Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Well now, aren't some of you busy "little bees".
It's bright and sunny here right now. But it sure did rain last evening!
I hadn't seen about the freighters
Kathie. The only "water news" around here lately is the Boblo Ferry is undergoing repairs and the smaller ferry has been deemed as unsafe so it needs repairs. That leaves a couple of folks running residents of the island back and forth in their small pontoon boat. Of course if "The Boblobians" didn't get their car over to the mainland before the ferry went out of service they have no wheels. This includes our Mayor who seems to be using the lack of a ferry as an excuse to not be at council meetings, not attend the firefighters graduation and various other things that he should and has no reason to miss.
All I can say Karen is that I can't imagine the OCG's doing a road trip any time soon. As we've been framing one of the guys has taken to saying "Don't worry, the drywall will cover it". All in jest? I guess we'll find out. I keep asking for the plans, which we don't have, and have taken to adding "Vast ideas with Half Vast plans". Say that "half vast" part really quick and you'll see the humour.
How'd you do at the doc's Bill? Hopefully they were able to suggest something to remedy or relieve your discomfort. My gosh, The AFC East, well, just plain stinks.
I've started my Christmas shopping Nancy. I have one gift. So far. It'll get wrapped before December 24. I do like to give myself a little breathing room.
Back to doing whatever I was doing before coffee and the magic light box distracted me.
You all be good and PLEASE stay safe and well!


Chief Security Officer
Congratulations on getting your Christmas shopping started, Lee. When I was working, my shopping method was walking through the stores and looking at various items for several days and then a day or two before the holiday I would make actual purchases. Now it is even less organized but I generally get the job done before the deadline.
I think the visit with the
orthopedic doctor generally went well. They took an Xray of my hip and after looking at it, the doctor decided that they need to schedule a CT scan. In the meantime she gave me a shot to ease the pain and a shot of cortisone which should take a day or two to begin working. I also need to make an appointment for more PT and will see the doctor next month. Yes, KC, it is the same hip that I was taking PT for earlier and is the hip that I broke a few years back that is now giving me problems. The shots I got yesterday seem to have lessened my pain considerably so I am moving around much better and getting into and out of bed is much less of a problem. Hope that when the cortisone shot kicks in it will be even better.
Like you, K2, I gave up on last night's debate after only a few minutes.
Waiting to see if we get any more details about last night's news about th oe brothels that were discovered in a number of communities around Boston that allegedly involved a number of notable politicians, academics and business executives etc, Doubt that we will get any names, at least in the immediate future.
Hope that
both Dave and Pat's stays in the hospital are brief ones. The hutch is too, too quiet in their absence.


Wacky Wabbit
Jessica Out Of The Closet GIF
BROTHELS..... well I see real estate going up in Boston with that kind of entertainment going on! Ha Ha. I bet the "Orange-Moron" would like to be in on that kind of purchase! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I used to find Bill that the longer I left my Christmas shopping the easier it was. ‘Cause there was less selection the days before Christmas. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Hopefully everything with your hip will get sorted before you head south.
Just what is “very affordable” in a 1940‘s brothel Kathie? Safe drive across town.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well only 2 of the Nutcrackers needed repairing, one was simple to fix the other a pain but I did get it done. That one is Mrs. Claus so am giving her to Clara, Michael then gets 1 and Max gets 2. All 4 are doing or did some baking.

My leg has been hurting a lot and I am very tired so I will be going to bed pretty soon. Will rub the Bee Venom on the knee and have Bruce rub the leg cramp on the calf.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Hide the women, children, small animals, and especially your vodka. HE'S BACK!

So glad to be out of the hospital and home.

Here's the Reader's Digest version of why I was there; First up, it was all my fault. Following my leg surgery, and down-time afterwards, my legs had weakened up. And I knew I needed to exercise them to get my strength back. BUT I overdid it by doing it too many days in a row, which was counterproductive. So, Tuesday evening I found myself worn down and gasping for breath, which is not normal following exercise. The gasping spooked me the most, seeing as my oxygen level was up around 98%, wondering if the "ticker" was going. So an ambulance trip to the hospital and then admitted.

I really like the hospital that I was at, but me and the doctor disagreed on his approach.

He was all gung-ho on loading me up with more blood thinners, but I was pretty much at my limit for them already, and wasn't feeling any better. Worrying about increased bleeding from cuts or something internal. So I checked myself out of the hospital, "against medical advice" yesterday. Plus I was hooked up to too many medical sensors, making me unable to get more than 5 feet from my bed, because of the length of their chords. Which made it necessary to use a bedpan, and I couldn't walk around.

So here I is, not feeling much better, but not worried about bleeding to death. Time will tell if I made the right choice.

Feeling a bit rough so I'm shutting down.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I smiled to see Marvin this morning. Please thank Kathi for letting us know about your side trip to hospital the other day.
And we, the peasants, do rejoice. But against medical advice?
Just take it slow and easy for a bit. And stay away from sharp objects just to be on the safe side.
Off to “work”. Right after breakfast.
You all have a super and safe day.


2nd Officer
Good morning. My only plan for today is going to Winn Dixie to buy some steaks as they have T-Bone and Strip for $7.99 a pound with the card, so will get a few.

Dave, glad you are home and glad no extra blood thinners but do take it easy. Was the Dr that wanted to give you more thinners your regular Dr? If so then I say find a different Dr, if not the go see your regular Dr.

Now, hope that Pat is released to home soon.

My right leg is feeling a bit better, so will have Bruce rub the leg cream in again for a few more nights. The last time it took about 4 nights but it was not so bad then.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Well Fr Dave that’ll teach you for checking yourself out of the hospital early.
Hope they can stabilize you and you can get out soon.

MAMA BEAR, How are you doing? Are you home yet?

LEE: You and the TEAM have a good work day. Hope the donuts are low carb ones! Ha ha.

After we had to wait in a Starbucks drive thru line for 20 mins for a lousy over-priced coffee the other day I called the home office to let them know my total disappointment. I got a $15 buck credit on my acct! That made it an even deal since that’s what the bill was with sweets added on!
It pays to CALL!

I’m scheduled for a total knee replacement on Dec 8th! In the hospital for 1 nights stay. In house rehab and then local rehab about 2 miles from ours house. Now to get all the “clearance” papers signed by my physicians .
Good thing I’ve been cooking and freezing the last few weeks!

Out of here for now.

The rest of you WRABBITS PLEASE STSY HEALTHY . The health dept is going to close down our Hutch if we don’t shake UP! Ha ha.


Chief Security Officer
Far too much medical news and far too many medical problems for the bunnies of late. Lets hope that the problems are resolved quickly (and relatively painlessly) and we can get back to more normal conversational topics.
Much needed haircuts on today's agenda but not much else. At least it isn't rainy today- just a chilly 50 degrees. Hard to believe that only a few days ago the thermometer read something close to 80.
Good luck with the knee replacement K2 and Dave- this time heed what the medical professionals tell you and you will eliminate or at least limit the commutes between home and hospital.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
For fear of repeating myself…WTF? Yes Bill, you nailed it. Too many medical issues effecting our cyber family. Now cut it out the lot of you. We really don’t want the Department of This, That, and The Other Thing shutting us down.
It was quite pleasant down by The River this afternoon. The sun was out and so were the squirrels and Blue Jays. One of the 1000+ foot freighters was headed up river. No matter how often we see them we marvel at their length and width!
Off to the dreaded exercise room. Then perhaps a glass of wine. ”Perhaps“. Who am I kiddin’.
Be good my friends.


2nd Officer
Good evening. The right leg has not been too bad all day. When Bruce got home I told him I was walking better and after awhile he said yeah I was. So at least two or three more nights of him rubbing the cream on it while work. IT still hurts to stand for any length of time so dinner was easy Dirty Rice.

All have a good night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Quick good evening from this corner of the hutch. I'm home and feeling much better. Just need to take it easy for a couple of days and behave myself. Not going to stick around tonight, as I still have to figure out all my new meds and when to take them.

Bee good. I hope to see Dave back in the hutch real soon too, so the gang will all be here.

See ya tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
One wandering Wrabbit back in the Hutch! Whew. Now we still have to get Fr Dave back home.
How the heck is he going to make it in the Hosp without his HOT SAUCE and ICE CREAM and
7-up and “Jack”! :oops: No wonder he checked himself out!
I hunk we need to have a GROUP video TALK with him ASAP!

Time to take it easy and let others do all the cooking. So nice of Missy to make you and Bert dinner.

I got all the papers to both Dr’s to sign off and release me for surgery. Even was a kid to get a appt with the cardiologist for Monday! Amazing what can happen when you go into the office in person! So far so good!

Lee: Di glad you had a good day at the park and what a bonus to see the freighter ho by.

Karen: How’s the prep work coming along for the rummage sale? I’d tell you to wear a MASK with all the various people coming and going for the sake but that’s your call. Hood it’s very successful.

Our Choir Bake Sale is this Sunday. I made one thing this year. NO NUT ROLL MARATHON. HA HA.




Wacky Wabbit
SAW THIS ON Facebook and had to share. It mad3 me laugh and Inthought we could all use a EARLY CHRISTMAS LAUGH!

Have a great Saturday.
FYI: My crazy “Hallmark” neighbor has All her decorations done outside and LIT and you can see 2 Christmas trees inside and all the windows are decorated too. I should get her to come over and do my house inside! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’m going to have The OGC’s build a revolving door for the hutch. It’ll make it much easier to get in and out for trips to the hospitals and doctors appointments.
Welcome home Momma Bunny. Now take it easy!
On another thought, today is Remembrance Day in Canada. Veteran’s Day in The United States.
What ever we call the day I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of the vets for your service.
Have a good day everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning, quick check in for me! Just wanted to say a Big THANK YOU, to all who have served!

Pat, so glad to see you back home! Now slow down & take it easier, your idea of "resting" wears me out just reading it!

Dave, don't blame you for advocating for your own care, but checking out AMA doesn't sound like it was the best plan either. Sure hope they get you all fixed up & feeling fine soon!

Kathie, best of luck on the knee replacement, when you decide to take action you don't mess around!

Lee, the revolving door is a good idea, can you make it a cool looking one like your bookshelf hidden door, asking for a friend.

Going over to the church around noon to help pack up the leftover rummage sale items. Talked to my friend Deb who helped work the sale yesterday & she said they had a good day, lot's of stuff sold but there was still a LOT left.

Probably won't get back on before Monday, tomorrow is Wendy's 90th birthday & they are having a party for her in Bradenton, we will be leaving for that right after church & who knows what time we will get back.