Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Finally getting back here to post this afternoon. It's still raining and not very warm outside.

Met with a new pulmonologist today. My regular guy is getting too busy bein involved with various projects that patients are being seen by new doctors. This doctor looks like she just graduated from high school!! Scary when you have babies taking care of your health! She seems to know her stuff, so I will see her in 4 weeks once again before I go back to my regular pulmonologist. We did this trip in between the raindrops. Luckily there was a pause getting out of and back into the car. We got lucky there.

It is so raw outside. I am so glad I made that lentil soup yesterday. I ate 2 bowls of it for lunch and will probably have more for dinner. It's that good. After lunch it was time to write out Christmas checks to our crew so they can do the Christmas shopping for their families. I know that's taking the easy way out, but I can't go running from store to store and Bert isn't a shopper. This is the best way to handle things.

Lee - Enjoy your company, even if they don't have a dog with them. I'm sure you'll have plenty to do showing them your cute little area. I'm sure there will be a winery or two to visit also.

Kathie - I bought a topper for our bed, but after ordering it, I realized it would make the bed too high for me to get into it. The topper is still sitting in the package and I have no idea what I'm going to do with it. Don't you ever get tired of cleaning? You seem to do way too much of it.

Karen - We need M&J to pressure wash our driveway and sidewalk one of these days. After all the summer rains it's all looking very yucky.

We finally got NBC back on our TV, so Bert was happy to see 2 shows he likes last night - Quantum Leap and Magnum PI. I'l have to check out Ghosts UK tonight.

I definitely am going to need M&J to help with Thanksgiving dinner prep. Making the soup yesterday was really pushing it and I had to have Bert chop up some of the veggies. Glad I found this out far enough in advance. Hopefully, tomorrow or Saturday Missy can get things started and we can put stuff in the freezer.
Also would like them to start getting out Christmas stuff. Most of our friends and family all have their trees up already and are starting to decorate outside.

I think a cup of coffee is in order here to warm up the inner me.


Wacky Wabbit
BB Posted:
Don't you ever get tired of cleaning? You seem to do way too much of it.

Just things that need to get done. Bathrooms every week and kitchen floor every 2 weeks.
Vacuuming and dusting once a week, but it's been hit and miss this last month with all the cooking and freezing I've been doing. No Maid to do this. The day I hire a maid is getting closer as I get older! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Got the Sargent Crab tree strung up with lights. Unlike my neighbor.... it will NOT get turned on until at least December.
Art still needs to string the lights across the front gutters and porch and garage. He passed on doing it on this 60F temp beautiful day! WHY.... because he was tired from biking. Ha Ha. The man has his priorities.

BB: Good that you'll ask for some help with prepping for the Thanksgiving dinner. Hate to see you have to go back to Resort Celebration for Thanksgiving. Now cool your jets girl.

Tie a BOW on that Mattress Topper and give it to M&J as a extra X-Mas present. It's not doing anybody any good stored away.

Good for you getting the 50% off the jacket and doing the research for a new one. A man after my own heart. ASK and you might receive! All they could have said was "sorry we don't have anything to match your old one".
Bummer the lights in town won't be on for your guests. Hopefully, you were able to drive to a winery or maybe having dinner out tonight.

Hope your community clean-up goes well. How nice of you to provide lunch and cookies too. YOUR PARTING GIFT! Ha Ha.
I'm going to try and attach pictures of the Mattress Topper and e-mail it to you.
The one I bought this time is a LATEX 2" topper. The last one that Ashley gave us was a MEMORY type and it still worked good, but I wanted to get it back to her.
I think this Latex one will work out okay. It wasn't as expensive as the ones you order online or get in the stores. This is a FOAM FACTORY and they get all their supplies here in the USA! I'm going to make a cover for it out of some of my old FLAT SHEETS. I have more than enough to spare. Getting it on the foam will be the issue. It will be a 2 person job for sure.

Okay, just like clockwork it's time to get some dinner going over here.
I think if I came back into this world I would want to come back as a MAN and be served dinner! Oh and I'd like to come back STINKING RICH too. Ha Ha

Have a good evening all.


2nd Officer
5 days in a row of bright sunshine here. Don't think we are going to make it 6 since the chance of rain today is 95%.

You and I are so much alike Lee when it comes to clothes and shoes. Most of our clothes and shoes are at least 10 or possibly 20 years old. All we want is functional. I found your story of actually writing that company so very nice and interesting.

With that nose of yours K2, you should have been born a hunting dog. I can see you now chasing a rabbit or escaped convict. And hear you howling a mile away. Now I'm going to have to look up what a bed foam topper is.

KC; You always do the right thing, and then some. Not only volunteering for clean-up day but providing lunch for everyone. Including cookies. I wish I was half as good as you.

Your mention of your pulmonoligist baby-doctor, BB, reminds me that our perspective of things has changed as we grow older. In our younger years we'd look for someone in authority to look the part. Wise, seasoned. and most likely our senior. Ain't that way anymore. Baby doctors, baby cops, and even baby lawyers. It's a good thing you feel that she knows her stuff.

So what am I looking forward to the most on Thanksgiving? Gallons and gallons of GRAVY! :)



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. Wow, I slept until 8:10 a.m.! And it felt good.

I'm laughing to myself as I post. I looked up our weather for today and it said:
CLOSEST RAIN 8 MILES AWAY! Good Lord, now they can tell just how many miles away the rain is. AMAZING.

Dave & BB: I hope your breathing issues are very minimal today.

BB/Bert: Word has it that you guys are getting some YUMMY Beef Stew sent over to your house for dinner. Enjoy it.

Karen: Hope your community event goes off well for you. What a blessing having someone like you in the community to be so caring. Enjoy.

Lee: Hope you and Lu-Ann get to see the LIGHTING of the TOWN tonight. I told Art we need to make plans to drive over this week and see it.

I have nothing more for you lovely Wrabbits. Enjoy your day!
LOOK WHAT I SAW on FACEBOOK..... 2 favorite friends. Great picture.


2nd Officer
Did not sleep very good last night, slept for 30 minutes woke up for 20 minutes slept for 30 more minutes then was awake for 5 hours, finally fell back to sleep at 4:30 and slept until 9. So it will be along day. Bruce was going to do some things here but he got a call from a lady he had promised that he would be there today so he is on his way there now.

Last night I ordered the last thing for Bruce for Christmas, a new pair of deck shoes, they will be her today so with the hat for Mike and the shoes for Bruce I am done except for Max. I hope to figure him out next weekend. If Jennifer gets him a keyboard and it needs a stand I will get that and an adjustable stool to sit at it. Of course I don't think that will bring the total money for him up to the others so he will then get cash, which he will like a lot.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good sometimes rainy day 4 here in the not so sunshiny state. We actually saw that orb in the shy this morning for a few minutes, but it didn't last. Had to go for blood work earlier. Boy, was that fun. I still have bruises from last week in the hospital and the times they did an IV on me, so they couldn't use those areas. It took 4 techs to draw some blood and I'm sure they were supposed to get even more, but the well ran dry

Gotta run once again. Just got a call from Gary that he and Elaine's son are stopping by for some lunch. Time for a quick not too fancy charcuterie board. Hopefully, I'll be back later.


Chief Security Officer
CAT scan was at 10 this morning not 11 as I had thought. Luckily I figured that out around 9:10. Getting to the site for the procedure took a bit longer than normal because I had to stop at a railroad crossing while a commuter train passed through and then encountered a road closing that required me to detour onto a heavily trafficked commuter route. Despite all that I made it to the site with 10 minutes to spare and things went so quickly and efficiently that I was back in my car by 10:12 and back home about 30 minutes later.
Later today we need to attend the wake for the father of one of our former neighbors. He passed recently at the age of 100+.
Temps will be in the mid to high 60s with lots of sun and blue skies today, but after that things will deteriorate quickly with rain and considerably lower temperatures over the next week or more. Doesn't look like we will see temps in the 60s here again before next Spring.


Wacky Wabbit
Bill: Sorry about the loss of your friends Father. He had a long life to make it to 100+ . May he RIP.
Good going on remembering the CAT scan was earlier and being able to make it on time. Hate when we have to rush to a appointment. At least it was quick once you got there. Hope they can see what the issue is that's causing the pain.

BB: Hopefully Gary and the young man are BRINGING LUNCH! Fat chance right? I guess it's nice that Gary is stopping by for a visit with his MOM! :emoticon 0115 inlove:

I went to the Grocery store and got the potatoes that I will be peeling and making for Thanksgiving dinner at my Brothers & SILaw's next week.
5 pound bag = $3.99
10 " " of the same kind of potatoes = $5.39

Good thing I took the time to look around and found the 10 pound bag. That's what I needed in the first place.

While at the store I went to the Pharmacy Dept and had them print off all my vaccines, etc, etc.
I ended up getting the
RSV and PCV20 (Pneumonia) vaccines.
I won't need another PCV20 after this. :clap002:

I got these vaccines because I'm spending the night in the hospital and we all know how many germs there are flying around those places. Better safe and sore than sorry! :emoticon 0140 rofl:
I have this funny feeling I'm going to have 2 SORE ARMS by tomorrow! :eek:

Rain wasn't much to talk about, but the TEMPS are dropping FAST. We're at 44F now. It was 54F earlier.

Out of here for now.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon everyone.
Like Kathie’s area the temps here are dropping like a stone tossed in The Detroit River. And that is helping to usher in the showers.
Ushers. Do they even still have them in movin’ picture houses these days? Masters of walking backwards downhill with a flashlight.
Yes, as Kathie found and much to our surprise the town was doing a “dry run” of River Lights to be sure everything is ready for tomorrow night. They have replaced a lot of the lights with new, bright led’s. Pretty neat!
It seems most of our doctors are young enough to be our kids or grandkids these days Pat. But as long as they know their stuff and are good at what they do I’m OK with that.
I was, and am, really impressed with the customer service from Stormtech Dave. How do the pooches look after getting all gussied up?
Old school Bill. Leaving enough time to get somewhere so even a train and detour don’t see you arriving late. My Dad always felt if you weren’t at least 10 minutes early you were 5 minutes late.
What’s the forecast for your community day tomorrow Karen? Any more helpers signing up?
I have to say that I admire you having Christmas pretty well done 5 weeks out Nancy.
Off I go again. Everyone have an absolutely amazing day.


2nd Officer
Good evening. It has been a long day, at one time I started to fall asleep but did manage not to. I thought I had a package coming today but it is coming by mail and is to be delivered tomorrow. I did get other things today and hopefully will get them wrapped tonight. Am trying to wait awhile before heading to bed.

All have a good night


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies! (Less than a week from now, you're going to be sooo sick of turkey and leftovers.)

Good thinking K2 on getting up to date on your vaccinations before going in the hospital. They try their best to keep the place sanitary. But hey, people are not there because they feel good.

I like your Dad's belief in being 10 minutes early, Lee. Shows respect of people's time. This "fashionably late" thinking is just a way of saying, "YOU can wait". Grand picture K2 found of you and your bride.

Bill; Hope you got the "doughnut" version of the Cat scan instead of laying in that long tube. Those things make me feel claustrophobic.

You and me both have WAY too many bruises on our arms from our hospital stays, BB. It sure is nice when they can hit a vein on their first try.

Hopefully Kathi and I can make a quick stop at the grocery store this morning. With this A-Fib I never know how the breathing will be until it's time to go.

Of all things, a fish fillet for breakfast.



2nd Officer
Good morning. It is overcast right now, not sure how long that will last. Yesterday I got a notification from UPS that a package had been delivered and there was a photo, well it had been delivered but not to my house. I knew the house and it was a neighbors, so Bruce got it since it was dark out. I then replied to the email that while it had been delivered it was not to my house. Have no idea if they will do anything but I feel good having sent the email.

Bruce told me this morning that his laundry basket was full of good clothes that need to be washed. So I went in the bedroom and he had them all on the floor, so I had to put them in the basket And now it is washing. The hard part will be the folding and putting on hangers, because of my leg and having a hard time standing.

I think that this afternoon I will put the heating pad on the knee and see if the swelling goes down. It can't hurt.

Lee and Dave, I remember as a child always being at an appt at least 10 minutes early and that carries over to today. I feel like I am pushing it if I am only 5 minutes early. And of course 9 out of 10 times I have to wait longer.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone. Not much new here. Just finished lunch and getting ready to head out for BJ's. Bert has a few things he needs to pick up there and I'll wait in the car. That's about all we have planned.

Once we get home, I have to start a pot of gravy so I can make chicken parm for dinner. Could have gone to DiCarlo's for it, but decided to make my own for a change. Besides, this way we get more than one meal!! We'll save DiCarlo's for another night.

Dave - So how was the grocery store visit? Find anything interesting to buy? Some of my bruises are starting to fade, but will still be around for Thanksgiving. Hopefully, by then they will be autumn colors - yellow and brown. LOL

Kathie - Glad you had no problems with your shots. None of them bothered either one of us here. Not even a slight pain in the arm.

Karen - So how'd the community clean up and lunch go? I hope your neighbors appreciate all you do for them.

Lee - Guess I'm more old school too when it comes to arriving somewhere. I prefer to be a few minutes early, but sometimes traffic in this area can mess you up big time, especially if there is an accident close by. Then all our roads get jammed. UGH!

Time to head for BJ's. Have a great rest of your Saturday no matter what you're doing. Stay safe, ya hear?!


Chief Security Officer
I belong to the same school of thought as Lee and Dave and always plan to arrive at appointments at least ten minutes before the scheduled time. However, Rita has a different concept regarding "early" or "on time". I am also fortunate that my primary care doctor is extremely punctual so my visits are always on time.
Watched a bit of a nail biter of a basketball game between the Celtics and the Raptors but the result was positive for Boston. I must say that the newest additions to the team - Holliday and Porzinkas= have contributed
considerably to the success they have had this far into the season. Wish the same could be said about the Pats or the Red Sox.
Where yesterday dawned bright and sunny, this morning the weather folks proved correct in their forecasts and it is rainy, gray and gloomy and making it very attractive to just stay in bed. Nothing pressing to make it necessary to get up, but we did just the same.
Saw a number of our former neighbors at the wake last evening and it was good to catch uo on what is going on in the old neighborhood.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! There is a strange yellow light in the sky, rumor has it that it's the sun, but I'm not totally convinced!

Pat, good luck at BJ's, hopefully it won't be to packed with Thanksgiving shoppers! I went to Publix this morning & it wasn't to bad, but I sure don't plan on being in ANY store come Wed!

Bill, sorry to hear of your friends Dad passing, 100+ years is a pretty good run, but it's still hard to lose your Dad!

Kathie, weren't you just the Mrs Suzy Homemaker with all the cleaning & dusting stuff! Good catch on the 10# bag of potatoes. I bought 5# the other day at Walmart for less than $3 and will use most of them for Thanksgiving mashed potatoes.

Lee, nice pic of you & LuAnn! No greyhounds with your friends who visited, I didn't know such a thing existed!

Dave, hope you are able to make it out & about to the grocery store! Your fish fillet sounds good, but it wouldn't be my 1st choice for breakfast!

Community clean up went well yesterday, especially considering I had called everyone (all 4 people who signed up) and told them it was cancelled due everything being soaked from all the rain. I went down a little after 8 to take some trash & there was the HOA treasurer out there with her clippers & a little wastebasket working on the fence line. Since I still had all my tools in the truck I parked & helped her. Then a short time later another lady who had planned to help came by & saw us working so she came back to help also. The 3 of us only worked for a little over an hour because it had started raining again. But we got 2 garbage cans & the bed of my truck full of branches & vines. One of the ladies went to the dump with me to help pull off the tarp with the branches on it. I ended up not fixing lunch as we were done before 10 and no one was hungry. Now I have ham, turkey & Colby jack cheese in the freezer, along with 2 loaves of bread. It will get ate, but I didn't want it to go bad before it did.
Today was work day at church too, 2 guys, myself & another lady worked for about 2-1/2 hours trimming bushes & pulling weeds. Carmen made us brownies & cranberry orange cookies, and they were yummy!
Now I'm ready to take an Aleve & just chill for the rest of the day!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
No greyhounds with your friends who visited, I didn't know such a thing existed!
Ya, like why are they even our friends? :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
Good afternoon everyone.
The house seems empty now. It was a dandy visit. If it weren’t for kids and grandkids I think we’d have more folks moving this way.
Everything still good after the vaccines Kathie?
Around here Nancy if it ain’t in the laundry hamper it ain’t laundry and it doesn't get done. No matter which one of us is doing the laundry.
One can only assume that said fish fillet was accompanied by hot sauce Dave?
It just goes to show that kindness is contagious Karen. One person, then yourself, then another all doing a little tidying for a short spell and you ended up with a load for the dump. Skip that Aleve until AFTER a nice glass of wine.
“Doctor” and “extremely punctual”. There’s three words that I didn’t know went together in a sentence Bill.
I’ve seen (and attempted to eat) the portions at DiCarlo’s Pat. I’m pretty sure you get more than one meal out there. And you don’t have to cook. BUT…you do have to drive there. The beauty of Bert shopping like he (and I) does you know you won’t have a long wait in the car.
There goes the washer bell. Our guest sheets are ready to hit the dryer!
Have a fantastic and safe rest of your day.


2nd Officer
It just goes to show that kindness is contagious Karen. One person, then yourself, then another all doing a little tidying for a short spell and you ended up with a load for the dump. Skip that Aleve until AFTER a nice glass of wine.
Lee, I like the way you think! And it just so happens I have a nice bottle of Moscato chilling in the fridge.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Karen - Are you enjoying that glass of wine yet? After all - It is 5 o'clock HERE!!!

Bill - Seeing people ay a funeral parlor is how most of us see people we know. Other way is at weddings, but not too many of those to go to any longer. Glad your doctor visit was on time and you were out of there quickly. Did the CT scan show anything to be causing the pain?

Lee - You sound like Bert. Once company is gone, he is so fast to get the sheets and towels into the laundry and to get the bed made again.

Did I ever tell you I can be very flexible with doing things? Well I can and to show you how good I am at this, we put the chicken parm off until tomorrow for dinner. By the time we got home from BJ;s it was getting too late. I am still having breathing issues and it takes a while for me to get my O2 level where it needs to be for me to do anything. I've only had 2 days of prednisone, and that too takes time to work. Bottom line is it's now a pizza night!!! I haven't had good pizza in a while so I am looking forward to it before we watch the Gators game, which we expect to lose.

To,e now for me to do a breathing exercise before we have that pizza.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits!
Good to read all the chatter on here! :clap002:
I had a danny day.
Still feeling good after the 2 vaccines. A little thirsty is the only thing I’ve notices!
I went to Lake Orion and got to the coffee shop in time to visit with Mark, Jill, Ashley and Art. Got to say hello to the other bikers too.

After that I drove to another small town about 6 miles away and had my Double Espresso and a heated Almond Croissant! Yum.
Then off to find some X-Mas ribbon at a whse floral shop. Lordy the STUFF they have in there is unbelievable. You just have to know what to do with it. I found some ribbon and came home.
I brought the Super Pencil Thin Christmas tree up from the basement and it lit up when I plugged it in. Whew!!
I now need to find the box with the decorations. It will be slim decorating around here this year. I don’t think I’ll be up to going up and down the stairs when it comes to clean up time. And it’s not fair to have Artie doing it.

BB: Good move on postponing Parm night and getting Pizza! Proud of you!

Karen: RAIN or SHINE your crew shows up for clean-up. Bummer on your luncheon spread. Good thinking on putting it in the refrig. Next time, if there is a next time, pick-up pizza and go to the club house! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Dave: Nice OHIO game going on right now. They’re killing Minnesota Big time. 30/0 in the 3rd quarter. Wow.

Bill: I saw that you’re getting a nice soaking over on the East coast. I second it would be a good day to stay in bed. Too bad you can’t get ROOM SERVICE! Ha ha

I swung by to see Mr. Manny Earlier. Sure can perk up your day playing with that pup! He kept nudging my hand as he sat next to me with a chew bone thing. I asked Jill what does he want….and she said HE WANTS YOU
TO ”HOLD” his chew bone! Lordy, talk about spoiled! Yes…I held it for him.

Karen: if you go to church tomorrow can you put in a good work for me and the rest of us! Thanks.

DAVE: Ohio is killing Minnesota big time 37/0! Wow