Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good Sunday morning, everyone! I hope your day is off to a great start.
Dave - They say that we all get shorter as we age. I guess that includes Franklin too. He needs some of those shoes our wonderful governor wears to make himself look taller by at least 3 inches. That might help Franklin a little bit, right? LOL
Enjoy your trick or treating today. No fun doing it during the day though. Just not even a little bit spooky.
Lee - That sure is one heck of a wardrobe change for you guys. Stay warm, my friend. I hope that
snow you mentioned doesn't show up. I see where Denver is going to get a good amount of that stuff. Better them than you.
Karen - Good for you heading off to church this morning. Was your trick or trunk sponsored by your church? They tried that once here. All you got were the same kids circling back around for more candy. Never did it again. Now it is strictly door to door trick or treating on Halloween.
Kathie - I hope things are starting to return to normal up your way. You know we are always thinking of you.

I guess it's about time for me to think about packing for our cruise. It should only take a few minutes, as I know everything I'm taking. Then it's just a matter of waiting for tomorrow to get this party started.

Hellalago last night was fun, but we found out something - We don't know anyone who lives here any longer! It's all new people. Most of our friends have moved away and there's just a handful of people left. Sob Sob! Here's a picture on M&J in their costumes -


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Finished my shower and ready for the day. We will go to lunch in a bit. The will watch the next to the last race of the year.

Yesterday I cleaned another area of the bedroom and got one full bag of garbage and 1 &1/2 bag for Salvation Army. I have a couple of boxes that I can't remember what it in them so will check them on Monday.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
I guess the only miracle that took place at yesterday's Georgia- Florida game was that the score wasn't even more lopsided. Do I see a new coach in Florida's future, BB. On a brighter note, BC won its match against U Conn yesterday.
A gray and rainy day here and chillier days ahead. Rich and Dianne's daughter, Christine is hosting a Patriots football party this afternoon, but unless the weather improves markedly in the next hour or two, I believe a token appearance is about all that we (or I) will manage.
Yesterday's HOA Italian dinner was very good and there was an overabundance of food and more especially desserts. So much food that few people left without a doggie bag full enough to provide another meal or two.
Neat costumes, BB. We, too, usually stay onboard when our cruise stops in Nassau. Been
there, done that, so many times that we now treat it as if it were another day at sea.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - Never expected Gators to beat Georgia yesterday. They have become a powerhouse in recent years. Just like the Gators did when the "ole ball coach" was running the team. I don't think they should get rid of the coach this year, unless they don't win any more games to become bowl eligible. Then he would need to goSo far, they have some excellent recruits planning to come to Floorida next season.


Wacky Wabbit
Hello Wrabbits.

I went to church this morning and put in a good word for ALL of you. Pat you got some extra prayers that the upcoming cruise will be a fun and safe one! Remember to PACE yourself.

It's 49F here right now and all I can say is I wish I could win the Lottery and get out of Michigan for at least 6 months out of the year.

Funeral plans are for this coming Saturday.

I bought some PEANUTS at the Bulk Food Store for the Blue Jays. They are whole in the shells and they fly in an pick them out of the feeder really fast. They are a noisy bird, but fun to watch.

Michigan State is continuing to do a HORRIBLE job as far as football goes. Seems like they're not that good at Basketball today either.

Karen: I passed by at least 3 areas that had the Trunk/Treat thing going on yesterday. Like you said parking lots were jammed. I'm just glad the weather was dry for the kiddies.
We're not passing out candy this year. Last year if I got 20 kids I was lucky. We're just situated in a odd spot on the block and it's going to be freezing cold and I said I'm getting too old for sitting outside with a full blast heater and blankets on handing out candy. Yup, I'm a

PAT: Missy & Jimmy sure have lost the weight. Especially Jimmy. WOW. Kudo's to both of them. Love their costumes.

I'm out of here for now.
We're meeting up with the kids for dinner later. A nice casual easy going Italian place. I just don't feel like cooking today!

Be good and enjoy the week.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well Bill, The Pats didn't quite put on the effort we were hoping for.
Nice picture of the kids Pat but I have a question. Where the heck did the rest of Missy and Jimmy go? Congrats to them both. They look great!
Thanks for the good word with “The Big Guy” Kathie. I can’t get over the price and size of Halloween candy! Talk about shrinkflation.
How many trick n’ treaters Dave?
Be good my friends.


Chief Security Officer
There is a Trunk or Treat (where did that term come from, when and why?) scheduled to take place at the Gazebo at the corner of our street and the first road into our development and residents have been invited to bring their grandchildren. In the past two years we haven't seen one trick or treater and I am doubtful that we will see many (if any) this year as well, especially given the weather forecast of rainy, chilly weather.
I don't blame you for not wanting to sit outside in the cold to hand out candy, K2, but why not just stay inside and make the little
ghosts and goblins come to your door to get their treats?
Ended up passing on the tailgate party at Christine's house. The weather was just too miserable to go and given the results of the game, it would have seemed even more miserable.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: I guess I just feel sorry for the little kids having to walk all the way up the driveway to the front porch for a piece of candy. And because of the way the house is situated a lot of the Trick or Treaters just don’t cross the street to come to our house. I don’t mind sitting at the edge of the drive on a nice evening. but when it’s cold, windy and sometimes wet I just have to pass.

Did you and Rita secure a place for the Winter down South? Can’t remember??


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning Bunnies!

It rained here before trick-or-treat yesterday afternoon, and it rained after trick-or-treat. So where was the rain I was hoping for DURING trick-or-treat???

(I happen to like this custom being held during daylight so you can actually see the colorful costumes of the little whippers.)

It's the first time we've had to shut off the porch light and close the door, half an hour before the 2 hour event ended. We got 71 beggars, with only one package of Fritos left in the bowl when we called it quits.

Oddly enough the kids preferred picking out mini pretzels over Fritos and Cheetos.

Cutest costumes were a little girl dressed as a butterfly and a little girl dressed in pink as a princess.

Although Barbie was suppose to be the most popular costume, we only had one.

Strangest, was a kid dressed as a porta-potty. Even had the toilet paper.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Computer is acting weird this morning. Bet it realizes I won't be around for a few days. LOL

Just about ready to head out the door for our great adventure. If all goes well, I'll see you on Friday or Saturday.

Behave yourselves while I'm gone and make sure you clean up the hutch, especially those dust bunnies under the beds! Love you all!!!:bigsmilehn::emoticon 0152 heart:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Safe travels to you Momma Bunny, Bert and all of the kids! Have a great cruise. :sign havefun:
Funny enough Kathie, Halloween either seems nice or down right cold and wet. I can remember nights when all of the neighbours would gather at the end of their driveways and “swap” candy in between the little folks coming and going. I reckon tomorrow night will be a short night for us with the forecast.
You’re back in the same community this year, aren’t you Bill? Are you sending the car by transport or is one of the kids driving it down and flying back?
I like the way Trick or Treating is done in Massillon Dave. During the day between set times when drivers can see the little folks, people can see and enjoy the costumes and everyone likely feels a tad safer.
I still think back to Halloween in Ayr and our neighbour James. He‘s the fella who came across and asked if Paul, our side neighbour, and I had “noticed Cara’s pumpkins“. As I bit my tongue he followed that up with “They‘re really nice this year.” I sincerely don’t think he realized the double entendres he had just delivered with a perfectly straight face. Had I noticed Cara’s pumpkins? :smilehn::smilehn:
I reckon I should get something done. I don’t know what.
You all be good.



Wacky Wabbit
Good Mid-Morning Wrabbits.
Hope Mama Bunny is well on her way for a nice relaxing 4 day cruise. Beats sitting at home.

Had a 9:00 am Dr's check-up this morning. Total waste of both of our time. "Hello Mrs A, how are you doing"? "Fine, and yourself doctor"? "Just fine". "Okay, I'll see you next year unless you have any issues!" Covid should have taught us that these kind of visits should be done ONLINE to save TIME and GAS! At least she's a very, very pleasant person!

I have a 15#'s of BEETS to boil and then cut up and can. I make them semi-sweet w/vinegar. Good fiber content.

Then a funeral visitation later in the afternoon.

It's 40F (and the "F" could be taken many ways at this point) ;) Cold and dreary. Hate it.

Dave: I must agree with you that HALLOWEEN should be made to be MANDITORY on the SUNDAY BEFORE Oct 31st during the DAY-LIGHT HOURS. With all the kidnapping and murders going on in the USA why take a chance and have some NUT CASE stalking the young kids at night.

I want to say that FRANKLIN is one GOOD LOOKING Statue! I'd be worried someone would steal him off your porch! And he'd be outside only from Spring to Fall. Just not fair to have him outside during the harsh OHIO Winter. :oops:

Lee: I hope you and AVA were dressed warm this morning for your walk. Brrr.

Out of here for now. Gotta get those beets cooking in the basement. Thank goodness for that gas stove downstairs!

Talk among yourselves. :lol04:


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Just home from taking more things to Salvation Army. I am done with getting things together for them.

Now in two days I can start wrapping Christmas gifts. A couple years ago I bought a cute short outside Nutcracker, well starting that year we did not put decorations out and last year we only put out the Angel, so I will take the Nutcracker to Jennifer for them to put out.

Our neighborhood does a trunk or treat at the pond in the middle of the neighborhood on the Saturday closes to Halloween and then to do a golf cart parade, of course almost all of the carts are not legal in the neighborhood as we are not a golf community. Then on Halloween night the kids go back out house to house and in the center of the neighborhood come people from all over the county, so the people that live there have to get at least a thousand pieces of candy if not more. With us being on the last street and also the shortest street we don't get any kids anymore, so we make sure not to turn on any outside lights and close the door and pull the curtains.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Pat, hopefully by now you are happily onboard and enjoying your favorite adult beverage in the Schooner bar, please enjoy one for all of us too! In case you read back this far, the Trunk or Treat was sponsored by the City of Belleview & local churches & business's set up around Lake Lillian to hand out candy & other promotional items.

Dave, add me to the list of people who think having trick or treat on the weekend before Halloween during daylight hours is a great idea! I remember one night coming home from night class at college & trying to get to my old house. The streets were dark, cars parked along side the road everywhere & kids and adults wandering down the middle of the street. One of the scariest experiences I've ever had driving!

Kathie, and just think of the big bucks the Dr. will charge the insurance company for that little 5 min. chat, just crazy! It's as bad as when I go for my annual physical the Dr. doesn't have me do blood work first, then I have to go back after the blood works done for her to "tell" me my results. I did manage to get next years blood work scheduled first so hopefully it will stay that way.

Lee, I had a good laugh over the Cara's pumpkin comment, I'm just glad James made the comment to you & Paul instead of Cara, it might not have been as well received.

Got up early this morning with the intention of getting some outside work done before it got to hot. Even though it was over cast & a bit "foggy" it didn't take very long before pulling weeds turned into a hot job! I managed to finish weeding one flower bed & trimmed up a few vines before the sun just got to hot and I had to quit. Going to head out in a few minutes & spray weeds in the back patio, the sun will help speed the dying process. Before I do that though I think it's time for some lunch, have a great day all!


Chief Security Officer
K2- my recent doctor's appointment was almost equally as brief but it was more complete and thorough. Hope that today's and tomorrow's are equally good and thorough. We are going to spend the months of January, February and March (and perhaps part of April) at the same place in Vero Beach that we stayed in this year. The price is a bit higher (isn't everything?) but it still seems worth the cost.
Hope that Pat, Bert, Missy and Jimmy have a great cruise on Allure OTS. Only problem with 4 night cruises is that they are almost over before they have even begun and on a ship the size of Allure, you hardly have time to check out all that the ship has to offer, before it is time to disembark.
It is 56degrees, damp and rainy to start off a week that promises more of the same. Hard to believe that only last week we had 80degree temperatures. Such is life in New England.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Today in the mail I received the six orchids I had ordered on Oct 26. This lady was so quick in mailing and everything was packed perfectly. One has three flowers and they are perfect. Most of the rest have at least one stem which should flower.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
HEY LEE… were you able to hear those DETROIT LION FANS OVER in Aburg?? They sure are loud!
26/14 with 5:00 mins to go and they’re starting to screw up. Missed a good Field Gisl! :eek:


Wacky Wabbit
DETROIT LIONS TAKE THE WIN on MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL! Wow, they sure have come a long way from always being LAST!
National Football League Yes GIF by Rocket Mortgage

Good night all.


2nd Officer
Place your bets boys & Girls. Which saloon on the Allure Of The Seas has BB made her gathering spot?

I see that many of you agree that Trick-Or-Treat is safer when held during daylight. Not to mention it doesn't give some teenagers cover for trouble-making.

When I was a kid it was always held at night, but by the time I had my own kids it had flipped to daytime. Many people were up in arms about it, but it has stayed a daytime activity.

Common pranks that happened when I was young were soaping windows, and TPing someone's trees. Ya never see or hear about that now.

Inquiring minds want to know. So.......How are Cara's pumpkins, Lee? wink-wink.

Actually K2, Franklin has always stood inside the fenced in area out the back door. It's so generous of you donating money to the medical profession. Heaven knows, they're working paycheck to paycheck. It's about time for Lions.

Oh the ease and quickness of spraying weeds, KC.

Bill; Have you ever thought of moving to Florida and renting a place up north during the summer?

I have a check up visit with the surgeon who did the bypass on my right leg this morning. Should be fine. Kathi gave me some cheerful news??? She said that at least I won't have anymore doctor's appointments this month.
