Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Well both Dr. appts went well. Am scheduled for Tuesday to get 2nd test on the right side of neck, then appt with the NP on Thursday about it, then we can schedule the test for the left side of neck, then will be able to schedule the nerve burning. I think that will have to be two appts, one each side. Then with the hand Dr, told him about the problem with the right hand and we decided that he will do the simple surgery of I think cutting the tendon to both my thumb and index finger. That will be done in the office as they have a small surgical center in the 1st floor office. This will happen after my visit with the NP. Told him about using a brace and he said that is fine as long as it helps. So it was a good day at the Dr's.

Since my right knee is bothering I have pulled a bag of frozen goulash for dinner, easy just heat up. Hardly any standing. I will have to get a referral to the Dr there that does knees but want to wait until the rest of things are done. Probably, hopefully after Hawaii.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good night from Kissimmee. Dinner is finished and the ribs were delicious. Plus we have enough leftover for another meal! Life is good. For a change, we're going to get to go out on the lanai after dinner. It has cooled off. Temp is only 88!!

See ya all tomorrow. Sleep well, bunnies! :sleepey smile: :sleep2::sleep002:


2nd Officer
Thursday morning already. Morning Bunnies!

Not much to gab about. Kathi has a busy morning. First, taking a granddaughter to band practice, then taking Jack to the Vet for a routine vaccination. And then, a trip she's looking forward to, a massage.

My day is going to be bland. I've got a "PET scan" tomorrow, so I'm to stay away from carbs and sweets today. And that means no ice cream. BOOO! And no breads.

You were so right KC in turning down future furniture moving. Us older Wabbits have earned the right to pass that chore on to the young-ins. Hope you've found a dentist. A toothache can drive you crazy 24 hours a day. Even with pain medicine. I'd bet that sometimes you wished you had a third arm to get in Scooter's drops.

You no longer get any "Two Buck Chuck" BB? So tough getting by on those lesser wines now has got to be rough.

The heat and humidity you Floridians have to deal with. Yes, the word "sauna" fits.

Buy any neat stuff in Michigan, Lee. (Other than gas.) Hopefully something frivolous.

Oh yea, a PET-Scan is pretty much the same as a CT-scan. But they also inject radioactive tracers in you. I wonder if Kathi will be able to use me as a night light for a few days.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Quiet morning here on the Bunny board!

We're going to have a weird type of day here weather wise. We are getting some haze from the fires in Canada. It's reaching that far south! On top of the we'll also be getting some of the latest Sahara dust cloud. Sky this morning isn't our usual pretty blue. It's more a pale blue today. Probably not the best day for me to spend very much time outside. Glad we've got nothing going on.

Dave - Good luck with the PET scan tomorrow. Heck, you're getting radioactive tracers inserted. Heck, that's nothing. Our wonderful governor has signed a bill that they can use radioactive material in our roads! Can't wait to see how they're going to glow!!!
Speaking of that a-hole, they just approved a new African American history book. In it it says that slavery was actually a good thing in that it gave the slaves job training! Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? In the same book it discusses a massacre that took place here in Florida where an entire town was destroyed and the residents killed. They're trying to say that the African Americans started it. I feel sorry for anyone going to school in Florida these days. They are certainly dumbing down education thanks to you know who!

Got nothing else for you this morning. I'm gonna get a cup of coffee and read the newspaper to see what else is going on in the world.

Have a super day, everyone!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Yesterday after getting home for the Dr's I decided to sit in the smallest recliner we have and while it felt good I has a major problem getting out, took me over 8 minutes. Well after doing whatever it was I sat back in that chair and was there until Bruce got home. We decided that I need to use his power recliner so I am using it, Part of my problem is my right knee and the rest of the problem is a spot on my lower back that is killing me.

With the test being done on Tuesday I am off my vitamins, minerals and the fish oil, have to be off them for 5 full days before. No pain meds except Tylenol, which only partially helps.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon. Waiting for the thunder storms to start here. Thanks of course to the heating and cooling brought on by the sun and clouds.
Michigan. Don't tell Kathi but it was a "Pure Waste" yesterday. The Meijer's we went to has seen way better days. Trader Joe's was hardly bigger than a Circle-K and Panera was out of more stuff than they had. Including us when we walked out after the third item we asked for they were unable or they were unwilling to make. We did pick up a few things in TJ's that we can't get here at our grocery stores.
I was going to ask which on of the PETS were getting scanned Dave. Glad you 'splained it to me. ;)
On the topic of 2 buck chuck, it's now $4 chuck Pat. Well, in MI anyway. IT's gonna take a long time for the future to clean up the huge amount of horsesh!t your beloved moron of a governor is spreading.
I'm thinking of the possible effects of cutting a tendon in your hand Nancy. Hopefully the end result is what you are hoping for.
It's getting darker than night here. I think we're in for a major blow anytime! Seems like as good a reason as any to get a glass of wine.
Hi to the rest of the gang!


2nd Officer
have done some research on the surgery and found this: release the A1 pulley at the base of your trigger finger

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick good morning.
Hoping that PET scan goes well Dave.
We did indeed get nasty storms with rain and high winds here last evening. I was glad I took our planters off the front porch because I’m sure they would have toppled. I’ll put them back out when I’m done here. Which, with little to say this morning, is just about now.
Everyone be well and have a fantastic day.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the back is hurting a lot and the only chair I can sit in is Bruce's lift recliner. IF I feel like this tomorrow I will go to the ER. And my right hand has swollen fingers, so glad I will get the surgery next week.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good afternoon! It's strange not to see a post from Dave first thing in the morning. I hope his PET scan goes well.

If you get any weird emails from me, let me know. I'm not sure yet, but I may have been hacked. Sorry, if you get something that doesn't look right.

Already made a trip to Sam's for a few staples we needed for the weekend. Wanted to go early because it is hot, hot hot out there today. Not a good day to be outside for very long.

This has to be a quick post as we're just about to have lunch. I wanted to get this posted before I forgot it was even there.

Have a great afternoon!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Here you go Momma Bunny. A few staples to get you through the weekend.
:emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
Just dropped in to Say Happy Friday all! Not much going on to gab about.
Dave, hope the Pet Scan went well & you are so right we were all thinking what kind of pet is getting scanned now?

Kathie, hope you had a nice visit to
Canada & were able to stock up on goodies from your fav bakery in town.

Lee, glad you survived the storms with no damage. Bummer that your trip to Pure Michigan was less than impressive, next time make sure the Andersons will be in town before you plan a trip south.

Jane came over this morning & helped me roll up a big 8x10 rug I'd ordered from Walmart so I could return it.
Then I had her call our credit union to get the account # for her IRA so we could move it to Discover. We had looked everywhere in her paperwork & couldn't find it. And the statements they mail out don't have the full #, now she will be able to roll it over & get a MAJOR increase in interest.
Also helped her open 2 CD accounts with Discover to get a better interest rate.
Then she gave me a hair cut so it was a very productive day for both of us. Took the rug back to Walmart & refuse to buy anymore rugs online, this is the 4th one I've bought & then didn't like after I got it. I will start looking in Home Depot & Lowes for a big rug.
Going over to mow Jane's back yard tomorrow, I wanted to try & put it off till next week, but decided I may as well get it done & over with.
Tooth is much better, trying to find a dentist thru my insurance, but it's hard not knowing anything about them.
Enjoy your evening all!


2nd Officer
Good Saturday morning Wabbits!

Lee; We too got some serious storms, wind, blown down trees hitting cars and houses, and tornadoes in northeast Ohio Thursday night. Luckily most of the mess missed Massillon by about 4 miles. Heck, even the tornado sirens were going off here, and were prepared to go down to the basement. Are those "staples" considered fruits or vegetables?

You've sure got one nutsy Governor, BB. Mister "Tall white boots"? No screwy E-mails from you yet. Rita is usually the Bunny that gets hacked.

Good choice KC in no longer buying a rug online. It may have been only 8 by 10, but I'd bet that sucker was still heavy. What room was that planned for? Come to think of it, WHERE is K2?

Now about why I wasn't on here yesterday morning; Well at the time I usually post I was in the back of an ambulance on the way to the ER. Not to worry, everything turned out fine.

I woke up sweating like a whore in church. For no apparent reason. Just pouring off of me. One of the EMTs asked if I'd just got out of the shower. Plus I was dizzy, feeling like I was about to pass out, and couldn't stand up to get in the car. So Kathi called the fire department. On the way over they got me hooked to a whole lot of machines and took some blood and started an IV of "water". Blood pressure had taken a nose-dive, I was dehydrated, low blood sugar, some minerals were low in my blood. So another IV bag of stuff till I returned to a satisfactory condition. They have metal-detectors at the hospital now, and when Kathi showed up she set the alarms off, causing the guards to search her purse.

They never could definitely determine what had caused my problem, but felt the restrictive diet they had me on for the Pet Scan may have triggered the problem.


They then wheeled me to the department that does Pet Scans, and it went off without a hitch. I've never seen so many things marked "Radioactive" in my life.
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Good morning. Am feeling a bit better this morning but still the back is not working right and neither the hands.

Yesterday ARCA was to have a race in Pocono but rain canceled it until this morning so am watching that. And have Xfinity and Truck races to watch today and Cup practice and qualifying. So a full day of NASCAR.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Home Sweet Home GIF
Hi all you Wrabbits! Nice to be home.

DAVE: WOW.... you go BIG when you get off your Ice Cream Diet! Good to know it all worked out for you. So tell us.... did you go in the shower get all drippy wet just so you wouldn't have to wait to get called in for your PET SCAN! Sneaky way of doing things if that's true. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: Main thing is that YOU ARE OKAY! Rest up! I bet Kathi's purse has a metal frame that set off the scanner machine!


Trip to Canada was great. Why we made the trip was asked. It was time to visit all the relatives at all the various cemeteries and to see how Goderich was doing. 1st stop was Culbert's Bakery and we actually had to wait in line outside for 10 mins and then another 10 mins inside before ordering. YUM, YUM on the Cream Puff Donuts. Placed a order for pick-up before we came home and that worked out great.
Goderich was hopping with people in the Square and live music on one of the evenings. Buildings all restored from the tornado and trees look full grown in the Court House Square.

All is good in Goderich. Parking spaces were ALL FILLED. A good sign for sure.
Motel was a disappointment. Next time it will be Comfort Inn. Trying to help out the local small motels scattered about is not working for me. The shower was newly remodeled and had NO WHERE to put your SOAP. Hence, you had to leave it in the washcloth the entire time you were in the shower. STRANGE to say the least. And NO CLOSET or HANGERS. Just a nice board on one wall with big Hooks. No toilet paper holder. I ended up putting it on one of the hooks just to keep it from being on the back of the toilet tank. VERY STRANGE. At least the bed was comfortable.

Talking about that STORM that BLEW through the other day. WOW, some areas were reporting BASEBALL SIZE HAIL. One car dealership had damage to every car on their lot. Smashed windows and dents on all the cars. A tree hit a historic home in the city we use to live in. Lots of damage. Our house was okay when we got back. Whew.

Karen: What's this all about Betty moving back?? I take it she found a new place to rent? Good for you saying NO to moving her FURNITURE. I'm sure the old gal can more than afford to hire movers. Hope Scooters Eye is better by now.

Nancy: Bummer on all your aches and pains. It just doesn't seem to get better for you. Take care.

BB: Got a kick out of all the "Staple" comments. Hope you stocked up on everything you need. Always good to throw in a extra bottle of wine for safety sake. Ha Ha.

I am about to pay bills online. Hey, somebody has to do it.

I was looking out the back bedroom window into the yard and the SQUIRREL made it's LEAP onto the Bird House Feeder. This is after Art moved it a good distance from the arbor. UNREAL. I ran out on the deck and JET SPRAYED him until he jumped off and ran. Then I went out in my nightshirt and turned the pole so there is no way he can get to that SEED now. The Rabbits chewed into the plastic green fencing around Art's veggie garden and ate 1/4 of his beans. That really ticked him off. They already chomped down the
Hosta plant in that area. Always Something!

You all have a good Saturday and get out and enjoy the nice weather while it's here.
You Florida Belle's have to do that EARLY because of the high temps. Take care.


Chief Security Officer
Nothing like getting an ambulance ride when you need to PET scan, Dave. imGuess they put you at the head of the line when they saw how you arrived, though I suspect that you would have preferred not to have drawn so much attention. Glad the results turned out well.
Had my final PT session on Wednesday. Wish the insurance would have authorized more but I am keeping to the exercise
regimen while at home and there seems to be some improvement.
Had an appointment with my primary care Thursday and he seemed pleased with all my vitals. He is very prompt but thorough. It actually took me longer to check out and get a next appointment, than it took to check in and see the nurse and doctor.
Today will be interesting. One of my cousins has organized a family reunion of members of my maternal grandmother's family. Some of them we haven't seen in decades. Kevin and Lisa and some of their kids will be there also.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and happy Saturday!

Dave - OMG! What a scary experience, but one was to skip the line for the PET scan. Don't you go doing that again, ya hear? Read something this morning that if you have ice cream for breakfast, it makes you smarter. Thought of you immediately. Thank goodness that wicked weather missed your area. Sounds like a lot of damage was done not that far from you. Good that you have tornado sirens in your area. We don't have them here which is strange due to the number of tornados that hit Florida. Many spring up during thunder storms.

Kathie - Welcome home! Sounds like there were good and bad parts of your trip north of the border. Weird sounding motel you stayed at. Glad you got your cream puff donuts. Also glad the weather didn't do any damage in your area. Your battling with the squirrels and rabbits sounds like our battles right now with raccoons. The little suckers are going after our pineapples. We had 8 of them growing in pots right outside the lanai and they managed to take a bite out of 3 of them that were close to being ready to pick. Bert picked off most of them, but there are still 2 small ones growing. I hope the raccoons leave them alone. They cleaned off the mango tree next door a few weeks ago, so I guess they were looking for more fruits to eat. D*mn creatures!!!

Nancy - Enjoy your races.

Lee - Those weren't exactly the "staples" we were going shopping for. Needed to restock some meat and seafood that we ran out of. Plus some fresh veggies. Oh yeah, almost forgot some vino too!

Bill - Good for you keeping up with the exercises. Bert is finished with PT also and is continuing to do the exercises a few times every day. Enjoy your family reunion! That is so cool that you can all get together, Wish we could do that, but I have no clue where most of the family scattered off to. Really makes me sad not to see so many from my past.

Making goulash today for dinner. Planned to do that yesterday, but after such a bad night's sleep I was just too tired all day. Got a good night's sleep last night so I'm ready to start cooking. Might also make a cucumber salad to go with dinner. That's a favorite of Bert's.

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Do something fun, if you can.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
adivina GIF by Sony Music Perú

Wow! Somebody knows how to make an entrance! Glad it all turned out OK in the end Dave.
Welcome home Kathie. I hope you enjoyed the hospitality of the good folks in Goderich. Sorry about your ”rustic” motel lacking in some basic amenities. Culbert’s recently changed owners but all of their recipes were part of the deal. As is opening Sundays now. After the hurricane hit the rebuilding effort included bringing in mature trees. The town fathers, and likely mothers too, wanted the square back to normal asap.
Will there be name tags Bill? Good for you keeping up your exercise at home. I know for a fact how important that is. If I take Ava for her two walks and cut the front and back yards I sometimes let that count as my walking. Stay active my friend.
My F1 guys are back in action at the Hungarian Grand Prix this weekend Nancy.
Danged critters Pat. If I’m not mistaken don’t pineapples take a long time to grow to a point they can be harvested? Cudos to Bert for keeping up with his PT as well!
There’s some things that we just won’t buy online either Karen. Especially if they don’t have a “brick and mortar” store for easy returns. That Wayfair company comes to mind. Free shipping but returns are on your dime!
We went to our Amherstburg Night Market last evening. Town was just a buzz with people, open air dining, vendors and music. All along and a block from The River.
Well, it’s getting warm out back here. Time to venture inside.
Be good and enjoy your day folks.