Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
K2, you'll need to ask DeSantis or some other right wing Trump type for their definition of "woke". I think that they use it as a negative depiction of anyone you or I might consider to be "liberal",while we might consider them to be "compassionate", dedicated to justice and opposed to injustice in all forms.
As far as needing definitions, I have to ask BB to explain the term "pudding fingers". Have never heard or sieen that phrase before. Is it another endearing term to describe Florida's despot? Maybe you can mention that you have a relative that was in the Christie administration, though that might not help since he no longer supports the Donald.
When is your Hawaii cruise, Nancy? From what I have seen on TV, I doubt that cruise ships will be calling at Lahaina for at least several months, which is too bad since the revenue that tourists would provide could help their recovery immensely.

One of the people on our Greenland cruise has organized a "phone tree" to notify everyone if the Northern Lights make an appearance while we are there. So far there are 150 people on the list. Hope they do and hope it works.


2nd Officer
K2, you'll need to ask DeSantis or some other right wing Trump type for their definition of "woke". I think that they use it as a negative depiction of anyone you or I might consider to be "liberal",while we might consider them to be "compassionate", dedicated to justice and opposed to injustice in all forms.
As far as needing definitions, I have to ask BB to explain the term "pudding fingers". Have never heard or sieen that phrase before. Is it another endearing term to describe Florida's despot? Maybe you can mention that you have a relative that was in the Christie administration, though that might not help since he no longer supports the Donald.
When is your Hawaii cruise, Nancy? From what I have seen on TV, I doubt that cruise ships will be calling at Lahaina for at least several months, which is too bad since the revenue that tourists would provide could help their recovery immensely.

One of the people on our Greenland cruise has organized a "phone tree" to notify everyone if the Northern Lights make an appearance while we are there. So far there are 150 people on the list. Hope they do and hope it works.
Our cruise is Sept 30th. We fly to Honolulu on the 27th and have two days there before the cruise. The fly home Oct 7th arriving in Tampa Oct 8th. For the rest of this month the ship will be overnighting in Hilo and then a 3rd night on Kaua'i. Figure the last week of this month will find out about cruises in Sept. While we would love to see Maui if we don't we understand why.


Wacky Wabbit
Negc: Thanks for the explanation of "WOKE". Still a ridiculous word if you ask me.

Negc posted: When is your Hawaii cruise, Nancy? From what I have seen on TV, I doubt that cruise ships will be calling at Lahaina for at least several months,
Negc..... I know you've see the news reels showing that there is NOTHING left of Lahaina for miles along the waterfront and into most of the rising neighborhoods.
I think it will take at least a YEAR or MORE to REBUILD the tourist area. At the
minimum. And we all have to remember that any building supplies in the quantity they will need has to come in by freighters. Not to mention workers too. That all takes time and coordination. There are thousands of native Hawaiians that are totally homeless and without ANYTHING. Clothes, food, important papers, cars, EVERYTHING.
I'm not
familiar with where the cruise ships dock. If it's close to the Southern area of MAUI then the ship might dock, but there are NO STRIPS of SHOPPING SHOPPES on that end of Maui. Lots of condo's on the waterfront and the big Marriot property. Tours to see Hana and to the volcano and some coffee shops, but that's about it unless they really built it up after we were there. Hard to drop off 3,000 plus people from a cruise ship if they have NOWHERE to walk around. No restaurants, No shop's, etc, etc.
I just hope the governor can inform the cruise ships just what's going on. Looks like they've already figured that out! :rolleyes:

We have friends that are getting married and their honeymoon was to be on MAUI. They cancelled and are looking for another venue.

It's hot and humid here after our mid-morning rain today. But I'll take it anyday compared to cold and dreary.

Karen: Good for you helping with the landscape cleaning up at the church. I bet the "guys" were surprised to see a woman there! Ha Ha. Hope you plan to relax tonight with a favorite cool drink!

Gathered most of what I'll need to make it through the next week at Jill's. Funny how much you want to take with you and you're only going 45 mins away! Ha Ha.

Lee: Amazing how much that house sold for down the street from your old house. We could never afford to live in Canada. :eek:

You and Lu-Ann made your move just at the right time. And you brought half your friends with you, so it's not like you're missing them! :clap002::clap002: Just being so close to the water is a big plus.

BB: So how was the Bridal Shower?? Do tell us all about it.




2nd Officer
Here is a map of where the ship docks in Maui:],[20.725560261711202,-156.84894557060548]] The dock is on the Northern side in Kahului Harbor.

Good evening. Well the Indy race was pretty good. And so far the Xfinity race is good too, but HULU is not able to show it, they are having a problem showing USA network, so am sort of watching it on the computer, not easy to do.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer

Had a pretty good thunderstorm come through here yesterday in the late afternoon. Electric went out a couple of time. Luckily it was for only short periods. No damage in this area that I'm aware of. But some areas of N.E. Ohio still don't have their power restored.

Heartbreaking about the ever increasing number of deaths in Hawaii from those wildfires. And the number is only going to get larger.

Kathi got out an old photo album of our last cruise to Hawaii. Especially looking at pictures from Maui. That's the cruise we first met Lee and Marcia. Yes Lee, "Retail Therapy" our horse on the ship is finally on the final stretch.

I'd forgotten about your dog-sitting Manny. It's going to be "interesting".

Yes BB, we all are looking forward to your report of the party.

KC; Amanda is lucky not getting hurt in that crash. But I bet it scared her quite a bit when the air bags went off. If you've ever been in an accident that the air-bags go gets your attention. At first you think there is smoke inside your car until you figure out it's just the powder the air-bags were packed in.

I do not understand, with the prices of houses, how young couples can make it. And the price of renting is through the roof too.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Just finished my shower and for the first time in about a month or more was able to blow dry my hair. Not sure if we will go to lunch or not.

As to the price of houses, I too don't understand how these young couples can afford to buy

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
An amazing soundtrack from Lady Ella to accompany my reading and pecking at the key board. The computer one, not the piano. I don't know if I can play the piano. I've never tried.
Sounds like a little improvement there Nancy. So, you do watch "real" race cars. The ones without fenders. ;)

Gosh Karen, thoughts and prayers for Amanda. That young lady must be strong or the guy upstairs wouldn't keep throwing all of these challenges at her and her family! I bet Pastor Lisa is thanking her lucky stars that you found their congregation.
Dave, Lu-Ann and I pulled out some of the pics from that trip as well. I remember all of us planning to meet, for the first time, in The Schooner Bar. Can you imagine that. One of the best things and trips we were ever on. We sure did meet some pretty darned good people! And I'm sos glad that we kept in touch with them.
We were lucky weather wise. The predicted terrible wind, rain and thunder never made it to this area. It was nice here at 5:45 when Ava and I went for a walk but the humidity had started to sneak in when Lu-Ann and I went for a walk. It was nice down by the river for Ava's second walk.
So Kathie, how's Manny treating you and Art. Does he have you both trained yet? It's the old thing with property values here, like everywhere I suspect. While our old house is worth, and I use "worth" loosely, more than what we sold it for new homes here are priced higher than what we paid. It's kind of a wash, isn't it. Still we don't know how young folks afford to get into the housing market.
I tried to use "woke" in a sentence Bill. After I woke up this morning I took Ava for a woke. For lunch I will pull out the woke and make some oriental food. Stupid word. The last thing Maui needs is cruise ships and the thing it needs the most is tourist dollars. A pretty fine line.
Aha! Still not quite noon. So my greeting of good morning stands!
Everyone have a great day!


Chief Security Officer
It's been a number of years since our Hawaiian cruise, and at that time our ship anchored off of Maui and used tenders to transport passengers to Lahaina. As I remember, we got off the tender close to the old banyan tree.
You are right, Lee, it is a delicate balance between the benefits and costs associated with restoring visits by cruise ships and their passengers and crew. I expect that some of the cruise companies may offer the use of their vessels to transport much needed supplies and materials to Maui as the island struggles to rebuild.
So far the weather appears to be favorable for the HOA dinner so we may be able to get to it and back home without getting wet or blown away.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon, everyone!

Kathie - How's Manny sitting going? I hope he isn't spoiling you and Art!

Karen - Prayers going out for Amanda. Poor kid. She just can't seem to catch a break. Scary when the airbags deploy in an accident. They can hurt you very easily.

Bill - Seems like our excuse for a governor was on a private jet a while ago and he shoveled chocolate pudding into his mouth using his fingers. When this information because public by 2 disgusted former staffers, it became another nickname for deathsatan. So now you know who "pudding fingers" is and why he's called that.

Dave - Loved your Stormy Weather this morning. So nice to listen to early in the day.
I think everyone is pulling out their pictures from Maui these days to relive the memories of what a wonderful place it once was. Most of you got your taste of the island on a cruise. We were there on a land vacation to 4 different islands in 15 days. Gave us a real taste of the Hawaiian culture.

Lee - I got a charge out of you mentioning how you planned to meet Dave & Marcia for the first time on your Hawaiian cruise. Reminds me of how we met Marcia & Tony, along with Eddie, on our inaugural cruise of the Brilliance to northern Europe and the Norwegian fjords. A fantastic trip and great friendships made!

OK time for a reviews of the shower. I can only sum it up with one word - WOW!!! There were at least 50-60 people in a relatively small area. Most were friends of the bride & groom, as would be expected. We spent most of our time in the living room chatting with the bride's parents & grandparents. My biggest complaint would be that all those people talking at once made for it to be way to loud in the house. We finally went out by the pool with M&J while the kids were swimming.
They had to have spent a small fortune of this party. It was themed "TRAVEL", and everything was coordinated, especially the food. It was from all different countries. Don't ask me which ones though. There was always a mob around the table with the food, so I never got to see or eat any of it. Good thing I brought my own bottle of wine because they only had beer, mixed drinks & some sparkling wine with gold flecks in it in glasses rimmed with strawberry sugar. Way too sweet for me.
We left there shortly before 7 to get well on the way home before it got dark. They were already expecting that there would be people crashing at their house overnight.
I will say that the bride's family did seem very nice, but after meeting her mother, I can see why the French countryside attire. She does put on a bit of "airs" if that makes sense. The father of the bride seems like a very nice down to earth person who just happens to be a rich surgeon!!
And that, boys and girls, is the end of my review! Class dismissed!!! LOL

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I expect that some of the cruise companies may offer the use of their vessels to transport much needed supplies and materials to Maui as the island struggles to rebuild.
That would be very classy by the lines that would do that. Perhaps they could also anchor a ship off Lahaina to act as accommodations at a reasonable fee for those needing housing. Ya buddy, it’s good to dream… Enjoy tonight’s HOA Dinner.
Pat, that Hawaiian cruise led us to make many good, long time friends. We’ve laughed and cried together through the years. I’m so glad to be part of this amazing cyber family.
That sounds like an interesting afternoon…
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2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the race was good. The winner is a driver that has been driving for a number of years and finally found himself with a team that while not the best every year they get better and better. This is only his second win but both wins are at iconic tracks, Daytona and now Indy.

Some times I watch Indy. Watched yesterday. Have watched Formula 1 a couple of times but each time it was completely follow the leader, so did not care for that and gave up on it.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Good late evening Wrabbits.

Mr Manny has us wrapped around his ‘Paws’ already.
Should be interesting to see how “Wake Up Time” goes in the morning! (7:00-7:30) It’s going to be a long 4 days until his family comes home on Thursday! I may take up drinking and smoking by then! Ha ha.
The dog is spoiled big time!

Karen: So sorry about Amanda’s current health situation. And then the bad luck with the accident.

BB: Other than the fact you didn’t get at anything, it sounds like a nice Bridal Shower.

I’ll try and catch up with you all tomorrow some time. Hard to post on this cell phone.


Wacky Wabbit
BB: That should say : “Eat”not “at”.
Sorry you didn’t get anything to EAT at the shower. You should have had somebody make you a plate! :confused: Did the bride to be open the gifts, or was this one of those that they don’t open them. I went to one that they didn’t open the gifts. It was totally wrong in my opinion!

I got to do a FaceTime with him today (Sunday) with the help of my niece. He actually raised his hand to wave to us. It was good to be able to see him and my SIL at the same time. This was the first time she had been able to see him since her horrible accident. :emoticon 0152 heart:

Negc: Did you make it to the HOA dinner. Your complex always does nice events. l hope this one was a good one too! You should be about ready to sail soon…right??

I’m sailing off to bed.


2nd Officer
Monday, already?

My bet is that Manny already has K2 half trained, and by the end of the week will be sleeping in bed with her.

Sadly the number of people killed on Maui just keeps climbing.

BB; It's nice to hear that the shower wasn't a disaster you felt it might turn into. Gold flecks in sparkling wine? Give me a break. Anyone who puts on "airs" immediately goes on my GET AWAY FROM ME list.

Talked to my Arizona daughter last night. As usual, we covered all sorts of topics. Always lots of laughs.

She mentioned that they set their air conditioning at 72 degrees. WOW, that's way too cold for me. Ours is set at 79 degrees, or 80. I've found that the comfort level for you Bunnies is mostly cooler than my liking. Of course, I usually am in shorts when at home, whether it's summer or winter. I'd bet many of you would think our house is an oven during the winter.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Am on hold to schedule my breathing test. It took almost half an hour to talk with the Dr's office to be told I had to call the place for the test appt. Needless to say I am not happy and I have my follow up appt next Tuesday.

This afternoon I go to the NP about mt last neck test, so hopefully things will get rolling for the nerve burning. I know they have to contact the insurance company.
All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Day everyone.
Ah, HVAC settings Dave. Our AC is set at 75F and our furnace at 71F. We find those settings comfortable for us. In FL, Sunshine asks that the AC in her home be set no lower than 77F. I think she asks that because it’s easy to remember.

For sure every race series has its own fans and the reasons they follow that series Nancy. Good luck with the appointments. I see you just popped in.
What a treat to be able to see George and his wife Kathie. I know that would have brightened up everyone’s day. Did you get Manny on camera too? Dogs often give people something to smile about as well.
I never do understand bridal showers these days Pat. Now they expect shower gifts that we considered wedding gifts back in the day. Then they don’t want wedding gifts. They want a cheque (CDN spelling of check) with lots and lots of zeros after the first big number.
So Karen, what’s new in “As Belleview Turns”. It is nice that you have your church group to get away from the crazy people that hassle you and the HOA.
Everything ready to head out Bill?
To cut the front grass or not? That is the question. It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow. We have stuff planned for Wednesday and friends from KW coming on Thursday. On Friday The OGC’s have a small job replacing a gate at a friends place. A gate I should add that was not built by us originally.
Alrighty then. You all have a great day no matter what mischief you get in to.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Another bright sunny day here in Belleview but they are saying we "may" get some thunderstorms this afternoon, we do need the rain badly!

Pat, sounds like an interesting Bridal shower, but kind of rude for no one to even offer to fix you a plate of food. Hopefully the wedding reception won't be a buffet or you & Bert may be stopping at Micky D's on the way home.

Dave, I think I would be quite comfortable in your house during the summer, I have my A/C set on 80 degrees. I read the other day that they recommend you not set your ac cooler than 20 degrees below the outside temp. During the winter I rarely use my heat unless we have a really cold snap.

Kathy, how nice that you got to video chat with your brother & Sil! I'm sure seeing his wife again did wonders for raising his spirits! So what time did Mr. Manny wake you up this morning?

Lee, sounds like mowing the front yard is definitely on the agenda for today, your weeks schedule sounds about like mine sometimes! Good luck with the gate project, I would like to add a gate to the back patio but think that might be a bit over my skill level.

Bill, hopefully the weather held off for you to attend the HOA dinner & soon you'll be packed & off to Aruba! I miss being able to cruise!

Yesterday was a crazy day around here, after I got home from church we went to the pool for a couple hours but it was to hot to even be refreshing!
Then I spent time on the phone with Tracphone as Jane had bought a new phone and needed to switch her number from Verizon to the new phone. Her old phone was under Amanda's account so she had to give us a code to switch the numbers, unfortunately by the time we got the code it had expired so all the time I spent on the phone with them Friday was wasted. I got a new code from Amanda yesterday and spent another 20 mins. or so on the phone with customer service & they told me everything was good, the phone would be activated by 9:41 pm & they could give me a call back to confirm. Well of course it wasn't active by then, but they did call back and after a few minutes the lady did get the phone up & running, so Jane FINALLY has a working phone!
This morning I went down & dug out a plant for Miss Reba & spread some new mulch for her. She has another little project she wants to do this fall once it get's cooler.
Then I went to Betty's & took pictures of her old washer & dryer to list for her on Facebook. I really don't like trying to sell things for other people when I don't actually have the item, but if anyone messages me I will just give them Betty's ph number & she can handle the selling part.
Went to Jane's & delivered her new phone & now I'm home & ready for a nap!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning!

Dave - I think you'd either freeze or roast in our house, depending on the time of the year. We keep the house at a constant 72 all year, unless there is heavy cleaning going on. Then we drop the inside temp to 68. All I can say is that with the temps we've been having recently, it's a good thing we have really good windows.

Kathie - So was Manny on the bed with you when you woke up this morning? It was fun seeing G&E's dog at the party. Tesla couldn't get enough being petted and kept putting her head under my hand to remind me to pet her. Too funny!

Lee - You sure do have a busy week ahead. I guess today is about the only day to cut that lawn, so you better get to it.

Nancy - Good luck with your doctor visit.

Bill - You all packed yet? Have a wonderful time in Aruba and don't forget to have an Ariba Aruba for me. Good luck at any of the casinos you visit!!

Karen - No way could I survive at 80 degrees in the house. Heck, sometimes at night I have to take the covers off in bed as at 72, it's too warm for me to sleep.

Going to end this now. Computer is acting kind of funny and I don't want to lose this post. Have a super day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good afternoon Wrabbits. guys sure make it hard for me to keep up with all the FANTASTIC CHATTER on here. Love it.

Dave: I can guarantee that the PUP will NOT be in bed with me. I’ll bend a lot of their rules, but no dog in the bed.

Lee: My brother is too far gone to get much out of a pups precious face. Just having him say a weak hello to us was enough for me.
Wow…what a busy schedule you have this week.
What does KW stand for? Are your guest coming from “Key West?” Ha ha.
Please be careful not to over due it with the gate job!

Karen: You sure pack in a lot of “ Helpful Jobs” for others lately. That phone fiasco sound like me when I call Comcast! Glad Jane has her phone issues worked out thanks to A REALLY GOOD SISTERS work.
Hard to believe the club pool water is so warm it’s not refreshing and they don’t even heat the pool. I’d give anything to be able to jump in a pool and float around for awhile!
I came downstairs at 7:10 am and Manny was ready to get out and happy as heck to see me. Gave him a chance to wake up and get some rubs and scratches and then he went outside to do his business.

Any update on Amanda? Sure glad they had the Gap Insurance for the car accident. Hope she will be a le to get better soon.

I would have to have a Winter Jacket on if I lived in your house. Brrr.
We keep our A/C on 77 unless our temps get into the 90’s outside. Then we make some adjustments. Our heat is normally at 72 in the Winter. At night it goes down to 68 and we just get under the covers. It use to be 66F at night, but as we get older we have added a few degrees. Blood thinners helped with that decision too! All in all if we’re feeling cold we tap it UP! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
What breed of dog do G&E have? Did they have a dog when they were staying with you guys??

I have a FANTASTIC STORY TO SHARE WITH YOU PET OWNER FRIENDS. I’ll make it a separate post so some can just skip over it. Hate go on and on about this PUP WATCHING over here! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme::emoticon 0102 bigsmile::doggy:

Things look worse for the people in Lahaina everyday. Good to see the outreach from the other communities around them. Saw a lot of small boats bringing in water and food. It would be nice to know just how they will find or build make-shift housing for some of the homeless survivors. I can’t imagine how I would make it not having ANYTHING. So sad. Prayers they can start over With some help.

Later all.
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Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
I have been going nuts with our internet connection. Every single day for the past 2 weeks, we lose the internet from 3 or 5 until well into the evening. Bert was supposed to call Spectrum today to have someone come out to the house to check the box outside, but I'm not sure if he did. Once he starts raving about no internet, maybe then he will call!

Not sure what the weather wants to do. Sun is shining but the skies keep getting dark like a storm is coming. Wish it would make up it's mind as to what it is going to do. If the rains don't come, I might actually be able to get out on the lanai for a little while for a change! Haven't been out the in about a week due to the heat.