Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning.

Pat glad you are home, but take it easy so you stay home.

Dave do whatever the Dr's say so you can get home.

No plans for me today.

My right leg is doing a lot better, I can almost walk normal.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Boy, it sure feels good to say that again!!!

Kathie - Good for you getting everything set up for your knee replacement surgery as fast as you can. I've got all sorts of follow up stuff to take care of and to go to over the next week at least. I have a cardiologist visit on Monday, a pulmonologist visit on Tuesday and home health coming I don't know when yet for rehab. Actually, even after spending a week in bed, I am able to get around pretty well. Only my knees are a bit weak, so that is where I will have home health concentrate.
Unfortunately, I will have no choice but to do some cooking around here. Missy will be working overtime this coming week, so she won't be available. Can't just order take out, as most of that stuff is loaded with sodium which I need to cut back on. Need to be eating more lentils and split peas, as well as lots of green veggies. I had a frozen pot pie in the freezer, so that's what's for dinner tonight.

Karen - How nice that you are having a party for Wendy's birthday. Have a safe trip each way.

Lee - We definitely need you OGCs to build that revolving door on the hutch. Way too much in and out for the wrong reasons.

Bill - Aew you set up yet for more PT for your hip? Bert might need some more too, as he is still getting some pain. I want him to go have another xray, but he won't listen. He's got to have surgery next month on is "manly parts". that he's not looking forward to.

Speaking of Bert, I hear him ready to come out of the bedroom, so I'm going to get off here for now. I so need a cup of coffee.

Have a super day, everyone@


Wacky Wabbit
American Flag Pride GIF by enCOMPASS
Memorial Day Thank You GIF by Vinnie Camilleri
Thank you to all that served.
(Wish you could see the mess we're in now a days!)

Karen: Wow.... hard to believe that Wendy is 90 yr old. Bless her heart. Hope you all have a safe ride to Bradenton and a nice celebration.
Hope your church made a few bucks at the Rummage Sale. I think cleaning up from one of those is much harder than setting up. You're a good soul, Karen, for helping out so much.

Lee: Good idea about the revolving door. Could you add a RAMP up to it please. Hate to see someone stumble trying to get in or out.
Brrr cold outside.....BUT SUNNY and BLUE SKIES make it doable. 43F

Bill: How's your book reading coming along? Stay warm over your way.

BB: YOU BEST BE RESTING and taking your meds on schedule. Good to know you're home. Get Missy or Jimmy or someone to buy you a stack of these folders or just order them and have them delivered to the house. I couldn't live without them. Each DOCTOR or Hospital visit has a marked folder with the paper work in it and receipts, x-ray copies and results, etc. I love them. I even have ones with Zippers on one side and expandable ones.
I tape the Doctors Business Card on the front and mark what year the paperwork is for. Having the Business card on the front really helps when you need to call for appointments.
I also tape the Primary Dr's Card on it too, because they ALWAYS are asking "who's your Primary"! I actually need to weed out some of the older folders from a few years ago.


I used the handy dandy Food Saver machine on the Soup I made the other day that I was waiting for to freeze. Also, packaged up the Lamb Shanks I made in the Crock Pot yesterday. Pork Loin dinner are sealed and in the freezer downstairs. I have some chicken Breasts to do as soon as I get off of here and I want to make some MASHED POTATOES to freeze in packages.
I'm doing everything I can to have enough meals handy so Mr Artie doesn't have to run around looking for what to feed us. The MAN can only make oatmeal, canned soup and Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. He is good at re-heating things, so the frozen dinners will make him happy and keep me OFF MY FEET for a few weeks. I know I'm over-thinking all this, but better be ready is my motto. I'll have enough to do just SHUFFLING around and doing my physical therapy!

I'm going to check out our Local FOAM FACTORY for a new Mattress Topper. We'll cut down the current one we use and put it on the Double Bed in the spare room. I must say if you get a good one of these things it certainly helps the HIPS when in bed. Flipping them is a good idea every so often too.

Art is off biking and getting his FREE Veterans Day coffee. Tonight we go out to dinner with our kids God-Parents for a Italian dinner. The 2 guys are veterans and get their meal free. Lee it's at BRIO at Partridge Creek. You know where that is. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Stay warm or cool (depending on where you live)! Hugs to all.
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Chief Security Officer
Haven't begun PT yet. Ortho doctor wants me to have a CT scan and I now have an appointment for that next Friday. After that is done we will have a better idea of what needs to be done and a schedule for whatever is decided. Figure I should wait for that before scheduling any more PT. So far the cortisone shot seems to be doing the job and, while I still have some pain, it is far less and I feel that I am moving much better.
Finished the Sanford and Evanovitch's books and about to start on John Grisham's newest.. As much as I enjoy reading the Stephanie Plum books, one is pretty much the same as all of the others with similarly odd characters and scenes, like the obligatory, funeral home viewing scene, or her relationships with Morelli and Ranger that seem like stock features that simply fill a sufficient number of pages to meet the requirement for a book.

Boston Garden had a new look last night. It took me a minute to realize that last night's game was not in some other arena. Not sure if I like it and do miss the old parquet floor with its notorious dead spots. Result was another terrific win for the Celtics and between the Celts and the Bruins, sports fever is still alive in Boston.
Hope Bert's surgery goes well. Take care of yourself. Can't have both of you laid up at the same time.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - Bert just went to the library to pick up a copy of the Janet Evanovich book for me. There were 35 people ahead of me on this list. Now I have 3 weeks to read the book before it has to go back for the next ones on the list. It'll give me something to do while I'm taking it easy.

Kathie - While your suggestion about all those folders work for some people, like you, I don't need them. 95% of my doctors are all connected to Advent Health. Any treatments or tests done by one or another, the results are seen by all the others. They are able to coordinate everything. Only things I need to bring with me to the doctor's office is me and my oxygen! Even while I was in the hospital, each doctor's daily notes were immediately posted. I was able to see everything they wrote on an iPad that they supply to each patient. They were able to brainstorm ideas back and forth also. They really have a great system for doing this. The thing I hate most is that when you're a patient and they take your vitals, they still take your temperature under your tongue! Everywhere else just uses the type where they touch your forehead. That's my biggest complaint!!!

Not sure if M&J are coming for dinner tonight to share our potpie or bringing something that goes along with their diets. Even though she's no longer contagious, Missy won't come within 5 feet of me without a mask on.

Bert is off to the store looking to buy a new shower head for our bathroom shower. He's been nursing the one we have along, but it has just about given up the ghost. He's off to Home Depot to see what they have. The one we have we bought at a home show. It has 2 shower heads plus a hand head one. Can'r find that kind any longer and we just missed this year's home show.

Time for a breathing treatment. Oh joy!!!


Wacky Wabbit
BB: Good to know you're doing your best to REST.
Our doctors are connected and can see blood work, x-rays, notes etc, but you KNOW ME.... I still want a IN MY HAND PAPER to look at.
Yesterday, I laid out all my X-rays and scans and the doctor said it makes it so much easier for him even though he reviewed my chart before he came in the room. All the doctors I go to leave the room after seeing me and dictate the visit into the chart. Gotta love modern technology.

I got my Chicken cutlets and mushroom gravy done.
Made a HUGE batch of Rice Pudding. I have to hand it out to all my RICE PUDDING FANS. Their is no way we can eat all this R.Pudding.

Can't wait for dinner tonight. I'm so over cooking. I have no more room for frozen containers! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Bill: Good for you getting all that reading done so fast. I must agree with the SAME OLD/SAME OLD on the Janet E series. I can only take so much of that.
Hope your CT scan helps the doctor figure out just what's going on that you're having pain.
Good to get all this done before you guys leave.

Wonder how our Fr Dave is doing? It's the weekend and hospitals don't do much for the patients on weekends!

Later gang.

Made myself a Stony Creek Coffee:

Butterscotch Schnapps

Mixed with super HOT black strong coffee
and topped with whip cream. YUM.


2nd Officer
Kathie, I could use one of those drinks about now! Packing up from the rummage sale kicked my butt!!

But we got all the leftovers packed up and stacked for a charity to come pick up on Tues. The helpers were allowed to take anything they wanted from the leftovers as "payment" for helping. I found a really simple & cute sleeveless black dress, so now if I ever go out on a date again I have my "little black dress"

From what I heard the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) made very close to $5,000 for this 2 day sale, not to shabby at all! Some of the money will be given to the church & some is kept for programs they sponsor thru the year.
Now I think it's time for some Aleve and just chill for a while, see you all Monday!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen that’s fantastic success for the rummage sale! And lets hope you get to use that “Little Black Dress” soon! :clap002:

Dinner was great. They let Art and Milan pick out any Pasta item on the menu. They big picked the Lobster & Shrimp fettuccine. It was $36.00! :eek::rolleyes:
Hard to believe they actually gave away an item that expensive. Amazing.

You all have a good night and Sunday.
I’ll put in a good word for ALL OF US! Lord knows we can use it in this Hutch!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Mornin’ Everybody.
That’s really nice of the restaurant to offer “anything” on the menu to the veterans Kathie. Pretty classy on their part.
It sounds like the rummage sale was a success Karen. Nice that they offered the volunteers a little thank you.
Up early for The Patriots “home” game from Frankfurt Bill?
Not much else to go on about at this somewhat early hour.
Be good folks. And for gosh sakes ALL OF YOU stay out of or get out of hospitals for a bit, OK?


2nd Officer
Good morning. Just finished my shower. Not sure what we will do today, at some point I need to go to the grocery for some cheese that I need for dinner, am fixing Cheese Steak Subs.

Last evening I ordered things for Jennifer and Mike for Christmas and am done with them. So only have Max left, I think that Thanksgiving weekend I will know what he will be getting.

Have not been to a church rummage sale since the year before moving to Fl, that was 1965. And of course it was our church. We would go on Friday and have the spaghetti dinner.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Sitting here doing a breathing treatment even as I type. See ... I do know how to multi-task things!!! Getting as bad as Bert these days. Slept in until 9:30. Of course, that's probably because I didn't go to bed until after 12:30 and then it took time to fall asleep.

Not much going on around here today, except I am getting a visit from the home health nurse this afternoon on evaluate how much PT and OT I'm going to need. My estimation is NOT MUCH. I am able to get around the house with no problems. Biggest thing I need to work on is getting up from a chair. The knees aren't what they once were and it's taking a bit of an extra effort to get up. Other than that, I think I'm good.

Just looked at the time. I better grab something for lunch before the nurse gets here. Have a super wonderful day, everyone. Hurry up and get back to the hutch, Dave, we miss your morning humor.


Chief Security Officer
Watched the start of the game from bed, Lee. Should have stayed there considering the outcome. Only good news is that the Patriots cannot lose next week. The future doesn't look especially bright for Mac Jones (or for Zappe either as a matter of fact).
Thankfully we still have the Bruins and Celtics. (It took me five tries to post the backup QB''s name without auto correct changing the final letter from"e" to "a".)
The primary reason that I have gotten so much reading done so quickly is the lack of anything even minimally interesting on TV and I can only spend so much time that event I fear that even though the SAG strike has been settled, it will still be many months before we see any new productions on TV.
K2, you shouldn't have any problem finishing the Evanovitch book quickly as all of her stories
are quick reads.
Off to check on how my other football picks are doing.
Get back soon Dave, we miss you.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It took me five tries to post the backup QB''s name without auto correct changing the final letter from"e" to "a".
Maybe "Zappa" would be a better choice. If "Frank" could pass the random drug tests...
I do hope that your self diagnosis is correct Pat. But, if the home health nurse feels a little extra OT or PT is warranted, there must be a reason.
Lu-Ann is off to a luncheon and fashion show with the girls. I went to the liquor store, washed Subie and did the car windows when I got her home. Lot's less windows than the old van had. There's just no end to the excitement around here for me. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Sunday Church GIF
YUP.... I made it to church ON TIME and said a few EXTRA prayers that the HUTCH gets it's act together and stays healthy.

BB & Dave got special recognition since they've been in and out the hospital lately.
Hope our FR DAVE is getting good care this weekend and can soon come home.

The SUNSHINE is making the 49F temps bearable today. The Fall leaves are actually starting to FALL DOWN around here. Nice time of the year if you don't have to RAKE them all up! :smile:

I didn't go back to the church hall after church to help sell Bake Goods. My knee told me standing for 1.5 in the choir loft was enough. And I didn't want to be tempted into buying a lot of sweets! So I drove to Mr Manny's house and had fun playing with him. He's a lot of fun.

Had to drop off some of my "homemade Salsa and Rice Pudding too"!

Lee: That reminds me I need to run out and get my car washed at the cheap car wash. It does as good (or better) job than the expensive place. $2 buck car wash is worth it.
I didn't know you could buy LIQUOR on SUNDAYS in Canada. WOW, you guys have come a long way.

Detroit Lions play today out West at 4:00'ish. Hope they win big.

Later all..........Be safe and enjoy the Sunshine.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Yes Kathie, ever since they figured out that fire and brimstone would not rain down upon the unwashed and educated we Ontarians have been able to buy liquor, wine and beer on Sundays. We can even buy wine and beer at the, wait for it, Grocery Store!
The car wash I got here was $13.00. And that's for the mid priced touchless one. I prefer the soft cloth washes but they are few and far between.



Wacky Wabbit
Good to know that CANADA has progressed with selling Beer & Wind in grocery stores. I dated myself big time with my post! Ha ha.
Just had to post this one:
May be an image of 1 person and text that says She's a lot younger than Joe & she can't recall anything.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee … good catch on the “WINE” mistake.
Our gas stations charge for putting air (wind) in your tires. Crazy. I go to Costco tire center in back of the store and they put AIR in tires for free!


2nd Officer
I've been released. Hope I stay out of the hospital a bit longer than I did last time. :)

A quick check in to my Bunny Family. Missed you guys.

Finally got some sleep last night. I'll be honest, this hospital visit was a rough one. But got FANTASTIC care.

Going back to bed now. Had to get up and have a Blue Bunny chocolate ice cream cone. :)