Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Bill, how do you feel about being categorized, along with me, as a slow driving aisle clogging old fart? I guess being Canadian only makes me even less desirable.


Wacky Wabbit
Missy, Pat & Bert’s daughter, told me I could feel free to post this lovely picture of
Mama Bunny and Bert. Missy had someone ‘photoshop’ out the nasal cannula off Pat’s face. She said this was the last picture of the two of them together. Just beautiful.
Miss this special lady big time. Think of her often and hate it when I can’t share something with her on here.

Can you believe we DO NOT have anything on the calendar for 5 whole days! Bad part is we’re STUCK INSIDE because of the Deep Freeze going on outside. :crying: :eek:

You ALL stay safe and Dave & Kathi stay inside.
Nice chatter on here today!



2nd Officer
Oh goody, my health insurance began its' new year, which means I'm out of the donut-hole and starting all over again. Paying considerably higher prices for prescriptions. One of them which I've been paying $35 for, for the last few months, now jumps back up above $300 a month. BUT, without insurance it would be over $700. Grumble....grumble....

Were you a fan of that TV show "Yellowstone"? We got hooked on it a few months ago. And since then we've gotten caught up by watching all the recordings of past episodes. The latest in the news is they are now planning another season of new shows. But they won't be showing them till November. NUTS!

Our arctic blast continues. Single digit temperatures over night and this morning, and only teens for the rest of the day. Lots of schools closed.

Thanks so much for sharing the picture, K2.

All you Bunnies have a good Wednesday.

Including you slow driving, aisle clogging old farts. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
What a beautiful photo of Bert and Pat. Thanks so much for sharing that memory Kathie.
Mornin’ Dave.
Thank you Karen.
I have to get going. I want to get out early and drive slowly in the left lane just to pi$$ off some of the locals. Whether I make it back today could depend on how slowly I drive.
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2nd Officer
Good morning. My plan for today is getting a hair cut this afternoon. After I will go to the bank to exchange some money.

It is a lot cooler today with our high only to be about 65, so it will be a long pants day.

Thanks for the photo of Pat and Bert. Very nice.

All have a great day.


Anyone been on Caribbean Princess in December or January? I was on in late November and was not impressed with the entertainment at all. They claimed they were doing a big upgrade on that beginning in mid December so was hoping to get feedback. I’d like to go again soon but not if it is still mediocre at best. Thanks.


Wacky Wabbit
Wednesday Hump Day GIF by Chippy the Dog
Yup, it‘s Wednesday. Still in the single digits here in PURE FREEZING MICHIGAN. And to think people actually go out of their way to come and pay big bucks to SKI at some of the big resorts around here! Crazy!

Lee: You sure were up and walking early this morning. Hope you and
Lu-Ann have fun plans for today. And I really hope the temps start to climb up into the mid-70’s and higher soon.
Keep saving those receipts to show Customs just how generous you are while vacationing in the STATES! :D How’s the pool at the house this year? Any issues other than the low outside temps keeps you from doing Belly Flops right now! :confused:

Negc: How are you and Rita getting to the Port for your cruise? Driving or taking some type of hired transportation? Just wondering.

Dave: Yikes Dave ….that’s a huge jump in the price of that prescription
Our new rates for 2024 actually went down this year. UAW must have done some sweet negotiating at contract time. Art’s visit with his Cardiologist yesterday was only a $10 buck Co-Pay! Primary doctor visits are $Zero$ this year! Gotta love the UNION! Prescriptions on most of my Meds are $5 bucks for 90/days. The highest one is for blood thinner….$40 bucks for 120 pills for 90 days? (2 a day). I only take one a day and am still alive. (so far)!

How’s the new toilet doing? Is it another new SOUND you have to get use to!

Play nice in the Hutch Wrabbits.
I want to bake some blueberry scones before I wash that kitchen floor. Nice to see the SUNSHINE out! It helps not to be dreary while stuck inside.

Out of here for now.



Chief Security Officer
We'll be driving to Miami for the cruise and staying overnight in a Marriott property the night prior to boarding the ship. I have a free night from Marriott that we needed to use before the end of February so this works out well. Wouldn't want to make that long drive on the day we cruise.
Having my usual problems getting prescriptions from the local Walgreen's pharmacy. They are claiming my insurance company needs to know if I actually need the glucose test strips that the doctor prescribed. I have now been testing my blood sugars since 1998 so unless my diabetes has miraculously disappeared I think the answer should be obvious. Last year they wanted to charge me an outrageous price for one of my prescriptions because I didn't have my insurance card on me. When I brought it in the next time, the same clerk told me that I didn't need to show it because they had it in their records. Knew I should have found another pharmacy.
All the mail that was held by the East Bridgewater post office while we were on our cruise finally made its way to Vero Beach yesterday and it contained only one invoice with a payment due date of about a week ago. Will put a check in today's mail and hope they will disregard the late payment. Fortunately most of our recurring bills are on auto pay so the problem of late payments is minimal.

Lee, coming from Boston whose drivers are notorious for driving methods that could never be described as "slow", I was amused by that appellation.
Like you, Dave, I recently became a fan of Yellowstone and in light of the dearth of watchable programs on TV due to the strike, I have been pleased to see the networks bringing shows like that and Only Murder in the Building to network TV. Can't wait for the Super Bowl to be played and signal the restart of new programming.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
With the cooler temps Kathie, I find I have to watch for icebergs in the pool before I dive right in.
I bet your kitchen smells delightful with the scent of fresh baked muffins in the air on a cold winter day! It was only a tick over 50F here so I took Lu-Ann out to Mall at Millenia. We strolled around, had a light lunch at Cheesecake Factory (no cheesecake!), came home and sat on the pool deck for a bit with a nice cup of coffee.
We would have been home sooner but for the grey haired snowbirds in old, bashed up cars with Florida plates crawling along I4. Oh wait, they sound like residents here in God’s waiting room.
Careful Bill, some on here may think that “appellation“ is a mountain range up around the east / north east where slow driving snowbirds migrate from. You and Rita enjoy Icon!
Yes, we too have to pay a deductible for our meds as of January 1. Seniors in Canada, where slow driving snowbirds come from, have to pay $100 and then most prescriptions are covered by a combination of our provincial and federal medical plans.
Oh look. It’s “wine thirty”. I think I’ll meander over to the counter and pour me a glass of wine.
Have a good afternoon.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Got my hair cut and it feels good.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
This is what my weather App showed for temps I follow at 19:42 pm Wed night!
Feeling bad for you Florida folks. Brrr! Of course, it beats the heck out of Michigan m’s 16 F now.


Wacky Wabbit
The time I posted on my above message should read:
10:42 pm not
19:42! Opps

Dave’s temps in his Ohio is:
18 degrees w/2 degrees wind chill at 10:50 pm. Brrr.

Negc: 56 degrees at 10:50 pm Wed. It will get warmer soon!

Lee: I got a good laugh out of your Ice Berg post! :eek:

Good night all.


2nd Officer
Another good skiing day, K2. It was 2 degrees yesterday morning, but it went up 20 degrees since then. And with the heat wave, we might even do it in shorts. Ya game? It sure was pretty here yesterday with the sun shining brightly off of the snow. No new snow till tomorrow.

As for the new toilet; Yes it does have a distinctive sound. It doesn't have the sound of a normal toilet and it doesn't sound like a garbage disposal either. (Which it basically is. There is blades in there to grind up the waste and mix it with water before it sends it up to the sewer pipes.) It has a quiet humming sound.

You can always count on bills always be forwarded, Bill.

I see a new war between the north and the south. A war of drivers. I just figure that if I'm not behind the wheel, whoever is driving is doing a lousy job. :)

A trip may be order for us to head to Walley World today to pick up our prescriptions. And they also sell Ensure for $4 less than the grocery stores.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning. A balmy 50F here for our morning walk.
Ava and I had our first “can you tell me how to get to the gate” question this morning. The roads in the community do tend to curve and circle. If you make a wrong turn, especially in the dark, you can get really mixed up. I told them to turn around and head back on the road they were on, take a left and follow that all the way to the gates. The Dad, Mom and kids were headed to breakfast and then to Mouse World. According to the little guy in the back seat. Nope, they weren’t too excited. :)
I must ask Dave. Is the new commode regular height or the ”comfort” height ones? The older regular ones make me feel like I’m sitting on the floor. Careful out and about. There may be some slippery spots on roads and sidewalks.
It makes me smile in a good way that you keep such an eye on all of us and where we are Kathie.
The pool is set at 88F (I just felt Dave shudder!) and the spa heats to 102F. The icebergs really don’t stand a chance. How were those muffins?
How much stuff does one pack for a short cruise like that Bill? I think our Kathie already guessed an overnight bag for the two of you.
How are you doing with Scooter’s eye drops Karen? What project has your church got planned for you next or are you getting your own fence repaired?
We had asked Sunshine if we could have guests for a few nights while we were here. She so graciously said of course we could. Doug, Brenda and Peachy arrive later this evening for a week. Then they head over to visit their friends in Sarasota and finally our Amherstburg friends who own a house in Zepherhills.
Why look at that. It’s coffee o’clock.
Have a fantastic day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Cat GIF by Franziska Höllbacher
This is for Scooter if she is cold!

Yup, another chilly morning here in Michigan, but at least a tad warmer this morning. 22 F now.
And the weather people were SPOT ON about us getting a light snow this morning until 10:30 am. It’s a VERY FINE snow right now. Let’s hope it stays that way. They said it might get up to 1” in this area. Just enough to cause slippery issues getting out of the sub. Let’s hope the townships, etc SALT the freeway and entrances so the “worker Bees” get to their destinations safely. Oh how I remember setting the alarm really early to make sure I got to work on time on snow days. I’d do it all over if I could go back in time Just to enjoy my younger days. ;):p
Lee: It’s nice to follow all you Wrabbits when you’re away from the Hutch.
How fun having company for a week. That should help fill the trash container a tad more! Ha ha. Have fun with your friends and Peachy!
I made Blueberry Scones and a batch of Oatmeal, cranberry, white choc chip cookies. Art loves being able to grab some type of sweet to have with his coffee everyday! Always munching on something. Never gaining any weight amazes me. Incan can a pound just looking at the sweets!
Negc: Safe driving to Miami. Always a excellent idea to get to the port area a day before boarding. Should be a fun 3 days taking in all the GLITZ of a new ship. Hope the food is good. Have you ever had issues waiting to get onto elevators with the scooters? Just wondering. They really should have dedicated bigger elevators for scooters only.
Dave: Thanks for the explanation on how the new toilet sounds and works!
Hope you and Kathi were able to get your Med-pick up.

Art brought my bike downstairs from the garage yesterday and cleaned it up and then set it up on a spare“Trainer Stand” that he had. So today I will add 6 mins of peddling on the stationary bike to keep up with what I do at P.T.
I only go once a week to P.Therapy now, so I need to be diligent at home. :rolleyes:

You all have a great day. Be safe and let us know how it went if you have time.
Time to make some Decaf-Tea. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

Post reply


2nd Officer
Good morning. It is overcast right now. They say we will get to our high of 76 at noon for a hour and then the temp starts falling. Supposed to rain this afternoon.

Yesterday I was working on the last Lego flower set and was putting the past parts on the section when other pieces started falling off so today I have to go back a few steps and redo.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Nice of Art to set your bike up on the spare rollers (is that what the stand is called) Kathie? Consider me there encouraging you to keep up the good work at home!
I made Blueberry Scones and a batch of Oatmeal, cranberry, white choc chip cookies.
I’m trying think of anything in that sentence I don’t like. But there’s nothin’.
Sitting by the pool under a mix of sun and cloud and 65F.
We heard from our guests that they got distracted for 45 minutes at a Buckees. Momma Bunny loved those Buckee Nuggets.