Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Kathie, I was going to ask you if Art knew you had been married to another guy for 68 years! Happy Anniversary, today is Amanda's birthday so I can usually remember your anniversary.

Dave, glad to hear your nephews daughter is feeling better, we used to call those stand up sink bath's "birdie baths" back in my high school days. Didn't make it to the gym yesterday my tummy was not liking me to much, going to try again today but it's not looking to promising right now since I'm sitting here typing instead of getting dressed.

Mike, glad you didn't feel any pain getting the tooth pulled, some of those can be a real bear to get out. Still have my $65 but it will be gone this afternoon after my nephew finishes some work he going to do today.

Lee, I wish my natural aerobics work out was enough to keep the pounds from creeping on, calories just really seem to like me.

Not sure what this hurricane is going to do, it just kind of snuck up on us. Will be keeping an eye on it for sure.

My nephew is coming to change my faucet, ceiling fan & do a couple other little projects today, it was tough trying to figure out a time to have it come but I finally just set a time & will make it work. This is probably my last week of cooking for my friend Leila, she will be starting outside therapy this week so I think she will be able to get around better soon. Stay dry everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang!
Thanks for all the Anniv wishes! Time fly’s when you’re having fun! Ha ha.

You all sure were chatty early this morning.

Karen: Hope your tummy settles down for you And you can get to the gym soon.
And good to know you’ll get a few of those jobs done by your nephew.

Dave: A good sponge/cloth wash up will make you appreciate that shower even more when it’s ready for use!
Hope the Great Niece is feeling lots better each day.
Lee: So far so good with NO RAIN. Sure could use the sunshine back! It was so much prettier 58 yrs ago on this day! :emoticon 0115 inlove:
All the best with the “Prostate” visit! And hope Friday turns out just fine too.

Mike/ Fay: What are you two up to the next few days. Does Fay still drive around town? I can’t remember if you told us that she does or not! Just be careful if she does.
Put together the new “cordless” leaf blower. I tried it out on the lower end of the yard and it looks like it should work out. Anything is better than dragging that CORD around on the old blower. It has a variable speed, a lock button to lock in a speed and a power boost if needed. I’m just glad it has a very LOW speed for when you want to get the leaves into ONE big pile without blowing them all over! It has a 3 month return policy and 5 yr guarantee! ( but we all know those are usually useless) :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

I’m going to call and see if our township has a SHREDDING PAPER DAY coming up soon. If not I’m going to sit myself down and do some shredding. Way too many small boxes full of useless receipts. Why I keep all this stuff is beyond me!
Have a good day Wrabbits! Love you all.891D1872-0324-4B95-A3EF-67E8A040B289.jpeg9E22B185-68D0-4579-8BA5-6044C5FCE27F.jpeg

The church picture was in our old church. We were the last couple to get married in it. It was
closed up and our new church wasn’t finished yet and they were having church services, etc in our church HALL! I got the priest to okay opening the old church for the wedding service and my Mom got the church janitor to wash the white mold film off the old red tile floors and dust things off and we got married there! So glad it worked out. If any of you saw the movie “My Big Greek Wedding” we had the same kind of church ceremony! Candles, crowns, tying the hands, walking around the table, etc. You really feel married when you have a Orthodox ceremony!
Okay, that’s your church lesson for today.
