one or two stores today to pick up a few thinggs we'll need for Monday. My sister in law is coming to stay the night with us before she heads down to Dunedin for a girls' week away. It'll be great to see her again and Bert has already agreed that filets will be on the menu. Works for me!!!

Gotta run. Friend is at the door. Have a fun day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Lste Morning!
Studying Back To School GIF by Kohl's
Welcome back Karen. Hope the flights and visit was a good one. Hood Scooter did well too!

I’m watching Manny now. The rest went up to East Lansing to Tailgate (way too early) since the game starts at 7:30 pm. I guess if you don’t get there early you don’t get a good tailgate spot!

Dave: I think l’ll set up a small mail box by our plot for MAIL! After all I hate to miss out on any 30%off Kohls coupons! Ha ha. I could always do online orders!
I’d really love to throw in one of those prepaid phones and have a timer set for it to ring every so often until the charge ran out! Yup, I have a silly sense of humor when it comes to these things!

BB: We have fresh Mussel in spaghetti sauce (gravy to you) with Fettuccini pasta last night. So good! Thought of you and your dinner!

Go Spartans.



2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Got home a little after 9:30 last night & it felt wonderful to be in my own cozy bed again! Scooter did fine while I was gone & was happy to be released from the bedroom last night. Flights were good, both on time & neither flight was full so there was room to spread out. All in all it was a great visit and as soon as I catch up with myself I will go back & read all I missed. Staying in quarantine till at least Wed. I did wear my mask while traveling or going out in Public with Amanda


Wacky Wabbit
Good to have you to have you back in the Hutch!
By the way “Somebody” opened your door and we all spent hours running around trying to get SCOOTER to
SCOOT back into your hutch. Too funny!

Dave… I’m watching the OHIO STATE Vs Penn State game right now. 5 mins left, but we all know how much can happen in those last 5 mins! :eek:
Well OHIO just got a touchdown! 20/6 ! :clap002::clap002:
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Dropping by to say good night. Got a surprise visit from G&E this afternoon. Spent lots of time talking about our up coming cruise!'. See ya all tomorrow. Sleep well, fellow bunnies!


2nd Officer
So happy to see you home all safe and sound from your trip, KC. Good flights and having a "great visit". PLUS Scooter did well while you were gone. Doesn't get much better than that. get caught up on your laundry. GRRR.

Quite a crowd at the Buckeye stadium, K2. Oh the money they spend on college sports. DElighted at the final score. Icing on the cake for the day was a big win for Massillon's high school football big win over their rival. Their biggest game of the year. As for the Michigan/Michigan State game, all I've got to say is, who the Hell picked out those ugly a$$ uniforms and helmets that the Spartans wore?

Thanks to you BB, I now know what "Monkey Bread" looks like. And yes I have had a very sheltered life. Making me such a quiet, humble, and innocent person. As I always keep my angel wings clean and pure white. :) I'd still like to know how the word "monkey" got into the name.

Nothing much else to gab about.

Stay dry and warm Bunnies.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Has MSU shown up yet?
Darned cold feeling like 32F here right now.
The grading? Don’t know. We unlocked the gate and went out about 10:00, came home about 1:30 and I locked the gate at 2:00. It was raining so I wonder if those big tough construction and town people even bothered to show up.
Thanks for the explanation on stunning crabs Pat. I thought maybe you used little tiny stun guns. It sounds like excitement is building for that cruise. Do NOT let your battery run down, ya hear!
Welcome home Karen. It seems your time away was most enjoyable. On time and not full flights in both directions? Buy a lottery ticket.
Market the sofa as “may contain loose pocket change which is yours to keep“ Nancy.
You best set a “George Washington” aside for today’s game Bill. To show you how old I am, I was reading that some Canadians shopping in Detroit were amazed at the sight of a one dollar bill! We stopped using dollar bills in 1989 so anybody under 30 likely has never seen or used one! Heck, it’s been 10 years since we stopped using pennies!
This one, based on your post, is for you Dave.