Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Covid hoarding of Toilet paper made me be more accountable on keeping track of our own supply! Since Covid I buy a new big bundle of TP at Costco as soon as I open a bundle. Always have a reserve bundle on hand. Not quite HOARDING! :)

Karen good for you getting the bushes planted at church. Let’s hope they won’t be uprooted by Milton.
Good and bad selling that grill! You could always have a bag of charcoal on hand and make a Girl-scout fire in a really old pot or dig a hole in the ground and boil water for coffee or make canned soup over the coals. :emoticon 0136 giggle: Let’s just hope Milton stays out of your neighborhood and leaves your power alone!
Like others have said: This isn’t your first Florida Hurricane.
Be safe - think smart!
I love Shepherds Pie. Yum!

I have Lamb Shanks in the oven slow cooking w/veggies around them. The spices are smelling so good coming from the oven. I made a double batch, so I can freeze a batch for another day!

I went to the Bulk Food store to buy 5 spices that need refilling. So much less than the jars in our grocery store.

Lee: It certainly was chilly this morning. Only 66 now, but WARMER if you seek out the sunshine!

Dave: ENJOY THAT 1st HOT SHOWER. :emoticon 0136 giggle:
Good for Kathi hiring the young guys to pull flowers. She helped the guys and herself by doing that.
I always guess peoples age dramatically LOWER to be on the safe side. Dave you would be 50 if you asked me! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

More Antisemitic graffiti painted on Jewish Federation bldg in Bloomfield Twp. This needs to stop. Just horrible.

Lake picture from Sunday.
It was so nice out there. Art and I were walking on the roadway towards the point by the water and this big guy coming out of his house shouting numbers. We stopped and he caught up to us and said he saw Art’s Navy Cap and just had to find out more about Art’s time in the Navy. Lordy, he talked for 1/2hr. Interesting guy. His family has owned on the lake since 1930!
He pointed out all the homes various members own. He’s big in the Veterans Benefits and after getting Art’s e-mail address has sent him tons of information on signing up for benefits and who to talk to , etc, etc. The best tip was getting hearing aids paid for. And he said they are GOOD ONES! Ha ha. We’ll see if Art looks into any of this info.

Okay, enough from me.

Mike: Put on a jacket and absorb all that good sunshine while it’s still out there.



Wacky Wabbit
Bought some Peanuts in the Shell at the Bulk food store.
Fun to watch the Blue Jays fly in and take them from the tray or from the deck! Huge beautiful birds to watch. And they fly off with the Peanut and don’t leave the “shells” in our backyard. :clap002:


2nd Officer
We are now under a Hurricane warning, church meeting for tomorrow night is cancelled, all church services & youth group on Wednesday is cancelled & choir practice on Thurs. is cancelled. My sisters are coming over tomorrow night to stay until the hurricane passes, I always feel better when we are under one roof during a storm.


Wacky Wabbit
Karen so good to know Barb & Jane will be under the same roof with you until this Hurricane passes through.
It goes without saying that "your extended family --- US" has you
all in our prayers.
Let's hope the fur babies all get along!
Hope the sliding patio door (
up here they're door walls;)) keeps any water OUT!

I did just see on a Weather station (10:15 pm Monday) that as Milton moves towards land it's predicted to be a Category 3 Hurricane instead of Cat 5. But who knows until the dang thing actually gets there.
Lettering Stay Home GIF by STABILO

Good night all.


2nd Officer
For some strange reason, I'm now checking your weather forecast everyday, KC. Oh cool, a sleepover with your sisters. Now don't start breaking things with your pillow fights, young lady. :)

Lee & Mike; Sometimes I think that "medical speech" is intentionally complicated so we have to go pay a doctor to break it down into simple to understand terms.

So how many rolls of toilet paper come in those Costco big bundles of it, K2? Thanks so much for the pictures.......of 3 birds.


Now I need to start bugging Kathi to post some pictures of it's progress.


Wacky Wabbit
Lucky me——watched the clock go round ALL DANG NIGHT/morning. It’s now
6:30 am and I’m wide awake.
If I lived in Lee’s neighborhood I could take Ava for her walk! Duh! :eek:
I even got on You Tube and tried one of those “white noise” music sites to put you to sleep and it didn’t work. Even tried a Bible reading site that was suppose to lull you to sleep and nothing. The guys voice was annoying!
Add a few bathroom trips and it’s been a real “NIGHTMARE”! :oops:
Dave: Congrats on the shower being finished.
Can’t wait to see ALL the pictures. Keep bugging Kathi to post them.
What’s the next project you guys want to have the Nephew do?
Karen did your nephew ever show up to do the work you wanted done? I don’t remember what it was or if he did?
Do you and your sisters plays card games or board games when you get together? Stock up on some snacks for sure! That is if there’s anything left to buy in the grocery stores.

I should get up out of this bed and make some fresh coffee. Not going to get in the way of my sleeping at this point!

Mike how you doing at your house?

How about those DETROIT TIGERS winning the game yesterday. They have an off day today. They’re tied with Cleveland OHIO now. It was a zero to zero game right up to the 9th inning. Wow.

Glad you liked my Blue Jay pics. Those birds fly in for the peanuts like it’s an airport landing strip. Really fast approach, grab and take off!!

I’m going to go and chat with Art while he makes his Oatmeal for his Tuesday Bike ride. :chef:


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Funny enough Dave, when I got back from our early walk the first thing I checked was the Florida weather for Karen’s area, Naples where we have friends staying and Cape Coral where our Disney Cast Member friends Mom and brother live. Yes please. Photos of the during and done reno.
It was 44F here this morning Kathie. First day for Ava’s light coat. You two would have looked adorable on the 6:00 walk. The Jay’s call out at The Navy Yard so we know they’re there and they can get a peanut too! Do I detect one of Dave’s beloved naps for you while Art is out biking?
It goes without saying - but I’ll say it anyway - Karen, you and your sisters be safe. You are all in our thoughts and prayers as Milton heads towards FL. At least if you decide to do each others hair during the sleepover one of you is a hairdresser.
Did you have to get the yard tractor out to mulch up the leaves yet Mike?
You all know the rules. Have a terrific Tuesday.


Wacky Wabbit
Brrrr cold Lee for that morning walk in the park! It's 53 degrees here right now and hopefully it will get a tad warmer as the day goes on.
It's cold in the house, but long slacks and a sweatshirt keep me for even thinking of turning on the furnace. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: It's going to be 77F on Thursday!
I can hear Mama Bear saying: "Just turn the darn heat on. That's what the furnace is for".

Oh how I wish I was lucky enough to actually be able to take a Nap during the day. Never works for me! :confused:

I came back on to see pictures of the BATHROOM remodel.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It was a tad warmer by The River but then the windchill made it feel cooler. Ava had her little pink coat on for that walk too. 56F here and I’ve opened the windows to get the fresh air in while we can.
The squirrels and Jays were out in full force. The little squirrels must recognize Lu-Ann because they hustle through the park to see her for a peanut.


Wacky Wabbit
How fun Lee!

I bought Peanuts in the shell yesterday at the Bulk Food Store. Cheapest place to buy them by the pound. $2.29 a pound. The last time I bought peanuts they were on Sale.(bummer not this time)

63F now.

I was just passing through the room with the big computer. Out of here for now. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
Kc, will be thinking about you for the next few days. Please stay safe. I had to ask Fay what a shepards pie was.
Did you have to get the yard tractor out to mulch up the leaves yet Mike?
Lee, when our lawn guy cuts the grass his mower mulches the leaves. He mowed the lawn yesterday. I thought he was thru but I was wrong, 1rst time since the last time. There are still a lot of leaves on our poplar and pear trees. I just read, dogs with short fur needs sweaters in the winter. I remember a family moved and left their dog, when winter came my Mother opened the door and the poor dog darted inside our house, we never claimed him but he made our house his home and we fed him.
K2, doing okay, thought about turning the furnace on this AM, it was 52 degrees, I enjoyed your pictures.
Its about time for my coffee.
Dave, enjoy your shower with a nice hot bath.


2nd Officer
Well, anything that is moveable at my house or my sister's is all tucked safely away in either the garage or the back porch. My sister's will be over mid morning & then it's just a waiting game to see when Milton arrives & how much damage he does. As long as I have power/ cable I will check in, once I lose either or both of those I'll keep Kathie updated thru FB messenger. Hopefully he'll be more hype than anything. Talk to you all later

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Love, hugs and prayers to you three Karen. Talk soon.

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
I sure hope the three of you will be okay and Milton isn't as bad as predicted.
Lee, have an unfortunate to blab what I'm thinking, then Fay gives me the look, you know, tne one a Mother gives her child that is being naughty.:emoticon 0121 angry: I will continue, (hopefully) to amuse you with my spontaneous outbursts and I am glad that someone likes them.



Wacky Wabbit
Karen if necessary I’ll be sure to PASS ON any messages to the Hutch mates.
So fi either of your sisters have a small propane type BBQ grill you could put in your garage in case the power goes out? Not sure if your stove is Electric or gas?
Take care.


2nd Officer
Hoping you got a much, much better night's sleep last night, K2. Oh those darn Detroit Tigers! :)

Lee; It looks like I'm not the only one who's daily checking KC's hourly weather forecast.

Now the question for you Mike; That dog that made your house his home, Do you still remember what his name was?

KC; I too hope you get only minor storms and wind when that hurricane cuts across Florida.

We're still putting things and pictures away in the bathroom. As well as all the stuff in a closet that has an access panel to water pipes for the bathroom.

Yes I reminded Kathi to please post some pictures.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Well, not much has changed with Milton since last evening.
My morning smile came when I googled “Milton” to check on the storm and I got any number of cities or towns named “Milton” and the one that made me chuckle…Milton The Toaster who was the “spokestoaster“ for Kellogg’s Pop Tarts.
That said, somebody needs coffee.
Have as good a day as you all possibly can. Stay extra safe. Keep good thoughts and prayers for all of the folks in the path of this storm.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
ps… Hope you had a better sleep last night Kathie.