Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
SKIP BO..... never heard of it. So I looked it up. Well, after watching the YouTube video I can see why you can't stand Skip Bo Lee! Yikes, way too much for little ole me to remember.

I went outside onto the deck around 8:30 pm, because it was nice out there! Well, one tiny little baby mosquito managed to bite me on my WRIST BONE and then 3 times about 5 inches above that before I smashed the SOB.
I really am allergic to the little SOB's and now have a wrist bone that looks deformed. And might I add
those itches to no end. I would NEVER EVER be able to be a good camper!

DAVE: So is the house, etc, etc all nice and
shiny? Be careful, the city might raise your taxes if you spiff it up too much! :emoticon 0140 rofl:

Nancy: Nice that you finally have a surgery date. Hope it works out for you.

Lee: Thanks for the idea of putting a note with the shell casing. I need to find a waterproof plastic bag. I'm sure that the Container Shoppe would sell something like that.

Karen: I must tell you that when you mentioned being fitted or sized for a Choir Robe I am SO GLAD our church doesn't require them. Maybe because we're up in a choir loft and nobody would ever see them on us. I think you'll make a great choir member!

I got out our Trust Book tonight and wanted to make sure we each had a Power of
Attorney in it. WE DO! This book is about 3.5 inches thick with all kinds of stuff I have no idea about the meaning. There is a Quit Claim Deed filled out and ready to be filed if something should happen to both of us at the same time.... or after one of us is gone. Need to ask the lawyer about that paper.

We got 15 drops of RAIN just about 10 minutes ago. So much for a big rain fall that the weather folks keep talking about. I think it might be closer to Lee and Dave. Whew!

Tomorrow, I need to go get my 10 week check up on my eye surgery. Thank goodness it's in the afternoon and I don't have to get up early. Should be a quick visit. Sure was worth it to have this surgery done. I can see so much better.
Other than that quick visit we're HOME FREE for more than a few weeks when it comes to doctors appts.

Out of here for now. You all have a good TUESDAY tomorrow!

Good Night Sticker GIF by BREAD TREE


Wacky Wabbit
PAT, I think you've been hacked on your Facebook account. I got a message from you asking me to look at a OLD PICTURE YOU FOUND OF ME! That's just not like you to send something like that out. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. ASAP
hack GIF


2nd Officer
Good Tuesday morning Bunnies.

Very few shoppers were at Giant Eagle yesterday morning but, If nothing else, we learned NOT to go grocery shopping on a Monday. The hordes of shoppers over the weekend pretty much depleted what was on the shelves. Heck we even came home with some Key lime pie ice cream. It was just OK. The flavor needs to be quite a bit stronger. Plus it wasn't very creamy.

Very creamy ice cream needs to be kept at a lower temperature than the cheap stuff to remain firm. I keep our kitchen frig freezer set at minus 20 degrees. Which is perfect for very creamy brands like Bryer's. But the cheap brands turn into a rock.

I for one think that "The Right Reverend KC" has a nice ring to it.

Any new posies for your front door, BB?

Lee, I'd sure appreciate it if you would post a picture of those "double walled glass coffee mugs".

I'm happy that the funeral went off well, K2. And that there was a firing of real rifles. Can't say I've ever heard of handing out spent shells. Or burying one on church property.

Jack is off to the Vets' this morning for a routine blood test.



2nd Officer
Quick good morning, heading to Jane's in a few to mow the front yard

Pat, ditto what Kathie said, I got the same weird message from you on FB, I didn't click the link but pretty sure it wasn't from you!

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Time only for a very quick message. Time for Bert to head to the doctor's.

Yes, I know I was hacked. I've already fixed it this morning, hopefully. Apparently the hack came from California around 9 last night. #@&%$!!!

Be back later.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Summer GIF by Eledraws (Eleonore Bem)
Slept in until 8:15 a.m. Felt good. It's hazy outside and HOT already. This week is going to be EXTREMELY HOT and next week is going to be a killer for us Northerners.

We get to watch Mr Manny for 4 days the third week of August. I just hope the temps are not in the 90's + that week. Jill and family are going up North for a nice vacation. Good for them.

BB: Glad you fixed the HACK.
Hope all goes well for Berts doctors appt.

DAVE: Thanks for the heads up on NOT shopping on a Monday because the shelves are almost empty from weekend shoppers. As for burying the shell on the church property I came up with that idea! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:

Karen: What did you end up making for the Potluck? Hope you get enough to show up in your HOT weather.

NEGC: So how are things on your end of the map? Does your complex have a pool that you can go to or not? I wish our subdivision had a pool when it's as hot as it has been lately.

Lee: Did you guys get some of that rain I read that Windsor got yesterday? How bad was it?

Those darn mosquito bites are still itchy. Better, but the one on the back of my leg from a few days ago is still letting me know to stay away from the cherry tomato plants unless I have long slacks on.

Need to go to Best Buy and pick the brains of some of those smart guys and gals about the Extra CLOUD storage program and if I can find a cheaper application. Sure wish I knew more about computers like the younger generation.

Have a safe and fun day Wrabbits. Later gang!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Had the test injection this morning. The worst part is the numbing. So far it feels very good and should the rest of the day. I can do whatever I need/can do. Don't really have any plans for the day.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
No pool, but a nice clubhouse. If we really need any pool time, both Lisa and Kevin have pools. I've always felt that the costs and work involved in maintaining a pool outweighed the advantage, especially considering the relatively short period of time we would be able to use it. My next door neighbor, when we lived in Hanover, put a pool in for his teenage daughters only to find that they preferred to go the beach with their friends.
According to the local weatherpersons, we may actually experience our first official heat wave later this week (three consecutive days of 90+degree temperatures). As long as our AC continues to work, I'll be fine.
I was looking at my calendar and noticed that during the last ten days of October, I have appointments with five different medical specialists and my primary care. Not sure how that happened.
The Red Sox may be in last place in their division but lately, their games have been exciting to watch. I kinda like this year's new schedule since we get to see National league teams instead of only the teams in the AL.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good afternoon.
I totally agree about your thoughts on a pool Bill. BIG $$$ for a minimal return. Especially if you don’t heat it. Our friends didn’t get heat for their pool and can’t be bothered using their solar blanket. They pretty much admit it is just a “carrot” to dangle in front of their grandkids…
Hope the trip to Bert’s doctor appointment was a good one. Any “fun” stops along the way?
Any special prep required for your procedure tomorrow Nancy?
You know Kathie, we never even got a drop! The day before was a different bag of cats though. I swear Lu-Ann has something in her blood that attracts mosquitoes. We just use iCloud for our extra storage and back ups. It’s really inexpensive for what we have but we’ve had it forever.
Not sure why I’m not a fan of SkipBo, other than a game seems go on on longer than any given Kevin Costner movie. We did alter the rules so people only got 15 cards instead of 30 in their draw pile. That made it mildly more tolerable. I wanted to rename it SipBo and make sure players had to have a sip of their beverage whenever, well, whenever they want.
Seems it’s not just us two leggers that have doctors appointments Dave. We have the first bloom of the season on hibiscus! It’s ginormous. I’ll take and attach another picture showing the double walled coffee mugs.
Best go make a coffee and take a pic for Dave.
All of you have a fantastic Tuesday.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
…And here is a pic of the double walled coffee mugs. I left mine black for the picture. I don’t know how they work but they sure do keep hot beverages hot!
Even though the Nespresso machine is in the background that coffee is a regular Starbucks Pike Place K-Cup.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the Lidocaine wore off a lot faster this time but while it was there I had no pain when moving my neck, at least on the right side.

Lee, no real prep for the surgery on Thursday except no aspirin. Bruce is not taking any jobs Thursday so he will be driving me even though they say I can drive after. Which if the numbing is strong I most likely won't be able to grab the steering wheel, so having him to drive is good.

Today I put the new freezer pack for my knees on my right knee, actually twice, and will say the knee feels better. The pack covers from below to over the knee.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Went over to my friend Marie's just now and we sat out on her patio. It's nice out there, but the HAZE for the pollution in the air is so visible and heavy I gave up and we cut the visit short. My eyes are burning from being out there. On the way home looking up the road it was as if someone had a wood fire going and the smoke was hanging in the humid air. :eek:

Lee: Really a shame that the people spent all the money and the TIME of the O.G.C. guys putting in the decking and railing and they don't HEAT the POOL to use it. Pools up here are just MONEY PITS big time.

I saw on the National news tonight that somewhere in Florida the water temp was 100 degrees. That's crazy nuts.

Tigers are losing so far in the baseball game.

Love that U of M football coach got
suspended 4 games "so far" for lying about illegal recruiting. Serves him right. I bet he thinks if the "T" man can get away with lying he can too.

Be good little Wrabbits and sleep well.
Good Night Baby GIF by Bilbareed

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sorry Nancy. For some reason I thought this was Wednesday. Even though I mentioned Tuesday earlier.
They do say cheaters never prosper Kathie. Sometimes it just takes a while for them to get what they deserve.
We’re under a heat warning and we may see some severe thunderstorms tomorrow. That would be Wednesday.
Have a good night everyone.


2nd Officer
That sure is one pretty posey, Lee. And I like those coffee cups. Much like insulated windows with 2 layers of glass. I can see now how they keep coffee hot longer. My coffee cup is glass, but only one layer thick. Which explains why coffee cools down so quick.

You're so right Bill that pools up north aren't worth the expense and effort to keep them maintained. Kathi and I found that out the hard way, which is why we filled it in. Heck, it cost more to heat that thing than it did to heat the house in winter.

K2; 4 days of watching Manny. My bet is that at the end of that time period Manny will have more energy than Granny. You are going to be sweet aren't you, and let him sleep in your bed with you?

Hoping that Bert's doctor's visit went well, BB. And that your hacking problem has been solved.

KC; AKA, "Miss Will Work For Food", what did Jane serve you this week?

It's another roasty-toasty day here today. As I watched the power-washer guy work on Monday I thought, "If you've got to work outside, that's the job to have." With all the blowback of water in the air and bouncing back at you. And that water is around 55 degrees coming out of the faucet and into his hose.

Here's an oddballer I forgot to mention. The other day a couple of grandsons came over to help weed and spread some mulch. They only got about 1/2 of it done because of the heat. But they got to choose lunch, and they chose KFC. I just love their coleslaw and they put some in with the chicken.

But usually I just buy "Grandma's" coleslaw. A national brand found at most grocery stores. FINALLY I got to do a head-to-head test between KFC and Grandma's, which I had in the frig. I was surprised at the result. Both are great, and KFC has always been my favorite. But actually there's VERY little difference in their tastes. As in appearance, all I could see is that KFC's had small pieces of carrots in theirs.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer

Why? Because I heard this yesterday for the first time in ages and it made me smile. I hope it does the same for all of you.
Already feels like 72F! I was surprised by the number of people and dogs, who like Ava and I, were out for an extra early walk Between 5:30 and 6:00. That’s in the morning as a few of us early risers will attest actually does exist. ;)
It’s always fun to be able to do a side by side taste test Dave. Often we can be surprised, both good and bad, by the results.
I’m not sure what the day with the projected humidex of 100F may bring. Storms included. But I suspect it won’t involve a lot of outdoor stuff.
I’ll see you all later to check in on you all.
Have a good one.


Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF by DINOSALLY
Good morning Wrabbits. It's going to be a HOT one here in

PURE MICHIGAN today! And later in the afternoon we'll get winds and then predicted STORMS. HOLD ONTO TO YOUR WINE GLASSES!

Art and I have been out on the deck enjoying the various "Critters" and birds at the feeder for hours. It's just starting to get Humid out there. I should be cleaning this house, but heck it can wait until the storm comes.

Lee and Dave: I give you guys lots of "KUDOs" for getting up so early and walking those dogs. Manny will NOT be sleeping in the bed with us when we watch him. I'd love to do it, but Jill & Mark have worked hard to set up a nice routine for this 1 year old puppy and I just couldn't mess it up. Spoiling it with lots of playing and treats will be happening for sure. Walks will be much shorter than he is use to depending on how my knee feels that day! :oops:

You all have a great day. I'm going back outside for a tad longer with a fresh cup of coffee.

Lee: Always LOVED that SONG. Thanks for posting it. Now it will be in my head all day. :wink2:


Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! Don't know why I never made it back here yesterday, but got invoved doing nothing after we got back from the doctor.
Speaking of doctors, Bert's visit went well. He doesn't have to go back to this guy unless he has a problem again with his "manly parts".

Kathie - Those 100 degree water temps are down by Key West. It's actually killing the coral. It turns white and dies from water that is too warm. Climate change is a b*tch!!

Lee - Loved your song this morning. Always liked that song. I'm sure more people were walking their dogs earlier today with your projected heat, that you northerners just aren't used to. Those are neat coffee cups. I can just imagine how warm they would keep coffee. I have a pair of walled wine glasses like that which is supposed to keep your wine cold. I wouldn't know as I don't refrigerate red wine and if we have white, it never lasts long enough to see if it really keeps the wine cold!! LOL

Bill - When we lived up north we had an above ground pool. Spent many a day floating around in my 15 sq ft of heaven! The Goodyear blimp used to spend at least a month docking at our local airport less than 5 blocks away. Nothing like floating in the pool and have the blimp fly low overhead. People on the blimp would wave to us and it was flying so low, we could see who was wearing glasses! The blimp was the highlight of summer there!!

Dave - Never heard of GRANDMA'S COLE SLAW. Supermarkets here sell containers of things like coleslaw that are packaged themselves at their factory. We have 2 types of coleslaw available - sweet or regular. We always get the sweet as the other one tastes bitter to me. The sweet is similar in taste to KFC.

Waiting for grandson Wesley to get here. We have 4 plants he needs to dig out that will go to his parents. 3 of the plants are hibiscus which Bert hates due to how they continually drop yellow leaves and the flowers only last one day. He's also digging out a honeysuckle plant. It is being replaced by a fragrant jasmine plant and next to that will go a firecracker plant that has red flowers that hummingbirds are drawn to. I think the kid is looking for money as he's due to leave soon for a new job near New Orleans.

Speaking of which, Wes just pulled in the driveway. Time for me to run. Have a great day, everyone!


2nd Officer
A late good morning. Well this morning my arms, right hand, left thumb and right knee are hurting. Will be putting the freezer pack on the knee in a bit.

Have had two calls from the surgery coordinator about tomorrow wanting to change my appt to the time I am seeing the NP about my neck test yesterday. I just hope that appt goes quick, even if I get a schedule for the test on the left side of the neck.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
HOLY COW, is it ever raining, thundering AND lightening here right now.
Are you getting it too Kathie?
I‘m glad that Rainbow Connection made you all smile. :)
Great news for Bert. Mostly knowing that as long as all goes well he doesn’t need to have the doc messing around with his man parts.
I’ve noticed that as I age the doctors are more interested in my “bee-hind” than they are with grabbing my man parts and asking me to cough!