Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Not sure you get the National Geographic History channel by you, but there are a lot of neat shows on it. I was watching something earlier about how modern technology can PART THE WATER and show you what a sunken ship looks like at the bottom of the sea where it lies. Another one was the Egyptian Tombs and how they work for decades to get down into some of the tombs.
And then there's always "To catch a
To Catch a Smuggler is a documentary television series that depicts the work of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement law enforcement officers at multiple United States airports. Violations range from fraudulent visas to human trafficking.
Love watching the people try to look surprised when they get catch with Cocaine in their luggage. Also, when they are catch at the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel with drugs in the tires of their cars, etc.

Lee: Hope that Lu-Ann's knee is just acting up because of the extreme weather change.

I go to see the Orthopedic Surgeon on next Thursday. :eek:

Out of here for tonight. Sleep well everyone.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Got two loads of laundry done but the second one is still in the dryer but since it is blankets it is okay.

Bruce did get rid of some more things.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
FYI: I just saw that BB's cruise will be docking around 6:30 A.M. Yikes, that means you have to be up and ready REALLY EARLY! I guess they don't want to feed you Breakfast!
Oh No You Didnt GIF by happydog

Current itinerary of Allure Of The Seas​

Allure Of The Seas current cruise is 4 days, round-trip Bahamas Perfect Day Cruise. The itinerary starts on 30 Oct, 2023 and ends on 03 Nov, 2023.

Date / TimePort
30 Oct 16:00 Departing from Port Canaveral, Orlando, Florida hotels
01 Nov 07:00 - 17:00 Coco Cay, Bahamas, Royal Caribbean
02 Nov 07:00 - 15:00 Nassau, Bahamas, New Providence Island
03 Nov 06:30 Arriving in Port Canaveral, Orlando, Florida


2nd Officer
Good Friday morning Bunnies!

The video of your Seal Team is hilarious, Lee. Yes, many cities and stores are already putting up Christmas lights. I'm just not mentally ready for that stuff till after Thanksgiving. Oh my lack of knowledge about wine and wine drinking. What the heck is a "Dram" of wine?

Bill; With all the channels people can watch, plus the ones that they can pay for, there is a gazillion different shows. Which is why we have hard time recognizing all the hundreds of "celebrities". When growing up we only had 3 channels.

I too like the History Channel, K2. Educational & interesting entertainment. It's part of our cable TV package. I'm not cool at all paying extra for so called premium channels.

Any updates on Scooter, KC?

Welcome home BB! Going for a BEloved afternoon nap? Now give us the skinny on your cruise.



Wacky Wabbit
Welcome Home GIF by Realty Texas
PAT & BERT! That was just way too quick!

Happy Its Friday GIF by Chippy the Dog
It's FRIDAY already. Yikes.... where did this past week go??

Dave: I use to get
Netflix through my brother, but once they wised up to some of us 'scammers' I don't get it anymore. I do get Peacock for free for being with Comcast so long, but haven't seen anything I'd like to watch on it. And I have to SIGN IN every time and it's a pain to remember the crazy password. (I have tons of them)

41F Sunny degrees here right now. Suppose to get to 54 later in the afternoon. :rolleyes: Big deal!

Karen: Any update on Scooter?

Bill: I saw that the temps on the East Coast are dropping to the ugly stage. My niece in North Carolina will be at 30F this morning. Brrrr.

I have nothing more for you lovely folks. Enjoy your day.


2nd Officer
Good morning and YES, the good news is Scooter is still with me, for how much longer I don't know, but for now she has perked up considerably! Called the vet yesterday to cancel & she was very pleased to hear she was doing better. I am giving her Gabapentin twice a day & that seems to be helping. The vet said it's "magic" for kitty's so hopefully it will keep doing it's magic for her.
Taking a break from cleaning house but now the dryer is calling, be back later.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Only plan for today is going to Publix and pick up a Rx for Bruce. Bruce is home again so hope he will do some more cleaning in the garage. With getting the two new chairs and putting broken up boxes in the recycles this week that was all that could go in the bin.

I guess the first couple of days this week was our cold front, the high temps were mid/high 70's as the rest of the week temps have been low/mid 80's. Of course the temps at night have gone down in the 60's.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
K2, the ship may dock at 6:30 am but passengers will still be able to have breakfast before they have to disembark. In general, they want passengers to be off the ship by 9 or 9:30 and except for those who carry off their own luggage, debarkation usually starts around 8.
For a few days at least, we may see some 60 degree days so our tundra isn't exactly frozen although I think that we may have had one morning where the thermometer registered 32 degrees.
I guess I will
be at you to the orthopedist since I have an appointment to see the doctor who operated on my hip a few years back. Hoping she can determine the reason for all the pain it has been causing me of late and offer the best way to eliminate the pain. Just hoping that the remedy won't interfere with our Christmas family cruise or our stay in Florida.
Going to the Voc-Tech restaurant for lunch today since it will be Jaclyn's last stint as a waiter for a while. Not sure what task or tasks she will be doing next in the culinary arts program.


Chief Security Officer
Don't you just love how many sites you need to have passwords in order to log on yet they tell you that for security purposes you shouldn't use the same password and should change them regularly but also tell you not to write then down where anyone might find theft Can't tell you how many sites I have trouble logging into because I can't recall which password applies to that site.
Lunch today was great and while at the restaurant we ran into a neighbor from our former condo neighborhood. Getting to the school was an adventure in itself as we ran into road closures due to construction at six or seven different locations in three different towns. What should have been about a fifteen minute trip took twice that amount of time but it was worth it. Coming back home when time was not a factor, there were no delays and no traffic disruptions.


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks for the heads up on the ship arriving EARLY in the morning and the cruisers still getting to eat breakfast. :clap002:

Made 21 Lasagna Roll-ups and have them in nice containers in the freezer. Once frozen I will seal them in my FoodSaver vacuum machine for future use.
Also, made a BIG pot of Veggie soup with hamburger meat in it. That will get frozen up too.
I'm stocking up just in case I actually get word that I can get my knee worked on! Trying to make it easy ON ME and on ART! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

We might go to the 5:00 pm movie about 3/4 of a mile away from our house to see:
It's a 3 hour movie. :eek:


Wacky Wabbit
The movie was good, but it could have been 1/2 hr sorter. Actors were good.

One guy as old as myself and his date were at the bar getting a drink to take to their seats. His bill for 2 drinks, 2 show tickets and 1 large popcorn was $68 bucks. He did have a $10 buck tip on his check! Crazy to pay $40 bucks for 2 drinks! And they weren’t very big either!
BB: Glad you are home and back to reality.

Talk tomorrow.


2nd Officer
EVERY year when it's time to change our clocks the elected officials say they're going to stop that nonsense. But EVERY year they don't do a damn thing. It's no wonder that nothing gets done in DC on big things when they can't handle something as little as that.

Awaiting stories of your cruise, BB.

KC; So, so happy that Scooter continues to feel better.

That movie you mentioned looks interesting, K2. Glad you liked it.

Not much accomplished yesterday except grocery shopping. Somehow a box of one of Kathi's favorite candies found its' way into our shopping cart. "Hot Tamales".

Today I need to fiddle with a light switch in the bathroom.

And that's it from me.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Welcome home Momma Bunny. For the most part we’ve all been good and played nice while you were away.
Yesterday the OGC’s headed to Home Depot and picked up lumber to start framing Jim and Gail’s basement. Before we all head south we want to frame a bathroom, bedroom with closet, storage area and rec room. A much larger project than our rec room was. Once we’re done then the electrician and plumber can come in. Due to the scope of work involved with that stuff we defer to the pros. We’ll start on Monday.
So that kinda saw yesterday get away from me.
Very good news about Scooter Karen. It is indeed one of the toughest calls we have to make.
A “dram”. I think it’s something silly like an 8th of an ounce Dave. But it can be loosely used as a small amount of a drink of anything.
Kathie, I’m willing to bet a 3 hour tour with Gilligan and The Skipper didn't cost that much! At least you thought the movie was good. You certainly have been busy getting meals done up for yourselves.
I swear the roads departments have a big map of adjoining towns and figure the best way to impede traffic flow through multiple projects Bill. Do they move Jacklyn through all phases of the restaurant business? From front of the house to food prep and everything in between? That would certainly give her a good overview of everything that has to happen to get meals to guests! It’s not nearly as simple as many people think.
Your lows of 60’s are where our highs are going to be for the next couple of days Nancy. We were amazed and disappointed last winter when we found out Emerald Island did away with their recycling bins. No separation of waste required. Now everything you chuck in the bin must be in 15 gallon bags. No using grocery bags for garbage any more either.
If the rain stops we’ll get out for our walk by The River. Beyond that???
Have a really good, safe day everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. It has been looking overcast and now the sun is starting to shine, so guess no rain. Will be watching the last Xfinity race of the year this afternoon. Other than that no plans. Bruce is again working on cleaning some things out of the garage.

Talked with Jennifer last night and she said that when Max was at the haunted house down the street she took over giving out candy and one little girl came up and saw lollipops and counted out I will take one, two three. Of course Jennifer was not going to tell her no only one and actually thought it was cute, just glad that no more kids did that.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
I'll have to ask Jaclyn or Kevin for the answer to your question, Dave. I know that Jaclyn mentioned that her next tasks will be in the bakery department (can't wait to sample some of the desserts). I do know that the program is pretty comprehensive though I am not sure if it covers much of the management aspects of the restaurant business . I suspect that it does. I do know that Kevin, even though he eventually became a police officer, benefitted tremendously from his experiences in the school's culinary arts program.
BC had a great win last night playing Syracuse and seems to have turned a season that started out rather poorly into what promises to be a
successful one.
Thanks for your review of the movie, K2. I just got an email from a chain of movie theaters promising mea of the most recent releases have appealed to me. I might enjoy the new Paul Giammati movie that is set in the Boston area and has received some decent reviews and if we were to go on a day when the tickets are discounted, the price and the "free" popcorn might work.
Glad you had such a great cruise, BB. Welcome back to the real world where there is no one else to make your bed or plan or cook your meals.


2nd Officer
Good evening. I have all the clocks reset so the only things not are the computers and they will take care of when we turn on tomorrow.

Watching the final Xfinity race of the year. I will be ready for bed when it is over.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Fall Back Good Morning GIF by Hello All
When are they ever going KNOCK OFF doing this silly stuff. Hate.

Went to our Nephews viewing and Memorial service at the funeral home.
He had a heck of a lot of friends.
The two brothers were able to find a BAG-PIPE player. He came through the room from the back playing 'Amazing Grace' and it was more than touching. I was able to get a video of it.

You all make sure to turn BACK your CLOCKS. Good night.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good evening! Sorry it took me this long to get back on here. I had over 400 emails to go through. Still have 150 more that I haven't looked at yet!

Now about our cruise - Was it fun? YES! Did we have lots of family time? YES! Are we ready to do another one? HELL NO!!!!! I am so done with cruising. Not because of what they are doing, but rather what it took for me to survive the cruise. I ended up spending way too much time keeping track of how much battery life I had available every time we left our stateroom. Never got to Central Park, the Boardwalk, the casino, any of the shows or, believe it or not, never made it to the Schooner Bar!! Spent most of our time outside the Pub where we would meet up with family. When my O2 level dropped too much, we would just go back to our stateroom and use the oxygen generator for a couple of hours and give the battery time to recharge.

Yesterday morning we were able to get an elevator at 7:30 with M&J. They helped carry all our stuff off. We got to leave the ship immediately and were in our car and on our way home before 8:00! Easiest getting off ever! They really have it down to a great system now. We were sitting in our kitchen by 9:30!

Bottom line - We are so glad we did this cruise, but know that from this point on, our cruising memories are going to have to do it for us. Just glad that we did our last cruise on our favorite ship.

Never got to go back and read after all. Today hasn't been a great day for me. Had an anxiety attack this afternoon. It took a while for me to get my O2 back up and to calm down. And, no, it was not brought on by the Gator loss this afternoon! They played a terrible game.

Now it's time to change the clocks before I forget and to just go relax and watch some more football. I'll try to be back earlier tomorrow. Missed you all!


2nd Officer
BB; I feel so sad, sad, sad that cruising is something in your past. It's crushing when we finally have to admit that we can't do some things that we've always enjoyed doing. And cruising has always been a big part of your life. "Golden Years" my ass!

Can't think of much else to talk about this morning.

Wishing all you Bunnies a healthy, comfortable day filled with a bit of fun.
