Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Coffee Day GIF by joeyahlbum

Good morning Wrabbits!!

I’m at a cute little Cafe close to Jill & Marks area! Art usually bikes here on Tuesdays, but not day. I came for the French Toast and good coffee.
Time to eat. Will finish this later!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning, everyone! Had a busy morning around here. Needed to make a doctor's appointment as a follow up to my hospital stay. Supposed to be seen in 2 weeks. First gal I spoke with wanted to give me an appointment in November, 3 days before my regularly scheduled appointment. Made her get in touch with the office I go to and ended up getting an appointment for right when I need it.
Then came the meds and breathing treatments. I swear I feel like a time bomb by the time I finish all this stuff!! As long as it makes me feel better, I do what I have to do. I admit that when I get lazy and skip steps is when I get into trouble. This time, I'm doing everything I need to, even wearing the breathing mask at night.

Dave - So what kind of appointment are you off to today? Inquiring minds want to know.

Kathie - Nice looking breakfast you've got there. It's been ages since I've had french toast. I love it but is just such a waste of time to have to get out the huge griddle for 4 slices of french toast. Plus by the time Bert gets up, it's closer to lunchtime than breakfast. I hope it was good.

Lee - We all know how bad chocolate is for dogs, but over the years we had 2 incidents. First was a puppy that our cat gave a 12 oz bag of chocolate chips to while we were not home. I ended up sitting up all night rubbing her belly as she moaned in pain. By morning she was fine. The other time Shamrock got into the 1 lb chocolate kiss that Bert's mother used to buy him every year. We only found out later that she ate the whole thing! She was perfectly fine afterwards. I guess we got lucky with both incidents. Glad Cappi isn't a dog and isn't into chocolate. He'd rather eat out steak and chicken!!

Not much going on around here today. Might go to the HOA meeting tonight, if it isn't raining. I want to get a look at these new board members who are representing us.

Have a super day and I'll try to stop back later.


Chief Security Officer
The Facebook group had another slot pull this morning with fewer players but similar results. We managed to turn the $15 entrance fee into a payout of $8.(LOL) Slots were much more generous to me later though and I came away with more than twice what I put in the machines. Have ye
Today is the last of the four sea days before we reach Greenland. Our tour in Nuuk has been rescheduled from Noon to 12:30- forecast for the weather is good, though chilly.
Glad your stay at Celebration was brief but effective, Pat.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. For some reason my left shoulder started to really hurt last night and I could hardly bring the arm up.

Today I figured out how much money I have to take to Hawaii and how much more I need. So tomorrow I will get the more after I go to the Dr.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
WARNING: Another boring Manny update. :D
Jill stopped by the Cafe I was at on her way to work to say HI! What a nice surprise.
I went the pet shop they go to and got Manny a Halloween colored toy and Bully stick snd the treats Jill asked me to pick up.
Got to take Manny for a walk. Lucky me….he pooped along the way. YES. I had the bags with me!
Now I’m off to Kohl’s to use my reward money and 30% off coupon for a new small kitchen rug for in front of the refrig.
You all have a good day. Catch up later.

BB: I DID IT!! Not sure it will work! :)
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - Those slot pulls are not being very productive, are they? Glad the casino treated you better on your own. Now keep up the good work!!!

Kathie - How lucky can you get - french toast and Manny poop! What a great morning!!! At least you didn't post a picture of the poop!! LOL
So far so good. Hopefully, we found the secret! ;)

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
First was a puppy that our cat gave a 12 oz bag of chocolate chips to
Just one more reason I don’t trust kats. Have fun at the HOA meeting. Just remember both you and Bert should sit on your hands if they look for volunteers. You guys did your time.
Breakfast looks good Kathie! To quote Lu-Ann when she saw Manny’s pictures…”My gosh he’s cute”.
I’m enjoying the updates from the high seas Bill. Those slots seem to be the kind I always manage to find.
Geez Nancy, I sure hope that the warm breezes on The Islands of Aloha ease some of those aches and pains!
How are things in your community Karen? Have any of the residents blamed you for the pool problems? OR, is there a conspiracy theory that the outgoing president sabotaged the part. ;)
I did get the back grass done after we got a few things hung up for Lisa.
I think BBQ’d veggie burgers are on the menu tonight. So I best fire up the grille.
Have a good evening everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Great Posts GANG! :D

BB: Loved your post in reference to FRENCH Toast and well…..poop! Ha ha.
Check your messages!

Lee: Give yourself a ATTA-Boy for getting the lawn cut. Just be thankful your backyard isn’t as huge as your lot in Arys.
Tell Lu-Ann I’d be happy to pass on the name of the puppy breeder ! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Bill: I have faith in you WINNING BIG at the SLOTS! Just keep at it You can’t let the machine get cold. Ha ha.
Good to know the seas are a tad calmer. Stay warm.

Karen I’m reading a Janet Evanovich book right now that is easy going and funny for the most part. Do you like that author? I could pass this book on to you when I’m done.

Dave: And how did today’s medical appt go? You must be close to your monthly Dr allowance by now. Ha ha.

Later gang!



Chief Security Officer
Yet another change to our excursion in Nuuk from 12:30 to 3:00. Could be much worse-apparently someone's has been changed to 7:45pm when it tmay not only be cold, but dark. Casino continued to be generous to me and I came out of it with considerably more than I had when I entered. Not enough to affect our life style but I might actually come back home with a few bucks. The fact that the casino will be closed for most, if not all of tomorrow, and while we are in the other two Greenland ports and in St. John's will help me hold on to my winnings that much longer.


2nd Officer
Quick check in to say good night from Belleview! Another busy day here. Dr. appt this morning for my last B-12 shot, then over to Jane's to mow the front yard. Got home around noon & by the time I fixed lunch cleaned up around the house a little bit the next thing I knew it was time for dinner (pizza) and a little down time staring at the boob tube!

Kathie, I've heard of the author you mentioned, can't remember off hand what her stories are about. I'd say yes to the book, but postage would be crazy, if you want to give me the title I can check it out at the library

Dave, hope the Dr. appt. went well, how would we ever keep track of days without Dr. appointments to guide us?

Pat, glad you are feeling much better, following the Dr's orders usually has that result. Hope your HOA meeting goes smoother than ours have been lately!

Lee, I don't want to jinx myself, but the phones have been quiet here in spite of the pool being down. My biggest headache regarding the pool has been my sister Barb! She asks me almost every day if it's open yet.

Bill, nice that the casino onboard has been kind to you. What tours are you doing that keep getting changed?

Gave the Dr's office my form from the dentist & she filled it out & gave it back to me, she was supposed to fax it to them, but I guess I will drop it off on Tues. since I'm going to be in the area for my melon smashing. She said on the form I only need to be off the Fosamax for 4 weeks before the extractions. Works for me, it will probably be closer to 6-7 since I'm going to try & get an appt. for early Nov. after I come back from Maryland. I'd rather not be traveling out of state right after getting 4 teeth pulled.
Going to call it an early night, catch up with you all tomorrow!


2nd Officer
Good evening. The left arm and shoulder are still hurting and so is the neck, guess I will have Bruce rub some of the gel on in a bit. Dinner tonight was pretty easy, I cut up the leftover steak added some mushrooms and made a gravy and put it all over some pasta. It was pretty good. I have to figure out each evening what I can fix that won't give us a bunch of leftovers, since we leave for Tampa on Tuesday.

Well in an hour this afternoon we got almost 3 inches of rain. Glad it quit when it did. Our total for then and the a bit later is 2.90 inches.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
9:38 pm Tues.
Karen: Name of the book is
Going Rouge by: Janet Evanovich. Simple read, but I want to keep going with it. :D

I can’t remember which sister had the pool? Barb/ Jane?
Anyways, is the pool still up or did she get somebody to take it down and haul it out of there. I take it nobody is using it?

You said you’ll be going to see Amanda in Nov. How is she doing these days? Hope better.

Got a new rug for in front of the refrig. Got to use 30% coupon and $5 bucks reward. So it was decent in tgee Ed end.

Bill good luck with your tour changes. And hide your WINNINGS! You can give it to the Casinos back home! :)

We have had a week with NOTHING WRITTEN IN OUR DATEBOOK/CALENDAR. Now that doesn’t happen often. The week is flying by. Might get up to 79 on Wed! :clap002:

Good Night.


2nd Officer
How come nobody mentioned the 4 pieces of bacon in your breakfast picture, K2? (One of nature's most perfect foods, I might add.) Manny updates are never boring. And I wonder how much he gets away with at home because he is so cute.

That was a really neat video you posted, Lee. Playing a well known song on a ukulele gives the song a whole new perspective. Sorry, 2 thumbs down on veggie-burgers.

BB; I too think a picture of Manny's poop would have been a hoot. In answer to your question, yesterday's appointment was to get the last of the stitches out from my bypass surgery on my right leg. All looked good. Next time I see the surgeon is 6-8 weeks. Now I just need to start building back up my leg muscles. Just sitting on your butt for a month can cause your muscles to atrophy.

Ah YES, KC, pizza if great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Sometimes even good when it's cold.

Keep those cruise updates coming, Bill. And hoping your luck in the casino keeps improving.

We made a quick stop at the smaller grocery store yesterday. (My first time going in a month.) As usual, I added to my stash of Lemon Ice Box Pie ice cream, since it's seasonal. Kathi said we've got 8 cartons of it now in our garage freezer. Somehow Kathi spotted and got a couple boxes of Pumpkin-Spice Cheerios.

Today, the plan is to get the new and improved pneumonia shot, now that the pharmacy has been restocked with it.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
As opposed to Kathie, this week’s calendar is full of stuff for us. Good news is that none of it is medical.
As much as I prefer a good beef burger Dave I’m told the Beyond Meat burgers are better for me. If, and a big if, they are done properly they’re actually not bad in taste and consistency. How do you keep that much ice cream from going all crystallized?
That’s a bunch of rain in a short time Nancy.
I’m glad that the other folks in your community understand that you are not the reason for the pool problem Karen. Lu-Ann had a “touchy” tooth for a while. Our dentist, an avid traveller himself, always made sure she had antibiotics whenever we travelled. And Jamie would schedule our appointments around our travels.
Is it a rug or one of those comfort type mats for the kitchen Kathie? Bacon. We always thought the best bacon ever was on RCCI ships. It always seemed perfectly done. I guess if you like your bacon crispy.

will help me hold on to my winnings that much longer.
Well Bill, that’s as long as you don’t bet the wad on The Patriots. Smack talk part one. ;)
It’s funny all of the hoops the medical community puts people through Pat and then they can’t understand why patients go off on them. I fear it’s the same for most dealings with any company or group these days. Your request for a poo picture did make me giggle. So…this Pooh’s for you.

Yes, I do like the music of Kenny Loggins too.
Have a great day everyone!


Chief Security Officer
Arrived in Nuuk around 11am. Saw the Northern Lights last night and some icebergs of varying sizes as we sailed into port this morning. Temperatures are in the mid-thirties and no signs of rain, so layers of warm clothes are the dress for the day.
We are booked on the panoramic tour of Nuuk at 3:30. Hopeful that the tour bus entry is low to the ground so it isn't too difficult to get on or off.


2nd Officer
Good morning. We got more rain over night, .37 inches abut there was lightning and thunder to go along with it.

Bruce called this morning after he left to tell me that the main street out is partially flooded. I don't have to leave here until about 3 so hopefully at least some of it will be gone by then. But the Telluride rides pretty high so it should not be a problem.

Doing a load of laundry right now, so hopefully will all be put away before I leave.

Yesterday I watched "Dolly Parton Here I AM' on Netflix. It will be gone after Oct 6th, so if you are interested watch it now. I really enjoyed it. I did notice that when they were talking with her she had her fingerless gloves on. I had read a while back that she wears them when in public or when doing an interview because she had tattoos on them and want's to keep them private, she does not think the public would be able to handle seeing them.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! What a chatty bunch you've all been since I was last here. Lots of good stuff to read.

Dave - That's some collection of lemon pie ice cream you have there. That should last you well into winter, hopefully. Pumpkin spice Cheerios? No thank you. Glad you got more stitches out. Now it's time to start building those muscles back up. Good for you getting the pneumonia shot. I know I had gotten a second pneumonia shot a few years ago. I wonder if I need another one. We've already gotten the flu shot and the RSV shot. Covid shot will be later this week or next week. Then we should be good to go for a while.

Lee - I too will take a pass on a veggie burger. Heck, I'm not crazy about a turkey burger unless it has lettuce, tomato and mayo - like a ground up turkey sandwich! I admit to being a total carnivore!

Kathie - That series of Janet Evanovich books are great. Stephanie Plum is just too funny and the rest of the characters add so much to the story. The newest book in the series comes out the end of October and I'm already on the list to get it at the library. I'm like #27, so depending on how many copies they get, it may take a while to finally get to read it. Still better than going out and buying the book at the prices they are charging for books today. I know Bill downloads everything to his tablet, but I like having a REAL book in my hands to read.

Speaking of Bill - You're doing good in the casino this trip. Too bad it will be closed now for a few days while in port. Enjoy your tour today. Can't wait to hear all about it. Just watch out for those icebergs!! LOL

Karen - How is Amanda doing these days? I bet you're eager to go see her again. Hopefully, your tooth will cooperate until after you get back. Sorry your sister is being a pain about the pool not being open right now. Heck, she doesn't even live in the community, so she just needs to chill.

Never made it to the HOA meeting last night. Just wasn't in the mood. They had an agenda a mile long and only an hour to hold the meeting. No way!

Got up early this morning as we had an appointment with our attorney to sign new wills. Last wills were from the Ocala days and were about 25 years old! Definitely time to upgrade. So we were up early, only to get a phone call that the appointment had to be changed. They didn't have enough people in the office today to act as witnesses. Now it's put off until next Monday morning. This was only the second time they changed the appointment in a week!!

Nothing else on tap for today. Taking a lazy way to make dinner - Meatballs and frozen ravioli. Easy and not very labor intensive. Other than that, our day is now clear. I'd love to get to Aldi's as they have all their Octoberfest stuff this week. Also need to buy some cheeses in case anyone comes over this coming week.

Time now to make out a shopping list, just in case.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
If you don't want to listen to my rant, don't even bother reading this post.

I have spent the last hour and a half holding on the phone for DISH Network. They are in a pi$$ing contest with Hearst Corp. We have not had ABC for almost a year. Now they've taken our NBC off these past few weeks. Of course, they blame it all on Hearst. I don't care whose fault it is, I either want our stations back or give a credit. They are charging me $12./mo for the 3 local channels. Why should we have to pay for something we're not getting? I swear they have the phones off the hook and don't want to talk to customers. I am so ready to drop DISH at this point, but I know I would be spiting myself as there are other channels we watch. Then to add insult to injury, got a notice from them today that they are raising our rate $5./mo! Like I said, I am so pi$$ed off right now!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Persistence pays off!!! Finally got through to a live person. For the amount of time we have been with DISH Network, they are giving us a $50./mo discount for the next year!! I can live with that. Now I'll also get the Peacock app so I can watch NBC.

Time for a glass of wine to celebrate!!:emoticon 0137 clapping:


Wacky Wabbit
Really late hello. Nice chatter on here. Love it. Love the interacting!! :)

I got some extra energy from somewhere and pushed 2 low club chairs to the garage. I put them on GIVE ONLY SITE in our area. One is suppose to get picked up tonight after the person gets off of work.

I said all are FLASH GIVES and must be picked up before Fridays trash day. Yup, they’ll be at the curb. I have an Ottoman that is going too. My neighbor helped me get it upstairs. 40 x 40” and heavy.

Lee: LOVED the Winnie the Pooh. He’s my favorite from way back when Jill was born.

Dave: The BACON WAS FANTASTIC at this cafe. Fresh made. Not that pre-cooked stuff you see in a box on a rack in the stores. Yummy.

BB: Hope you get the FIDH people straightened out. I know what it’s like to sit on the phone for like 2 hrs. Crazy

Karen…I need to send you a message later. I’ll do it later.

Gotta make some gravy to go with our dinner tonight. Nothing better than homemade gravy.
