Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Good Monday morning,Bunnies!

Lee; I'm with KC on your "Country Bumpkin" song. That is a good old fashioned, telling a story, crying in your beer, Country song. So many of the current songs sound more like rock & roll than country. Isn't it nice Lee that no matter what is wrong with your Subaru, it's all under warranty?

That solar powered glass colored bird sounds so cool, K2. Your best friend is going to love it. Sorry to hear about your Sister In Law going into the ICU.

I don't know what you are going to do about going to that "hoity toity affair" BB, but I'd find a way NOT to go. If for no other reason than it's 2 hours away.

Very observant of you KC in figuring out that child has an aversion to things around his neck. I bet you're glad now that you decided to visit that ER. And NOT get stuck there for 4 hours.

Looks like we're going to help the bottom line of our appliance store once again. The clothes washer crapped out yesterday. Hope they can fix it. That antique is over 25 years old.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good mornin’ everyone.
I sure hope those meds settle your tooth down Karen.
Now, about that old country tune, Lu-Ann’s Mom tagged me as her (her Mom’s) country bumpkin. I’d never heard the tune until she played it for me. I so miss that lady.
I have to agree about current, for the most part, “country” music. I’m not sure what country it’s from. I guess I’m a fan of 60’s - early 90’s country.
I think most dogs love a good swim in a calm lake Kathie.
Speaking of dogs, Ava’s looking for breakfast.
As for me, what comes after sun, heat and rain? Cutting the grass…
Be good folks.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well the race is happening today at noon.

I put the chair on Facebook yesterday afternoon and no takers yet, so if nothing then I will put on Marketplace.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning! I sure hope today's weather is better than yesterday's. It rained most of the day and went from torrential t-storms down to drizzle. Now today the storms are expected around 1. Hopefully, they won't last all afternoon. Not that it really matters. We have nothing going on today.

Nancy - The mother of the bride specifically states no tees, jeans or sneakers. Obviously, she's thinking high class French Countryside. On the website they have pictures of what she wants. Men looking casual in shirts and dress pants. Women in cocktail length or long gowns. If we go, I'm going to wear a pretty top and a pants. I don't do dresses any longer. Besides, I'll be in the wheelchair, so a dress would be a waste of time. The only reason I'd want to go to the wedding is being able to spend a few days in St Augustine which is one of my favorite cities.

Karen - I hope those meds are helping. Only thing worse than a toothache is an earache. Both hurt like heck! Are you going to the dentist to have the tooth looked at?

Dave - The 2 hour drive is what it takes to get to G&L's house. St Augustine is about 3 1/2 hours away. Count me in on preferring old country music as opposed to the new stuff. Same feelings as listening to "oldies" as compared to the garbage they are putting out today. It makes no sense at all, if you listen to the words. Sorry your washer decided to die on you. I hope it can be fixed. The cost of appliances today is ridiculous.

Lee - Have fun cutting the grass. I hope you do it early enough before it warms up too much. Are you getting an fire smoke in your area right now? I hope not.

Kathie - So what "easy going" place did you go to eat at yesterday? We're having an easy going dinner tonight - turkey burgers. That is, if it isn't raining. Surprisingly, they are really good, especially with lettuce, tomato and mayo.

I'm going to be on a quest today. Need to find an electrician to fix the light in out bathroom and someone to trim the bushes in our yard. Lawn guy has been too busy cutting lawns in between the rain storms and has no time to trip the bushes. They have gotten way to big and if we don't get someone soon, we'll be getting a violation letter from our HOA. Hopefully neither will be too hard to find.

So on that note, it's time for another cup of coffee before I go on my quest. Have a great day, everyone!


Wacky Wabbit
Good ALMOST NOON! Where did the morning go??

Karen: Hope you've called the dentist. You might have a abscessed tooth that can only get worse if not looked into. Good that you are on antibiotics. Take care.

PAT: If I got ALL those instructions for what to wear to a wedding I'd be sending a card with a check and flipping them the bird. I think that takes a lot of nerve. We've gotten invites that have said "FORMAL" attire suggested. It was for "The HENRY Ford". Lee knows it's a museum and although it was STAGED beautifully, Art wore a Black suit and appropriate tie, etc. There were many others dressed just like Art.

We ended up at Leo's and I had a chicken noodle soup, that was VERY GOOD, and a Club Sandwich. We could have shared the Club sandwich it was so big. Came home and Art had some of the cookies I baked.

Art went to the Stone & Gravel shop this morning to get 2 metal buckets of Pea-Gravel. He's on the side of the house doing his thing. It's like a kid playing in the sand. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I got all our Canadian Money gathered up and found $37.17. That will help get us started on our venture to Canada. Found our passports and I have a copy of the reservation where we are staying. It always helps to have that at the border to get through quicker. Our US Dollar is worth $1.27323 right now. So we make about .27 cents on the dollar. We'll get some money exchanged at the border. The exchange will help lower the cost of the room. LORDY MOTELS ARE NOT CHEAP IN GODERICH! And I refuse to stay at the Dunlop Motel that looked like it was out of the Twilight Zone era like we did last time. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile: That was the place that was VERY CLEAN, but if you used the extra bed there would be a EXTRA CHARGE! Too funny. I need to gather some snacks for the trip and water & some cold tea. We can always find a coffee place on the road. I'm a big fan of grapes, apple slices and cheese cubes.
We go
WEDNESDAY morning early and come home on Thursday later in the day.

I'm off to fold a load of clothes. If you end up needing to buy a new WASHER make sure to take your HEART PILLS. When walking through Lowes last week we glanced at the washers and dryers in the main isle. UNREAL that you can spend almost $1,000 bucks for ONE OF THEM.

I see that Lowes has a lot of Washers and Dryers ON SALE until July 19th.

Enjoy your day folks. It's MUGGY and very HUMID here today. The air isn't as bad as the weather people reported.... so far! :emoticon 0122 itwasntme:


Chief Security Officer
Place me in the corner with KC and Dave when it comes to that song, even though I am usually not much of a country music fan. I also enjoyed some of the scenes in the video with Andie McDowell and Hugh Grant.
Who can we sue for misnaming yesterday Sunday? All we got was rain, heavy at times, and wind. Seems to have been the pattern for most weekends this summer.
Hope that you can make it to that wedding in St. Augustine, Pat. It is one of my favorite cities in Florida as well. One of my mother's cousins married a sailor and moved to St. Augustine and we visited them several times when I was much
younger. They had a drive-in restaurant right on US 1 that was very popular with the locals. She had, what I would have described as a heavy Southern accent, but the native Floridians claimed that when she spoke they could tell that she was a Yankee.
Thanks for that song from Peter Pan, Pat.
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2nd Officer
Pat, well that MOB wants casual for the men and Semi-Formal for the women. She is out of her mind.


2nd Officer
Feeling better today, still a little sore but not feeling as swollen or throbbing like yesterday. Laid around in bed most of the morning cause it was just rainy & nasty outside. Tomorrow I mow Jane's front yard & then Scooter has a vet appt. in the afternoon. The meds the vet gave her for her dry eyes seem to be causing more problems than they were helping. Her poor little eyes just stayed squinted shut all the time. I stopped giving her the drops on Sat. & she seems better today. Will see what the vet has to say, always a challenge with my ole girl.


2nd Officer
We had a good Monday. The clothes washer was fixed in less than a 1/2 hour. A nice surprise. The first surprise was her phone message over the weekend to the local appliance store got us a Monday morning appointment.

I haven't had a club sandwich in a long long time, K2. But now you've got me hungry for one.

That's such a happy commercial for Publix, BB.

And I'd forgotten the song was from "Peter Pan", Bill.

So pleased that you are feeling better, KC. Now it's Scooter's turn to feel better.

Hi there my favorite Canadian "Country Bumpkin", Lee. Yes, I can see you standing there with a pitch fork.

Oh goody, another doctor's office visit this morning to be told the results of a recent test. A PHONE CALL WOULD BE SUFFICIENT! Hell, charge me for an office visit, just so I can stay home.



Wacky Wabbit
Happy Good Morning GIF by joeyahlbum
IT's MONDAY .... just in case you were wondering!

Dave: I'm with you on "just call me the results of my test" and send me the bill. Geez!
I got to read and print off my full body CT Bone scan the other day. From my "uneducated guess" in plain simple words.........I have the OLD AGE SYNDROME! Ha ha. All seemed to be good as it can be. NO CANCER is all I was looking for.

Today is a GATHERING DAY for me. All I need for this trip is one of those long handle bags you get with a stores advertising on it for our trip to Goderich! Suppose to 'storm' on Thursday, so we may come home sooner or stay and enjoy the rain! Time will tell.

Out of here for now.

Karen: Hope you are feeling even better today. Keep a eye on that soreness. You don't want any infection getting into your system. Hope Scooter does gets some relief for the eye issue.

Can't call my brother. His phone was in his slacks pocket and got washed and it's USELESS. They ordered a new one and then have to show him how to use it. Not sure he'll be able to figure that out. Should be 2 weeks before all this happens. That's a lifetime for someone in his condition. SIL is still in ICU getting Dialysis. It's still all a mess.

Enjoy your day. Get out and walk if you can. It's good for you. :clap002:


2nd Officer
Good morning.

K2, today is Tuesday!

Well the race yesterday was good.

I normally get a text two days before an appt with the Dr's at the Ortho place, well none came yesterday for the Pain Specialist that I see tomorrow so I called this morning and yes it is set for tomorrow at 9:30. I did get the text this morning for my appt, on Thursday with the hand Dr.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good morning.

K2, today is Tuesday!

Well the race yesterday was good.

I normally get a text two days before an appt with the Dr's at the Ortho place, well none came yesterday for the Pain Specialist that I see tomorrow so I called this morning and yes it is set for tomorrow at 9:30. I did get the text this morning for my appt, on Thursday with the hand Dr.

All have a great day.

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Quiet day in the bunny hutch. Not very much to read. Is everyone taking Kathie's advice and is out walking???

We've had an interesting day. Bert had called last week abot getting his hearing aides cleaned and the wax taken out of his ears and was told just come in any Tuesday. Well that's what we did. He got there and was told by the gal at the desk that he needed an appointment to do what he needed. Rather than argue with her, she told him the doctor could see him at 2:00. This was 11:30. Luckily my favorite Jewish deli and restaurant is in the same comples. So we went to TooJay's for lunch. I got my favorite potato pancakes and Bert got a hot corned beef on rye. It was all so delicious that we ate everything. Then Bert went back to the office. Saw the doctor who now no longer cleans wax out of ears. She told him he has to go to his primary for that or be referred t o an ENT. After the wax is removed, then she can clean and test his hearing once again. Sort of a wasted 1 hour trip in each direction, except for the yummy lunch.

Dave - Nice save on the washing machine. A repair is always better, especially if yours still has an agitator in it. The new ones don't and half the time some of the clothes don't even get wet during the wash cycle. We just have to keep these old bunny washers going as long as possible.

Bill - Good catch on the Peter Pan song. I recognized it immediately. I think I am driving Bert nuts with every time the commercial comes on, I just automatically sing along with it!

Karen - Keep an eye on that tooth. You don't want a further infection. How's Scooter's eye doing? Have any trouble gettting those drop in her eye?

Nancy - The bride's mother decided on the proper attire for this wedding. I thin I forgot to mention that the bride's father is a surgeon and they have big bucks, so to the mother, this would be nothing out of the ordinary.

I see by the clock on the wall, Happy hour is fast approaching. Time for me to open a bottle of wine and catch up on the news of the day.

Have a good evening, everyone!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hello gang.
The day stated with the OGC’s moving a solid cherry entertainment unit from Lisa’s to Jim and Gail’s. We quickly realized that was the LAST moving job we do.
Good that your laundry machine got sorted quickly Dave.
Add me to the “just call me” with medical results team.
For fear of sounding like a wise guy Pat, with wax in his ears and dirty aides is there a chance Bert didn’t hear the receptionist clearly? Oh come on. You were all thinking it. ;)
As you and Art head to Goderich tomorrow Kathie, Lu-Ann and I are heading to Meijers, Trader Joe’s and Panera in Royal Oak, MI. You kids have a safe trip and enjoy that favourable exchange rate. But…buy gasoline on your side of the border. Even with the exchange it’s still cheaper in the US.
Was yesterday’s race really called The Crayon 301 Nancy?
I hope both you and Scooter Girl are feeling better today Karen.
I remember one summer when I was still a workin’ squid Bill when the answer to the question “what follows two days of rain” was “Monday”.
I should run. You all have a GREAT rest of today and as always a better tomorrow.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well the Dr that I see on Thursday they called and asked if I could come in tomorrow, well it works real good as I see another Dr there at 9:30 and now 11:30 for him. The place is about 20 miles so that is nice to only have to drive there
one day.

Lee, yes it was the Crayon 301.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Road Trip Summer GIF by @SummerBreak
All my bags are packed!! (yeah, I know there's a song with those words, but it's for a PLANE trip) :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

OH POOHY LEE......We could have had you over our house after you did all your Royal Oak Shopping. It's only about 45-50 mins away. Or we could have met you on Woodward someplace for lunch.
Have fun and just make sure to PARK IN THE RIGHT SPOT and PAY for the RIGHT CAR. If you can get into the parking structure it would be much safer and most likely cheaper. Parking in Royal Oak is really expensive. Somebody said they give you 15 mins "grace time" before they ticket your car if it expires.

Speaking of cars.... I got mine all vacuumed out and windows cleaned for our trip. MY CAR... MY RESPONSIBLITY to clean it. Ha Ha.

You all be good little Wrabbits while I'm gone.


2nd Officer
A suggestion for you K2. Whatever you say, just say it with confidence. So...... IT'S FRIDAY AFTERNOON!!! And anybody that doesn't believe that can eat my shorts! See, much more convincing. Have fun on your trip.

What? Is the doctor not making enough money to clean wax out of patient's ears anymore, BB? At least you got a yummy lunch out of it. Although the washer is working now, it still may not be long for this world. With its' age, you can hear the bearings wearing out. As the tech said, you'll KNOW when they do go out.

It's amazing Lee how you too tend to find a way to fit in a stop at a restaurant on your shopping sprees. Good thinking on knocking off further moving jobs. As it should be, that's a job for college age kids. After a couple of days of smoke in the air, the winds have finally pushed it off to the east.

Hi to the rest of you bunnies.

No reason for this song, I just like it.


2nd Officer
Good morning, going to try & play a quick game of catch up on your posts

Dave, glad the washer was a relatively quick repair. Will it be the end of the line when the bearings go or can those be replace too? I would seriously look into buying an old used washer when it does go. Might end up having to put a few $$ into it but I bet it would work better & still be cheaper than a new one

Kathie, Have fun on the road trip, if you told us why you are going for such a short trip I've forgotten.

Lee, I am also a member of the no more moving furniture club!! On Sat. my friend Betty who used to live here called to tell me she's moving back & could I move a dresser, tv & another cabinet for her. I said if she had someone to load if then yes, she didn't so I told her I could not. No way could I wrestle a big dresser by myself.

Pat, sounds like at least half of the people in the ear place have no clue what they are doing. At least you did get a nice lunch & a day out. I've seen the commercial you posted but would have guessed wrong on the show it was from, I was thinking Annie

Tooth was doing pretty good until I forgot to take my pain med last night, now it's throbbing again this morning. I need to go thru my insurance website & find a dentist. I haven't been to one in ages.
Vet said Scooters eyes were doing better as far as tear production so she wants her to stay on the drops. She also said they are still swollen so she's back on the steroid drop too. She did clean them all out yesterday so I'll be able to tell if the drops are helping better. Scooter isn't a fan of the drops but I'm able to get them in without to much trouble. She goes back next Thurs for a Dental appt & the vet said she would recheck tear production then, if it's still good we would be able to cut back on the drops & see if she keeps making her own
Now I need to find something to eat, took my meds on an empty stomach & I'm feeling it now

Bellalago Belle

2nd Officer
Good morning and Happy Hump Day! Gonna be a hot sticky day here. The feels like temp is already 100! Of course t-storms will arrive this afternoon to either cook things dowm or make it feel like an even worse sauna. Time will tell.

Kathie - Safe travels on your trip. And the reason for this trip is ...?

Lee - Ditto to you and Lu-Ann as you cross over into the US to go shipping. I can't remember the last time I was in a Trader Joe's. Just don't have occasion to head in that direction any longer. No more 2 Buck Chuck for us!!

Dave - Nice song for us to start the day with. I know what you mean about the washer. I cringe every time our washer makes a strange noise. I do the same with the dryer. But then again, I also cringe with some of the noises my body makes these days!! LOL

Karen - Great report on Scooter's eyes doing better. Now about that tooth of yours. Obviously, you need to have it looked at by a dentist. Stop wasting time. Sounds like there is an infection in there that needs to be cleared. An abcess is no fun and needs to be taken care of asap.

Nancy - Good going getting to see both doctors in one day at the same location.

Should be a pretty quiet day around here. Making a rack of baby back ribs for dinner as well as some carrots from Bert's garden. Other than that, there's not much planned. Hopefully, the rains will hold off and I'll get a chance to spend some time on the lanai.

But for right now, there's a cup of coffee calling my name before I get to making something for lunch. Have a wonderful day, everyone! And I got this done before noon!!!