Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Another day goes by, and the republicans unloaded their clown car, this time booting the Speaker Of The House. How lovely and productive. Good thing there's no other more important things to focus on.

BB; I too like Bert's way of shopping. Keep moving, get it done, and go home. Less chance of impulse buying. I'm guessing that you passed on Music-Bingo last night.

"A new & improved Grille". That'll be a novelty, Bill. Maybe it'll set a new record with the shortest time between opening and closing down again.

We too have been getting those foggy mornings, Lee. I understand it has to do with the humidity and overnight temperatures. At least we get a couple more days of summer temperatures before the colder fall temperatures settle in.

KC; I wonder if our internal clocks are fighting the shorter days now, causing sleep patterns to get mixed up. Yes, our desks are like a magnet for notes, reminders, and things on our schedules. And boy, those notes pile up fast.

Got that car washed yet, K2?

The new Chick-fil-A opened earlier this week in Masslillon. We need to go right by on our way back from an appointment this morning. We're betting that it'll be mobbed.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone!

Lee - I have a bone to pick with you! I know Canadians love to come to Florida. Canadians also love and miss things from Canada while they are here, right? So they try to replicate things from back home. So here's the problem ... Keep your $&@$# smoke in Canada!!! We don't want it here. For the past 3 days things have been very hazy here. Some called it fog, but it was finally clarified on the news last night - SMOKE FROM CANADIAN FIRES!!!!! No wonder my eyes have been burning and my O2 level hasn't been great. Our sky is just a pale blue due to the smoke. So do you get my not wanting to share your smoke. Keep it up where it belongs. Thank you!!

Karen - I have the same problem with waking up too early. I hate seeing daylight dawn each morning. I saw enough of these early hours when I was still working. I'd love to be able to sleep in like Bert does. Glad you didn't run into any problems with your HOA and were able to get things straightened up on your desk. I wish I could do the same thing, but I seem to keep adding to the pile these days. Don't be in a hurry to have Marco's open. We think their pizza in terrible. It's worse than Pizza Hut and Papa John's!

Dave - You're right. We never did make it to Music Bingo. Jimmy came over and he & Bert were trimming one of our very overgrown trees in the yard. They're still not finished trimming it, so I expect he will be back tonight to continue working on it.
I like to be able to actually LOOK AT things when I go shopping. Bert believes in keep moving no matter what. That's no fun. I do need to get to Publix to pick up a few things that I know Bert would screw up, if he buys alone.

Bill - The idiots here in Florida only see that "R" after the name. They don't care who it is. Plus they only watch Fox. We've seen that in some places. even going out for dinner. Matt Gaetz was being investigated by the last congress, but once repubs got control, the investigation was dropped. God help us if he gets elected governor. His father wants to run again for state senate too. He's from up in the panhandle, so that tells you all you need to know. I just hope the democrats come up with a better candidate than Charlie Crist next time.

Anyone else having trouble getting Covid booster shots this go round? They seem to be in short supply right now. We even have to make an appointment at a different Publix as our regular Publix doesn't have any boosters available right now. We definitely want the booster before we go on the cruise at the end of the month.

I'm making one of my favorite dinner tonight - braised pork chops. That has me drooling already. I just hope the tree trimming doesn't mess us up. Otherwise, that will be tomorrow's dinner.

Bert just came out of the bedroom, so I better get off the computer for a little while. Have a super hump day, everyone!


Chief Security Officer
We had no problem scheduling our Covid shots here. Rita and I are getting the Covid, flu and RSV shots at our local CVS store on Friday. Hopefully we will have the use of our arms afterwards .
Republicans must like being first in things: First president to resign to avoid being impeached (Nixon), First president to be impeached twice and first to be indicted for fraud and other criminal activities (guess who), and now, the first Speaker of the House to be turned out of office by a vote of the House of Representatives. Such a record!
Another bright and sunny day to enjoy before Saturday's rains ruin everyone's weekend plans. Time to get off here and take advantage of this weather. Play nice everyone.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Canadian smoke? Really? Another witch hunt Pat. Nothing but ‘Publican lies.
Now, feelings hurt, I’m going to go stand in the corner. I will remind you. You’re not the first grade 2 teacher (ret) to have sent me to the corner with a tear in my eye. Likely from the smoke…


Wacky Wabbit
Fun Spongebob GIF by MOODMAN

Hi Wrabbits.
Stopping by to say ART & I took drive North to enjoy the country dude and sunshine and 80 temp while still around!!

It was fun!
On our way we got to stop at The Great Lakes National Cemetery. We have 2members from our choir buried there. We have been there for both services, but never got to drive through the entire place.
It’s like going through Arlington Cemetery. Hard to explain.

We are seriously considering selling our current plots and ending up at Great Lakes.

We saw some slight color changes, but plan on going back further North in 2 weeks to get a better look at all the trees in full color.

Thursday (today) we are expecting 90% chance of rain in the late afternoon. Then the temps will drop to the 50’s. Mother Nature must be ticked off about something to do something like this!

BB: That SMOKE you have by you is from all the Bull-Crap going on from your representatives! If Jim Jordan becomes the next Speaker of the House, not only will YOU get MORE SMOKE in your state, but the entire USA will be choking. It’s hard to believe this is REALLY HAPPENING. CRAZY TIMES FIR SURE.

Okay gang I’ll be back later.
(I’m thinking none of you will see this until THURSDAY) :)

We saw a Halloween themed Car Show in Holly, Mich on the way home. This was a Bonnieville car in the picture. And that guy’s name in the car is a Clyde. Hence, Bonnie & Clyde! Too funny.

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2nd Officer
Good Thursday morning! The last 80 degree day for quite a while. But I'm still going to be kicking and screaming if Kathi tells me to wear long pants when we go out of the house. High temperatures over the weekend will only be in the 50's.

There was a line at the new Chick-fil-A when we returned from the doctor's appointment yesterday. But not as many cars as we expected. (Of course it was only 10:30.) So we pulled in the line to check out what they've got. Didn't know they had grilled chicken sandwiches, instead of the breaded kind. So we got a couple of them. They were good with lettuce and tomato slices. But can't say they'll get a lot of business from me. Just don't crave chicken sandwiches all that much. I've got a feeling that there were a lot longer lines between noon and 1 PM.

We too are getting the newest Covid booster shots on Friday, Bill. Since we are sticking with the Moderna shot, we had to wait a couple of weeks till that brand was in stock.

Still no winner in the Powerball. There's always hope.

Oh no BB, have you created an international incident with Canada? I sure hope the diplomats can calm things down before we have to build a wall along the Canadian border. AND MAKE THEM PAY FOR IT. :)

Please Lee, tell the Mounties to stand down before they invade us. If you don't, the Canadians will have to pay for horse poop pick-up too. Yes, it's easy to imagine you spending a lot of time in the corner as a child.

Funny picture of Bonnie & Clyde, K2. National cemeteries are usually the best maintained.

Doggies went to the groomers yesterday, today It's Kathi's turn. She said it's for something about returning her roots to their "natural" color.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That’s nothing new for us Dave. We’re already paying for the new Gordie Howe Bridge over The Detroit River.
It’s 68F now and should go to the mid 70’s before the rain starts mid afternoon. That rain will be washing away the warm weather with low to mid 50’s becoming the norm for the foreseeable future.
“Bonny” and Clyde. That was cute Kathie.
We’re hoping our pharmacy or doc will have the vaccines shortly so we can get boosted too.
I think we have a Costco trip in store for today. I’d also like to get an apple for the teacher to see if she’ll let me out of the corner.
All of you have a good Thursday.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF by joeyahlbum
Happy Good Morning GIF by DINOSALLY

Oh dear I think we might have to have a referee on this site soon if we start a intense discussion on making the Canadians pay for Horse Poop if they cross the border.

Like our dear 2nd Officer Wrabbit Lee pointed out the Canadian government is paying for the new Gordie Howe Bridge. Although, the State of Michigan has spent money on the building of infrastructure expenses to get roads and highways built so traffic can approach and use the Gordie Howe Bridge. It's a beauty. We got to see it from I75 and it's huge.


And here's something interesting.

Canada will be collecting the Tolls for both borders to offset the costs they have had to spend on building the bridge. Stands to reason they would do that since they are funding the International Bridge.

I have nothing else for you dear folks this morning. I'll be back later when the RAIN starts and I'm forced to stay inside. Bummer. But tomorrow will be even worst and todays rain. It will only be HIGH's in the 50's. Brrrr. A rude awakening to what has been a PURE MICHIGAN week so far.

Enjoy your day. I need a cup of that coffee I brought into the HUTCH this morning. Have a cup from me.
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Wacky Wabbit
breaking news trinity GIF

Our Mama Bunny is back at Celebration Hosp . I guess she just didn’t feel like cooking at home!
Seriously. I guess that smoke she was challenging Lee about did her in! :eek: Lee, turn the FAN to point to the WEST!
Now we need to behave while she is out of the Hutch! :rolleyes:

Raining up here. Just an annoying constant drizzle. 70F

Glad I held out on getting my FREE $17.99 car wash. Who in their right mind would pay that much for a car wash if it wasn’t free???
We have a very hood $2.99 wash close by that works for me!

Hope you’re all having a good day. Later gang.

Prayers Praying For You GIF by MOODMAN


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Lu-Ann just told me that Kathie too. Get feelin’ better real darned quick Momma Bunny.
It’s dull with drizzle here too.
Costco was simply NUTS! I kinda forgot that Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving. It was like Costco had been invaded by escapees from Walmart.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: I went to buy some fabric at our local JoAnn Fabrics and Costco is about a block away on Hall Rd and my LIGHT was on that I needed GAS. So I go over to Costco and the line wasn't long at all for a change. I asked the attendant that walks around about the construction behind the area. He said they were putting in " 32 " new gas pumps! YIKES!! There are 16 pumps in the area right now. He said they were going to totally deconstruct the 16 and and the entire area will be for Employee Parking. The lot where the 32 pumps are going to be is in FULL CONSTRUCTION MODE. Now if they could only fix the horrible parking in the front of the building. You take your life in your hands when you walk out of the bldg to get to your car. Good thing most people have a CART to protect themselves from cars hitting them.

I'm hoping BB will get her treatments and they can get her out of there soon. A group prayer for our gal is in order.

Karen: Hope you're not overdoing it with all your generous work for your family and friends. Remember, one day at a time and a little extra time for yourself! ;)

Art and I are going over to visit with Mr Manny tomorrow afternoon. After all it's been 2 weeks since we saw him. Hope it doesn't rain while we're there. He's officially been with them for 1 year as of Wednesday! Seems much longer than that.

Useless info: Did you read that the "T" man said he would step in to be Speaker of the House until they found someone
permanently! Can you even believe that? Does that mean any of us could just walk into the House of Rep's and say.... "Hey, I'll fill in until you find someone"?? Good Lord, what is this world coming to. A total Cluster F...!

Bill: Did you hear on the news about the couple that loves to cruise so much that they figured it was CHEAPER to be on a cruise ship all the time than to be in a Senior Living Residence. They called up their travel agent and have been on a Princess ship for 460 some days. They will get off of it next August. Talk about seeing the same things over and over and over again. I wonder if they change ships. I'll have to do a google on that.
Here's their story: Crazy, but true!!

Tired Good Night GIF by Simon Super Rabbit
NIGHT ALL. It's still raining over here.


2nd Officer
Drat, so sad to hear that BB is back in the hospital. Sure hoping that it's just a short stay. Maybe this time when she gets home, she'll tone down all the things she has on her social calendar. I often wonder if her body is having a tough time keeping up with all the things she wants to do. Or feels she has to do.

Still in your corner, Lee? That's one dandy looking futuristic bridge. Costco is starting to sound like a giant sized Walley-World. Nutsy customers and all.

Here's an idea K2; During all these rain showers, pull your car outside, if for nothing else than to get the dust off of it.

Periods of rain here today. Only going out for our Covid boosters.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits! Sunny, (real sunny) 60F and Blue Skies.

Went to bed with a ache right in the middle of my left back side and woke up with it still aching. It will be a Tylenol day for sure. Must be the change in the weather. Oh well, it's not going to ruin my day. Other folks have way more to deal with than this.

Ditto on BB getting out of the hospital soon. I just worry about her and Bert pushing to go on that short cruise at the end of the month. Not sure I would be taking that chance.

Dave: Good for you getting the Covid boosters. I think we'll be going later this month for ours.

I have nothing more for you grand folks this morning.

I will take a picture while over at Mr Manny's house and hopefully remember to post it later tonight. His entire family is going downtown to Comerica Park for Upper Deck GOLFING EVENT right on the baseball field. They had to pre-buy tickets and will be playing a round of golf from hole to hole from the UPPER DECK. I posted a video of what it will look like. You just have wait for the "advertisement" to end to see what it's all about. Kind of a neat concept.
We do have a SKY-GOLF that is similar to this that Art and I have played at. Take a minute and look at the video.

HELLO Karen..........hope to get a Hello back from you today! Busy, Busy gal. :clap002: :emoticon 0115 inlove:
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Chief Security Officer
Off to CVS in a bit to get our shots. Yesterday's appointment to get that Squamous cell carcinoma was a quick and painless one so I was able to make it to lunch with Rita and our friend Dianne at the Voc-Tech. Food was very good and the servings were large enough that I was able to take some home for last night's dinner.
Overcast and a bit cooler today so I think our warm spell has come to a close. No real color in the trees locally but trees are already beginning to shed their leaves. Guess the best chance to see vibrant foliage colors would require a drive north to VT,NH or ME.
Sorry to see that BB is back at Celebration. I suggested to her that she should demand some frequent stayer points. Just think what she could redeem those points for, and I will leave that to your
imagination. Failing that, they could at least name a wing of the hospital for her.
Here's an early Happy Thanksgiving Day to Lee and LuAnn. Here we will be celebrating Columbus Day or, for some, Indigenous Peoples Day.



2nd Officer
I honestly have no idea where the days go, I get up in the morning & the next thing I know the day is over & it's time to go to bed! Between church, my sisters, medical appointments & HOA stuff it just seems like I am going somewhere or doing something all the time. This morning Scooter had a vet appt. for Bp check & her shots, Dr. said Bp is looking good. Then this afternoon I met with the Treasurer to interview 2 new homeowners in the community.

Sorry to hear Pat is back in the hospital, hopefully her stay will be short!

Lee, the pic of your new bridge looks a lot like our Skyway bridge in

Hi Kathie!! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Dave, good idea on getting the covid boosters, we've had several people in our church come down with covid over the past few weeks. I'm planning to quarantine again when I come back from Amanda's in a couple weeks being in the airport & around a bunch of strangers I think it's the safe thing to do.

Bill, not much change in leaf color here in Florida either, other than the dead brown palm fronds. Nice that you were able to make it lunch with Rita & Diane.

Now I'm ready to just kick back & have a glass of wine, or 2. Have a great evening all!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I wish I had somethin’ today but, well, I just don’t.
Good to see all of you are having a great day.
It has been neat watching The Gordie Howe bridge go up. Teams on both sides of the border are working together, almost mirror images, if I can say that. My biggest issue is that this big, beautiful new bridge will be primarily for commercial truck traffic. It will keep the semi’s off of the lanes through part of Windsor and should improve the traffic flow. In spite of numerous signs indicating some lanes are “cars only” some of these cowboys just can’t read or simply don’t care to follow the signs.
Keepin’ Momma Bunny in my thoughts and prayers.
Anyway, you all have a great evening.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: If the new bridge helps to keep trucks somewhat off Windsor streets then it’s not all for nothing! Big expense. but they look like they’re making it a STATE OF THE ART BRIDGE.

Wow if gets REALLY DARK early. Hate it. Loved when it was 9:00pm and we had lots of daylight. The Summer sure got away on us this year. Bummer.

As promised ….like you all really were waiting in anticipation here’s Mr Manny with the new toy I got him!


Catch up to you all Sat! :D