Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
A quick recap….I cruised over Lisa’s and took down, inspected and replaced her smoke detectors one by one. Being all hard wired there were no backup batteries in any of them. I checked the replace by date (2030 in all cases), vacuumed them all and popped them back up. Being me, I had Lisa, Shiraz and Lu-Ann step out side and pressed the test button on the only unit that had one. Everything was fine. Hopefully they stay fine.
A few of our NFL teams didn’t fare so well on opening day. I hope my Bills cruise to a win over The Jets tonight.
I have to agree with Nancy and Bill. I’ve never seen free soft drinks on our cruises either. Except in the diamond lounge.
As bad as the weed killer can be Kathie, it sometimes does a more permanent job than trying to pull or dig our weeds in cracks. I’d suggest cruising over to a hardware store to pick some up. I hope none of the parishioners came just for the sermon!
Pat, I’ve said before and I promise that this “Lee won't interrupt your cruise and you'll still get to Greenland as scheduled“. I’m nowhere near the east coast. When is it again you and Bert hit the high seas?
Hmmm. It’s not like Dave to not have cruised by here before the sun comes up and left a morning smile for all of us.
I like the idea of a church work day Karen. I just hope that the cruise lines don’t think that would be a good idea for passengers. A little painting, table bussing and so on.
I don’t know Macsails, I seem to see a lot of references to cruising. Why yes. Aside from being the resident curmudgeonly Canadian I can, at times, be a bit of a smart @SS.
That said, here’s a Monday tune from the late Jimmy Buffett. Yes, live in general continues to be a lovely cruise.


2nd Officer
Good Moan-Day morning, Wabbits!

Looks Like I missed Lee cruising through.

I grew tired of hard-wired smoke alarms a long time ago, Lee. Ended up disconnecting all them and replaced them with battery powered ones.

I too have never been on a cruise where pop is free.

Is this priest of yours into meetings, K2? Most could be skipped with a single paragraph E-mail.

About Jack Carr's books, Bill; He was a Navy Seal so he goes into a lot of detail on describing weapons. His main character in his James Reece series is also a Seal. If you get one, start off with, "The Terminal List". And read the books in the order they came out. The newest came out in May of this year.

Manny ringing a bell to go outside. THAT is cool!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Not much planned for me today. Just a load of laundry. Dinner is easy tonight leftovers.

All have a great day.


New Member
Wacky Wabbit et al,
Think I'll say bye to y'all since I'm really interested in cruise thoughts. Enjoy your chatty notes and keep on keeping on!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and welcome macsails! I see that you just posted. Sorry you aren't interested in sticking around here. A number of us have many cruises under our belts and can help you with whatever you're interested in. If that's not enough for you, thank you for visiting and I hope you find what you're looking for.

Kathie - The daily number of drinks you get on Royal depends on your level - Diamonds get 4 drinks a day, Diamond + gets 5 drinks a day and Pinnacles get 6 drinks a day. If you go over that, then you have to pay for the drinks. Never seen free soda, except in the diamond or suite lounge. I just wonder if a soda would count towards your allotted drinks for the day. If you want unlimited sodas, you have to buy the soda package which, even our grandkids don't want on our upcoming cruise.

Bill - I don't think a lot of us were very happy with the results of yesterday's football games. Right now, we can't even watch the Sunday night game on NBC as DISH Network & NBC are in a pi$$ing contest over their rates and have canceled our being able to watch anything on NBC. We also can't watch anything on ABC as DISH is feuding with Disney also. I'm ready to tell them what they can do with their dish if they don't straighten this out soon.

Lee -You're starting to suffer from" Kathie syndrome confusing people ... Bill & Rita are going to Greenland. We're just going to the Caribbean. Loved this morning's song, by the way.

Dave - So what wacky concoction did you come up with this morning for breakfast? Still buying more of the lemon ice cream?

Karen - So how are you spending your day? Are you picking weeds for your neighbors or are you busy at your church? Or are you helping one of your sisters? We all know you so well!!

Been on the phone with my pulmonologist's office. Doctor put me on 2 new breathing meds last week which have been making me short of breath and causing my O2 level to drop. Doctor is sending another medication to use with the other new meds and if my O2level drops too much, he wants me to go to the hospital. Time will tell where this is going. If I'm suddenly MIA, you'll know why.

Planning to hopefully have one of my favorite dinner tonight - linguine with white clam sauce with an appetizer of caprese salad to start us off.

But for right now it's time to get off the computer for a while and see about getting a few things done around here. Have a super day, everyone!


2nd Officer
Just cruising by to say I'll be off line for the next couple days, darn tooth is really badly infected this time. I went to the ER last night after leaving the birthday party at Wendy's church. They gave me a dose of antibiotic & some extra strength Tylenol to get me thru the night. This morning I woke up to my jaw being swollen to about the size of a tennis ball. Had an 8 am Dr. appt. so she ended up calling in pain meds for me, finally got all my meds picked up & back home around 11. Stopped by my friend Deb's to see if she had a blood pressure cuff, my BP has been high & the Dr. wants me to do a reading at home for the next week. She ended up giving me a brand new one she got free thru her insurance. Then a little while ago she stopped by with chicken pasta soup, chicken parm, a giant meat ball & an Italian sausage. I won't have to cook for a week. Going to take a pain med & go back to bed, see you all when I feel better. I was able to call the dentist today & get my appt. moved up to next Monday, that's one good thing!


Wacky Wabbit
Just dropping by to let you know I’m alive! Ha ha. Lazy day over here.
Spent a good hour + watching a journalists trip to North Korea. He had a guided tour that took him on trains to finally get there. Very interesting. The country of North and South are huge. One funny part was where at one time all the bldgs built in one area to show that the area was “modern” were grey. KIM ordered all those high rise bldg to be painted bright colors. It looked like the colors you see in Charleston,NC! They of course failed to show the poverty areas. All in all it was very interesting. God Bless America, even as crazy as it is right now. N. Korea would NEVER put up with what’s happening here! :eek:

Okay, I get it….NO FREE SODA/POP on cruises! Ha ha

Lee: Good work on the Smoke Detectors! :clap002:

The rest of you carry on as you were!

On the deck and saw the following:
Squirrels, Cardinal, Chick-a-Dee, BlueJay, Bright Yellow Finch and a lot of Sparrow's!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen….OUCH! Feel so bad for you. Hope the meds help you out. WISH THE DENTIST could fit you in sooner, but it’s actually better that you get all those antibiotics working before you go in. Less chance of spreading to the rest of your system if they pull this “pain in the jaw tooth”! Rest up girl. :emoticon 0152 heart:

FYI: I got your mail. XOXO!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Ouch, Karen! With your face swollen like that, it sounds like you have an abscess in that tooth and you might need a root canal. Definitely take those antibiotics until you can get into the dentist.

Bert just came back from the pharmacy where he was supposed to pick up a new med for me to use with the breathing exercises. They want a co-pay of $380. for a med that I don't even know if it will work. I told Bert forget about it. If I have problems breathing then I will go to the hospital and see what they come up with. I can't see spending that kind of money on something that I don't even know if it will work.

Just about time to head for the lanai. It's almost Happy Hour and I need to get happy!!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Oh geez Karen. You know that we’re all keeping you in our thoughts and indeed prayers. Feel REAL better soon. Let us know how you’re doing when you’re up to it.
That sounds like a real interesting documentary Kathie. Was it on regular TV or a streaming service?
Nope Pat. Not suffering from “Kathie-itis“ I was quoting you and applied it to my promise that THIS Lee will not create issues for Bill and Rita. That copay is indeed a kicker! And I doubt that it comes with a money back guarantee if it doesn’t help you.
Hmmm. Two Lee’s. Kinda like Jerry Jeff Walker’s tune “The Other Jerry Jeff”. Who’s Jerry Jeff Walker some may ask. Why, he wrote Mr. Bojangles among other tunes.
An early start to tomorrow. I have to get blood work done to go with my heart monitor results when I see the cardiologist in two weeks. Because it’s blood work requiring fasting I grabbed an early appointment.
So, we’ll see you all tomorrow.


2nd Officer
OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, KC! Something tells me that tooth is either going to get a root-canal or be removed. Keep taking the antibiotics. At least they may take down that swelling.

BB; No ABC OR NBC while they argue over who pays what. Screw that DISH network.

Sounds like yesterday was a great day to sit on your deck, K2. Lots of birdies and other wildlife.

Lee; Your heart monitor. Is that the one you have to write down your activities to explain the different heart rates? Speaking of "Bojangels", they are building a fast food place nearby called "Bojangles". Still haven't figured what kind of food they'll be selling.

Stitches in my leg come out today. But not till late afternoon. Damn!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A little rain to start the morning.
My Bills joined the rest of bunny faves (except Kathie’s Lions) to start the season with a loss. To a walk on QB in OT to boot!
This little gizmo had a button on it that I had to press if I felt anything other than ”normal” Dave. My normal or theirs? Anyway, it would “stamp” the recording and the techs can zero in on that moment. Well, I’m so danged used to the afib I don’t even notice it anymore. Behave when you get those stitches out. A great rendition of a great tune by a great entertainer. Thank you.
It may have stopped drizzling so I’ll try to get Ava around the block.
Have a fantastic Tuesday folks and we’ll see you all later on.


2nd Officer
Good morning. I have been trying to pay our prepaid cell phone bills online but having no lucj so I will go to the store in a bit to pay. And that is my day.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Getting a late start on here today.

Dave - Bojangles is a southern/Cajun fried chicken and biscuits place mostly in the south. We've passed some of their places, but have never had any of their food. I imagine it is similar to Popeyes. Do you have that chain in your area? By the way, loved your song choice this morning. Another of Sammy's songs I loved was "Candyman".

Lee - Welcome to the week 1 losers club! Our teams have to get better, I hope, as the season goes on. Otherwise, it's going to be a long boring run to the Super Bowl.

Karen- How's that tooth doing today? I hope the antibiotics are doing their job. I hope you're taking it easy and not trying to do too much before that tooth is taken care of.

So OK, Pat the putz strikes again ... I managed to fall. I thought the chair was right behind me and I sat down. WRONG!!! Landed on my butt on the tile floor. Worst of it was no one was around to help me get up. Bert finally had to get the guy next door who luckily is spending a few days here in Florida before heading back to NJ. So between Bert and Mike, they got me right up and I was fine. Only problem today is that my butt is hurting. Nothing that a couple of Aleves can't handle though.
Did manage to make my linguine and white clam sauce even after my fall. Now today I'm doing my favorite one pot New England dinner - Corned beef & cabbage with some Guinness to wash it all down.

And that's about all I have for right now. I'll be back later to see what everyone else is up to.


Chief Security Officer
Thanks for correcting things for Lee about our respective cruise itineraries, BB. I was going to accuse him of copying K2's edition of Evelyn Woods' book about Speed Reading.
I think that soft drinks count against the six free drinks a day that we get but never
really noticed.
I saw that Jack Carr is a former Seal, Dave and will have to check out his books when I get a chance. Sounds a bit like Tom Clancy with his detailed descriptions of weaponry.

You didn't miss much by not being able to watch last night's Dallas-Giants game, BB. Unless you enjoy watching slaughters. Not sure what the final score ended up at, but it was well out of hand early.
Hope the new meds do their job, BB. Celebration
doesn't need you contributing to a new wing by another visit.
Have placed a vacation hold on the newspaper and mail.
Good luck to your Bills facing Aaron and the Jets, Lee. Never have been a big fan of Aaron so I picked the Bills to win (this game only).
Thought I posted this when I wrote it
yesterday so please ignore any comments that are no longer relevant .

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Bill - I wanted to wish you and Rita Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful trip. Looks like you should get out of Dodge before Lee comes a knocking at your door. The storm will still be out in open waters here in the south when you are due to set sail. Now if you were leaving on the 16th, I'd say you'd have a problem. Who knows when and if you'll get to make port in Canada. Might have to adjust your ports of call. One was or the other, have a great time. I hope the casino is kind to both of you. Jewel was always one of my favorite ships!


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon Wrabbits!

Loved the Sammy Davis video!
Those were the days when we could UNDERSTAND all the WORDS in a song. Miss that.

Bill: By now you must know that your less than favorite AARON ROGERS went out on a stretcher during the game. Might be a “serious Achilles injury. Oh well, I too was never a fan of Rogers. Jets stepped up and won the game without him!

You and Rita have a fun and safe cruise. Hold onto the railings and use the HAND SANITIZER OFTEN! ;)

Pat: Sorry about your fall. Hope you’re not too sore today.

Lee: Always good to get a Fasting Blood Test done EARLY! Then you can load up on the things like Bagels & Cream Cheese and Lattes! Ha ha! Hey, we all do it.

Dave: Snip/Clip and those stitches will be out ASAP. Hope the area is all closed up for you.

Art’s gash on his leg FINALLY closed up and healed to the point that the scab fell off. The Medi-Honey was used 2 times and then we just let it heal on its own. Thanks for the tip!
I could have stayed out on the deck longer yesterday to watch all the birds etc, but the dang MOSQUITOES are like vultures these days with all our steady moisture. I even had OFF SPRAY on they kept attacking. Finally just came inside. Sure wish we had a SCREENED IN DECK!

Out of here. Enjoy your day folks.



2nd Officer
Good evening. I went to ATT store and paid for our new year of cell phones, then to Walmart and got small cans of Pineapple juice. I have been drinking some everyday for a few weeks and my right knee is feeling much better, guess I need to keep drinking it.

For some reason this left side is hurting more than the right did. I just hope it is better by the time we leave for Hawaii. The right side had been hurting some for a few days but much better now.

Yesterday I got the two new canes I had ordered from Amazon with Gel handles and they are nice, they don't dig into the scars on my hand and they were inexpensive.

All have a good night.


Chief Security Officer
Time to close things down for the night. Next time you hear from me, we will likely be in NJ and may or may not know much more about our cruise or its eventual itinerary. Hoping for the best but prepared for most any eventuality,
Take care while we are away. Will post when we can.


Wacky Wabbit

Son-in-law just tested positive for Covid this morning. He was suppose to fly and he felt stuffy in the nose and did a home-test. Had to cancel his work flight.
He thinks he got it at the MSU tail-gate party or in the stadium crowd in the stands.
I noticed his voice was raspy when they came home on Saturday. I even said to him "Wow you must have really been screaming in the stands"! He's in
isolation for 5 days.
The rest of the family tested NEGATIVE. YIKES.....this new strain that is spreading around is for real. Be careful folks. At our ages we need to be very PRO-ACTIVE and start wearing our MASKS in stores and be careful of relatives that contact people at their work places. Hey, you all know me.......I hate the thought of getting sick.

You can bet I'll be wearing my mask if I go up in the choir loft to sing. HOT AIR from below RISES! :eek::oops::eek:

FDA approved the latest Covid Vaccine today. Now to get it into the drug stores, doctors offices, etc.

Night all.