Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well all three races were good. The winner of the Truck race made it 100 wins for his team, which he owns. And the Xfinity race just ended and it was a wild ride the last two laps.

Don't know if we will go to lunch tomorrow, depends on how my back feels.

With the way my left thumb and index fingers are feeling I am sure I will be have the same surgery on them.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
SHE'S BACK! Hide the valuables and small children.

Welcome back K2, you've been missed. Oh the distance you will drive for a cream puff donut. Sounds like Goderich is an interesting town, And, in a way, so is their small local motels. I'm beginning to think I'll never see you camping in a tent. Sure hope that dealership has good insurance to cover all the hail damage to his cars.

Quite true Bill; Showing up in an ambulance, there's no 2 hour wait to see a doctor. And I learned that when ER personnel take you to a PET Scan, you go to the front of the line.

"Read something this morning that if you have ice cream for breakfast, it makes you smarter." Being a person of superior intellect, I totally agree with that BB.
Right out of bed every day and heading toward the coffee and a mini chocolate ice cream cone. Breakfast can wait. It's starting to look like in the war between humans & varmints, the squirrels, rabbits, and raccoons are winning.

Lee; That "Amherstburg Night Market" sounds so cool. And yes, taking Ava for walks and cutting the lawn DOES count as walking exercise.

We're off to the larger "Giant Eagle" grocery store this morning. We actually like the smaller store better, but there's a few items they don't carry that we regularly buy.


Wacky Wabbit
Bless Happy Sunday GIF by GIPHY Studios 2021
Hope all you Wrabbits have a wonderful Sunday. I'm not going to church today. I know that too many Altos (the section I sing in) are either out of town or Up North at their 2nd Homes and I just don't feel like being one of two Altos singing today. Shame on me! :rolleyes:
Speaking of church and singing, etc....

Karen does the church you go to have a choir? Wondering if they do if you'll join it?

Good for you and Kathi going to the BIG Giant Eagle to shop today. Perhaps they'll have a Special Flavor of Ice Cream you can try out. I totally get depressed going grocery shopping these days. The cost of food is just CRAZY. The only thing it does help me understand is why it cost SO MUCH WHEN EATING AT RESTAURANTS these days. They have to pay that HIGH COST for food too. I must say we don't eat out half as much as we use to. I miss it, especially the places that have patio seating along side the water. After all, we are surrounded by water and there are lots of restaurants not far from our house along the waters edge. You can drop a quick $80-100 for 2 people to eat and have a drink at these places now a days easy.

I saw the pics Lu-Ann posted on Fbook about Amherstburg Night Market! Looked like a lot of fun. And nice to see your group of friends in the pics too. Looked a lot like the evening we had in Goderich. Those events sure do draw a nice crowd.

Bill: How was the family reunion? Did you remember everyone? And make sure to keep up your PT at Home exercises, since they seem to be helping you. Make a nice CHART and CROSS OUT the days and exercises you do and it might give you the incentive to continue. Do you have a exercise room in your complex that you could go and do your routine at. Sometimes that gives people even more incentive to get out and do them.

BB: How was that Goulash? That's a Winter dish up here served over wide noodles. I bet yours was yummy.

Nancy: Sure hope you get some relief from all your pains. Seems like you are getting closer every week. Good luck.

To all that have pools to jump into..........swim around a little for me. This week it's suppose to get up into the 90's and I might have to drive over to the lake cottage. My poor nephew had to dig a new Septic field last week. The tree roots took over the drain pipe from the huge septic tank in the ground and he had a backup going on. Did as much of the work himself and then hired the proper company to connect the new pipes. The guy works so hard to keep the cottage up and running. His other 2 brothers have shoulder or knee injuries and couldn't help him. Bummer.

Out of here for now. Wonder what our Yard Bunnies have destroyed over night! I saw 3 of them jumping around out there when I got up.
bunny eats GIF
Enjoy your Sunday.

We go to the Military
Cemetery early tomorrow morning to send off our dear friend Ronnie. It's a fantastic, well-kept cemetery that has high respect for those who served our country in the various military branches. We've been there before for a service and it's quite impressive. May Ron RIP.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good Sunday morning.
When we popped over to MI on Wednesday Kathie, we saw that Aretha Franklin is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery right across from the Meijer's we went to. Remember all of the smiles you shared with Ronnie as you say good bye tomorrow. Hopefully your "Yard Bunnies" (that made me giggle) didn't do too much mischief!
It's the same with grocery stores around here Dave. There is no one store you can go to and get everything you want / need. Yes, Night Market was fun. They were doing a survey to see how far folks had come from, were they enjoying it and should they do it again. The young fella on the stage, Adam Butcher, played some of his own country / folk tunes and did really good covers of others.
The Ladies are off to town this morning for coffee and some gabbing. One of the shops is celebrating their first anniversary and having a day of samples and sales. Every weekend June to September is Open Air Weekends so parking will be tight even at 9:30 am.
I'm watching my F1 race, have a load of laundry on the go and am heading down to ride the bike for a bit. Yes, I have walked Ava, we have taken her to The Navy Yard too.
You folks all have a super Sunday. I'll check in on you all later on.


2nd Officer
Good morning from hot & humid Florida! It was actually pleasant outside about 7 am, but that sure didn't last long!

Dave, you sure know how to skip a line with your impressive entrance to the ER, glad to hear everything checked out & hope the PET shows the same.

Kathie, sounds like a nice get away for you & Art in spite of the less than accommodating accommodations.
And yes, my church has a choir, they are on break for the summer, but last Sunday I had mentioned to one of the ladies I would like to join when they start up again. By Tuesday I had an email from the choir director welcoming me & asking for my measurements to order me a robe! He had also asked me to stop by & introduce myself before the 10:30 service if I had time, so I did this morning.

Lee, sounds like a busy day for you already & it's not even noon yet! The night market sounds like a fun time, small town living can really be enjoyable for sure!

Pat, that totally sucks about the raccoons eating your pineapples, I never would have thought they'd go after something like that. Hope you will be able to save the rest of your crop from the greedy little bandits!

Bill, how did the family reunion go? Bet it was interesting meeting people you hadn't seen in ages or meeting family members for the first time.

Nancy, sure hope the surgery helps. It doesn't sound like the Florida heat & humidity are helping your health problems any either.

Not much going on around here. Got Jane's back yard mowed yesterday and a few other little outside projects done.
Church this morning we actually had 8 people in our Mass, which is almost a crowd, lol. Rev Lisa is on vacation this week but she had to preach today because there was no one else available to cover for her, next week there will be so she can actually get a full week off.
Planning to go to the pool at noon if it's not storming, and other than that 0 plans for the rest of the day. Now I need to find a little something to eat besides the coffee & cookies I had after church.


2nd Officer
A late good morning. While my back and knee are feeling a lot better I am not going anywhere today.

Only plan on watching the race this afternoon.

Racoons love pineapples. We have about 30 or so pineapple plants and if we are lucky we may get 3 or 4 out of about a dozen or so pineapples that grow. Bruce has even built cages to go over the plants and the racoons still manage to get to them. Of course they only take one or two bites and then the pineapple is no good.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good late morning, everyone! As Karen said, it's another scorcher here in Florida. It's another spend the day inside day.

Dave - Aren't you glad I gave you justification for eating ice cream first thing in the morning? Just trying to be helpful! So how was your shopping trip to the big supermarket? Find anything that you couldn't pass up giving a try?

Kathie - The goulash was delicious. I too serve it over noodles. Also had fresh spinach and fresh corn with it. Forgot to take out the cucumber salad, unfortunately. So now we can have that with our snow crab legs tonight. Around here goulash is an eat at any time of the year dish. When the AC is on, doesn't matter what the outside temp is.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow as you lay Ronnie to rest. Military funerals are so moving. Our military cemetery is always busy from early morning until the end of the day. There are so many veteran's passing here in Florida that they keep busy.

Lee - Your night market looks like a lot of fun. I saw Lu-Ann's posted pictures. I understand that they now have something like that at Margaritaville every Thursday evening. They have food, entertainment and lots of craft vendors. We want to check it out one of these days, when we remember it's there.

Karen - That's great that you're going to join the choir at church. They got a real all around gem when you joined that church. Raccoons love anything sweet, as do squirrels and armadillos. Bert left one mostly eaten pineapple on the plant for the critters to enjoy. We do still have 2 pineapples growing, but they're not going to be very big. That's ok because we have either 3 or 4 bags of cut up pineapples in the freezer for future snacking.

Nancy - Bert has a trap to catch raccoons, but he didn't use it this year due to breaking his hip. He knew the raccoons would be going after the pineapples that were getting close to being ripe, but there was nothing he could do this year. Better luck next year. Enjoy your race today.

Not a lot going on around here today. Just chilling and taking it easy. I wish the same for you all too. Have a super day, gang!!


Chief Security Officer
The family reunion was a blast and the cousins who put it together did a fantastic job. They did have name tags but I found I only needed them to identify some of the sons, daughters and grandchildren of the cousins I grew up with. Almost fifty participants representing four generations. I posted a couple of pictures on Facebook. It was fun listening to everyone's stories of their families, especially about our parents and grandparents and their histories.
Lots of people brought pictures and it was nice to see photos from many years ago, even pictures of me and one of my cousins when we were probably five or six years old, and a group picture taken at my parent's 25th wedding anniversary celebration.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee Posted earlier: Aretha Franklin is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery right across from the Meijer's we went to.
WOW LEE.... Woodlawn Cemetery is right NEXT to EVERGREEN Cemetery where my family is buried.
I must say you were out of your comfort zone going to that Meijers store. :eek: It's a rather newer store, but the location is not a safe one. It was built on our Michigan State Fair Grounds. The State Fair use to be a fantastic place to go as I grew up. Then the neighborhood changed and it closed down. They've been selling off parts of the property lately, hence the newer Meijers store. You need to venture out into the Suburbs on your next visit. Doesn't take that long to drive to better locations. :emoticon 0100 smile:

We had Waffles and Bacon and coffee out on the deck this morning. It was just a perfect day to do that.

BB: I looked up the time for Ronnie's service and found that there are 24 SERVICES TOMORROW ALONE. It's unbelievable how many bookings they have everyday. You get a
1/2 hour military service and you're out of there. NEXT PLEASE!
We have been to a service at this same place and it's chilling when they shoot off the gun salute. (it's a recording these days).

Bill: Good that you got to see so many relatives at the reunion. Kudos to the planners.

Out of here to see how things are outside. It was muggy about one hour ago. Drizzled by Jill's earlier, so we MIGHT get some too.

Later all........I think it's
Margarita time!
Celebrate Happy Hour GIF by Patrón Tequila

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It's a rather newer store, but the location is not a safe one.
Ya, we kinda figured that out when we pulled into the parking lot! But we were already there so decided to venture in. We know that we won't be going there again. We have already decided that the next trip over to MI will likely be out to Hall Road and the amenities along that route and near The Mall at Partridge Creek. Even at an hour and a quarter it's closer than driving the 2 hours to London, ON! We'll let you know when, down the road, that may be.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the race was pretty good, just really don't like the driver that won. And the crowd there booed him as much as they could. He wrecked another driver and he of course had to say no it was the other drivers fault for crashing.

I think that tomorrow I will be able to sit back on the sofa where I normally sit, my back is pretty much all better.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Grocery shopping was nixed yesterday, so we MIGHT try it again this morning.

K2, it's very unlikely you'll ever see me spend 80 to 100 bucks on a meal just for Kathi and me. What? Recorded rifle shots for a military salute? That sounds mighty lame. At my Dad's funeral both those and the bugle playing Taps was real.

Now you've got me wondering Lee. If Aretha Franklin was a Michigander. You definitely sound more than pleased that you made the move to your new home in the burg.

With all of your talents KC, I now find out that you're a singer too. I can see you in those robes already. Hope you got that dip in the pool you were looking forward to.

That goulash sounds mighty fine, BB. And yes, even for breakfast. I'll be honest, I didn't know you had pineapples in Florida.

Quite the turnout for your family reunion, Bill. Thank goodness for name tags. And ACTUAL photo albums instead of looking at people's phones.

Lawn crew this morning, and the guy to pressure wash the siding, spouting, white fence, and driveway around noon.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well I am able to sit in my normal spot today. Only real problem is my knee is still swollen but not as much and my right hand is swollen, a lot. I don't really have any plans for today.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good moan-day morning!

Bill - Sounds like your family reunion was a success. Glad you went to it. I'd love to know what happened to all my cousins. Everyone scattered in all directions and we lost touch over the years. Glad your family is hanging together renewing memories.

Kathie - A recorded gun salute? That is just so wrong. Our SIL, Ron's father is buried at the military cemetery. It was a very solemn ceremony. While waiting for your funeral's turn, they lone cars up side by side. Reminded me of waiting in line at Disney! Will be thinking of you today.

Karen - Can they find anything more for you to take on at your church? Can't wait until the day you tell us that you had to take over for the pastor and preach that day!! You just wait ... It's coming!

Dave - Sorry you never made it out shopping yesterday. Better luck today. Kathie was right about the price of going out to eat these days. We've had to cut back considerably and that's even with gift cards to help offset the cost. What used to cost about $35. is now running upward of $70.+. And yet, restaurants are still pretty full.

Lee - So what's on tap for today in your pretty little burg? Any adventures planned outside of a some walks?

Not too much planned for our day. I think we might take a ride to the nursery close to where M&J used to live. We're looking for some kind of plant to put on either side of our front door. Bert is tired of all the yellow leaves you get with the hibiscus that are on each side now. There also are a couple of plants I want for outside the screen enclosure. One is jasmine which has little white very fragrant flowers and the other is called a firecracker plant which humming birds are attracted to. Heck, if being on the lanai is often the highlight of my day, I may as well enjoy the smell and sights, right?

Phone call - gotta run. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I might just as well say good afternoon because by the time I hit post it will be.
We had gone into town after the ladies got back. Esther, who owns “White Woods” had some sales on and Lu-Ann wanted to show me the double walled glass coffee mugs from Hencekels. The same folks who make knives. We headed downtown, got the mugs, had a little lunch and a glass of wine. Then the skies opened up! Like good bunnies we hightailed it to The Subie headed home.
OK, history lesson. Named for all of the birch trees on the island White Woods in French is Bois Blanc. The English settlers had trouble with the pronunciation and it became (I bet Kathie knows) Boblo Island. For almost 100 years it was the site of an amusement park and home to one of the largest dance halls in North America. Because of segregation in America Boblo drew many top black and white entertainers as well as visitors from both sides if the border. There will be a test at the end.
It seems the cost of food either in the grocery store or the restaurants is simply unavoidable. I’m sure you’ve all heard the old line “If we didn’t have to eat we’d be rich!”

We’re waiting for our dinner plate hibiscus bush to bloom Pat. Hard to believe it was just a couple of little “twigs” a year ago. Got all the trimming and front grass done this morning. Not much on tap the rest of the day.
I reckon cost plays into the recorded 21 gun salute and taps Dave. A shame really. It was purely by accident we saw Aretha’s resting place. One day we'll have to go back.
Hopefully you will be able to sit in your preferred spot Nancy.
By gosh now Karen, you seem to really have found a “home” with your new congregation. I hope they all know how lucky they are.
It‘s a beautiful morning to say farewell to Ronnie Kathie. We’re thinking of you.
Best get going. Being Monday it’s games day. A “tradition” from being online during Covid that has kept going but now in person.
Have a good day everyone.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!
Kathie, sending good thoughts to you & Art as you say goodbye to Ronnie!

Dave, probably a good idea to skip the grocery shopping yesterday, most of the stores around here are a mad house on the weekends. And school starts here in a few weeks so now it will be even worse. I wouldn't be so naïve to call myself a "singer" but I do enjoy making a joyful noise & apparently for St. Mary's that's all they require, lol!

Pat, you'll have to let me know if those firecracker plants really draw humming birds. I've seen then at a few houses here in the community & they are pretty cool looking plants.
No chance of me being called in to pinch "preach", lol. Rev. Lisa had to come in yesterday from her vacation because there wasn't a priest available. And apparently each parish only has certain priests they can call to sub, they can't just call anyone.

Lee, enjoy your games day, and would I be wrong in assuming some delicious snacks & some adult beverages will also be in attendance today?

Got out early this morning & went to BJ's to buy gas, then to Aldi's to pick up a few things I needed to make my dish for the pot luck tomorrow night. After that it's been kind of a lazy day & with the rain coming down now I think I hear my recliner calling me for a nap, enjoy all!


Wacky Wabbit
Thanks for all the sincere thoughts regarding the funeral service this morning.
Pat, we arrived into the absolutely serene beautiful cemetery and were directed to a waiting point on the side of the entrance. Our retired priest was there to do a short service. It was perfect. And I must correct my assumption that the Gun Salute was a recording…..IT WAS NOT. IT WAS VERY LIVE AND LOUD. There were soldiers lined up and shooting real guns. The shells were given to Ron’s wife (Michalene) along with the flag. On the way out from the open pavilion the remaining empty shells were offered to anyone who wanted one. I took one and will bury it on our church property.
We all went to a nice restaurant and had a memorial lunch. There were 16 of us who attended this service. May Ron RIP.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
would I be wrong in assuming some delicious snacks & some adult beverages will also be in attendance today?
Why no Karen you would be spot on. Today’s card game was Skip Bo. Did I ever mention how much I dislike Skip Bo. No wonder I drink.
I think that’s really special to bury a spent shell from Ronnie’s service Kathie. I’m willing to bet that you will put a note with it so if it is found that person will know the significance of it and hopefully not remove it from the spot where you leave it.
G’nite my friends.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well it took almost all day for my right hand to go down from the swelling and of course it still hurts.

I have to leave the house by 8:30 tomorrow to get the Lidocaine test in my neck again.

I have the time for my surgery Thursday, 2:30.

All have a good night.