Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
BB: Sorry to read that you’ll be heading over to Celebration on Friday. Hope they can do what they need to do to get your 02 levels where they should be. WEAR YOUR MASK WHEN YOU CAN WHILE IN THERE!
On a lighter note…..remember to take your “Frequent Patient Punch Card“ with you! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: :clap002:
Those drinks Bill & Rita had sure looked good! Wow!

Nothing on TV tonight. Watched the “Pimple Dr” …amazing what she does! I always tell High School graduates that want to get into medicine to go into Dermatology! You’ll always have a office full of patients and make good money!

Sleepy Good Night GIF

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
As I peck away here my thoughts and prayers are headed towards Momma Bunny. You just take it easy and make sure that they take extra good care of you. I like Kathie’s reminder to take your frequent patient card. Is it like Starbucks? Do they have double punch days? Big hugs from me to you.
It wasn’t quite 50F when Ava and I were out for our early walk. The sky was crystal clear and so full of stars. So neat.
Kathie, there’s nothing in network TV most nights. Poor Manny. Those pet specialists are all so busy and expensive. How are “The Covid Kids” doing? I know it’s considered politically incorrect now but when I was a little lad we used to get a public service announcement / song that went “Single file. Indian style. Facing traffic all the while.” It was that little tune that taught me then and I remember to this day to walk facing traffic. I couldn’t find it to share it anywhere. Ah, more history erased…
Such a big part of how we all travel these days Nancy is making sure we have charged batteries, cords, adaptors and so on.
Well, I better go wake up Dave. ;)
Everyone have a great and safe day. See you all later.


2nd Officer
I'm hoping that your hospital stay is a short one, BB. Hope to hear from you real soon. Don't make us worry.

Good, Good, Good that you say you are feeling better, KC.

Thanks Lee for that tune. Haven't heard that song in a long time.

Don't know what Bill and Rita were drinking, but it looks yummy.

Now about the La-Z-Boy Couch; They are just like most recliners. The leg supports come up and out on the front, and the backs lean back. But when you want to move it, all 3 sections of the back lift out, making it much lighter. Underneath the couch there is a latch for each section, holding the back in place and by flipping it, it allows you to left out each section.

Done moving it, just push each section back down and each section will latch into place.

Yup, another appointment this morning. :(



Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF
DAVE HOPE YOUR Dr’s appt goes smoothly!
Lee: I see you’re up and at them already. Good going. A slight CHILL in the morning air, but suppose toget much better by afternoon!

BB: Get over to Celebration qearly and make sure to flash your “Frequent Patient Punch Card“! All kidding aside….hope they treat you ASAP and you get back home soon.

Dave: Kudos to Toledo, Ohio Assembly for walking out on strike this morning and Wayne Assembly. It’s a different style of STRIKE this time ‘around, we‘ll see how this works out for the UNION WORKERS!
Labor Day Strike GIF by INTO ACTION

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Getting ready to head for the hospital in a few minutes and yes, Kathie, I have a couple of good masks with me. Not the cheepo kind that you could buy a box of anytime. Missy gave me these yesterday, plus a couple of cloth Amazon ones too. I'll be well covered, for sure.
Managed to get a good night's sleep. Only woke up a few times and found a way to get back to sleep - in my mind I made chicken noodle soup!!

Hope to get back here soon. Love to you all! :emoticon 0152 heart: :emoticon 0152 heart: :emoticon 0152 heart:


Chief Security Officer
Currently sitting at the pier in Manhattan, but scheduled to sail out around 5pm. We left Port Liberty last evening for a brief journey to New York City and arrived here hisaround 7pm. Had tto leave the pier in NJ to make room for the Liberty which was arriving in NJ last night. New itinerary has us skipping Halifax and heing directly to Greenland. There are 250 or more pinnacles on this sailing, so Happy hour is in the Safari Lounge and breakfast is in the main dining room instead of Chops. Dinner last night was in Chops and was excellent. The two drinks pictured were a Cuba Libre and a Strawberry Daiquiri, both very good.
Casino and the shops will finally open for business at 11pm when we will have reached international waters.Then we have 4 sea days before we reach our first port in Greenland.
Our scooters were in our stateroom when we arrived and will make getting around the ship much easier.
Sorry to hear that a visit to Celebration is in your future but hope that they can fix your O2 problems, Pat.

Looks like Lee is going to cause problems for New England and the Canadian Maritimes but apparently he will have passed us by the time we sail. At least that is the current plan.
Of the 250 or so Pinnacles onboard , we know at least 5, but everyone seems to be in a great mood, even the ones who were unhappy with the decision to have us spend last night and today in Manhattan.
Not sure how often I will be posting but so far the internet connection is working well, stateroom is comfortable, service and food and beverages top notch.


2nd Officer
Good morning!

Pat, glad to see you didn't have to make an emergency trip to Celebration in the middle of the night! Sending prayers & hugs that they will get the problem figured out & fixed FAST!

Dave, so has your hiney found it's comfy spot on the new recliner yet? New furniture is nice, but it takes a while to find the "sweet" spot.

Kathie, so sorry to hear that both Jill & Mark ended up with covid, hopefully the kids won't get it too. Poor Mr Manny, hope the vet can find the problem with his leg soon.

Lee, lucky you to be enjoying some cooler weather! We had some rain along with thunder & lightning last night so I was hoping to open the back door this morning & find some cool air, no such luck. Maybe by New Years if we're lucky it will cool down.

Bill, hope that Lee the Hurricane is not causing any problems with your cruise. Those drinks sure do look yummy! Just a little over a year now & we'll be cruising again too!

Still feeling a little off from the tooth infection, probably over did it a bit yesterday since I was feeling so much better. Went to choir practice last night and all the singing & moving my mouth probably didn't help either, so today will be another lay around & do nothing day.
Next Friday I am supposed to be going on my retreat, but my sponsor who is supposed to drive me there feel last week & broke her arm in 3 places, so she won't be driving for a while. They are trying to find someone else, but I honestly wouldn't be terribly disappointed if they just refunded my money & let me reschedule another time. I'd feel better going out of town if I knew for sure this tooth problem was taken care of. Guess I'll find out next week
Now I think I'll go fix a 3rd cup of coffee & hang out on the porch until it gets to hot, enjoy all!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I could not get to sleep last night so I ended up getting my suitcase in the bedroom and putting a bunch of things in it that will get split between our suitcases. And I did pull out another carryon but I don't know if we will take it, as so far I have not been able to put much in it.

I have been drinking the pineapple juice for about 4 weeks and my right knee does not hurt anymore and I noticed that my fingers are not swelling so I guess I will be drinking more of it. IT works.

I saw this on Facebook and have to say this guy is very good. I was able to recognize the whole song, hope you enjoy:

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
All the BEST PAT..... hope you or Missy can give us a heads-up on how you're doing if you end up staying there! Good to know you have the better MASKS. Make sure Bert wears one too while he's around the hospital. Take care. :emoticon 0115 inlove: :emoticon 0152 heart:

BILL: I wondered why the ship was still in the same place when I went on one of those Tracker sites last night to see where it was. The DRINKS looked so yummy. Nice to know the ship is full of "seasoned cruisers" and that you actually found 5 folks you know in that huge ship!
I bet it's getting CHILLY already when you venture outside. Good luck with that. And ALL THE BEST IN THE CASINO. Post more pics on Facebook and we'll transfer them to here for you.

KAREN: You might want to ask the group organizer about bowing out of the RETREAT this time around and getting a refund. Hate to see you overdue things with the underlying tooth issue. Lord knows it can pop up and hurt anytime it feels like it. All the best to you girl.

We're all hoping that Mr Manny will not have to have surgery, but after watching him last weekend I can see that this isn't something that a "little pain pill" is going to cure. He most likely sprained or pulled something when he was RUNNING AROUND THE HOUSE doing what they call ZOOMIES! If the entire house was carpeted he might not have slid out on the wood flooring in the kitchen and foyer/hallway areas. He had a lot of fun doing this intense running, but I'm thinking he must have slid off on one of the floors and pulled something. This has been like this for awhile. They had to wait for appointments at both the local Vet and the out-of-town specialist Vet. I don't even dare ask how much money this is costing SO FAR! :eek: They have Pet insurance, but like every kind of insurance it has CLAUSES & EXCEPTIONS. I told Jill that she went back to work and works for her pup!! Ha Ha.

Everyone try and stay healthy for the weekend. We're going to need to look into getting a IN-HUTCH Physician pretty soon if we keep falling apart in here! :smiley25:

Later......... I need to use up some of my Blueberries by baking something.
I made a recipe of the other day called ALMOND CAKE and it turned out really moist and yummy. Great with coffee. Thought of my dear departed 99 year old NICK when I made it. He's not around for me to deliver him some of it. Bummer. Just like I think of my brother George and not being able to send him his favorite "Serbian Apricot Kifle" cookies anymore. Sucks.


Wacky Wabbit
2nd day in a row that I got to enjoy our deck for awhile and read my book. Sun felt good on this pale skin! Ha ha.
Time to see about dinner. You men have it so easy. Just wash your hands and sit down to a nice meal!
Okay, I must admit Artie does do a lot to keep this house and outside area looking good! :clap002: :emoticon 0152 heart: :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good evening. It has been a quiet day. And the Xfinity race is about to start. Don't think I will be able to not go to bed before the end. The left side of my neck has been hurting all day.

Jennifer fell when in Jupiter in May and just went to the Dr because her shoulder is still hurting. Well they gave her a Lidocaine shot and then a Cortisone shot, as the Cortisone was going in her arm starting turning red, so guess she is allergic to it. She said it is hurting now.

I have scheduled Bruce and me to get Flu shot on Sunday. Thought I would see about scheduling the new Covid shot for when we get home but can't at this time, so guess I will do that when we do get home.

Yesterday I decided that tonight for dinner I would make Antipasto Salad it is was so good.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
You cracked me up KC when you said, "New furniture is nice, but it takes a while to find the "sweet" spot." So true, it takes furniture and mattresses a while to form to our bodies. Sure hope you can get refunded for your retreat.

K2; Did you notice how the UAW union is striking this time? Not striking ALL the production plants, just the ones that make essential parts like transmissions and other needed parts for all cars. The ones not making these essential parts are left to operate, knowing that eventually they will have to shut down. Poor little Manny.

Thinking of you BB. Hope that chicken noodle soup that you made in your mind helps with your recovery. :)

Nice hearing from you Bill.

Kathi and I think of you Lee every time we use that cordless vacuum cleaner you spoke so highly of. Expensive as hell, but worth every penny.

We got our senior-version of the flu shot yesterday. My arm is slightly sore, and Kathi's isn't sore at all. Figures, they were out of the new and improved pneumonia shot but they should get a new shipment before Tuesday.

Today, should be a laid-back day.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick good morning.
You can all rejoice. I got nuthin today.
I'll find Bohemian Rhapsody on the ukulele for you Nancy. Another day.
Hope Mamma Bunny is doing OK.
Stay safe and well everyone.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Some of the fall colours at The Navy Yard this morning. If you look back between the gardens and the trees you can see a freighter coming up river headed to Detroit.
I do indeed hope that everyone is having a great Saturday.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. I was able to watch the whole Xfinity race last night and like the driver that won. It was a good race.

So far this morning it has rained and we have gotten an inch so far.

Race tonight is not until 6:30 which is actually an hour early because they may have rain later.

Been looking at things to do Friday in Honolulu but I think we will wing it with the audio tours I purchased.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Greetings from somewhere in the foggy Atlantic. Apparently there was a medical emergency onboard last night and a helicopter med-evac was necessary. Rita heard the copter but apparently I was sound asleep and missed it. We are heading towards Greenland in rough but not frighteningly high seas. Didn't have much luck in the casino this morning but someone who was playing a slot of the type I like and two machines away from where I had been playing a few minutes earlier, won a jackpot of $25,000.
Jewel is actually one of the smaller ships in the fleet, K2, but is, in my opinion, one of the classiest, with lots of glass so you can keep in touch with the sea.
Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit
Hello ALL you Wrabbits that are still in the HUTCH>

First and foremost, I hope our Mama Bunny is doing much better today and will get released soon. It's like she needs a Roto-Router every so often to keep those lungs open up. All the best to you BB! Can't wait to hear about your stay at Celebration. Do they really CELEBRATE there? Ha ha.

Dave: We hope our cute Manny will be fine. Time will tell. He still plays and is happy, so that's a good thing. I can't go over there until the COVID is out of that house. And then I'll be very wary for a while. Jill did say that she slept well the other night and her EARS and TEETH didn't hurt anymore. LORDY........just another reason to WEAR THOSE MASKS. Who would want that to happen to them! :eek: I heard Mark in the background of a video they made of Manny looking at a Squirrel up a tree in their yard and Mark sounded like he still had a raspy sore throat. Bummer.

LEE: What a beautiful picture of the flowers at Navy Park. WOW. And I had to look twice, but I did see the
freighter in almost a mist coming through. Thanks for sharing the pic.

BILL: Nice to hear from you. Bummer on the HELICOPTER Air lift for that person. Maybe it was the person who won the $25,000 bucks in the casino. His/her heart just couldn't handle winning that much money. That's a amazing amount of money to win. Keep at it and maybe you'll do it too.
Bummer on the rough seas. I'm not sure my stomach could handle that.
Mood Wow GIF by JustViral.Net

Have fun and be safe!

Karen: Hope you're continuing to take your meds for your tooth issue and that they're actually helping you. Just don't eat on that side. No use aggravating the issue. REST!
Any update on your Retreat and trying to get a refund. I would think they would do something like that for you.

I'm out of here. It's sunny and I might just try and READ my book out on the deck. Might have to put on a pair of jeans. It's only 66F outside. Brrrr even with the sun out there.

Be good and enjoy the weekend.


Wacky Wabbit
MSU played a HORRIBLE game. Just really bad.

I was on the phone with Xfinity (Comcast) about getting the MSU game on Peacock for over
1 hour and 55 mins.
It could have even been longer. ART said I deserved a REWARD for working on it for so long. :emoticon 0140 rofl: :clap002:
I guess because we have been with the company 33 years, hard to believe, we were entitled to some kind of LOYALITY REWARDS. Well, getting that set up to get FREE PEACOCK took that long. In the end it WORKED!
We got to watch the last 20 mins of a horrible football game!
I can't wait until my next Xfinity/Comcast bill comes to see if there is any new charge on it. The guy kept telling NO, NO, NO CHARGE! He was really a patient, kind guy and I could understand him. Made things a lot easier.

Nite all. Enjoy your Sunday. I'm staying home tomorrow. Karen, put in a good word for all of us! AND THANK YOU!