Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
How’s Rick doing Kathie? Are the guys still taking care of his place? We all know that you can’t put a value on good friends.

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
went to get an infusion today. The nurse asked the usual questions and I told her I had a tooth pulled 10 days ago. She checked with the doctor, came back and said come back in 12 weeks. Some how the infusion and tooth pulling the bones in my jaw could die. The Day before Christmas we go back. She was going to give me a shot and asked where did I want it. I pointed to Fay. I did get the shot. One of these days I am going to get into deep trouble.
K2, we also had some strong winds, the nice thing for us but not our neighbors, the leaves in our yard blew into our neighbors. Most of the leaves from the polar tree are gone. Thats okay, we have gotten their leaves many times. Glad Art's shot worked so fast.
Karen, the city of Fairfield picks up the leave. They ask people not to put the leaves on the curblawn. I used to hate it when all of the days of the week were busy.
Lee, it is good news that no cancer was detected in the lymph. Fay and I went thru that a few years back. I hope the visit to t he doctor went well.
Dave. if your weather will be similar to ours you are going to have nice weather to dry t he mud. I never was to fond of doing that job, luckily I never had to do too much.
I think Vance was a little more poised. He told a big whopper and I don't know if he believe it or not. I also think the debate proved nothing. I was hoping Vance would go into a trump mode but he didn't
Have a good evening.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh Mike, that line about pointing at Fay had me giggling out loud. “One of these days I am going to get into deep trouble.” “One of these days?” Um, today came to mind!
Have a good evening gang.


2nd Officer
Mike, was the infusion for bone density medicine? If so, I'm surprised your dentist did talk to you before pulling your tooth. I am on generic Fosamax and had to stop taking it for at least a month before getting my teeth pulled last year. Who knew that taking bone medicine could cause your jaw to rot?

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Kc,, I think it was. I went to the dentist for another tooth, he said he couldn' help it but looked at a tooth I chipped about 2 monthago. He said that ne mhay give me problems so we decided to have it pulled. He probably never t hought about my taking an infusion. It's a good thing the nurse caught it.


2nd Officer
Ya got me stumped, Mike. Sometimes I'm not too bright about medical terms. What is an "infusion"?

No Lee, the "mud" was not dry enough in our bathroom yesterday morning for the sanding to start, so our nephew went home to stain some wood trim he'll be putting up when the sanding and painting are done.

Contractors have all the cool toys. Before the nephew left he put his large battery powered fan in the shower aimed at the ceiling to help dry the mud. The battery on that thing is 3 times as large as any of my lawn tools. When I went to bed last night it had been running 13 hours and was still going. Sometime over night the battery finally conked out.

Massillon also USED to have those big old vacuum trucks to suck up the leaves along the curb, KC. No more. Something tells me that Miss Reba tends to often add to your work list. :)

It's funny that you mentioned those free COVID tests, K2. Just yesterday Kathi order 4 for us.

A little while ago I applied to have my driver's license renewed, and it came in the mail yesterday. Numbers all correct, as was name and address, as was what I could legally drive. (Tanker, passenger car, double and triple trailers.) BUT, the picture wasn't right. It showed a very old man. That CAN'T be me!!!

Heck, on my last license, I had a pony tail.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’d be sending that license with the wrong picture back Dave! It’s extra tough to get the mud to dry in a confined space like a shower or closet. That fan sounds, oh what the heck, I’ll say it…cool.
Darned good thing the dental assistant was on her toes Mike!
You all behave. I’ll check on everyone later.
Enjoy this beautiful fall day.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang. Just stopping by to say hello.

Nice day outside and I’m outside as much possible between coffee & bathroom breaks. Putting thing we don’t use this time of the year up in the attic in the garage.

Saw this online. Wow!

Enjoy the day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hiya Kathie! How’s Rick?
2:30 Thursday afternoon. That can only mean one thing…time to put on our dancin’ shoes!

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer
Dave. I Think it means adding something to something else to make it stronger. Am I right Kc.
Thanks for the video K2
Did you have your walk this AM Lee???
I started this this AM, saw it wasn't posted and a lot of mistakes. It is now 4:43

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Agreed Mike. An amazing video that shows just how powerful Mom Nature can be!
Oh yes Mike. Ava wouldn’t let me miss her early walk unless it’s raining. Then mid morning she gets to go in to town for her walk at The Navy Yard. That’s when Lu-Ann feeds the squirrels, who I swear recognize her!
I don’t know if I’ve ever shared this picture of Ava. A young artist did the sketch to make her look like a Disney character…


Dance was fun today!
Have a wonderful evening!


Wacky Wabbit
FANTASTIC sketch of AVA. WOW. She is one beautiful pup in real life too.

I got my HARRIS/WALZ yard sign. I put it in the front bay window for now. Too many people on some sites I'm on have had their signs destroyed or stolen. I'll put it out on the lawn next week DURING THE DAY and then take it in. Can't trust the T-jerks that live in the neighborhood!
I'm sure the neighbor kitty-corner across the street will put something up once she see's my sign! They are HUGE Republicans.

Now about Rick:

Our visit was good. We got to chat and see him when he went to therapy. I now know why they're a specialized REHAB FACILITY. Just full of all kinds of machines and tables, etc that I never saw in any of the rehab facilities around here. IT'S HUGE. He's got a REAL LONG ROAD in front of him to ever get to being on his own. My heart goes out to him that he gets at least better enough to take care of himself at home. Biking again would have to be way in the future.

Mike: I think we all can learn something from your NOT getting the infusion shot. We ALL need to make sure to share everything with all our doctors or PA's. Oh what I'd give to be just even 55 again! :emoticon 0136 giggle: Yup, those days are long gone.

I made us dinner (like who else would be making it :rolleyes:) and we got to eat out on the deck tonight. NO WIND makes a big difference.
Temps have dropped for the night, but it's supposed to be nice again tomorrow.

Dave/Kathi: How are you two feeling lately? Hope you both used my old remedy of rubbing down with VICKS! I swear it really does help.

Karen: Are you taking care of yourself? Hope you got to go to the work out gym. You just have to devote a few hours to doing it on a regular basis. (look who's preaching) Ha Ha. I need to do the same ... BIG TIME!

Off of here for now. I'll try and take a picture of my Harris-Walz sign tomorrow.

I Love You GIF by Mikitti
Tired Good Night GIF by Chippy the Dog



Wacky Wabbit
Karen: I meant to ask about Lelia’s son. How is he? Prayers going to both Lelia and her son. Not an easy time.

Our church put out a notice that our 85 yr old member who was a Pediatric Doctor and took care of most of our kids passed away. She was a fun loving upbeat doctor the kids loved. RIP Dr Mimi.

Here’s of Rick doing some walking therapy.



2nd Officer
Good Friday morning boys and girls. Time to see how observant you are during the TV commercials.

Have any of you noticed that the voice of Papa Bear is different in the Charmin toilet paper commercials? Not as deep as it was.

Odd things I catch as different.

We got a catalog in the mail yesterday of Christmas toys. NO, it's not that old Sears Wish Book that we all looked forward to looking through every year.

This one was put together by Amazon.

Such a cool sketch of Ava, Lee.

K2; That video of yours is a reminder to get out of Dodge when nasty weather and flooding are heading your way. It's interesting that you have your Harris/Walz sign on your bay window. We have ours taped to the inside of the window of our glass storm door.

I think all of us at one time or other has written a post and totally forgot to post it, Mike.

KC; That's a scary thought that getting a bone medicine could cause a jaw to "rot" following a tooth extraction.

I've got a routine echocardiogram scheduled for early this morning, so the nephew and his helper won't be here till 10.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Foggy morning on our early walk to start the day. That said we are expecting a high that feels close to 77F.
Good for Rick working towards a recovery Kathie. It’s the support and inspiration from family and friends that help get through the challenges life can throw at us. Sitting out here has become almost impossible with the wasps this year. We looked at a screen for our little back sitting area but those things start at $5500 Plus tax!
What a wonderful video of the Sears Wish Book Dave. Oh man, some of those prices! It sure brought back a lot of memories from when that was the most anticipated catalogue of the year!
Do well with your ECG this morning. Do you get the results before you leave the clinic?
We have a day of some firm plans and other “maybe” plans so we’ll just go with the flow.
All of you good people have a great day!


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon. Goodness WHERE did the morning go! :oops:

Got a new and more efficient leaf blower yesterday. E-Go (the green looking case) It had a stronger Battery and ACE HDWE would replace the battery during the 3 yr warranty with a new one and take care of sending the bad one back. (let's hope it doesn't come to that).
Art is now putting screws in the garage drywall to mount the battery charger and the actual blower. Nice that it will be off the floor and out of the way! Got $20 bucks off while it was On Sale!

Dave: Always some type of test for us old folks these days! Hope the echocardiogram shows good results.
Those Sears Christmas Catalogs were the best!

I did finally schedule my leg scan to see just what type of circulation I have going in them! Most likely not as much as I would like! o_O Also, made an eye appt with the new Dr that Jill goes to. That should be interesting!

Karen: What's happening girl?? Busy, Busy, Busy! Have you been in the POOL lately??

Lee: Enjoy the next day or two. Sunday might bring some showers!
We had the BLACK UGLY WASPS this Summer really bad by the Oriole feeder. They love the grape jelly that was out for the birds.
You might want to put out an Oriole feeder in a far corner of the yard to draw them away from your patio seating area. It would be worth buying $1.25 jelly at the dollar store and filling the darn thing almost every other day. We never got any of the Wasps up by our deck area. They were too busy stuffing themselves with the jelly.
Worth a try for next season. You won't be sitting out there much longer this year! ;)

They have them WITHOUT the clear plastic cover on top and without the place for the oranges. Don't need any of that. And just think, you might attract some Orioles! :clap002:

Mike: Are you staying out of trouble boy?? Get outside and enjoy the sunshine while it's still around.

Our high should be 72F today. It's 69F now at Noon time.

Later gang. Gotta go check on the Leaf Blower hanging project Art is doing. :emoticon 0136 giggle:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That’s a great suggestion for inexpensive wasp control Kathie. Thank you. Nice deal on the leaf blower too!
I got the front grass cut while Lu-Ann was at her appointment. I got the back cut after a light lunch. We’re meeting Gail at the Bucket List at 2:00 for a coffee. They’re getting better at what they do but their shelves are still pretty sparse when they open.
Dinner here last night was baked salmon fillet in a maple butter sauce with Greek salad. Tonight is pulled chicken in a tangy BBQ sauce and oven roasted cauliflower “florets” tossed in a little olive oil and breadcrumbs. Sometimes it’s fun to eat like grownups! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Mike Elias

Deputy Security Officer

Lee, who makes all that delicious food, then who cleans all the dishes, pots and pans? :rolleyes: Years ago, do all my comments start with years ago? I used to grow concord grapes but the yellow jackets found them. I tried putting out a gas soaked rag but it didn't work. a high that feels close to 77F. Thats a good temp to take a walk. A beautiful picture of Ava. Glad you enjoyed your dance. Hi Kc.
K2, it is 79 outside now, it may have gotten up to 80. It should get up to 86 Sunday. Have lots of fun with the new blower. I hope Rich has steady improvement. Oh what I'd give to be just even 55 again! :emoticon 0136 giggle: Yup, those days are long gone I would like to be 80 again. :cool:
I hope the echocardiogram went well Dave and the results are even better. We never did get the wish book. Fay got the wish book from Montgomery Ward when she lived in Ky. My sister and some of her friends would cut out the models and clothes and play with them. I heard the catalogs were standard in the old outhouses. 1728078469244.jpeg