Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
So, I was reading in the paper that BJ’s is having product shortages. No regular half and half and no low sodium chicken or beef broth. I think they’re blaming it on Covid… :emoticon 0136 giggle:
I got your back Bert.
We’re sitting just a tad under 70F. The sun is out and it‘s hard to believe that October is winding down. For Hallowe’en they expect a high of 45F.


Chief Security Officer
BB,"early" is a relative thing that means different things to different people. Bert's definition is clearly different from yours, just like Rita's idea of being "on time" is much different than mine.
Don't everyone rush out and start a spending spree, but I see that the Social Security COLA will rise 3.2% in 2024. Of course, Medicare and other health insurance premiums will probably increase enough to wipe out most of the SS increase. Don't think that the increase will cause us to be subject to a "millionaire's tax".
Does anyone know what the Powerball payout is projected to be when the next drawing takes place? Does anyone really care?
Just random thoughts on a random day in October.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. I have been busy today. First was a visit with the hand Dr and I only go back if/when I have trouble with either hand. The went to Publix and bought Chicken Breasts, they had a buy one package get one free. They also had a good price on Ground Chuck so I got one package and I bought us subs which we will have half for dinner tonight and the other half tomorrow or Saturday. as they were a good price. When one sub is $7.99 and we can get 2 meals that is a very good price.

Then after having lunch I started to gather things for Salvation Army. I have 5 bags of a mix of clothes and shoes. And I am also taking the boxes of instant cold and instant hot. I won't use them. I will take them tomorrow after my MRI which is at 9am, I have to be there at 8:30 and I can't eat or drink anything for 4 hours before, so I will stop at a fast food place after to get something to eat.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Thinking of you K2. Hope to hear from you soon.

You got me nosy Bill so I looked up Powerball. Saturday's drawing is for 125 million bucks.

Lee, at least for us, one more warm day today in the lower 70's, then we go back in the cooler on Saturday. I don't know about you but I still can't get adjusted to a 6:30 sunset.

WOW BB, that was one super salty stew if it made your legs and ankles swell up by retaining water. Something tells me that this manhunt in Maine for the shooter is going to take a while.

How's Scooter doing, KC?

Remember "Franklin"? He was that 3 foot tall statue of a frog dressed in a butler's outfit carrying a round silver serving tray. Well, over the years all the sun, rain, snow and heat hasn't been kind to him. He was in dire need of a new paint job. I did that once, but I'm not doing it again. All detail painting.

So Kathi ordered a new "Franklin". Then she sat the old one at the end of the drive yesterday afternoon. Sure enough, not even one hour went by before he was kidnapped. Or adopted, depending how you think about it.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A splash of rain to start this Friday morning.
Good on ya for donating to The Salvation Army Nancy.
It just goes to show that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure Dave. I do recall when you repainted your frog. Will you name this one Franklin Too.
You mention COLA increases for social security and some folks pensions Bill. I have had better increases since I retired than I ever got while working! My Dad instilled in me that if I wasn’t work 15 minutes early I was 10 minutes late. I think that’s why both Lu-Ann and I try to be where we say we will be when we say we’ll be there.
Kathie, we are all thinking about you and know that you will pop in when you’re feeling up to it.
I can only figure that you are, as always, trying to take care of your fur kids, family and neighbours Karen. Sit a spell, have a glass of wine and say hi.

Red Wine GIF

This pic is both for Karen and to celebrate the seasonal reopening of Pat’s (and my) beloved True Blue Winery.
I do hope that everyone has a fantastic Friday.


2nd Officer
Good morning, hopefully I can get a quick post in before the day gets away from me, AGAIN!

Kathie, thinking of you & sending warm thoughts to you & your family.

Dave, can't wait to see pic's of "Franklin's" replacement, I'm sure the old Franklin will be gracing someone else's patio or garden very soon. I could be pretty comfortable with $125Millon

Pat, good to hear the in home ER visit went well and sure hope they caught the bronchitis in time to keep it from going into pneumonia! When do you & the family head out on your cruise?

Lee, thanks for the wine, grapes are fruit & fruit is good for breakfast right? Plus as JB would say, it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Which reminds me of the family who was on the flight with me last week to Baltimore, they were on their way to Boston for a tour to New England & had upgraded their seats to business class, which came with free drinks. The man & wife who were sitting next to me weren't drinking because it was to early but the cousin & sister across the aisle were putting them away with gusto & the cousin just couldn't believe they were "wasting" those free drinks. BTW, the wife had introduced her family to me when we first boarded & her cousin was introduced as "my crazy cousin", I could see why after that.

Bill, sorry your Fantasy football teams aren't performing well, win some ya lose some I guess. Are you still playing cribbage?

Took Scooter back to the vet on Tues. for a recheck, they said her upper respiratory infection was fine, keep her on the probiotics to boost her immune system.
Lot's of catching up to do on HOA stuff and this morning the treasure & I are going to walk the perimeter of the complex because we had a complaint of over grown trees in the common area. On the bright side I have just over a month left & we have 5 resumes for board positions, which means there will be an actual election to seat the new board!
Choir practice last night, seemed like ages since I'd been at church, so it was really good to be back.
Wed. I had a Dr. appt for lab work & got an email yesterday my results were in, I was surprised to see that most of my cloresteral readings were down in the normal range, so maybe the Dr. won't need to do meds after all. She also checked my A1C and it was 5 so I think that's ok too.
Other than that not a lot going on, laundry did get done & all put away so at least I have that out of the way. Have a great day all!


Chief Security Officer
Thanks for answering my question about tomorrow's Powerball estimated payout, Dave. Obviously a measly 125 million isn't enough to make most of us run out to purchase a ticket. Whatever would we do with it if we won?
Cribbage ended at the end of August, KC and the four couples went out to a local restaurant with the money that we contributed over the weeks we were playing. In addition, every team got at least a token amount of money according to their final place in the standings.
TV and papers are filled with stories about the horrific shooting in Maine the other night. The shooter is still at large despite the enormous manhunt by all sorts of law enforcement agents, local, state,and federal. The death toll has been reported as 18 with a large number of wounded in the hospital and in serious condition.
Good report on your lab tests, KC. Seems like the prescribed meds are doing the job..
Have my annual appointment with my cardiologist and am hoping for a similarly good report.
Next week I see my Primary Care and my ENT doctor and that should pretty much be it for awhile.
Temps may reach 80 today or tomorrow and could set a record for this late in the season, but they will drop dramatically by Sunday and I have seen predictions that Halloween temperatures may be in the 40's. Brrr!!!!


2nd Officer
A very late good morning. Had an early appt for my abdominal MRI. It was supposed to have contrast but the tech was not able to get a needle in to give the contrast to me, she was able to get a needle in in my left wrist but it started to burn and that was just the needle, so since she had tried two other places on the right arm we gave up. she gave me the option of coming back later in the day when another tech would be there but I said no. I have taken the bandage off the wrist and it is still burning. I see the Dr on Tuesday. had wanted an open MRI but because it is for the abdomen no such luck had to be the old fashion close one.

I may try to do more work in the bedroom today but not sure.

All have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning, Bunnies.

Which reminds me that Trick-Or-Treat in Massillon is Sunday afternoon. As usual, we'll be handing out individual bags of chips and pretzels. Sorry, no candy for the rug-rats. But they seem to like them.

Happy to hear that your blood test results are mostly lining up at good levels, KC. The last thing we need is more medications. I liked your story about the early morning drinkers on your plane. Also happy to hear that Scooter is doing well. I never knew they had probiotics for pets. Yup, no doubt about it, you're NOT going to miss working for the HOA.

Yes the new "Franklin" frog butler will go by the same name, Lee. He's identical to the old one, except not weather worn. I'll admit it, I stared at your video of the wine pouring into the glass for the longest time trying to figure out how they did that. Usually you can spot a hiccup when they put something on a loop.

Bill; I was guessing that the shooter in Maine would be found dead from self-inflicted suicide, or suicide by cop if he was surrounded by police. From the beginning it was odd that he didn't try to hide his identity or wear body armor.

I got a kick out of a grumpy but funny old man yesterday when talking about us seniors in our "Golden Years".

Yea, what do we got? More aches and pains, trouble getting around, more doctor visits, more medications, not as strong as we once were. Plus more friends and relatives dying off. His conclusion.......Anyone that tells you that their Golden Years are the best years of their life, SHOULD BE INSTITUTIONALIZED! :)


2nd Officer
Good morning. I think I am finally over jet lag. Am working on an area in the bedroom that needs cleaning. I am hoping to start wrapping Christmas gifts in the next week. I want to be able to take as many as possible to Jennifer's at Thanksgiving. Speaking of I have no idea where we will be having Thanksgiving, Jennifer's or our niece's. I have to say I prefer Jennifer's.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Have A Nice Day GIF
Thanks for all the caring thoughts. You all are the best.

Off to get a coffee and have one of those English Muffins I made!
Enjoy your day.
Weather went from 75+ and Sunny to 52 and ready to rain. Hate this temp change! I wish my 2 best Florida friends didn't have CATS.... I'd come down for a visit ASAP! ;)


2nd Officer
Kathie, nice to see you drop in, enjoy that coffee & muffin!
Lee, you slacking off this morning or just forget to hit send? Not like you to miss posting in the AM, hope all is well!

Bill, I wondered if cribbage might be over with, but I seem to be developing a weird habit of remembering things that didn't happen & forgetting things that did. All part of the golden years I suppose.

Pat, I see you missed posting yesterday, hope everything is ok with you and you aren't doing time in Celebration again!

Nothing much at all going on around here, I woke up around 4:30 this morning & could not get back to sleep. Ended up getting up around 6, it's going to be a long day! I did go thru boxes of yard sale stuff I had in the garage & pulled out some things that hadn't sold to donate to the church rummage sale. Hopefully they will have better luck. It's nice on the porch right now so I may fix an iced coffee and go read for a bit. Have a great day all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I like coffee and muffins. Again, just sayin'.
So good to see you pop in Kathie and let us know how things are going. Chin up kiddo. I was out in my shorts and T-shirt (keep those wolf whistles to a minimum!) cutting both the front and back yards. I reckon that's it for grass cutting this season. The weather guessers are saying that we could see a "smattering" of
snow Hallowe'en night into Wednesday morning.
I was up and about early as usual Karen. Just got distracted reading my technical articles about the car setups for this weekend's Mexican F1 race. Thumbs on the bloodwork!
Enjoy that coffee on the porch. Even hot coffee here would be iced coffee in no time today!
When we headed down to The Navy Yard it was just plain cold! Steve and Marie were bundled up as were Ava, Dave, Stella, Winnie, Lu-Ann and I. Ava, Dave, Stella and Winnie all being the dogs.
I saw that the situation in Maine had resolved itself. Sadly nobody will ever be able to ask the shooter why.
Are you going to give Franklin 2.0 (Too, Two) a spray of clear coat Dave? that may help protect him from the elements well into his Golden Years. That never ending pour of red wine was from a bottle at Pat and Bert's.
Is the final countdown on for that cruise Pat? We don't want to hear that you've come down with something before you go, while you're gone or when you get back.
I thought that there was a rule that you couldn't wrap Christmas gifts until AFTER US Thanksgiving Nancy.
Hmmm? How will the writers recently resolved strike and the ongoing actors strike affect all of those Hallmark Christmas Movies.
I don't usually root for your Patriots Bill but tomorrow I'm making an exception.
That's about it from this side of the 49th. You all have a great Saturday!


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Almost good afternoon, everyone! Kind of a lazy morning around here. I even stayed in bed until 9:30! Just was too comfy to get up.

We've been gathering all the things we'll need for the cruise. Mostly all my medical stuff. Glad this is only a 4 nighter, as we don't have to bring a lot of clothes with us. Just got notified that our itinerary has been changed due to weather. So now, instead of our sea day being Halloween, we're going to Nassau instead. We've already decided to skip Nassau and just stay on the ship. I wonder how many other people will feel the same way, as many were planning to wear costumes all day and have trick or treating during the day for the kids. I just can't see the kids waiting until Thursday to get candy.

Tonight is Hellalago here in our community. There's a haunted house, rides for the kids and just a lot of fun activities. We will be bringing our own "adult beverages" with us.

This afternoon is also the GATOR vs Georgia football game in Jacksonville. It is considered the world's largest tailgate/cocktail party in the country!! Keeping my fingers crossed that the GATORS are able to pull out a win against the #1 team in the country. Miracles do happen!!!

Karen - I don't know what happened to my post from yesterday. Those d*mn cyber gremlins must have been at it again.

Kathie - Nice that you were able to stop by. Sorry about us cat lovers not being able to accommodate you.

Lee - That's some swing in temps you're going to be getting.

Dave - That is one very fine looking Franklin youve got there!! A clear coat might help him keep up his good looks,

Time now for some lunch and to see about packing. Have a great rest of the day, gang!!


2nd Officer
Lee, for me I start wrapping Christmas gifts after Halloween. That way I can take all that are wrapped to Jennifer's. She starts decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving, so the wrapped gifts fit right in.

Yesterday when we went to plug in my chair we found that the outlet only the top worked so today Bruce put a new outlet in. He found when he did that it made one switch by the front door not work. So he unhooked that wire and capped it off so it does nothing.

I have been cleaning an area in the bedroom and so far have filled one bag for Salvation Army and almost one for the garbage. Because my right knee hurts I can only stand for so long before having to sit, so it takes me almost all day to get it done. But it does get done.


Chief Security Officer
Lee,why do I think that you will not be the only Bills fan rooting for my Pats tomorrow? I'm sure it will not be out of the generosity of their hearts or because they truly believe that the Pats will win? On behalf of the Patriots, however, we gladly accept your support, as self-serving as it may be.
I agree with your final statement about the death of the Maine shooter, although perhaps his "suicide note" or some other writing may reveal some more information as to his motive.
Just glad that the whole thing is finally over and that the only additional death was the shooter's.
Italian dinner later today and it is shorts weather today for perhaps the last time until we head to
Florida in late December.
Appointment with my cardiologist went well yesterday. I arrived at 2pm for my 2:15 appointment, was in his office by 2:10n and had an EKG, had all my vitals checked and had a thorough exam from the doctor, and was checking out by 2:30. Despite the speed, it didn't feel rushed and I was pleased that I don't need to see him again for another year.
Three more medical appointments before October ends.


2nd Officer
What a pleasant surprise! So nice to see that you've returned to the hutch, K2. I was beginning to worry. (I told Lee not to use your hairbrush while you were gone, but he never listens.)

KC; I hope you get a chance this morning to relax again sitting on your front porch, reading a good book and sipping on some coffee.

I should have known Lee that the ever pouring bottle of wine was at BB's house. It's a good idea that you and her have of spraying a clear coat on "Franklin". Which I did every once in a while. But Mother Nature's heat, cold, and sunshine always wins out in the long run. Think of all the wear and tear it does to the outside of people's houses, whether brick or sided.

Speaking of our frog butler; The first "Franklin" was about 20 years old. Kathi spotted him at a store in the Cincinnati airport on our way to a cruise. How he got here, neither of us can remember. He sure wouldn't have fit in the plane's overhead compartment. But even after 20 years they still make the same "Franklin". Except 2 things. He now has a gold serving tray instead of a silver one. AND, he's now a foot shorter. Phooey. Oh well, he's still a handsome fella.


2nd Officer
Good early morning!

Dave, Franklin is indeed a fine looking fellow! As to him being a foot shorter get a couple of those square 8x8x4 cement blocks & set him on a pedestal and you'll never notice.

Pat, hope you have an awesome cruise with the Family, I know you've been waiting a long time to cruise again! I caught part of the Gator game yesterday & it wasn't pretty.:eek04:

Lee, those are some wild temp swings you've been having, stay warm & stay healthy.

No coffee on the porch this morning, heading to church at 9. Sure seems like its been forever since I was there.
Trunk or treat was wild yesterday, it started at 4 and I got there around 3:30 and the place was mobbed! People lined up in the sun waiting for the candy to be handed out. I found the car for St. Mary's but it wasn't anyone I knew so I didn't stop. Hung out for a while watching the kiddo's & then checked again, still no one I knew from church so I left. I had parked at a church nearby & luckily when I got back no one had parked behind me so I could leave, other places in the lot they were parked 3 deep, hopefully they came together so the middle car didn't get trapped

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A little more rain this morning. Which makes it a good day for an early morning coffee.
After shorts and a T-shirt Friday temps dropped throughout yesterday. This morning it feels like 33F. l imagine your weather patterns are pretty similar Kathie.
I heard that people get shorter as they age Dave. I guess the same holds true for frogs.

Who’s that? Oh, good morning Karen. I think that all of us up north a being subjected to rapidly changing temps. How many “Barbie” inspired costumes did you see?
That’s a run of medical stuff over the next couple of days Bill.
Did everyone have a “Hellalago” of a good time last night Pat?
It‘s good Bruce is handy and able to take care of things like your outlet and switch Nancy. I have a friend who needs to refer to YouTube to change a light bulb! Well, not really, but you get the idea.
The problem with trying to eat right is the number of trips you have to make to one grocer or another to get fresh stuff. That said, I suspect that we‘ll have a trip to the grocery store today.
Dang, what an exciting day ahead.
Have a fantastic Sunday everyone.