Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits
Slept good last night.
Am about to walk in to get my hair cut, do I have to cut this short.

Be safe Karen and Jane & Barb.

We have many Serbian friends on the Gulf coast where Milton is going to make his appearance. Prayers for everyone.


Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
Dave, the dog's name was taggie, at least that is what we called him. My Mother had a dog before that and its name was bellla. We had a cat. also stray that we called Mother cat for obvious reasons and I had a stray cat that I brought home. When I was about 6 years old I would pick up cats and bring them home. When it got to the 9th cat, my Mother got a broom and started swinging, cats went everwhere. I even brought a cat home after Fay and I got married. I would love to have another cat but Fay won't take care of it.
I'm glad you got a good nights sleep last night. K2. You should feel wide awake and ready to take on the world.
We have to take my glasses in, they keep sliding down. I tried to addjust them but didn't do a very good job of it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Am about to walk in to get my hair cut, do I have to cut this short.
It's your hair Kathie. You can have them cut your "do" as short as you want it. :D You know Tony wouldn't have let that one get by!
I have a pair of those glasses Mike. No matter how they adjust them or what I do I wind up looking over the top of them!


2nd Officer
finally done


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A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Everybody to Dave and Kathi’s for a shower!!
Nice reno!


2nd Officer
So far we are still doing good here, it's rained lightly most of the day, getting a little heavier now, but not real bad. Wind is starting to pick up a little, but we've had afternoon thunderstorms with more, just keeping an eye on the weather channel to see if there is anything new developing. The good news, if you can call anything about this good is the wind speed has dropped. Will check back in the morning if I have power or cable.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks for the check in Karen. Hugs to you all! We’ll see you in the morning!

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
shall we bring our own soap Dave. Thanks for the pictures
Stay safe Karen, will be t hinking of you tonight.
I kept pushing my glasses against my nose Lee. The;y are back at the optomitrist??? hope they can fix them.


2nd Officer
We continue to worry about you KC, and those in your town. (The opera isn't over till the fat lady sings.)

As I'm reading your hourly weather forecasts, winds don't seem to be your biggest threat, but rain, flooding, and possible tornadoes are.

Come on Friday, get here quicker.

"Milton The Toaster", Lee? My brain can't recall that character.

Glad to read that you got a good night's sleep Tuesday night, K2. Hope that occurred last night too. Isn't it a little late for your summer-buzz?

I'm impressed Mike. You remember the name of a dog you had in your childhood, and I can't remember the name of a next door neighbor I have today.

In reference to the pictures Kathi posted; In that picture of the space that the tub was removed from, you can see through the hole in the floor where the drain went through, and see the treadmill in the basement.

And it shows you how different houses were built in 1951. Now all floors are made of sheets of plywood or particle-board. Back then they were made with 2 by 6's. We couldn't afford to build a house like that today.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
“Not as bad as it could have been”. I’m guessing we’ll hear that as day breaks in Florida. I hope all is well for Karen, Barb and Jane. And all of the other folks in Florida.
Construction methods sure have changed over the years Dave. Not always for the better!
Here’s an old Kellogg’s print ad with Milton…

I can say that I was chilly on our early walk. The temp was 42F with a light breeze. Today may just be a grass cutting day. After breakfast, our second walk and of course…coffee.
I’ll check back on you all later on. In the meantime everyone have a good Thursday.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang.

I haven’t gotten any word from Karen as of this posting. Most likely doesn’t have WiFi connection. Hope all of the girls made it through the night.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As do we all Kathie.


Wacky Wabbit
I had a major happening on the way home from the HAIR CUT yesterday.

I was on a freeway, I-94, and driving along and BANG I felt like I went over a crack or SOMETHING in the middle lane at 70 mph! I immediately saw cars that were pulled over on the side of the freeway. I felt my car start to shake and THANK GOODNESS was able to go,over one more lane and find a space between other cars on the side of the road.

My tire was ripped/torn or whatever you want to call it. I got back in my car to collect myself and the guy that was in front of me and on his phone came around and I rolled down the window and asked him what to do next! He asked if I had a spare and said he would help me. He was waiting for a friend to come and get him some AIR FOR HIS SPARE! Long story about that.
I called “Lincoln Care” and they said they would send out a company to change my tire. Got the message on my cell and it had the number of the place coming and I called because the message said it would be 1 hour. A guy answered and I asked if he knew just where my car was on the freeway and he said “
WE DON’T FIX TIRES”! Really, :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:
I called Lincoln back and they said they would send a different compnay.
MEANWHILE, the young man and his friend started to change my tire. Then the Freeway Help truck pulled in and said he would finish the job.

This service man said that the freeway had a piece of concrete pop out and RE-Rod was poking out and caused all the 15-20 cars to blow and rip their tires. He said the police have been diverting traffic and the Road Commission was on it’s way to fix the issue. He said they had just filled that hole not long ago. Whoppee…..didn’t fix it good enough.

I thanked and hugged the 2 young men who started to thank me and the Freeway Help man and was on my way With the donut tire on my car. I stopped at 3 tire places on the way home to get quotes for a new tire.
I have a appt to get a new tire put on and just pray that the Wheel isn’t bent and it will work. Otherwise, it will be big bucks to get a new wheel. I did not buy into the insurance coverage for tires when I leased the car! Duh!
Gotta get going. Be back later.


There were 2 accidents and lots of Ambulances and fire trucks behind where I was parked and up the freeway from where I was pulled over. The Freeway Help guy said that was from people trying to control their cars and hitting others after their tires BLEW OUT.
I am MORE than grateful I was okay and only have the expense of a new tire.
I will be calling the Road Comm and seeing if they will pay for the new tire. I’ve heard that they do do that at times. Can’t hurt to call.

It was my Front -Drivers side tire that blew. Made for a easier fix, since my right side was pulled over on the grass.
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Wacky Wabbit
Breaking Bbc GIF by Luke Alexander

This is from Karen:

Good morning, we made it through the storm safely, power went out about 8:30 last night and is still out. Hopefully it will be back on soon

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
You’re safe Kathie. That’s all that matters.
I just saw the update from Karen. Thank you.

Mike Elias

Firefighting Team Leader
So glad you are safe Karen, now to call my nephew and see how he is doing.
Front tire at 70, that could be scary, isn't power steering nice?
I do not remeber that ad Lee. It may be because we never ate that cerial or we didn't eat cerial. 42????, I would be freezing and have my long john on. It is going to be in the 80s this weekend, then drop to the upper 50s
I have the craziest memory. Most of t he times it is very poor, at other times I can remember a few things especially the names of my old pets Dave.
take care and stay safe


Wacky Wabbit
Mike: Our weather folks are saying it's 64F outside now and REAL FEEL is 75F. That's if you are standing DIRECTLY in the SUN! Ha Ha.
It is a nice Fall day overall.

Lee: You have a e-mail. (3:11 pm)


Wacky Wabbit
Fr. Dave: The shower pics look FANTASTIC! Kudo’s to all involved in getting this project dine!
**** We’re missing the SHOWER SEAT PIC! Come on Kathi don’t hold out on us Wrabbits! Ha ha. ****

Got a call back from the Road Comm - “M-Dot”. Sending me forms to fill out and the nice lady said she would forward them to the State of Mich to get approved for reimbursement. so surprised someone actually CALLED me back! Wow. This could take a long time to see any payment!


Wacky Wabbit
Tire pictures:

B-day pics! Good food and good company!

Added Northern Light pics U took. Wow


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