Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Not sure what brand trainer my bike is on! Art has another trainer set up for his bike next to mine. And, NO, we will not be on them at the same time! :D

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I wonder…does your trainer have a cup holder for your tea?
Our guests are about 30 minutes out. And of course it is raining! Um, I mean liquid sun shining. We are treating them to Publix fried chicken with ‘tater salad, smoky beans, Hawaiian sweet rolls followed with Gideon’s cookies for dessert. And of course some nice San Sebastián FL wine.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well I managed to get the tree together to the point that I was able to put the leaves on it, it also has flowers but the leaves and flowers don't mix. After I get the bridge it sits on done I will put the flowers together so when/if i decided to change they will be ready.

We never got to what they said for the high but never got any rain either.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee/ Lu-Ann: If feed your friends like that for a week they may never leave! Yum !

Watching Mich State Basketball. MSU 76 Minn 66


Sweet Dreams Sleep GIF by Creepz


2nd Officer
An Amazon delivery set a new record here yesterday. Kathi ordered a pair of boots at 11 yesterday morning and they were delivered at 6:30 PM. (Those boots were definitely made for walking.) Who knows what happened to the pair she had last year. We've spent the last week scouring the house, garage, and basement looking for them.

Perfect timing for the delivery since it's suppose to snow all day today.

Cool looking "stationary" bike you've got, K2. Now you and I can get on our bikes and do the same thing.......Go nowhere. Hope you've got a bigger seat than the one that was in the picture.

Hope that fried chicken was good, Lee. Now I'm getting the hungries for some. As for your question about the new commode, Kathi thinks it's the same height as the one we've always had. Next time I go down to exercise on the treadmill or stationary bike I'll have to see if I agree. If they are different, it can't be by much.

We did make it to Walley World to pick up our prescriptions and a few other things. Since the "other things" were scattered all over the store, I decided to use one of their electric scooters. That made it so much easier on my legs. And most big stores like that don't have any place to sit down. Unless there's a pharmacy. And the back of the store is a long way from that spot.

Take care, Bunnies.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A quick good morning.
All it took was a little wine, food and laughter and it looks like we’re off to The Springs this morning.
Ava was happy to see her friend Peachy too!
Posting may be sporadic over the next few days so you all behave.


2nd Officer
Good morning. It is completely overcast this morning. They say the high of 73 won't be until 4 this afternoon then temps start to fall.

Only plan for today is finish the Bonsai Tree and will put together the white/pink flowers so if I want to change it will be easy.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Off to Miami in a bit. I'll be leaving the laptop here rather than lug it with us this time. Will probably use their computers while on board but if you don't hear from me for a few days it is likely because we are too busy checking out all the features on the Icon. Will be back here sometime Tuesday.
Bought some glucose strips yesterday because Walgreen's still hadn't filled my prescription which they blame on Medicare. Unfortunately the strips I purchased don't work on my glucose meter so I will try to return them and get the brand I need before we head south.
Everyone play nice while we are away.


Wacky Wabbit
Snowed since about 6:00 a.m. here and has around 10:30 a.m.
Ed the lawn man was here just now and snow-blowed the property.
I think it looked like about 2-3 inches. Some was from the winds drifting snow
here and there. At least it's BRIGHT outside now. Still a good day to stay inside.

Dave: Good to know you got your meds and a RIDE around WALLY WORLD on top of it. Just like being at
an amusement park in all the sense of the word! Ha Ha.
mario luigi GIF

Nice service on the BOOT delivery. I just don't know how Amazon does those quick turn around deliveries.

Negc & Rita: Safe travels to Port of Miami. Enjoy the cruise and hopefully you'll post a few pictures when you get back. BE SAFE ON THE ROADS PLEASE!

Lee: Enjoy the Springs. Hope it warms up for you all. Do the pups stay home?

Okay, we're down a few folks in the HUTCH and it's the weekend. I'll do my best to stop by and check on you WRABBITS. But the chatter will be from
DAVE and I saying hello to each other. DUH....

glitch love GIF by Go Jetters
REMEMBER the days we all made SNOW ANGELS after a nice fluffy snow storm!! Oh to go back and do it all again! Yup, I'd go back in time in a heartbeat.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I’ll talk to you Kathie. :emoticon 0152 heart:
The Springs do not allow pets so sadly they stay home. Which I find confusing because they allow off leash children. I wanted to join you in making the snow angels. Now I have grass stains on my bee-hind and back. I loved the gif of the guys dressed like The Mario Bros.
You can’t go wrong with Publix Fried Chicken Dave! I hope you got some. Do they have Publix in Ohio?
We look forward to hearing what you and Rita think about Icon Bill. Enjoy and be safe.
Where have you gotten to Karen?
G’nite folks. See you in the morning.


Wacky Wabbit
Dave: I hope you liked the Wally World Scooter cartoon. I cracked up when I found that one!

Lee: I can always count on you chatting with me and the others.
I just thought you'd be occupied with your company is why I didn't add you to Dave & I chatting it up. Ha Ha.

Well, I'm sure glad I wasn't drinking any of my Decaf-Tea when I read that line about "allowing off leash children" into The Springs! That made my evening for sure. I'm still smiling.
Happy Smiley Face GIF by ADAC
So is it crowded at The Springs these days?

We got to drive over to Costco around 2pm today and pick-up 7 items. It came to $94.36!

IMG_9867.jpeg 2 meats, 1 vitamin, 1 Tylenol, 1 Flour,1 pkg rotisserie chicken , 1 copier paper pkg. UNREAL.

That's crazy! Can you even imagine what some of those folks with overflowing baskets had to pay! :eek:

Detroit Red Wings LOST to the Hurricanes tonight. 2 - 4. Slow boring game.

Sleepy Good Night GIF by Fuzzballs

Night all. Tomorrow is going to be another FRIGID and somewhat snowy morning. Good day to just not get out from under the covers!
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2nd Officer
According to my watch, it's Saturday. Happy Saturday morning!

Hello K2. looks like we got a freckle more than 4 inches of snow. And our lawn guy plowed our drive too. He drove his dump truck with the plow on the front, and his daughter jumped out with her snow shovel and cleared the walk to the front porch. And my poor little SUV sits on the driveway looking like an igloo. Surprisingly not that many schools were closed yesterday.

You're never too old to make snow angels.

I stand corrected Lee. I had mentioned to Kathi that you asked if our new toilet sat higher than the other one. She actually took out a tape measure, and the new one sits 3 inches higher. That
"off leash children" comment cracked me up too. There may be, but I'm not familiar with any Publix stores around here.

Any new church updates, KC?

If everything is going to plan, Bill should be in Miami and soon going to board the ship. Sounds like a good ship to get lost on.

We've got zip for plans today, so it's pretty much milling around smartly.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Sunshine State my frozen butt! It was 45F before the wind chill on our walk this morning.
Everything down here is a tad quieter this week Kathie. But The Springs is always bustling. We have found that ourselves and when we ask the folks who live here they tell us the Christmas holiday folks have gone home and spring breakers haven’t started to arrive. Just us northern folks right now who get out of winter and support the local economy.
We took our guests over to Disney’s Boardwalk, Yacht Club and Beach Club resorts last night. Fun to wander and at 8:00 you get a pretty good look at the fireworks from Magic Kingdom. All got the low price of $0 dollars. I’m big on free. :)
That three inches can make a real difference Dave. And we got used to it so quickly. Call your nephew. You’ll be wanting to swap out your other toilet. I do believe it’s easier to get up from. That might no be a bad thing with your legs buddy.
I’m picturing that conversation. “Hey Kathie, get the tape measure. Sasquatch wants to know if the new toilet is comfort height.”
I wonder how long it takes to embark 7600 passengers (maximum) and 2600 crew on Icon of The Seas?
Karen, you get your self on here and let us know how you’re all doing please.
Today looks like a shopping type day for our guests. Too cool for outdoor activities or to pool.
I hope that all of you have a great, according to Dave’s watch, Saturday.


Wacky Wabbit
Brrr. -11F WIND CHILL HERE. 5 degrees otherwise.
Lee enjoy your 45F temps! Just not fair driving that far and it’s that cold this year. Turn on the heat in the house. Hate to see you guys and Ava getting chilled. It should start to get warmer soon. Just frustrating. :confused:

Dave: In our bedroom bathroom the toilet is higher and we left the arm rails that Art had on the toilet from one of his back surgeries. It had come in handy for when I first came home from my knee surgery. I think I paid $35 bucks for it years ago. Allows for easier getting down and up! And it’s doesn’t get in the way of cleaning.

Hope Bill & Rita made it to the Marriott yesterday without any difficulty. I can’t image controlling all those passengers on a ship that Big!
Yet alone feeding them. Would love to know how many end up with COVID once they disembark. :eek:

FYI: Karen is on a ‘break’. All is GOOD, nothing to worry about per her message. Said for us to hold down the Hutch till she gets back on . ;)

Missing you Karen if you find time to read along! :emoticon 0152 heart:

Dave: We didn’t get ANY SNOW last night. Whew. And the sky is Blue and SUNNY right now as I look out the window. You would think not was 75-80 out there if it wasn’t for the snow on the ground!

I plan on doing my exercises and then will try and start reading a book Jill bought me for Christmas.

Lee: I did make a thick Chicken / Wild Rice soup yesterday that I’ll share with you. It’s a BETTER copy Kat of Panerra’s same soup. Art said mind has to be better! Ha ha. It was good and we have enough for repeat tonight. Has crusty bread with it.

Breaking News Omg GIF by Jimmy Arca

The price of postage stamps and sending packages goes UP ON SUNDAY!
Might have to bundle up and go to the local Post Office and pick up some FOREVER STAMPS to have on hand for cards sending and the few Dr’s that I actually have to write out a check and mail to them. Should have bought lots more of these years ago when the price was much lower. WHO would have thought that it would be up over $.60 cents and going up even higher on Sunday.

Later gang. Tea time!
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2nd Officer
A late good morning. Well for this Floridian it is very cool, my feet are frozen and while I have a short sleeve top on I am wearing a sweater, so I don't feel too cold.

A couple years ago I bought a bunch of stamps so I am fortunately set. I don't even mail something every week. Yet the other day I had an envelope that was heavy so I put 2 stamps.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Quick late afternoon post!
Just got a call from Mike & Fay Elias from Hamilton, Ohio.
Fay was in the hospital in December for Congestive Heart Failure. She said she was feeling weak and weaker and had Mike call EMS at 5 a.m. to take her to the hospital. Per Fay, she said that after tests she had a blockage that could be taken care of with Meds. No surgery required. She went to Rehab for a awhile and CAME HOME YESTERDAY, Friday, Jan 19th. said she feels a lot better. Smart lady getting to the hospital when she did.
is NOT driving anymore and said he uses a walker to get around.
He said he was driving one day and couldn’t lift his foot off the gas pedal. After getting the car stopped somehow, he has never driven again. Said he just couldn’t take a chance of getting into a accident. Smart move.

They both felt bad about hearing of Pat’s passing.
They said hello to all that still remember them! :emoticon 0115 inlove: Such a beautiful couple.
He asked me to send him the information on how to get on the Bunny Board. Gave me his current e-mail address. So I will do that. I told him to have one of his grown kids help him get on.
He has one of those phones that translates a persons conversation onto a screen so he can read it. His hearing is bad.
He did say he still wishes he could go DANCING WITH FAY. They did love their dancing group. God Bless them.
Okay, that’s it folks. Trying to stay warm here. I hate this frigid weather.
Be safe all. :emoticon 0152 heart:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It has rocketed up to 57F under bright, sunny skies.
The ladies did a little retail therapy this morning followed by lunch at Pei Wei. I think this afternoon Doug and Brenda may niddy nod as their time on the road seems to be catching up to them.
Thank you for letting us know Karen is OK but busy Kathie. I miss her smiling personality around here.I do remember Mike and Fay. Wasn’t Mike the gentleman who created things with gourds? Nice folks for sure. That soup sounds perfect for a chilly winter day.
I wonder how much of Icon Bill and Rita won’t see if they are only on board for such a short sailing?
Back to my previously scheduled wine.


Wacky Wabbit
Lee: Yes, Mike grew his own gourds and cleaned them out and painted them. I still hang one on our Christmas tree. Really good people.

Sounds like Doug & Brenda picked the right Hosts to show them around town! Nice to know Pei Wei is open down there. Our’s closed down on Hall Rd. We really liked that place.

Green Bay vs San Francisco is playing in pouring rain. Lots of fighting going on. You would think it was a Hockey game!

Have a good Sunday ALL you Wrabbits. :emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer
That would be so cool if Mike posted on here, K2. Thanks for sharing how Mike and Fay are doing. One fine couple.

Yes Lee, he is the one that got creative with gourds. Big and small. We still display 2 small gourds he turned into Christmas tree decorations. A frog for Kathi and a Marvin The Martian for me.

Also happy to hear that KC is fine. Always missing our Angel of Belleview.

It's hard to believe that it's 68 cents now to mail a single letter. Just nuts.

Mostly sunny yesterday with only a minor additional dusting of snow last night. Although chilly and cloudy today, it will only be in the teens and lower 20's, at least there won't be any additional snow.

I was reading earlier an opinion piece that was deciding which sandwich is best, Big Mac or Whopper. In my never to be humble opinion, they are both yummy, but the best is the Whopper.

But McDonalds still has the best fries.
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