Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
I Love You Good Morning Monday GIF by Chippy the Dog
I love my extended Wrabbit Family! 50F degrees and suppose to get warmer today, but not as much SUNSHINE! (bummer)

DAVE: Loved Bills post to!
"Will work for warmth".
I'm willing to go a step further and and say: WiLL COOK for WARMTH! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Made another batch of English Muffins last night. They came out SO MUCH HIGHER and BETTER than my 1st batch last week. I put 1 cup of Raisins in the dough. YUM when toasted.
I'll spare you all the pictures.

Dave: Glad you like the wreath. I bought a few cones to put on it at the Dollar Store yesterday.

My "Hallmark Neighbor" who is right on top of EVERY Holiday decoration has taken down Halloween on November 1st and has already started putting up all her STUFF for Christmas. Some of the things she puts out for her HOLIDAY decorations cost a small FORTUNE. Statues and life like figures. I'd love to have her decorating budget!

Our little Mr Manny had a appointment at 8:30 a.m. for a CT-Scan of his leg this morning. NO FOOD after 10 pm last night and nothing this morning. Just like Humans. They have to put him under and Jill and the gang are on pins and needles about this, but they want to know just what's going on with the stiffness in his leg when he gets up. He's fine once he moves a few steps, but "SOMETHING is NOT right" and I'm glad they're going through the extra cost to find out.

BB: If you're reading along, I hope you're doing better with the breathing issue. Just not right to have to go through this every so many weeks. They need to figure out how to control this better. Take care and we miss you. Your Hutch cubbie has been dusted and it's all clean for your return! I did notice last night that somebody ate the Mints that were put on your pillow. Time to get camera's in the cubbies! Ha Ha.

Lee: Sure hope you and the OGC team have a good day pounding nails, etc. And hope the donuts keep coming on a steady basis.

Karen: Have fun setting up the rummage sale. I haven't been to a church rummage sale in years. Things like that seem to be coming back now that COVID has run it's path. Just make sure to wash your hands often while there.
I know what you mean about going to bed and still getting up WAY TOO EARLY. I found myself toasting a MUFFIN at 5 O'clock this morning! I should be sleeping not eating.

Bill: How's the new book coming along?
I thought of you and Rita yesterday as I saw a HUGE CAR TRANSPORT TRAILER loading cars at our Condo complex a few blocks away from our subdivision. Some folks are getting out of DODGE EARLY around here.

Take care folks. I'm off to the Restuarant supply shop to buy some medium containers that I can actually put food in and bake in the oven at at least 350-400 degrees. The containers I bought at Costco the other day are only good for MICROWAVE heating. I'll have no trouble using them, but I need some for OVEN USE. ALWAYS SOMETHING!

Making Pork roast meals to freeze and
chicken in mushroom and wine type sauces to freeze. Also, on the list of things to make and freeze is Shepards Pie. Love that and it's easy to make. Yup, Mother Hubbard's freezer is slowly getting full for the Winter.
Food Cooking GIF
Ha Ha

Enjoy your day folks. Be kind to each other and be safe when out and about.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I heard through the grapevine that Kathie's Art joined The United States Navy 65 years ago today. Of course this song came to mind. Looking at the lyrics, it could well have been a recruitment song! Thank You Art.

I think that it will play if you click "watch it on YouTube"
Good heavens Kathie, The OGC's are retired. We don't work everyday. This week is Mon, Wed, Fri. And then no later than 1:30. Anything more is too much like a real job.


Chief Security Officer
Wonder of wonders- I did acwell in my football pool again this week and tied with one other person for the most wins and since he and I predicted the same total score for Monday night's game, we will split the first and runner-up prizes. This was week 9 and so far 15 of the 28 people in the pool have won back some part of the fee that they pay to participate. Looks like I will have to write and mail a lot of checks at the end of the season,
I think you are correct Lee. The AFC East is demonstrating that it is not the premier conference in the NFL this season.
Hope that the doctors at Celebration can find the reason and a fix for BB's situation. They can't be continually commuting between home and the hospital.

Today is likely the best day of the rest of the week and it is bright and sunny and relatively mild. Should get out side and take advantage while we can.. See the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and hope something can be done to help my hip but not interfere with our Christmas cruise or subsequent stay in Florida.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Art loved your choice of the Navy Video! You amaze me in how you are spot on in your selections. Thanks.
And good that your team paces themselves on jobs they take on.

Bill: Good job picking the right numbers for the football pool. Checks are cheap. it’s the stamps that are expensive. You should do Zelle transfers.
You got the nice weather we had yesterday.
It’s nice today, just NO SUN!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well at Bruce's Dr appt they took his heart rate at least 5 times if not more. Most of the time it was in the low to mid 40's, but his health watch was saying 50's and 60's The Dr said to keep track of it and if it keeps staying at the 40's to stop taking one med in the morning and to just take it at night. The Dr decided to have him to an EKG and that was okay and he is not feeling light headed or dizzy so is not too concerned. And unless something comes up does not go back for 6 months.

I go next week on Monday to get the results from the MRI and my breathing test, which I would say must be okay or they would have had me come in sooner. I know she won't be happy about no contrast for the MRI but after 3 sticks and on burning I had to say no to trying it again.

Bruce put the new weather station up but had to go back up and bring it back into the house so we could sync it with the indoor part that gives all the readings. It is working very well.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Well, the best laid plans, got a call this afternoon from the dentist's office, my dentist tested positive for Covid so no extractions for me tomorrow. What a bummer, I was all prepared and ready to get it done & over with but stuff happens so I'll deal with it. Now I'm scheduled for Nov. 28th, which as the lady who called me said at least I'll be able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. Jane had just gotten here when they called so she still decided to spend the night. We had a nice Publix fried chicken dinner with potato salad & baked beans. Now just chilling & watching some tv. Catch up with you all tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I plan on starting to wrap Christmas gifts. I hope that I have all that I have wrapped and can take at Thanksgiving.

Don't know if Bruce took his blood pressure and heart rate this morning as he was finishing getting ready to go and he left.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
DAVE/KATHI: Sending good VIBS that all will be okay with our Fr Dave!
Sure hope this is just "sympathy" for Mama Bunny being in the hospital.
Kathi, give DAVE our best.

We need to do a SAGE SMUG Smoking of the Hutch if these hospital visits continue.

Karen: Big BUMMER on your dentist testing positive for Covid. But with the kind of close contact work he does with people it's bound to happen. Sure hope he wears heavy duty masks.
Like the nurse said, "at least you'll be able to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner"!

Lee: Did you hear about the Freighter that got stuck in the channel up in Marine City. Had a load of Stones and got grounded. They finally got it moving again around 7pm last night. Meanwhile, ANOTHER Stone filled ship was dragging bottom this morning by the Stone Company docks. Time to dredge out the bottom around that area.
We go by the huge piles of stones when we go up to Marine City. Amazing how high the piles can get.

Raining Rain Storm GIF by Simian Reflux
Drizzle and gloomy outside right now. Suppose to continue most of the day. Rest of the week will be dry and colder! The joy of living in PURE MICHIGAN!

You all have a good day. I'm off to get a couple of Melons Smashed soon!
Still remember Marcia calling it that. Miss that gal and Carl.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I don’t often curse but WTF??
First Momma Bunny and now Father Dave.
It’s not a contest you know.
Dammit you two, PLEASE get better quick.
Thoughts and prayers to the two of you to get well and to the rest of you to stay well.
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well today I wrapped almost all the Christmas gifts. One I have to get a frame for and the rest I need boxes for. So I will get those things next week on Wednesday after getting the SUV serviced as both stores I need to go to are on the way home. In wrapping today I used up 3 different papers. And started a 4th. I still need to get some more gifts for Jennifer, Mike and Max. And Max will probably be getting mainly money. This year in school he is taking piano and doing very good so Jennifer is thinking of getting him a used keyboard, if she gets one that does not have a stand then I will get a stand for it.

Hope both Pat and David are starting to feel better.

All have a good night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It just ain’t right checking in early and not seeing a note from Dave.
And no notes from Momma Bunny.
The Beatles sang it best in one of their tunes. “Get back”
Dont Let Me Down The Beatles GIF by SoulBird DG


Wacky Wabbit
Miss U GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios
Sure do MISS my MORNING DOSE of Fr DAVE! Hope all is going good.
KATHI.... if you're reading along can you give us Wrabbits a UPDATE please. Thanks.

Mama Bear: Are you home yet? Please post a update on Facebook if you can't get on here. Take are .... you're missed.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits. 44F and possibly getting a warmer into the 50's later this afternoon.
SUN is shining and that's a good thing.

So the DEBATES! Moron Man wasn't there as promised.
Seems "most" of them learned to NOT SCREAM as much as last time. I could only last about 8 minutes and had to click them off. The only female really needs to learn to SMILE. She looks so MEAN and like she's calling out a 3rd grade class for not listening to her. Lighten up lady.

Art is out biking. After the long rain we had all night the gravel roads will be a mess, so he's taking his road bike and doing paths that are asphalt or concrete today. They'll most likely end up at the Apple Orchard place that has hot coffee and Apple pie slices or donuts! This group LOVES to EAT sweets and drink coffee. Ha Ha.

I get to go to the
Orthopedic Surgeon later this afternoon on the WEST SIDE of town for my knee. That's a good HOUR drive one way in ugly Michigan Road Construction traffic. Gotta do what you gotta do. Hope this 2nd opinion is a good match. I want to get this knee worked on and done with. I want 2024 to be a travel year for me. (if Art wants to tag along all the better) :emoticon 0140 rofl: :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Let's see.........those of you who are still HEALTHY and AROUND please TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES. Hate to see this group get any smaller. Sure do miss DAVE and BB. :(


2nd Officer
Good morning! Sure is a quiet hutch without Father Dave's morning humor to get us going. Hope he is doing better and is back in his rare form soon!

Kathie, good luck with the Ortho appt. my sister Jane has been having horrible problems with her knee for a while now too. I keep telling her to get it checked out but so far she's not listening.

Lee, good to hear the OGC's have learned to pace themselves. There is always room & work at the inn should the team ever decide to open a "southern" branch!

Bill, hope your orthopedic visit went well also! Is this the same hip problem that had you doing therapy earlier this year? Congrats on the football wins!

Nothing much going on around here, doing a little puttering & light cleaning today. Choir practice tonight.

Scooter still seems to be doing okay which makes me very happy! Her and Ginger are enjoying the cooler weather because now they get to hang out on the screen porch all day & watch the birds & lizards.

Have a good day all & I hope we hear good news about our missing bunny's soon!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well today I will be, hopefully, repairing 3 Nutcrackers so I can give them to Michael and Max for Christmas, I actually have 4 but the 4th is fine. All of them I bought last year but was not able to even try to repair. When getting them out from the shelf they were on I found one more gift for Bruce so will wrap that today.

Last night I had Bruce rub some "Leg Cream" on the back of my right leg and while doing it he said he did not think it was cramped until he felt the left leg, I will have him rub it again tonight. I will put some on this morning but of course I can't rub it in as hard as he can.

I can understand why people don't want to go to the Ortho about knee problems. If you get a Total Knee Replacement it can be months, like 6, before you can be released and no longer have to do PT. And it can be a few weeks before you finally don't have to ice it everyday for a hours at a time. I understand they have you doing PT right away so the new knee won't freeze and it is mainly walking using a walker for a few feet. They are some of the reasons I have not requested a referral plus the fact that I would have to be in the hospital for a few days because of my oxygen falling. Right now I have two friends on Facebook that had TKR done within a week of each other, about 3 weeks ago, and they are both having problems with the icing machine and big time pain, which was sort of under control when they were in the hospital but now that they are home not getting anything that actually helps with the pain. I have been putting Bee Venom on the knee and drinking Pineapple juice and actually the Bee Venom has worked real good in on the pain and also the swelling.

Hope Dave and Pat are getting better and can get home.

All have a great day.