Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Dave, sorry to hear you & Kathi are still feeling under the weather! If you don't start feeling a lot better soon it might be time to see a dr!

Mike, how cool, I never knew Polka was polish "crazy" dance, I never learned to do the polka but I can remember watching Lawrence Welk when he would have the polka players & dancers on his show.

Kathie, enjoy your lunch, will keep Art's friend in my prayers. So many people affected by Hurricane Helene.

Lee, great pic of the solider guarding the fort, it really makes the history come alive at events like that. I would be interested in learning more about the wax ring alternative you use, it would have been nice to be able to raise the toilet & adjust the bolt but I knew the ring would be ruined if I did.

Last night we had our Ultreya at church, which is basically a spiritual potluck. We sing, we eat, we sing some more, we eat again & then break into small groups to discuss ways we are trying to build our faith. We also have one of the people attending give a short talk on ways they share their faith with other people. Last nights speaker was your's truly. I was really nervous & probably gave one of the shortest witness talks every, but it went well.

Busy week coming up starting tomorrow with an early morning melon smashing, then breakfast with my sisters. We haven't gotten together in a while so it will be a nice start to the week.
Have a great Sunday all!