Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well it was trying to rain so we went outside to take all the plants off a stand because the wood was rotting and falling in. When we actually got all the plants off the rain started but it only lasted a minute.

Dave, hoping all goes well with surgery tomorrow.

For some reason both of my hands are swelling. Am not eating anything different, so have no idea why. And the base joint of the middle finger on the left hand is hurting and acting as a trigger finger. But I don't think I will have any more of the surgery because the index finger is still acting like a trigger. And the scars, while getting softer with the cream they hurt.

Guess we will be going to lunch.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Can't remember what you call it when you bring pups on a airplane?
Kathie. Yes, I can be silly.
My thoughts will be with you over the next couple of days.

Hang in there for the next few days too Dave. Like Motel 6, "We'll leave a light on for ya'". Please have Kathi pop by with updates, OK?
Scars and the such are odd things Nancy. Hopefully they all settle down for you.
I can tell that you have had it up to here (picture me holding my open palm just above my head) with the shenanigans in your community Karen. I can also imagine that you are hoping the idiots don’t take over the HOA when you good folks step away.
So did yesterday wind up being quiet Pat? Where did you end up for dinner?
We have a few things to finish up for Lisa‘s new place. To thank the gang she’s providing dinner and drinks. Very nice of her.
It’s just stoopid hot and humid again here. This after two really nice days.
Everyone stay well and have a fantastic Sunday.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
D*mn internet!!! It keeps going in and out. It's got to be something with my laptop because I keep losing the internet, but Bert wh is on the same wifi as me, doesn't lose it. Very frustrating to say the least.

It's been raining off and on here for about an hour now with a loud clap of thunder once in a while to keep you on your toes. Bert wants to go to BJ's but that isn't going to happen until after the rain stops.

Dave - Will be keeping you in my prayers that your procedure tomorrow goes well. Please ask Kathi to keep us posted on how you're doing. Nice that your daughter and her puppy got to spend some time with you before heading home.

Kathie - You know we're all still keeping you in our prayers as you head into your difficult days ahead Thanks for the prayer at Church today. I think we all could use a good prayer right about now.

Karen - How nice that you got to go to that fish fry the other evening. Our Catholic church here doesn't do anything like that, but the do do something rather unique - Every Sunday they have mass in English, Spanish, Portuguese and CREOLE! That's the one that blew me away. I didn't realize that we have that many people here who speak Creole, but I guess we do. I'd love to go to their mass one day, just to hear what it sounds like. Back when I was teaching we had a man come to school one year who read the Night Before Christmas to the kids in Creole. We all didn't have a clue what he was saying. That is very Louisiana and some of the islands popular.

Lee - I don't think it would take much for you to guess where we went to dinner last night ... DiCarlo's, of course. Had my favorite chicken parm and Bert got a calzone. Both of us have enough leftover for at least one more meal!!

Nancy - Sorry about your continuing aches and pains. Sucks to get old, doesn't it? It's still better than the alternative!!

It's really going to be quiet around here this coming week. Most of our friends are going to be away. The retired doctor & his wife will be heading up to PA for the football season at Penn State and to go to all sorts of neat places. Other friends are doing a week in St. Pete at a timeshare. What with everyone else working or in school, that leaves us pretty much on our own. I see lots of going shopping and a visit with my pulmonologist on Wednesday, the highlight of the week!!

Looks like the rain is just about over, so I better get this posted before I lose the internet again. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Church was good. The choir wasn't singing today. The service was still just as long. :rolleyes:

LEE: You sure are right about it being HOT outside. 87F here by us.
Art is outside finishing up filling in the pavers with new sand. You mist it with water and it sets up hard. It's got some type of glue mixed into the special sand. Bless him for liking to work in the HEAT!

So I take it Lisa is all moved into her new home? Nice of her to treat you all to dinner!

BB: Sounds like a really nice dinner you and Bert had. And leftovers are a nice bonus. Sorry all your neighbors are bailing on you guys.

I checked Bill's Facebook site and the pictures he posted of the Lizard and the comment are DELETED. I did a screen capture so I actually still have them! Ha Ha. Wonder why he would delete such cute pictures?? Strange.

Busy tomorrow "gathering clothes to take" for Tuesday & Wednesday. I'll actually have to dig out a suitcase for this trip. Can't use the handle type cloth bags this time.

Out of here for now. I need to fill out the forms for the CANCELLED Physical that was suppose to be on Tuesday. I'm going to take them directly to the Drs Office and see if they can get me in to see the "NEW Doctor" soon. Trying to do that on the phone is a pain, especially on a Monday. I'd be on hold forever. Wish me luck.

Karen hope you're having a good day and if you're by the pool I hope the water isn't too HOT. :smiley25: By the way..........nice of that church to have Fish Fry's and it isn't even Lent. Around here the Catholic churches don't have dinners like that unless it's Lent. Sounds like it was a really good meal!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Went to lunch and because my hands are so bad right now I ordered one salad and I ended up only eating about 1/4th, so brought the rest home for my lunch tomorrow.

On Tuesday I get the nerves on the right side of my neck burned. When it was set up I was told it could take a week or so to fully work. I hope it does not take that long.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit

Customer Service Help GIF by megan motown
I just got through filling out " 12 " forms for a doctors office that I have been going to for 17 years. In the past, I've had to UPDATE the med's I'm taking, but 12 forms of stupid questions.
Example questions:
Are you able to use the phone with limited or no assistance?
Do you use a seatbelt in a car? YUP. "Click it or ticket" is the motto on the billboards!

And there were pages and pages of the same questions only worst.

Okay, I'm done making copies for my files so I'll sign off from this big computer!

Nite all.


Wacky Wabbit
Tired Good Morning GIF by Veronique de Jong

Not sure I'm liking these "chiller mornings" we're starting to get up here in the North! A sure sign that Summer is soon going to be gone. Although, the daytime temps all this week are in the Mid-85's and up I can't complain about that. It's the humidity that can wear on you.

Well, by now our Master Dave is most likely almost done with his surgery. Sure hope he can get some relief with his circulation.

Art headed out just now at 7:45 A.M. to go to the dentist. He has a 9:00 appt, but it's on the East side of town and morning rush hour just getting to the I94 freeway is a rough especially on a Monday morning. He took his book with him in case he gets there too early.

I'm waiting a tad longer to drive over to my Internists office to hand in paperwork and try and get a decent appt with the new Dr. They have 14 physicians in this practice. I just hope I like the one my former doctor suggested for me when she gave me the bad news that she was taking a break from the practice! She was just "burned out" after 17 years. Also, has 2 sons that are at the age that they need one of the parents to be around.

So, what's everyone up to today? I'm off to make some breakfast and coffee. You all have a really good day.


2nd Officer
Good morning. No real plans for today. I did get boxes out to the recycle bin. Woke up during the night with my middle finger on the left hand partially bent and hurting like hell, still hurts and can't straighten completely. I do have to set up an appt with the hand Dr for post op. Will call later today. Also need to set up an app with the Dr about the neck for after both sides are burnt.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Mornin' Dave. Just 'cause we usually say good morning to The Master.
Gosh Kathie, it was 70F here at 6:00 this morning. But felt warmer. It's supposed to feel like 99F this afternoon which will seem mild if the predicted humidex of 110F arrives on Thursday! I like the way Art thinks about being early an appointment rather than panicking if traffic causes an unexpected delay. Did you see that Bob Seeger was at The Cruise on Saturday?
Lisa is moved in but still had a few things to put up / assemble. I did an IKEA day bed yesterday. The rest of the OGC's did TV mounts on the walls, some plumbing and other simple stuff.
You just can't seem to shake those aches and pains Nancy. It seems NASCAR was at a race track with both left and right turns AND elevation changes yesterday. What fun.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that DiCarlo's doesn't move before next March Pat. It's such a friendly place with EXCELLENT food at what we think is a fair price. When we were in Hawaii we went to a church with our friends for a service that took place entirely in Hawaiian. The congregation was most welcoming but we had no idea, for the most part, what was being said. Hmm. They could have been making fun of "Haole's" (Pronounced "How-lees) which is their word for mainlanders or tourists.
Any more silliness in Belleview Karen? What a shame that a few "entitled" people feel that they are above simple rules and regulations that likely were in place before they arrived!
Hi to you too Bill. Keep an eye on those pesky lizards. You don't think a lizard scratch will give you super powers, do you? ;)
Time to hit the treadmill. You all have a great Monday.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Dave, hopefully your procedure is over & you are awake & harassing the nursing staff for ice cream & hot sauce. Thinking of you & praying for a speedy recovery!

Kathie, I think I would have given up on filling out that Dr. form at about page 4. I understand why they ask the questions, but sometimes it just seems like they go a little over board. Safe travels to you & Art as you travel to Chicago.

Lee, I've given up hope for some of the people in here to come to their senses regarding the HOA board. The president has drafted a letter to the gutter lady offering another olive branch & try to avoid another legal battle. Seriously cannot WAIT till Dec., I just hope they can find 4 people naïve enough to agree to come on the board.

Pat, does Bert by chance think you spend to much time on the computer & have "parental controls" set up? Asking for a friend, but seriously internet problems suck!
That is one diverse Catholic church to have Mass in all those different languages. I went to our Spanish mass one time & it was interesting, but kind of weird to not be able to understand anything.

Tried to spend some time at the pool yesterday but a major rain storm moved in shortly after we got there so we only got to enjoy the water for about 20 mins. which was a shame cause the pool had cooled down a bit & actually felt good!
Mowed Jane's front yard this morning & re-planted a few of her flower pots with plants I had dug out of Miss Reba's flower bed. Then just came home & chilled, it's bright & sunny today but I'm to tired to bother with the pool.
Have a great Monday all!


2nd Officer
Daves surgery took 3 hours. The doctor seemed pleased when he came out to talk to me.

It has been a long day.


Oh, I took it as a good sign that Dave was upset when I didnt bring some of the deviled eggs we made over to the weekend to the hospital.


2nd Officer
Kathi, thanks for the update on Dave, glad the Dr. is pleased with the results. Now use the next couple days to try & get some rest before your patient get's home!


2nd Officer
Kathi, thanks for the report on Dave. yes I would take hime being upset that you did not have any eggs as a good sign.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Thank you Kathi for the update! Good to know Dave’s done well and is complaining about no devilled eggs. Next thing you know he’ll be demanding hot sauce and ice cream! Keeping you both in our thoughts.


Wacky Wabbit
This Bunny is all packed and ready to drive over to my brothers house in the morning. Art did a good job gathering his “Funeral Suit and other stuff and I got to pack it all.

It paid to go to church on Sunday. Today I was looking for a special piece of jewelry and LOW & Behold there in a box with other items I haven’t worn in years was the MISSING WEDDING RING! I was in complete shock. I almost cried! How it got into that box under a shelf in the closet that has shoes and purses on it is a mystery. I swear I looked everywhere when I thought I misplaced it. I just kept looking at it in awe! Thought for sure it was in a LANDFILL. I had been making those Nut Roll for the choir’s bake sale and thought it got thrown out with the things laying around on the counter.
Now I have to RETURN THE INSURANCE MONEY. I KNOW IT WOULD BE COOL TO KEEP THE CLAIM MONEY, but I just feel it’s just not right to keep something that really isn’t mine to keep. It will be better for my conscious to just give it back. They’ll have to wait until we get back from Chicago.

Got all my appts in order earlier. New Doctor appt is Oct 31st. Halloween. Ha ha.

I need to get to bed it’s late. And I have a long drive tomorrow.

KATHI …..thanks so much for the update on our Master Dave. Good to hear the Dr likes how the operation turned out. Yippee. Now bring the man his Deviled Eggs and don’t forget to bring the Hottest hot sauce to go with it. Don’t giredfvthe 7-Up!! Thanks again for taking the time to post to use. Get some rest. Give Dave a big hug from all of us! Yes even Lee! Ha ha.

See you all in a few days. I have one more jewelry story, but it will have to wait to be told later. Remind me.

Bless you all! :emoticon 0137 clapping::emoticon 0152 heart:


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Safe travels to you and Art Kathie. Keeping you in our thoughts. I hope there are lots of smiles as you all think about the good times with George.
I can’t wait to hear about how tough it will be to convince the insurance company about your ring and to return the money.
It’s about 10 degrees cooler her now than it was yesterday at this time.
I’ll check on you all later. Have a great Tuesday!


2nd Officer
Good morning. Will be leaving for my nerves burning and just over an hour. There is a lady Bruce does work for and that I have meet that had it done a couple of weeks ago and she has had good results, so hope I do too.

Last evening Bruce almost took a job for today but I reminded him of my appt so he will be doing it tomorrow or Thursday.

Al have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I see my post from yesterday mysteriously disappeared. I swear, it's this computer. I keep losing the internet, but Bert still has it. God figure? I've also sent him emails about various things and he ends up not getting them. Like I said - It's this computer!!

Kathi - Thanks so much for the update on our man Dave. If he's looking for deviled eggs so soon after surgery, he's going to be itching to go home by tomorrow.

Kathie - Safe travels to Chicago. I'm sending hugs and best wishes as you go through these difficult days.

Lee - You inspired me!! After you mentioned going to visit Trader Joe, I mentioned to Bert about how long it has been since we went to Trader Joe's, so yesterday that's what we did! Stocked up on one of my favorite seasonings for steak, South African Smoke. It gives steak a great distinctive flavor. Also found another seasoning that I'm sure Dave would love - Ghost Pepper seasoning. We got it for Jimmy. He puts Slap Ya Momma on everything, so let's see if this ups the heat level for him.

Nancy - Good luck with the nerve burning today.

Karen - What are you up to today?

Not a lot going on around here today. Making ribs with sweet potatoes for dinner tonight. I like the idea of not having too much "hands on" parts to this meal. But for right now, I think it's time for a cup of coffee and to have an apple cider donut that we got at Trader Joe's also.

Have a great day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick trip to the grocery after our walk at The Navy Yard. A huge freighter was headed upriver towards Detroit while we were there. One of those ones that is so long I'm sure it has two area codes!
With milder weather conditions when we got home I trimmed the front and back and cut the back. The lawn mower batteries are recharging so I'll cut the front in a bit.
Glad to hear that you made it out to TJ's Pat. The one in Doctor Phillips? At least the parking there is marginally better than the parking at the one on Orlando Ave. If there's one thing that I can't handle, it's super hot stuff. Well, Lu-Ann and The Belles excluded. :emoticon 0115 inlove: I should have clarified and said super hot spices. There, that's better. My gold political correctness star just went out the window! I'd never be able to keep up with Jimmy or Dave in a hot wings eating contest!
Let's hope Nancy that your burning goes as well as the lady Bruce has done jobs for.
I was thinking about your HOA and how Tony would get so frustrated with the board he sat on Karen. You can see why communities hire property managers to deal with all of the conflicts and administer the rules. That way residents can not only hate them, but hate the fact that now they have to pay to be told to follow the rules.
Any way, hopefully Dave is chowing down on his eggs, ice cream and hot sauces. That ought to drive the poor medical team crazy!
Be good my friends.


2nd Officer
Home from getting the nerves burned on the right side of my neck. The Dr I go to is very through, before even the first of the nonvaccine he gets photos of the area and then until the actual heat is put through he gets a bunch more, must have been at least 20. I will say the actual burning of the nerves gets intense just before the end. And my neck feels very heavy. He put in steroids to help with any pain for a few days. As it can take a few weeks to fully work on getting rid of the pain. Today is a rest day and put ice on the neck. Instructions say no heavy lifting for at least 48 hours.