Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. Got Bruce's laundry done and the things that need to be hanged are on the bed waiting to be hanged.

Today I put the heating pad on my knee and that felt very good, so will be putting it on again before bed.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
It was nice seeing THE Ohio State Buckeyes win yesterday, but next weekend is the biggest game of the year. They are playing their arch-rival, Michigan.

Glad to read that you finally got your wine, KC. Plus a pizza.

No doubt about it K2, Mister Manny has you well trained. Now, sit....stay!

Sorry that you are still having breathing issues, BB. All I can say is; Slow down and sit down more often.

No hot sauce on the fish fillets, Lee. But later in the day there was some on some chicken nuggets I heated up. "Zesty" cocktail sauce to be exact. This morning it's a hot burrito which will definitely have hot sauce on it.

Any updates on your hip, Bill?

Our smaller grocery store opens up about 7, but the State says the liquor store inside doesn't open till 9. When we arrived to shop there had to be 50 people lined up at the liquor store door waiting on it to open. That's definitely odd, even around the holidays. Turns out there was some new bourbon being released for the first time on Saturday. Some people were there over an hour before the booze store opened. They must love their bourbon.

Only one odd thing was put in our grocery cart. Decided to try out some "Skinny Pop Popcorn" that they've been advertising the hell out of. It's a bag of already popped popcorn. Not bad, not great.

In my never to be humble opinion, Orrville Redenbacker microwave popcorn with butter is the best popcorn to be found.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
Too bad it’s that other Michigan team Dave. If it was Kathie’s Spartans I sense a wager may have been in the hutch’s future.
Good on everyone who did for enjoying a little (maybe a big?) glass of wine.
We have, of all things, a great purveyor of popcorn right here in town. From plain popcorn right through the flavour spectrum including Hot Jalapeño The Richmond Popcorn Co (it’s on Richmond St) has you covered. Fairly priced and always fresh!
Oh look. Ava is up and would like to go out. She has me trained as well as Mr. Manny has Kathie trained.
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits! A Brisk 35 degrees this morning, but SUNNY. That helps if you're looking out from inside!
Lee, hope your early morning walk was a quick one! Brrr.

The "other team" is the latest controversial university we don't talk about around here. I must say that they have been doing a great job without their primary coach who is on suspension. More to come on that in the coming year! :eek:


Unfortunately, I would be losing any wager in this game. OHIO STATE is simply a better team this year! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme: Bummer.

BB: I hope your PIZZA night last night was good and you did your best to relax. You just have to force yourself to NOT DO ANYTHING for awhile. We ALL worry about you and don't want you going back to your Celebration hang-out for Thanksgiving. Don't make me fly down there on my broom and sit you down girl! :emoticon 0140 rofl: :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Let's all hope that Karen is saying a few good words for us at church this morning. We sure can use it.

I'm off to get one of my English Muffins and coffee and then I'm going downstairs to find the small box with the ornaments for the SKINNY Christmas Tree. I'm also going to try and decorate the white kitchen cabinets with this cute ribbon I bought yesterday and the wooden ornaments I found at the Dollar 25 Store! I have never decorated this place this early, but this year I just want to get it done and off my mind.

Bill, we managed to put the new Mattress Topper on the bed and get all the layers of fresh bedding on it yesterday. All I can say is that SO FAR SO GOOD for the new topper. I slept well and my hips didn't complain. Gotta give it a few more nights before the verdict is in.
My kids yesterday had me try out their mattresses that are from Costco that came in a box. They are Memory Foam. I must say they were very nice. You would have to have someone pick them up for you because the BOX is super heavy or have them delivered and set up. Costco has that service. It was a NOVA brand.

Hope you get the results back soon from your CAT SCAN. Take care.

DAVE: Your choice of breakfast makes my stomach do flips. I like spicy, just not for breakfast. I totally agree with you on your choice of POPCORN. Orrville is the best.

Enjoy your day folks. OUT of here for now.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Just finished my shower and feeling good. Not sure if we will got to lunch but probably will. Only other plan for today is picking up a Rx from Publix, if not I will run out over the coming weekend.

The delivery that was delivered to the neighbor's ended up being something that I had not ordered. It is a t-shirt that either SIL or youngest grandson would like but it is too small for them. So it will go to Salvation Army.

Yesterday I read a story about a lady that for the past year she has been getting packages from Target and of course she had not ordered any of them. She has called in the past and they told her to just keep them or do whatever she wanted just don't return then. Well a couple of weeks ago she was delivered an over load of packages, so she called again. Turned out they are coming from a vendor of Target's and Target has told them not to ship anything to her, so this time they are sending someone to pick up all the packages and have give the lady a very nice gift card for all her troubles. She is hoping that the shipment shave finally stopped.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood after all the rain we had during the past week. Bright warm sunlight is a welcome thing right now.

Kathie - you sure are full of energy getting things prepared and decorated before your surgery. Remind us again as to when your surgery is scheduled. Bert is having "male" surgery December 4th. Missy or Wesley will take him to the hospital that morning. Our friend down the block is having hip replacement surgery in the next 2 weeks. It's hard to keep track of who's having what done and when.

Dave - A burrito for breakfast with hot sauce. You definitely have a lead lined stomach to be able to eat that early in the day. I love Orville Redenbacker popcorn too, but I can't eat it any longer due to the salt content. I can only make air fried popcorn and then put garlic or cheese on it and hope it has some flavor. That must be some special bourbon for people to be lined up that early for the liquor store to open. Sounds like Black Friday at Wally World back in the day.

Lee - That was one chilly walk you had with Ava this morning! Time to get out the long johns. You have a lot of winter ahead of you when you're not in Florida. Time to get used to it, unfortunately.

Bill - Sorry about all your rain yesterday. Rita and I had one of our "girl chats". Too bad Bert was in a hurry to go to BJ's. We could have talked longer. Sounds like you have a fun Christmas cruise coming up. Good for you and Rita to still be able to do cruises. Keep up the good work!!

Karen - How nice that people still showed up to clean around the community even though the event was canceled. Shows that people care about their community. Around here workmen constantly are throwing their trash around. They can't be bothered taking it with them or finding a trash can to put the stuff in. They just throw their to go boxes and cups on the ground and drive away. Such pigs!!

Watched the best Gator game of the season last night, but unfortunately in the last 10 seconds, they lost the game by a field goal. Next week is a rivalry game against FSU. Seeing as how both teams' quarterbacks got injured yesterday, they will both be playing with back up QBs. Ours did good last night, so I hope he does as well next Saturday.

Time now to read the Sunday paper and enjoy a cup of coffee. Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
BB: December 8th!
I feel like I’m “nesting” getting ready for this day. Gotta know I’m going to be hurting and don’t want to worry about doing anything around here.

Here’s my morning project in the kitchen! I’m going to miss this “look” when these are taken down! Only took a bolt + half to do this. The ornaments were from the Dollar +25 store.

Before & After: Tsp to make bigger!


Chief Security Officer
Got the CAT scan report online in what I consider to be record time. Only problem is that I need a doctor to interpret what it found- something about "loosening" was about all I could determine. Will see the orthopedist in a week or so and may know more then.
Saw that NCIS Sydney was on again last night so I thought I would give it another chance but when it came on, it turns out that CBS was simply repeating the first episode. Bummer. It wasn't worth watching the first time. Thankful that is still had my Grisham novel to read.
Yesterday turned out to be a relatively nice day once the rain ceased and the sun came out.
A sunny morning to end out the weekend, chilly but dry and we are spared another dismal performance by the Patriots because they have a Bye. Whole season should have been a bye as far as most Pats fans are concerned.
Nice that
despite the rain, you and some others were able to get some of that work done,
KC. Now take a break and relax for awhile.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, gang! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood after all the rain we had during the past week. Bright warm sunlight is a welcome thing right now.

Kathie - you sure are full of energy getting things prepared and decorated before your surgery. Remind us again as to when your surgery is scheduled. Bert is having "male" surgery December 4th. Missy or Wesley will take him to the hospital that morning. Our friend down the block is having hip replacement surgery in the next 2 weeks. It's hard to keep track of who's having what done and when.

Dave - A burrito for breakfast with hot sauce. You definitely have a lead lined stomach to be able to eat that early in the day. I love Orville Redenbacker popcorn too, but I can't eat it any longer due to the salt content. I can only make air fried popcorn and then put garlic or cheese on it and hope it has some flavor. That must be some special bourbon for people to be lined up that early for the liquor store to open. Sounds like Black Friday at Wally World back in the day.

Lee - That was one chilly walk you had with Ava this morning! Time to get out the long johns. You have a lot of winter ahead of you when you're not in Florida. Time to get used to it, unfortunately.

Bill - Sorry about all your rain yesterday. Rita and I had one of our "girl chats". Too bad Bert was in a hurry to go to BJ's. We could have talked longer. Sounds like you have a fun Christmas cruise coming up. Good for you and Rita to still be able to do cruises. Keep up the good work!!

Karen - How nice that people still showed up to clean around the community even though the event was canceled. Shows that people care about their community. Around here workmen constantly are throwing their trash around. They can't be bothered taking it with them or finding a trash can to put the stuff in. They just throw their to go boxes and cups on the ground and drive away. Such pigs!!

Watched the best Gator game of the season last night, but unfortunately in the last 10 seconds, they lost the game by a field goal. Next week is a rivalry game against FSU. Seeing as how both teams' quarterbacks got injured yesterday, they will both be playing with back up QBs. Ours did good last night, so I hope he does as well next Saturday.

Time now to read the Sunday paper and enjoy a cup of coffee. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
OMG! I wrote the above this morning but obviously forgot to post it. Enjoy my delayed post.

I've got the pot of gravy going on the range and it smells so good in here. Nice having lots of fresh herbs growing in the garden to flavor things. Still have to get the chicken ready later to make the parm I have been craving.

While I was making the gravy, Bert went ahead and has started assembling the Christmas tree. only the bottom section is done at this point, but Cappi is already sleeping under it!!


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Another bright sunny day for a change! Was a bit cool this morning when I headed for church but it's lovely out now.

Bill, hopefully you will get the results of your scan interpreted soon and the fix will be quick & painless. You know your "loosening" comment is bound to bring a smart @SS remark from the peanut gallery on here.:D

Kathie, the cabinets look very festive! I'm sure you will feel more at ease after your surgery knowing that the majority of your holiday preparations are done. Having meals in the freezer is a Major plus!

Dave, I've had the Skinny Pop Popcorn too & also agree it's ok, but pop corn in a bag is never as good as fresh popped, unless it's kettle corn from a fair or other festival.

Pat, bummer about the Gators & their last minute loss. How was your pizza? Mine was leftovers from the freezer & not that good, think I'm going to toss the last pack in their. Hawaiian pizza sounded better in theory than in practice.

Lee, pretty sure all of us pet parents/grandparents/aunts are well trained. We are laughing at my sister Barb who has NEVER been a pet person and has now become attached to a cat in the community where she lives. I think it's a community cat as it comes & goes whenever it wants and seems to be well fed. She is looking for a window perch for it, so I have a feeling before to much longer it will not be roaming the neighborhood anymore.

Said a few good words for us all in church today. Choir got a long round of applause for the song we did today. It was an African Spiritual with no accompaniment except for a sound track of drums & shakers. It was a pretty cool song that we've been working on for months so we were all glad the congregation liked it!

Just saw that Jimmy Carter's wife Rosalyn passed away today at 96, may she RIP.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bye. Whole season should have been a bye as far as most Pats fans are concerned.
Um, except week 7 when they beat up on The Bills.
Nice cabinets Kathie. It add a real festive touch to your kitchen.
I’ve hear of “the year of the …” but it seems that December be “the month of surgery!”
Everyone is jumping on while I peck away. Hi Pat and Karen.
Time to see how poorly The Bills are going to fare against Eddie’s Jets…


Chief Security Officer
BB your earlier post was so wonderful it appeared here twice.
Like the Christmas decorations that make your
kitchen so festive KC.
The oddsmakers are doing their best to frustrate my predictions on this week's NFL games. I figured that the Browns could easily beat the Steelers by more than the 3 1/2 point spead, but NO, they ended up only winning by a field goal, so one more in the loss column and my record for the week is less than spectacular so far. I am rooting for your Bills this week, Lee but don't expect that from me again. In fact, given my success this week, my support of your Bills may indeed be the kiss of death.
Sad to see the news of Rosalyn Carter's death. She and Jimmy were a remarkable couple and their 76 or 77 year marriage was one for all of us to envy.


Chief Security Officer
Speaking of popcorn, I have always followed the package instructions not to use popcorn button on the microwave and have usually been only minimally happy with the results. Recently Rita made some popcorn that I considered to be close to excellent so I asked her how long she set the timer for and she told me that she just hit the popcorn button and this was what resulted. Will have to try that the next time. Dave, I agree with you about Orville R's being the best microwaveable.


2nd Officer
Good evening. We went to lunch and then Lowes, so Bruce could buy a tomato plant for a lady, then to BJ's for a few things and then to Aldi's and while there I bought us a nice size Butterball Turkey for us to have after we get home from Tampa. We never know what to expect for Thanksgiving dinner from our niece's husband, he thinks of himself as a chef to the point that one year he Sous Vide the turkey and while it was moist it was flavorless, so we made sure that our niece knew so she could tell him to always roast the turkey but he refuses to make gravy from the pan drippings he makes from turkey stock, so it takes him about half an hour to make it. The one nice thing is we get to see Bruce's brother and his wife.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Did any of you see that UNBELIEVABLE DETROIT LIONS football game today??
All I can say is:

IT AINT OVER TILL THE FST LADY SINGS! They best the BEARS! What an ending.

Thanks for the nice comments on the kitchen decorations. I feel like I live in the North Pole! Ha ha.

Nite all.

Karen: Thanks for the prayers and so glad the congregation liked the song. :clap002:


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning, Bunnies! Time to get back to the grind. NO it isn't, we're retired.

Almost time to kick on the news and see what doom & gloom and sadness is happening around the globe. Earlier I'd turned on the radio to listen to some music, and ironically this lyric was in one of the songs; "Ain't the whole wide world one big country song."

The first word I thought of when seeing your decorated kitchen was "festive", like so many other Bunnies, K2. Happy and cheerful.

I never knew so many of you were popcorn eaters. Although I can't get in to all the fancy flavors they push now.

Thank you guys so much for all the posts yesterday. Such a treasure trove of information and ideas.



2nd Officer
Quick good morning, wanted to be sure to wish Bill a VERY HAPPY Birthday!
And I thought I would share the choir pic that the director posted on Facebook. It was taken yesterday after the service. We are missing 1 member who had to leave before the pic was taken. Check our our fancy new robes too! The choir director is the man in the back row right side


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