Quick check in to say good night from Belleview! Another busy day here. Dr. appt this morning for my last B-12 shot, then over to Jane's to mow the front yard. Got home around noon & by the time I fixed lunch cleaned up around the house a little bit the next thing I knew it was time for dinner (pizza) and a little down time staring at the boob tube!
Kathie, I've heard of the author you mentioned, can't remember off hand what her stories are about. I'd say yes to the book, but postage would be crazy, if you want to give me the title I can check it out at the library
Dave, hope the Dr. appt. went well, how would we ever keep track of days without Dr. appointments to guide us?
Pat, glad you are feeling much better, following the Dr's orders usually has that result. Hope your HOA meeting goes smoother than ours have been lately!
Lee, I don't want to jinx myself, but the phones have been quiet here in spite of the pool being down. My biggest headache regarding the pool has been my sister Barb! She asks me almost every day if it's open yet.
Bill, nice that the casino onboard has been kind to you. What tours are you doing that keep getting changed?
Gave the Dr's office my form from the dentist & she filled it out & gave it back to me, she was supposed to fax it to them, but I guess I will drop it off on Tues. since I'm going to be in the area for my melon smashing. She said on the form I only need to be off the Fosamax for 4 weeks before the extractions. Works for me, it will probably be closer to 6-7 since I'm going to try & get an appt. for early Nov. after I come back from Maryland. I'd rather not be traveling out of state right after getting 4 teeth pulled.
Going to call it an early night, catch up with you all tomorrow!