Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
So that’s what that racket was coming across The River last night Kathie. Hey, The Lions and their long suffering fans deserve a positive season like they’re seeing this year.
Good luck for a “two thumbs up” report from the doc Dave. Just like the one’s Kathie and Bill got. Oh, the places I could go with simple suggestive observation humour concerning certain “pumpkins“. But I already hear you giggling like a school boy so I won’t.
It’s getting into fall weed control time here too Karen. We call it frost.
It amazes me Nancy at all of the things that can be sent via mail or courier and they arrive safely at their destination. When I was with Canada Post one of our favourite times of year was when we would get “flats” of baby chicks going to our Rural Routes. Yep, special care and handling from the hatchery right to the farmers.
Best get a move on. Tonight being Halloween I have to head to the grocery store to pick up some toilet paper, soap and eggs…:happyhn:


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits and .....
Dog Halloween GIF by LookHUMAN

Such good humor so early in the morning..... love it.

Dave: Hopefully, you'll get a GRADE A Report on your leg visit. Do you have to "shave" for this visit or do you go "hairy and natural"?? Maybe Kathi will take you for a treat afterwards!

Lee: Sorry about all that noise last night. Being so close to the Detroit River the noise does carry. It was a good game and Detroit bar owners made a few extra bucks after last nights big win!
FROST as a weed killer who would have known!! :smile:

Karen: Hope the weed killer worked and that you didn't use that controversial ROUND UP stuff.
I insist on getting the "orders" for blood work to be done BEFORE I go for my annual physical. It just makes sense to have it there so the doctor has something to look over right in front of you.

I go for my annual physical with the NEW Internist today at 1:30. And yes, the blood work is already done. Should be interesting to me this new female doctor. It's taken me 8 months to get a appointment!!!! I want to make sure she clears me for any KNEE surgery I might have done once I see the Ortho Dr in November. Yup, I'm doing my best to support the medical field.
You didn't mention how your Niece is doing with her Kidney issues. Hope they have her meds figured out and she's better.

I'm sure that our Mama Bunny is holding court in one of the Fashionable lounges on the ship. Hope they're all having a good time.

Bill: Nice to know you have the same rental this year in Florida. Makes it easier to know the area and get around while you're there. If you can stay through April it would be a good thing. As I remember last year you came back to nasty weather for quite a while.

You all have a good day. Dave/Lee/ Lu-Ann / Bill/Rita
STAY WARM! I'm not worried about the rest of you staying warm. :emoticon 0140 rofl:


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Went to the Dr but since the MRI has not been read yet have rescheduled for the 13th. My right knee is hurting so bad, last night I did not put any of the new ointment on and it hurt bad all night, it does not really help much with the swelling but helps a lot with the pain. So I have put some on this morning and will again later. I really don't want surgery. On Facebook two friends have had knee replacement and both as soon as they got home it has been nothing but trouble. And I read all the time how much worse knee replacement is over hip replacement. And of course there is the problem of my oxygen falling a lot during surgery, meaning a few days in the hospital because of that.

After the Dr, I stopped at the Publix there and dropped off the shots that Bruce had and we did not use and of course they are out of date. So nice they have a bin like a mail box that you drop the meds in, so easy.

When Bruce left this morning he asked if I wanted to go to dinner tonight, I have decided yes.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Going to be off line for a while, unless something drastic happens between now & Friday morning the Vet is coming to put Scooter to sleep. A decision I didn't want to make, but she spent most of today wobbling around crying so rather than make her suffer it's time to let her go. I managed to get ahold of the vet that had come to the house a couple times that I really liked, so she will be coming. I'm sure going miss that little grumpy face


Wacky Wabbit
Oh Karen I’m so sorry.
We’ll all miss the Scooter stories. Know we will be with you in spirit during this difficult time. Take care.


Wacky Wabbit
It snowed here tonight. Just crazy. Thst’s SNOW on the grass and shrubs.
I really need to move out of this crazy state. My Maple trees are still totally FULL OF LEAVES!



2nd Officer
My heart breaks for you KC. It hurts us but is best for Scooter. And no one can say that you didn't do everything possible to keep her healthy and loved.

Oh joy, I first noticed it snowing here about 8 last night. Those big fat flakes. Temperatures over night went down into the 20's. But, a high temperature today in the 40's will melt whatever accumulation people got overnight. Slippery roads still a problem for early morning travelers.

You made me smarter, Lee. I had no idea that people shipped baby chicks through the postal service.

That is great thinking K2. Making sure you get your blood work done before your doctor's appointment. Don't you worry about that knee surgery. The only people that are skittish of it are the ones who get their medical advice from social media. Full of lollypops called "Dumb-Dumbs". My mother-in-law had it done, and wished she hadn't put it off for so long. I was amazed how quickly they had her up and about, and walking pain free.

It seems that the United Auto Workers Union and the 3 major automakers in the U.S. have come to an agreement ending the UAW strike.

It was simple to name the brands a few years ago. Ford, GM, and Chrysler. But now name them. I can't. Ford, GM, and some company who's name I never can remember. I think it's name starts with a "T".



2nd Officer
Good morning. We went to Benihana's and had dinner of two tempura's and one specialty sushi roll and two drinks each. Of course coming home in the neighborhood with golf carts having super bright lights, groups of people with no lights it took at least twice as long to get to the house.

No real plans for today.

All have a great day. Hope the snow melts for all of you who got some.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
The first thing that popped up was your note Karen. Please know that Lu-Ann and I are thinking of you and sending thoughts and prayers your way.


Wacky Wabbit
Falling Leaves Fall GIF by Robert E Blackmon
Add a tad bit of snow to some of the areas!

Good Afternoon Wrabbits. Still in our thoughts Karen. Take care.

We met up with Jill early this morning at the City offices that control the Cemetery Plots that we had bought. We SOLD them back to the City and since Jill's name was on as a owner she had to come in and sign off.
I truly loved the Plots that we had in the quaint small cemetery, but Art expressed his interest in being buried in the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly, MI so how could I not let this Veteran be
among his fellow servicemen and women! :oops: I'll be there too!

Afterwards we went to Costco to stock up on Paper items and other bulk items so I won't have to drag the stuff to the car in the COLD WINTER MONTHS. It was very busy there.

Lee: Hope you had on your LONG SLACKS and HEAVY Winter Coat this morning for your walk with Ava. Brrrr.

Bill: I saw on the weather station that close by your area there's going to be some major rain coming. Hope it's above your area. I bet you're already counting down the days to get out of town! :smile:

Out of here to boil up my BEETS and put them in the jars for good eating during the Winter.
Also, making up some other things to freeze for future quick use.
BUSY, BUSY today.

Have a good day all.


Chief Security Officer
Sorry to read of your loss, KC. Our pets aren't "almost like family". They are family and we grieve at their loss as much as we do at the loss of human relatives.
Again no trick or treaters and on our way home from Lisa's where we
celebrated her birthday, we saw one, apparently an adult in full costume, leaving the gazebo with a bag of goodies. If there were any kids, they had come and gone before we got home.
Surprised to find some sunshine when I awoke but the skies are gray and threatening so we won't be without at least some rain for too long. No snow so far thank God, but they are predicting we will get our first hard frost of the season sometime over the next few days, Definitely not shorts and shirtsleeves weather for the foreseeable future.
Not sure I could survive the political climate at present in Florida, Dave but there would be some advantages to such a plan. Kevin has already mentioned that when he reaches retirement age he and Jamie will likely move south, but I think he is giving more consideration to the Carolinas rather than Florida.
I suspect that BB and her crew may congregate in the Schooner Bar in the evenings especially if there is a talented piano player performing nightly.


2nd Officer
Thanks for the thoughts & good wishes, Scooter has done a major turn around today, eating, grooming & even playing with one of her catnip toys. If she continues to perk up I will be calling the vet tomorrow afternoon to cancel Fridays visit, which she said was perfectly fine to do. I know this is most likely a short term improvement, but I'm really not ready to give up on her yet.


2nd Officer
Good evening. It was a quiet day here. Bruce was home and did some cleaning in the garage and actually threw some things out. I did not do much.

When we got home from Hawaii our weather station had one temperature for outside, so Bruce changed the battery and then it went to a new temperature, -40, since it has registered wind and how much rain it is the temp gage that is broken so tonight Bruce had ordered a new station. It will be nice to know the actual temp.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Good to know that Scooter is showing signs of improvement. Hope the progress continues. Take care over there.

I got my BEETS canned and I must say my BACK is letting me know I overdid it today! Be back tomorrow.

Good Night Time GIF by Kochstrasse™


2nd Officer
GREAT KC! I just hope that Scooter's improvement stays on the upswing. Quiet a roller coaster ride of emotions she's got you on.

So you're in the real estate business now K2. Dealing in.......cemetery plots. Well, it's a start. Work your way up to bigger commissions.

I think you're right Bill on BB picking the Schooner Bar for a place to congregate. She's mentioned before her liking of a good piano player in there.

Please tell me Lee that there was no need to whip out your snowblower yesterday. Hope that the sun and warmer ground temperature cleared everything out for you. Quite a pileup they had in Pennsylvania because of slippery roads.

We really liked a TV show called "Seal Team", which was on CBS. But a couple of years ago, in the middle of Covid, they sent it over to Paramount Plus. One of those pay-for channels. (There's probably a dozen of those channels now.) So that was the end of our viewing of that show.

But after the success "Yellowstone" has had with high ratings on CBS showing reruns from when it was only on a pay-for channel, they are doing the same with "Seal Team".

So tonight "Seal Team" will be on CBS at 10 PM.



2nd Officer
Good morning. Am doing some laundry today, hopefully two loads. It has been looking like rain all morning but now the clouds are going away. They said we are getting a cold front, but the past couple f days the high was in the high 70's and starting tomorrow the highs will be in the low/mid 80's, so I am not seeing a cold front.

Bruce is home again today so he is working in the garage again. Hope he can get rid of more things.

Starting a few years ago we pretty much gave up on the shows on the 3 main networks and have been watching reality tv or also in my case watching true crime stories. And since giving up cable I have a lot of choices. So I start wherever the shows start and pretty much only watch one episode at a time, so the shows last awhile for me.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Tonight on Seal Team…
seals GIF

Sorry Dave, I couldn’t resist. Nope, no snow blower from me. Although I guess I should fire it up to make sure it starts.
Good morning! Afternoon.
Still cool but not quite as windy. It’s busy down around The Navy Yard while the parks department starts to put up Christmas Festival of Lights displays. Now that the seaway strike is over we’re seeing lots of ships up and down the river again.
I join the others in hoping that Scooter was just having a rough couple of days Karen.
Sadly “reality tv” even seems to be creeping in to streaming channels Nancy. The older and “wiser” I get (that point is up for debate) the less there is on tv that I find of interest.

I suspect that BB and her crew may congregate in the Schooner Bar in the evenings especially if there is a talented piano player performing nightly.
Perhaps even if there is only a mediocre piano player Bill. As long as they have a dram or two of red wine for Pat.
We were at Costco this morning Kathie. Like yours the other day it was really busy for a Thursday morning. We went through self check and I almost forgot to scan an item we had in the seat part of the cart. I noticed it and scanned it separately. Of course we wondered what would have happened had we not realized and headed to the door. I’m not sure idk do well in jail…
We did stop on the way home at “Fourbucks” for a slice of ginger loaf though. Yep, the seasonal favourites have returned.
I’m going to pack away all of the Halloween decorations this afternoon. I’m trying to keep my sweetie from over using her knee. The doc sent her for x-rays to see if they can detect anything. Then I’ll hop on one of the torture devices (bike or treadmill) that we have in the rec room and get my exercises done.
You all have a great Thursday!


Chief Security Officer
I have friends who are always talking positively about TV series that they watch on some of those premium channels that we don't access, so it is good news that the networks will be bringing some of them to a wider audience. I enjoy what I have seen of Yellowstone and hope some of the other series will soon be available for us to watch. There is so little on now that I am glad that the Bruins and Celtics have started off so strong or our TVs would be silent many nights. I must say that The Amazing Race has lost much of its appeal with its current programs. Most of the tasks that the contestants faced last night were beyond boring and I have yet to find a couple that I can really root for or even one that I can't wait to see eliminated. Watched Celebrity Jeopardy last night for the lack of anything better to do and wonder if the producers even check the "so-called" celebrities to see if there is even any brain function. Only one of last night's celebrities was someone I had even heard of - Dule Hill of West Wing and Psych fame.
Hope Scooter's improvement is more than temporary,KC. Prayer for that.