Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Tv Show Fun GIF by Happy Place
Hate the first few days of Daylight Savings Time. Some clocks that are suppose to change over on their own don't and you keep thinking it's a hour later. Our alarm clocks that have a back-up battery didn't switch over on their own. I'll have to check and see if the TIME ZONE is correct on them. Always Something!

It's 38F and damp outside. Must have rained during the night. Hopefully, it will get up into the 50's later today.

I'm going to try and make a "Snowflake Wreath" for our front door. Went to the Dollar Store and got 6 small Christmas Trees that come in a box for the project and wired ribbon. It looked easy online. Ha Ha. Time will tell.

Karen: We need a report on Scooter! Hope things are still good with her.

BB: Bummer on not getting to the Schooner Bar on the cruise. Yup, it's time to just hold onto the memories of the past sailings.

I got out of the car yesterday morning and must have swung my leg out a tad to fast and my back got a PULL in it that just won't loosen up. Hate when that happens.

The rest of you Wrabbits have a fun and safe day. Coffee's on me this morning.

Coffee Day GIF by leeamerica


2nd Officer
Quick good morning before I head off to church, will add a good word for all of you to the Good Lord upstairs!
Scooter is still doing fairly well, she's been yowling a bit more this morning but I think it's just complaining more than anything else. She ate her breakfast good & took all her meds, so it's just one day at a time. Crazy cat takes more pills than I do!
Going grocery shopping after church today which I will probably regret but I didn't make it out last week & am running low on a few things. Catch up with you all when I get home


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well sometime during the night the power went out so have to reset 3 clocks, two are done just need to fix the third. For some reason when the power goes out and then comes back on the ceiling light in my bedroom comes on so that wakes me up and I have to turn it off.

Today is the last Cup race for the year, I have two that I hope win.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer

Good morning everyone. Thought that I’d toss that tune out this morning, well, just because.
Me? Today I’m going to get the yard waste ready for tomorrow’s collection. Then I’ll get that freeloading Pati O’Furniture up onto the back porch and covered up for the winter.
At the end of the day Pat, I’m glad you got away.
You all have a dandy day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I HATE THIS TIME CHANGE!!!!! Barely 6:00 and it's dark outside. UGH!!!

Haven't felt great today. Dealing with breathing issues. I'm playing it by ear and if I think my O2 has dropped too far, I'm off for another Staycation at Celebration. Time will tell ...


2nd Officer

That was the perfect song you posted, Lee, for yesterday morning. Everyone waking up and trying to figure out which clock to believe following the time change.

BB; Have your doctors ever come up with a reason for your frequent oxygen levels dropping? Just hoping you don't end up in the hospital again. Gee, how lucky you
weren't, in having the Buffoon and your Governor in town on the same day.

Keeping our fingers crossed for Scooter's continued well being, KC. Time for you to fess up.......What impulse buy did you slip into your grocery cart that wasn't on your list?

K2; You're going to have to post a picture of that "Snowflake Wreath" you're planning on making. Damn that hurts when we pull a muscle/nerve in our back. Sure hope it's settled down by now.

I finally got around to breaking down the big box that "Franklin" came in yesterday. The box wasn't the big problem. Styrofoam packing-peanuts was. I used a dust-pan to scoop them out of the box and into one and a half 30 gallon trash bags. That's a lot of peanuts.



2nd Officer
Good morning!

Pat, welcome home! Sorry to hear your cruising days have come to an end. I sure hope they can figure out why your 02 keeps dropping like it does!

Dave, I did splurge on a couple new Christmas dish towels yesterday at Walmart. They had some nice heavy cotton ones for .96 cents so I bought 2 and will retire a couple old ones. Managed to spend $60 with no meat except a package of lunchmeat, prices are just crazy!

Kathy, hope you are feeling better today, back pain is the pits! Gentle stretches might help. I too would like to see the pic of the snow flake wreath.

Lee, I sure wish I could find an OGC crew down here, between my sister's & I we could keep them occupied for years!

Between church & grocery shopping I didn't get much else done yesterday but it sure felt like it. With the time change I was in bed by 7 and actually slept half way decent.

Have a meeting with the HOA treasurer this afternoon for what reason I have no idea, she met with Tom & Debbie, the maintenance person & secretary. 4-1/2 more weeks, Hallelujah!

Scooter ate good last night, I fixed her some white meat chicken & she really gobbled that down, have some more thawing out now I will fix some for her & a stir fry for me.
Not much else to yak about so will just say have a wonderful day all!


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Hugs GIF
Yikes.... what time is it? I don't usually get turned around when this TIME-THING happens, but I was up way too early this morning. (or maybe just on time)?

I put a load of clothes in the washer already and made a pot of coffee.

THE PULL in the lower waistline area in the back is letting me know it's still there this morning. Yesterday it was pretty much normal..... (if there is a normal these days) :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Dave: Amazing how many "peanut stuffing's" can be in a box. I save a few of the AIR-FILLED packing for when I ship things, but haven't had a big need to ship lately.

Karen: Hope the meeting is short & sweet. Soon it will be over and you'll just have to GO to the HOA meetings you want to go to. Good to know that Scooter is eating well.
And I have to go to the grocery store this morning. I've let it go for a couple of weeks and IT'S TIME!

I'll get the picture on here of the wreath even though it's not totally done yet. It was quick and got all the supplies at the dollar +.25 store. Not exactly inexpensive, but still better than what the stores or online places want for a crazy wreath.

BB: Hope that
Oxygen is at the right level by now. You take it easy girl. You don't want to be missing Thanksgiving Dinner. As I remember you have spent time at Resort Celebration one Thanksgiving! :oops:

45F and climbing up into the mid-50's later this afternoon. A good day to put up Christmas lights, but Art said he was going to be busy cutting down his Wild Flower plants by the creek.

Lee: You and the OGC gang make sure to PACE yourselves today with the basement job.

I'll be back with a picture as soon as I get to my cell phone. For some reason the pictures on the cell phone don't transfer to the lap-top and I'm just not into taking it to the Apple store to find out WHY!!

Greeting Good Day GIF by Titounis


Wacky Wabbit
Aimeeconnolly GIF by Sculpted by Aimee
Our Mama Bunny is at Hotel Celebration. (saw it on Facebook). Hope it's for a short stay.
Praying all will be good soon.

Got a LOT done so far this morning.
Going to grocery store with my LIST. Lordy this isn't going to be any fun.

Later gang.


Chief Security Officer
Nice picture of the wreath, K2. Hope your back isn't bothering you too much by now.
KC- considering recent weather conditions where the OGC live, they might be glad to help you out by heading south to "work for warmth".
Still have a couple of clocks that need to be changed and the timers need another adjustment since last night the living room lights that they control all went out a tad too early.
A gloomy start to what looks to be an equally gloomy rest of the day so perhaps I'll get a start on the latest Janet Evanovitch book. Just finished John Sandford's latest 'Prey' novel and looking at John Grisham's new one that is a follow up to The Firm.
Sounds like BB is heading back to Celebration again. Hope that they can find a way to fix things this time so she doesn't have to be a regular visitor.
Three folks failed to register their picks this week in my football pool. Not sure why but hope to find out. None tried to contact me or Jason so that we could have helped them.


2nd Officer
Good morning. No real plans for me today. I did have to check to see if I have enough boxes for towels that I bought for everyone for Christmas, I only have 3 so tomorrow I will get 3 more after having the SUV serviced. I had bought Bruce 4 different sets of socks but of course they came in groups of 3 for each color, so I have separated them in to groups of 4, one each color and put in 3 different boxes of different shape and size.

I hate Styrofoam packing-peanuts, you can't recycle and they easily fill at least one garbage bag. I have a box that I have to dump them today.

Yesterday my right knee decided to become extremely stiff and is again today. At least it does not hurt very much.

Pat, hope your oxygen got back to normal.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
The Basement. Day One. Walls and closet framed. Coffee and muffins consumed. A good half day all around.
Ah geez Momma Bunny, not again. I hope it’s just a short term reaction to t and d together near you sucking the oxygen out of the air. That’d make most of us sick.
When I was working Nancy, all my socks were the same. Grab any two…you have a pair. Wear one out. Toss it in the bin and use the other one.
It‘s possible that no team in the AFC East will win this week Bill.
Kathie, that’s a darned cute wreath! You are indeed talented. Hopefully your back eases up for you.
Do your Kittie Children get messed up with time changes Karen? Ava did OK yesterday morning but dinner was a different story. As was her getting up at, wait for it, 4:15 this morning. I wish we were closer to help you out too.
The kicker with styrofoam here Dave is that it’s not recyclable. And unlike bubble wrap you can’t pop the bubbles.
Time to hit the treadmill. Everyone have a fantastic rest of the day.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: My lower back has it’s moments. I took a muscle relaxer pill that my Oncologist gave me and it seems to have calmed things down so far today.
Went grocery shopping for almost 1 hour and a half. I was glad I took the pill before I went.
And I was glad I had a list to follow. I tend to take way too much time comparing brands and prices.
I did manage to find a HUGE savings on a BIG Bag of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in the Halloween 50% and more off isle. $8.50 and got it for $2.49. I had to hide it or Art would go through it in a matter of days. Ha ha.

60 degrees and SUNNY today. Would have been a fantastic day to put up Christmas Lights outside. Art said he had to get his plants cut down bynthe creek, so we’ll have to do it another day.

Lee: Glad you and the “Team” got a good start on the basement job!
I know that Lu-Ann is crafty and could put together that wreath in a snap.


2nd Officer
Good evening. I decided to call to confirm my appt with the car for tomorrow. The manager called back and the app is not until next week on Wednesday, so tomorrow I will go with Bruce to his heart Dr appt.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Election day.......FINALLY. I'm so sick of these commercials about making abortion in Ohio legal, or urging you to vote to keep it illegal. In my book, it should be a decision for each woman and her doctor, and no business of the government to decide.

Not again! BB back in the hospital. There has to be a reason for her fluctuations in oxygen levels. And I sure wish the doctors would find it.

Grocery shopping at Wal Mart KC? Way too many distractions and temptations. Scooter having a good appetite is a good sign.

Adorable wreath you made K2. What more work do you need to do on it? Glad that the muscle relaxer is working for you.

Bill; I like your sign saying, "Will work for warmth".

Looks like we have the same playbook for buying socks, Lee. Blacks are all the same, white ankle socks are all the same. It does seem that almost all adults turn into a little kid when popping bubble-wrap.


2nd Officer
Why can’t we all just stay on standard time?
Because Big Brother knows what's best for us, Lol! I've gone to bed at 8 pm the last 2 nights & wake up at 4:30-5 am, yes it's 8 hours of sleep but I don't want to wake up that early!
Church ladies are having a rummage sale on Fri & Sat so my friends & I are going over this morning to help set up, sort donations and that sort of thing. Will try to check back in when I get home, Jane is coming over this afternoon to spend the night & take me to the dentist tomorrow morning. Prayers said & fingers crossed it all goes well!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Bruce has a heart Dr appt this morning and I will go with him.

Yesterday the new weather station came so today Bruce will put it up.

All have a great day.