Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Released or escaped Dave? PLEASE just take it easy.
The hutch just isn’t the same when when you’re all not here.
Ya Kathie, most everywhere charges for air here too. Which makes me laugh because most tires are filled with a nitrogen mix now. Which is free at a dealership or tire place if it needs topping up.
Have a super day everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well we got rain over night, not much but it is supposed to rain more today. Late this afternoon I go to the Dr to get the results from both my breathing test and the MRI. Since the breathing test was awhile ago and I have not heard anything from the Dr about it I guess it was okay. And the MRI was just two weeks ago. Don't think she will be happy that there was no contrast but I just could not do it after the third jab and it burned, to the point that the tech had to put ice on it.

Dave, glad you are home, now take it easy.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Guess Whos Back GIF by Your Happy Workplace
YIPPEE, our Fr Dave is back in the Hutch. Let the fun begin! We missed you big time buddy.
Can't wait until you more rested and can tell us just what the HECK happened!

46F degrees and SUNNY and slightly windy. The LEAVES are falling a tad better this morning.

I'm off to drive Art to the Retina Specialist. Wonder if he'll be getting Lasered again this morning for that artery??? Time will tell.

Later this afternoon I go to the Cardiologist to have my yearly (useless exam) and get that EKG that I need to be released for the knee surgery. So good to have all this coming together so well. Let's hope my luck continues.


BB: How you doing this morning?

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Yeah! Everyone is back in the Hutch!!!!

Dave - Time for some good resting. don't push too much and just take it easy. A trip to the hospital is always a wake up call that we need to slow down or change our ways.

Lee - Only place I have seen "FREE" air recently is right outside our AAA insurance office. It's amazing how many people know about it and stop there. I like the idea that if you get you not so free air at a gas station, you have to put the charge on a credit card. They don't take cash any longer.

Kathie - Good luck with your trip to the cardiologist today. That's where I'm heading too. At least today I will look more human than when I saw him each day last week! I don't see him changing any meds but I know he will want me to have blood work done this week.

Blood work is going to be the hard part - Rvery day this week I have some kind of health care visit or appointment. Either someone coming t the house (tomorrow & Wednesday) or going to an office. My time is definitely not my own these days.

After the cardiologist this afternoon, we're off to a plumbing supply store to get a new duel shower head for our bathroom shower. The one we had fell apart after 18 years. They just don't make things like they used to!! I'll wait in the car while Bert goes in to see if they have what he wants.
While Bert's in the store, I'm going to start my list of the things we'll need for Thanksgiving dinner. I want to stretch out the cooking as much as possible so I am not having to do everything at the last minute. It's only going to be us with M&J, so I have to make things they can and will eat with their diets.

I don't have to cook tonight as we are still working on the potpie I had in the freezer. Now it's time for a cup of coffee before it's time to head for the doctor's office. Have a super day, gang, and once again, welcome home Dave!


Chief Security Officer
Welcome home Dave. Glad to see you back in the hutch. I'm sure Blue Bunny is pleased that you are back as well, since their sales must have dropped dramatically during your absence.
Have a conference call with our financial advisors this afternoon so we can become acquainted with the person who took over when our original advisor rettired. We have been more than satisfied with the service they have provided over the years and it has continued at a high level since he retired, primarily due to the efforts of his assistant who is continuing in that role.
Good luck with the doctor's office visit, BB. That reminds me that I should check with the ortho doctor's office to see if I need to do anything in advance of my upcoming CAT scan. I think I merely need to show up but would rarther check just to be sure.
My cardlogist has scheduled me for a chemical stress test in anticipation of my needing any surgery for my hip problem,K2, so good luck with thee EKG.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon, actually, let me make that GREAT afternoon, all the bunnies have finally returned to the hutch, hopefully for a long time to come!!

Dave, looking forward to an update on what the doctor's decided was wrong with you, but in the meantime just chill out & relax!

Pat, Seriously???? Has nobody in your family noticed you've been hospitalized only God remembers how many times this year and you are STILL doing Thanksgiving dinner?? And having to cook based on M&J's special diets, I know you love your family but that's asking a bit much in my never to be humble opinion! And in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I got to say about that! :)

Lee, I noticed you were up & on early this morning, another OGC work day?

Kathie, thanks for putting in a good word for the hutch yesterday, I added a few myself, so hopefully we're covered for a little while.
Did they ever get a report back what is wrong with Mr Manny? And how is he doing these days?

Bill, good luck with the stress test & upcoming Cat scan. Nice that you've found a good financial advisor, I'm less than impressed with the performance of mine.

Wendy's birthday party yesterday was very nice! All of her kids were there along with a bunch of grandkids, great grandkids and I believe a couple great, great grandkids. They had a ton of food which was all delicious, they tried to get us to take some home there was so much left over, but I was so full that eating later did not even sound appealing. Today I wish I would have brought home a plate, lol!
Found out yesterday that Wendy is going to her daughter Linda's for Thanksgiving instead of trying to do the meal for the family. I was glad to hear that, but it did mean a bit of a scramble to start getting items for our dinner. Picked up an 8lb turkey breast this morning so that should be plenty for the 3 of us & lots of leftovers.
Today has been damp & gloomy so I decided to put up the outside Christmas lights, felt more like fall without the sun blazing down on me. I have a few yard decorations to put out but I will do that after our community yard sale Dec. 2
That's about all from me, my tummy is telling me the bowl of raisin bran was not enough, so I'm off to find some lunch. Have a great da all!


Wacky Wabbit
This THREAD is starting to sound like episodes of "General Hospital Turns"! Ha Ha.

BB: Ditto on that Thanksgiving dinner stuff. I know Missy is working double hours, but it just doesn't seem right for YOU or BERT to have to be doing all the work for a Turkey Dinner. Okay, off my Soap Box on that issue.

Picked up Artie and he got a GOOD REPORT. Blood vessel is absorbing nicely. Still on the drops, but weening off slowly. Next visit is in
3 Months! Now that's a good deal for sure.

Hope you don't have to have a RE-DO on that hip. And if you do maybe it can be delayed until you get back from Florida. All the best.

Karen: Nice you got a little notice on having to do Thanksgiving dinner. Keep it simple is my latest motto. Christmas at our house will be a breeze. I have 3 items already in the freezer ready to thaw and heat and Jill and my sister-in-law will be bringing the rest of the goodies. If I don't feel up to "Hosting" it will be Jill or my Sister-in-Law doing the event. I even made the Mashed Potatoes already! Ha Ha. I need a bigger freezer in the basement! :lol04:

Here's a funny story:
We went to dinner on Saturday so the 2 veterans could cash in on their FREE MEAL. Well, the gal had our "checks" mixed up and both Milan and I just exchanged the paper receipts and sign and took the cards and went on our way.
He just called me to say that HE HAS MY VISA COSTCO card and I looked and I HAVE HIS!
He noticed it after he bought gas, flowers and something else.
I used his card yesterday for $18 bucks at Dollar store for some Christmas bags and ornaments. TOO FUNNY.
I just got back from driving to his house to EXCHANGE CARDS and he paid me cash for the items he bought with my card LESS the $18 bucks I spent on his.
Moral to the story is CHECK YOUR CREDIT CARDS if dining out with others! Just a good idea to check the card name/picture every so often. :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Hideki Matsuyama Golf GIF
GOLFERs DREAM DAY here in Pure Michigan today! 60F


Chief Security Officer
When the conference call was scheduled two dates were offered: the 13th and the 20th. I was under the impression that we had settled on the 13th - in part due to the fact that the 20th is my birthday. Well, surprise, surprise, I was wrong and the correct date is the 20th. Oh well, maybe they will be giving me good news as I celebrate my day.
If surgery is required, K2, I think we will try to postpone it until we return from Florida, although I did have a good experience at the
hospital in Vero Beach two years ago when I needed hernia surgery and they seem to have a number of good orthopedic surgeons,
Cortisone shot has begun to wear off and moving is getting a bit more painful. Perhaps when I go for my CAT scan, I can see about getting another shot.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
appointment with the cardiologist went well. Now I have to go get blood work done later this week. Get this - My next appointment with his is February 14th. I pointed out to the receptionist that it's just not right to be going to a heart doctor on Valentine's Day! She found it funny too.

If I don't make Thanksgiving dinner, there will be no Thanksgiving dinner around here. Missy is working part of the day, Wesley is working. Jimmy will be smoking the turkey. There's no one else coming for dinner. G&E are going to her brother's. L&R are going to his mom's house. So it's either I cook or there's no dinner. I do plan to make as much as I can in advance, even though Bert is complaining that there's no room left in the freezer.

Time now to make a casprese salad to share witht he gang


2nd Officer
Well I was sitting in the waiting room at the Dr's when the nurse came out, they had not gotten the results of the MRI, so I am set to do a MEET/DUO with her on Wednesday morning. The nurse will call me tomorrow to let me know it is a go.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Feel bad that your hip is giving you so much grief. Hope it’s a minor fix.

Got my clearance from the Cardio Doc. She said all is good and wished me well. The nice check-out gal even faxed it all over to the surgeons as I waited. Wow. Doesn’t get much better than that. Still hope this all works out!

It was such a nice day today. Suppose to as good Tues & Wed! Yippee.

Nite folks.

Denver beating Buffalo in 2nd half

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
I hope you’re just grabbing a little extra snooze this morning Dave.
Fingers crossed that everything continues to fall into place for your upcoming procedure Kathie.
The Bills stunk out Highmark Stadium again losing by 2 points to another team they should have beat.
Have a wonderful day and we’ll see everyone later.


2nd Officer
It's Tuesday morning, and I'm still here reading my Bunny Family's interesting posts.

As to what put me in the hospital; It seems that 3 things in my body went haywire at the same time. You'll never see me walking around with a water bottle in my hand nor intentionally hydrating. But possibly from my years of running and working outside I've developed a habit of drinking too much water. And in the process of urinating away all the excess water I was also whizzing away a lot of minerals my body needs. So my body was in a chemical imbalance. It's interesting that BB has to watch how much salt she eats while I have WAY too little sodium to let my body work right. I need to take a prescription now to get more sodium in. A salt shaker is not enough.

The second and 3rd reason I was in the hospital; I had an A-Fib and COPD attack at the same time. Causing an extreme shortness of breath issue. In the ER I wasn't sure I'd make it. Talk about a feeling of terror in that struggle to just get in a little air. One machine was actually forcing air into my lungs. I so wished I'd pass out or they'd put me in a coma. At the time I wasn't afraid to die, I was more afraid that the struggle would just keep going on.

But when they and drugs finally settled things down I was physically and emotionally shot.

Now on the upside; Anytime you got coffee with your meal, it was Starbucks coffee. :)

So Bunnies, just keep on telling the rest of us about your daily adventures. They give me and others comfort and a feeling of being part of the Bunny Family. Which is a nice feeling.



Wacky Wabbit
Good TUESDAY Morning Wrabbits! 39F right now, but suppose to get up to the 55-58's later.

DAVE.....what a story you have there. And to think you actually CHECKED YOURSELF out of the hospital after going through all that. Hope they checked the Calcium build-up in your BRAIN while you were in there. Might need to Roto-Router it out a tad. Seriously, I'm glad the doctors figured out what was going on with you. What combination to have happen. Hope you continue to improve.

BB: You were up early this morning on FB. I heard my cell phone beep and glanced over and saw your name. Hope you were able to get back to sleep.

Okay, I have nothing else for you all right now. Off to brew myself a nice coffee and have a homemade English Muffin with it. Mmmm!

Enjoy Your Day GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well it is supposed to be a rainy day, so far we have gotten .14 inches of rain but supposed to rain this afternoon.

Yesterday I got 4 Christmas gifts so today I will wrap them. Bruce is home so my other plans went out the door.

Dave, those were some bad things to happen at once. Take it easy.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good soggy morning from our liquid sunshine area. It's so dreary and grim outside. It would have been a great morning to sleep in, but, alas, that wasn't to be. I've got PT and OT coming shortly. Glad they're coming to me and that I don't have to go out in this rotten weather.

Kathie - I don't know what you saw or thought you saw, but I was not on the computer before 9:30 this morning. I definitely was not on Facebook until just a few minutes ago.
By the way, you can stop worrying about me making the whole Thanksgiving dinner. M&J will be taking care of some of the sides. I'll just do the ones that are my specialties, especially sausage meat stuffings and cranberry sauce.

Dave - Your experience in the ER sounds very similar to mine. They would come at me in all directions working to get my O2 level up asap. I need to stay away from the sodium due to high blood pressure. Funny part is that with meds I tend to have low blood pressure now, so go figure. I still have to take the meds. Starbucks coffee in the hospital? Wow! They were bringing me decaf - YUCK!. Instead I would just order hot tea instead. At least they couldn't mess up a cup of Lipton tea.

Lee - That was a quick post from you this morning. Did you go back to bed after Ava's walk?

Bill - Good luck with the CAT scan and with possibly getting another cortisone shot. Bert is still having some pain in the groin area and he thinks it's from his hip replacement. I told him to go to urgent care or the ER and have an x-ray done, but, of course, he won't listen to me.

Karen - Sounds like a super party for Wendy's birthday with the whole gang gathered. That's wonderful that they can all get together at the same time. That just doesn't happen around here, unfortunately.

Time for news from the hood ... Remember a few months ago the spool house next door was sold to some people from Argentina? They gutted the inside of that beautiful house, painted the kitchen cabinets (which had been dark wood), put in vinyl tile throughout the house, switched up the locations of some of the first floor rooms and painted the inside (which really didn't need it). Well, guess what - The house is on the market for sale!!! Only difference is that they paid $704,000. Now they are asking $960,000.!!!!!!!! That's a 36% increase in 6 months. Looking at the pictures of the interior, you can see that the house has been totally staged with all generic furniture. We figured out that these people are professional house flippers. That's how they can afford to buy expensive houses, put in cheap upgrades and then flip them. Can't wait to see if someone actually comes close to paying that kind of price. Wouldn't help us though, as we don't have a pool or big lanai like they do, plus our house is 1 story. We'd be lucky to get half that amount.

Ended up having a nice surprise yesterday. Wesley & his girl friend came over and fixed a charcuterie board for us. I fixed the caprese salad. Missy came over after work as Jimmy is working out of town this week. They devoured everything in sight! Plus Nate made mac 7 cheese for himself and Jennifer and they never save me any!!

After running around between the doctor and another stop and then having a house full, I was so ready for bed last night.

Now I just have to wait for these two therapists. One of them I had over a year ago, so it's nice to know one of them at least. They should be here soon, so I better get this posted before I forget. Have a safe afternoon, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
urBB, remind Bert that wishing the pain in his groin away isn't going to make it go away but an X-ray might indicate what the problem is and how it can be treated so that it does, in fact, go away.
I know that when we wet re in Florida two years ago and I thought the pain I was experiencing was from my hip, I went to the hospital and their
X-ray showed a hernia was causing the problem and it was quickly resolved. Hoping the CAT scan will be equally helpfull in determining how to treat my current situation.
Don't want to sound like the Grinch and I have pretty much come to accept that the stores are going to put out all their Christmas goods well before we have even carved the Thanksgiving turkey, and some folks already have candles in their windows and wreaths on their doors, but last night as I was tuning across the channels in search of something to watch until the Celtics game began, I was astounded to find that TNT was already showing "A Christmas Story".
Lee, guess our Pats and your Bills are competing for the worst performance of a supposedly professional football team. Can't wait for our rematch to see which team can prove most embarrassing.