Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sorry Kathie, I meant to thank you for The National Cemetery photos. So nice that the veterans are honoured that way. Stick “seasonal” in front of anything from fritters to yard decorations and it seems people will pay way more than they should.
It was really cold walking north along The River this morning. It looked like a busy day for the lake ships heading up and down river. It’s funny how even this late in the season some are pristine and well kept while others are clearly “working ships” with little or no time for a little paint here and there.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Definitely some disappointment football games yesterday. Glad the Gators didn't play this week.

Lee - I got chills just thinking about your walk this morning. I do hope you were wearing your big boy pants. Sorry you don't know the results of the check on the grading of your yard. That's a bummer. A tiny stun gun to stun crabs? Hmmm ,,, might be something to think about!! LOL

Karen - I bet the days you were away just flew by, right? That's what happens when you're having too much fun! Glad Scooter is doing better and didn't cause any problems while you were gone.

Dave - Obviously, it is our job to increase your vast knowledge and experience with all these new things we mention here. But tell me first - has indoor plumbing arrived in Ohio yet? Just curious!!!!

Well our day never went as planned yesterday. G&E decided to surprise us with a visit for a couple of hours, so we never made it out shopping to pick up what we need for tomorrow. Plus we never got to doing the last of the cleaning around here. Today is going to be crunch time. Of course, Bert is still sleeping, so that's going to make things even more difficult.

Time now for a cup of coffee and to read the newspaper before Bert decides to show up. Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone, and go have some fun!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Hello GIF by Studios 2016
Yes, we have had SUNSHINE in our area. Yippee!

BB: You made me laugh big time when you asked Dave if INDOOR PLUMBING has made it to OHIO! Too funny.
REMIND ME just when are you cruising and what ship and where?

Lee: MSU should be hanging their heads for the absolutely HORRIBLE GAME they played in their OWN STADIUM! I gave up at half-time and shut it off. You can tell that not having a FULL-TIME Coach has affected them big time. I feel sorry for the young men that SIGNED-UP to go to MSU and play football when they could have gone to a different college. Wonder if any of them are thinking of transferring to another college?
Brrr on your cold morning walk.

DAVE: I have to agree with you on the Spartans UGLY uniforms. Can we blame the HUGE LOSS on that?? (I didn't think so) that laundry all washed, dried and put away. I figured you did. Nice to have you back home.

I have nothing more for you folks right now. Enjoy your Sunday.
Bye Bye Hello GIF


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well last evening I sold the sofa and it is gone. Also late yesterday afternoon the sleeper bed came and it is all put together and in place. Yesterday evening I ordered the lift recliner and hope it comes in a week.

We will go to lunch in a bit.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
No disappointment here- BC beat Georgia Tech. Disappointment will come later today when the Pats meet the Bills and the spread doesn't play a role in the outcome.
Sorry for the drubbing your team took yesterday, K2. Maybe they can redeem themselves next week.
Welcome back home KC. However much we enjoy travel and visiting family or friends there is nothing like home.

Yesterday would have been a real washout except that we saw our youngest granddaughter perform in a play put on by a youth drama group at a high school in a town a few miles away.
Jaclyn has been part of the group for a few years and has also acted in a play at her own high school.
Taking my time reading the Steven King book. It is a good
read and one that you want to keep reading but you don't want it to end. He hasn't lost his knack for writing compelling stories.
After all the rain the skies have finally cleared and the temperatures are expected to be near or at 70 degrees by the middle of the week. Although the streets are coated with fallen leaves there are still many remaining on the trees and the colors, though a bit subdued, are beautiful.
My hearing aid has apparently decided not to work, so a call, or a visit, to the hearing center is on my agenda for the beginning of the week.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Holy Cow. At this point in the first quarter it looks like The Bills are taking all of their cues from MSU! 10 - 0 Patriots!!


Chief Security Officer
I was right about one thing regarding today's game. The spread played no role in determining the winner. However, I was wrong to predict that disappointment was in store for us Patriots fans. It looked like the Bills took a couple of pages out of the Pats playbook with the early intercepted pass, fumbles and all around sloppy play. Fitting that Bill should celebrate his recent contract extension with his 300th regular season game victory.
Nice that that bill is so fancily bordered, Lee. Will look good on the wall. Thank you.
Guess that Jeffords decision to halt his campaign for the speakership means that Kevin McCarthy's record of (was it 14 or 15 votes?) will remain in the Guinness Book of Records
for a while at least.
I guess that your governor is upset to be losing ground in his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, BB. Just saw his vicious attack ad on TV tying Nicki Haley to Red China. His earlier ads comparing him to "another candidate"(Trump) was mild in comparison, perhaps because he saw a possible VP nomination by going easy on the Donald.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - Our governor is getting desperate. He's losing support and donations. He has absolutely no personality and people just don't like him. He's like a robot and every time he tries to smile, it's painful to see. It's like he has a fart caught crosswise in his butt!! I could go on and on, but I wouldn't want to beat a dead horse. God help us, if he ever got into the White House after what he has done to Florida.


Wacky Wabbit
It was a BAD weekend in some areas of Michigan.
The Detroit Lions played like the team of years gone by! Hope it was just a fluke. At least they had such a good record up until now that they didn’t go down in the standings. They’ll be on Monday night football on TV NEXT WEEK.

BILL: What’s the name of the Steven King book? Good to know you are enjoying it so much that you don’t want to finish it.
I didn’t want to sit around and watch football so I took a car ride up M59 to the Lake Cottage. Most all the pontoons are up out of the water. One guy was out there going around in small circles on the lake. I’m thinking he was trying to use up his gas before pulling it out for the season.
The color change in the trees was beautiful. It was a nice ride for me!

Filled up the car with gas using up my Oct rewards and got gas for $2.66 a gal. :clap002:

Eye check up for me at noon Monday. Another one of those useless appts. Checking my EYE PRESSURE! The Dr that scheduled this had moved to New Mexico with her family.

Always Something.

BB: What cruise ship and when do you leave?
How many of the family is going with you and Bert?

Tuesday it’s suppose to get up to 70 degrees. Bring it on. My windows need to get washed on the outside! Inside can happen anytime.

Sleepy Good Night GIF by Fuzzballs


2nd Officer
"But tell me first - has indoor plumbing arrived in Ohio yet? Just curious!!!!" Yes we have indoor plumbing, BB. Have had it for quite some time. A couple of years ago we upgraded it and got one that has wheels on it. That way I can have it by the bed, or wheel it out in front of the TV so I can watch all of a program while I'm taking care of business. :)


Seeing people taking boats out of the water this time of year is kind of depressing, K2.

Just loved the song you posted yesterday morning, Lee. And done with the Muppets made it even better.

Surprisingly the Patriots and Browns won, as did the Steelers.

Caught up on your sleep yet, KC?

By Jove, Stephen Colbert will be back tonight with a new show, instead of one of those recent reruns while he was getting over Covid. He tends to never have someone sit in for him when he's away.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
You can tell BTO is a Canadian band that recorded outside in Winnipeg in the winter. How else would you account for the…
“T-T-T-T-Takin’ Care of Business”.
Great Monday tune Dave.
It feels like 28F here right now. 70F by tomorrow afternoon. If you don’t like the weather wait a day.
There were a couple of brave pleasure boaters out on The River yesterday Kathie. I guess like avid motorcyclists they do their best to stretch the season.
Not much else going on so far this morning.
Everyone have a fantastic Monday.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave, yes I'm mostly caught up on sleep, chores not so much do to catching up on sleep! Jazzy song to have stuck in my head all day, maybe it will help me get more done.

Kathie, sounds like a nice way to spend the afternoon yesterday. The leaves were starting to change in Maryland but have a couple more weeks before they reach their peak. Good score on gas, our BJ's is $2.99, I may top up on Wed.

Lee, sorry the football gods were not kinder to you yesterday. Those are some pretty brisk temps to start the day with.

Pat, sounds like you & the gang are getting pretty excited about the upcoming cruise! My sister's & I did a Halloween cruise many many years ago on the Sovereign, that was a blast looking at all the costumes.

Bill, a good book & money in your pocket, doesn't get much better than that. I have been trying to get my sister to speak up & get put on a diabetes medicine that is better for her kidneys, but so far she's afraid to ask. So far her kidney disease is holding steady, but who knows how long that will last.

Got most everything put away from my trip & remembered last night I think I left my jacket in Tom's car, will call him later to check. Laundry is done but not put away but will do that once I get off here.
My friend Deb came by yesterday afternoon with a big bowl of chicken noodle soup & a casserole dish full of chicken
parm. I guess she was afraid I'd starve during my quarantine. :) It sure was weird to not go to church yesterday, but I was able to watch the 10:30 mass on FB live stream. So far no ill effects from my travels so I think by Wed. if I'm still feeling good I will go out & pick up some fresh fruit & veggies. I have an 8 am appt. for lab work so the stores should be pretty empty after that.
Well, the laundry basket isn't going to empty itself so best get busy, have a great day all!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just time for a quick HI and BYE right now. My sister in law should be here any minute. Can't wait to see her. If I don't make it back here today, I'll be back tomorrow after she leaves. In the meantime, play nice, bunnies!


Chief Security Officer
The name of the Steven King book is Holly, K2 and it sort of continues the stories in a an earlier series of his novels Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, End of Watch, and The Outsider.
A bit of a macabre story the kind that King can tell so well.
I promise not to spend my newfound wealth foolishly, KC. Besides it is possible that Lee could win it back should the Bills beat the Pats when
they meet again later this season, as highly unlikely as that might seem. Keep encouraging your sister to speak to her doctor about the possibility of changing her diabetes medication that might also help with her kidney disease. My kidney doctor spoke very highly of the apparent additional health benefits of both Farxiga and Jardiance.
Enjoy your sister in law's visit, BB. I'll try my darnedest to follow your request to play nice during your absence and I am sure my fellow bunnies will as well.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. This morning I went and got a CD of the past two MRI's of my abdomen to take with me Friday when I go the new (to me) place with the open MRI. I then went to Staples to see about a new shredder but they only had ones well over $100 and I am not spending that much.

I had bought Jennifer a bisque Pumpkin like the one she had received as a gift from my brother but it broke with a move, this one is smaller but otherwise the same. Now she needs to paint it. I looked for about 20 minutes to find a photo of the original but no luck. The rest of the photos are hard to get to so will have Bruce help me later.

Lee, this is the restaurant that moved in where Dino's had been: The reviewer for the local paper just reviewed and they all liked it.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits!

Got the Field Test done at the Eye Dr's. It was a snap. (a total waste of my time if you ask me)
Made a appt for Dec to get a full eye check and get a new prescription for new glasses. I didn't use the one from last year and it's useless now! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Heart Love GIF by iQiyi
HAVE A FUN VISIT with your sister-in-law!

Bill: Thanks for the name of the book. I wrote it down.

Lee: Tuesday is going to be a FANTASTIC DAY to get things done outside around the house before the Brrr Cold creeps in again. My planter on the deck got hit by frost last night and is a GONER! It was so pretty. I bet it's glad it's finally over for the season! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
Animation Withering GIF by Mashed

Karen: Good for you doing the Quarantine after your trip. Wish everyone would do that.
Nice that you can watch the church service from home. I wish they still did that at our church.

DAVE: Thanks for the great tune! Now to get it out of my head! :oops:

Out of here for now.


2nd Officer
Kathie, are you sure your eye glass prescription from last year is no good? Mine are "good" for 3 yrs, I still get tested every year but if I didn't my script is still good.

Pat, have a fun visit with your Sil!


Wacky Wabbit
I asked about that eye prescription and it's past the time I can use it.
But the good thing is that our insurance will pay for an EYE EXAM. I just hate to go through the part of getting my eyes dilated.

Can't wait to see if the temps actually go UP into the 70's on Tuesday!

Off to do some work on getting bills together to pay online. Hate it, but nobody else wants the PAIN in the BUTT job around here! Ha ha.

animation illustration GIF by MOOT
ordering online amazon GIF by Dr. Donna Thomas Rodgers