Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Morning Bunnies!

Not much to gab about this morning. We may head out to the smaller grocery store this morning for a few odds and ends.

During the writers strike CBS decided to run "Yellowstone", which originally was only on one of those pay for channels. And planned to only show the first season's shows. Turns out that the ratings on CBS were so high that they are now going to show season 2 starting this Sunday.

Sure the heck beats most of those reality and game shows they were showing to fill the time until the writers strike was over.



2nd Officer
Good morning. I just canceled our subscription to the newspaper, we only got it in Sundays, that is when he would deliver. And the copy we got had old news a lot of the time. So not worth it.

I got notice yesterday afternoon that the recliner had a tracking number so I checked this morning and I should receive it on Friday. Today I plan on uploading the photos from Hawaii.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Sister in law just left, so I figured it was time for me to check in.
We had a really great visit with lots of story telling about my family that she did not know. Plus there was a fair amount of wine consumed. Correction - There was a lot of wine consumed!! Our steaks last night were delicious. Bert did a super job grilling them, as usual. Missy & the kids were here for dinner too, so needless to say, there were no leftovers.

My oxygen level hasn't been great over the past few days, so this morning I called a place called Dispatch Health. I found out about them last time I was in the hospital. Rather than run to the ER, they will come to the house to treat you and it's all covered by insurance. I figured it was time to get checked out before it's time for our cruise next week. I'll let you know how I make out after their visit.

Other than that, nothing much is going on around here today. We had a late night last night, so a nap might just be on my schedule.

I'll be back later, if I have something to talk about.


Chief Security Officer
Thanks for the link to the website of the restaurant that took over Dino's, Nancy. Miss Dino's even though it was a bit more of a drive when we stayed in Vero instead of Ft.Pierce.
Might be worth the drive to check out the new place although much of their menu doesn't especially appeal to me.
Pat- Hope that newly discovered company works out for you. The fact that they would save you a trip to the hospital is a big benefit.
Two days in a row that we have awakened to sunny skies and the forecast for the
next few days shows temperatures in the 70's. Guess we will have an Indian Summer after all.
I have enjoyed the episodes of Yellowstone that I have watched so far so I am pleased to hear that CBS will show the second season's episodes. Without those episodes there would be very little to watch.
We had our first repeat winner this week in my football pool. I didn't do so well this week. After making 11 correct picks and winning the runner-up prize last week, I made a miserable 3 correct predictions this week. I did predict the exact total score of last night's game but that was worth exactly nothing.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Just had my visit from Dispatch Health and all I can say is OMG!!! There was a nurse practitioner and a tech. They come prepared to do almost anything that can be done in the ER, including taking x-rays. Bottom line after the exam is that I do not have an infection nor fluid in the lungs. Getting a prescription for 5 days worth of steroids. Also need to get a cough medicine so I stop coughing. I must say that I was very impressed and will definitely use them again if needed.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A beautiful day here in the neighbourhood has left me with little or nothing to add.
Enjoy the grocery store Dave. I know we always enjoy the US grocery stores because there is so much variety compared to what we get here.
Sounds like a real good “concierge medical team” Pat. Your description of them reminded me of the TV show “Royal Pains”. By volume, what is the tipping point (pun intended) between “a fair amount of wine” and “a lot of wine”? About the cough…Tony put me on to pineapple juice instead of cough medicine and by gosh, it always seems to work.
My neck's getting sore from my head hanging down and shaking after so many Bills games that had no reason to lose Bill. Other then they got out scored…
Funny enough Nancy, by the time any thing in print media arrives at your door these days it’s stale dated news and information.
Getting all caught up on everything Karen? Did you find your jacket?
We had a heavy frost yesterday morning Kathie. Then this morning Miss Ava and I were out without jackets! Our outdoor plants are on their last legs too.
Have a good one everybody.


Wacky Wabbit
BB: So glad that the House call from Dispatch Health worked out so good and you don't have any infection or fluids on your lungs. Drink a lot of water. It should help with the cough.

LEE: We had that same frost yesterday.
I was able to get the shrubs in the front of the house trimmed. Art came home just in time to help pick up the trimmings.
And with that I’ll close this post and open another one.


Wacky Wabbit

Got a call from Tass ( who is the sister of our sister-in-law who passed away)

She let us know that our youngest Nephew, Jeff, passed away sometime between Sunday to this Morning. We are beside ourselves.
Jeff was the youngest of 3 nephews and Nephew that cared for the Lake cottage. I just missed seeing him on my Sunday when I took the drive to the cottage according to Tass (his Aunt).
His brothers hadn’t heard from him since Sunday evening and a friend who went there on Monday to help him do a work job couldn’t reach him. He couldn’t reach him today either and went over to one of the other brothers house to let him know. It went downhill from there. They went to the house and found Jeff.

So unbelievable that Jeff is not with us. I hope the boys have a autopsy done, but I’m not sure they will. There was no disturbance or break-in at the house. I guess the county coroner will have some input into that matter.

My heart is heavy with sadness and I’m going to take some time off from the hutch. I know this extended family understands. Say a prayer from Jeff, he’ll be missed.

Love you all. :emoticon 0153 brokenheart:
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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh Kathie, you know that our thoughts and prayers are with not only you and Art but your family as well.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Kathie - So sorry to hear this news. You know that we will be keeping you and the rest of the family in our thoughts and prayers as you all go through this difficult time. Hugs to you, my friend. :hug:


2nd Officer
So sorry to hear of the passing of your nephew, K2. How old was he? I too would hope they do an autopsy.

Sounds like this "Dispatch Health" was a great find, BB. It should save you some trips to the ER.

Lee; You mentioned that your grocery stores in Canada have less variety than ones in the U.S. I can't think of a single reason why. Got any reason for it, that you know about?

Ah yes, our roller-coaster ride in our weather continues. Just a couple of days ago we had a frost in the morning and yesterday it was in the mid 70's.

This morning we have a routine exam with our family doctor, so we schedule the appointments one right after the other. That way it's only one trip to the doctor's office.


2nd Officer
K2 sorry for your loss.
Good morning. IT is supposed to rain some today, we can use it. No plans for me today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! It's another beautiful day here with the temp already up to 78. It's going ot be a hot one in the old town tonight, as the saying goes.

Dave - That roller coaster ride with your weather so reminds me of when we lived in NJ. The ground would freeze and the next day it would be mud from warming up. Perfect time of the year to get sick.

Speaking of sick, the nurse practitioner said that I have bronchitis and aside from the steroids, I need to take cough medicine, so I sent Bert off to Publix for some Robitussin. It seems to be helping with the cough.

Bert said he wanted to go out shopping early today. Well, his idea of early and my idea of early are two different things. I tried to wake him up over and hour and a half ago. I still don't hear any noise from the bedroom. so the shopping trip might be off for today.

That's about all I've got this morning. Thinking of you, Kathie and your family.

Have a good hump day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A fine day to be out at the crack of dawn for my annual visit to the urologist. I try to be pleasant and a good patient yet for some reason he insists on giving me the finger. :emoticon 0173 middlefinger: All seems to be well and I see him again in a year. I'm always amazed that with the advances in medicine and medical science they haven't come up with an alternate way to check a guy's prostate.
I don't know why there's such a difference in product selection at the grocery store Dave. It doesn't seem to matter what it is, US grocery stores just have so much more selection. Just for an example with Starbucks K-Cups...We generally have Blond, Pike, maybe Verona or Sumatra and that's it. In US grocers there are those plus various seasonal and flavoured k-cups. You talk of all of your flavours of ice cream that we never see here. You can't find "Pub Cheese" here but it's widely available in your stores. It does make it fun for us to visit grocery stores that are in a foreign country. A mile away over the bridge...
I see you posted at 10:30 "ish" Pat. "half past early". :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: We do like to be up and out for things first thing in the morning. A trip to Costco sometimes entails waiting a few minutes until the doors are unlocked! Don't you forget about that pineapple juice for your cough!
I best get going here. I'd like to clean the oven and I still have my exercises to get done.
I sure do hope that all of you have a fantastic Wednesday.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I feel like it is so late and it's just 8:00. I hate this time of the year and it will only get worse in a week and a half when the clocks get turned back. I see happy hour on the lanai in the dark!!!

Checking out for tonight. Nothing on TV, so who knows what we'll end up watching. Have a great night, everyone.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As Mr. Red Skelton used to say, “Good night and may God bless”.


2nd Officer
You knew that either Lee or me would post this song,


I'd forgotten how long the opening was before any singing actually began. Richard Roundtree was just a young lad when that movie came out.

K2; Hope you are finally getting some answers as to why your nephew passed.

I see that bronchitis has hit you again, BB. That sucks. And like you, something I'm very familiar with. Don't be breaking any ribs with all that coughing.

Maybe Canadian grocers are more frugal about getting money tied up in a larger inventory, Lee.

Kathi is off for another massage this morning. I'll be milling around smartly.

Wishing all you Bunnies a safe, healthy, and fun day.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Another good tune from the vault Dave. Thank you. I can already sense an ear worm rattling around in my mostly empty head today. I miss the massages I used to get when Lu-Ann’s benefit plan was in place and we were covered.
Sending a big old hug your way Kathie.
Accuweather nailed the rain this morning. It stopped at 6:07 and gave me a window of 22 minutes to get our early walk in. As we got a house away on the way back it started to spit again.
Everyone have a good day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Another beautiful day around here. I just hope I get a chance get out on the lanai to enjoy it.

Dave - Great choice for this morning's song. Always liked that one, even with that ridiculously long intro. Not really doing much coughing between the cough medicine and when sleeping my head and upper body is elevated just enough that I'm not coughing up a lung, as my kids would say.

Lee - Glad you managed to get in a quick walk before the rains came. I'm sure both you and Ava were thankful for that.

I don't think I shared how I screwed up something last week. Remember I made that huge pot of beef stew which was loaded with all sorts of fresh veggies. The one thing I forgot to check was the amount of sodium in the bullion cubes I put in the stew. It was a LOT. I ended up sending the stew to Missy's house for Wesley and the kids once I saw what the sodium level was. Well, to cut a long story short, due to the high sodium content, my ankles and lower legs are retaining water. I sent a message to my cardiologist this morning to see what he wants me to do to bring the water retention down. As Kathie would say IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING!

Missy is supposed to be coming over today to do some cleaning for us, but who knows when that will be. She's like her father in that respect - she likes to sleep late when she can.

I think my husband is trying to kill me! You heard it here first!! He went to BJ's yesterday and they had Half n Half on sale, so he got two of them. As he was putting them in the refrigerator, I asked if he had gotten the right one. He proceeded to read the label to me, WRONG!! He got the low fat one again. Then told be the biggest lie - That's the only kind they had. So I asked him why he bothered to buy it. No answer to that. He also bought some multi packs of chicken and beef broth. I asked if they were low sodium and his answer once again was NO, these were all they had. I was ready to scream!!! He really is trying to kill me. You heard it here first!! He just grabs the first thing h e finds. Talk about frustrating for me, as I really don't like to go into stores with all the Covid around these days.

They still haven't captured that shooter up in Maine. What an awful person to have killed so many. It's just sickening to see the stories on TV. Then add in the new speaker of the house. UGH! He's a real piece of cake for lil t.

Ok, that's it for me this morning. I'm ready to head for the lanai. It's 80 degrees here. Have a great day, gang!