Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
"WINDY" is the word of the day. There's a high wind warning for all day and into tomorrow. I'm hoping it just doesn't involve a power outage. Although there's already thousands of people who have already lost their electric. So far, no damage. Although a patio chair took flight out back. As did the top of one of the solar lights on top of the white fence.

As many times as we've been to Key West, I learned something new about the place. Kathi brought up the video feed in front of Sloppy Joe's. And there in front of it was a mounted policeman. I never knew they had mounted cops. It even said so on the back of his jacket.

Well.......That's about all that's on my mind this morning.


2nd Officer
Good morning. We will have our high temp about 10 to 11 this morning and then it starts going down. And there is a chance of rain. Other than picking up a Rx no plans for today.

Just read Sunshine's story, she was very brave during that ordeal.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
“Hey it’s good to be back to our Florida home again”. With apologies to John Denver.
We arrived at Emerald Island about 2:00. A quick check and the house was all ready for new guests. We off loaded and headed back to Publix for some “stuff”.
So, now you can all see why we think so highly of and respect Sunshine. Her family owns a couple of Tim Hortons. I asked if she had always been with Tim’s and that’s when she told us her story. She still has to travel to New York every year to speak against the scum getting parole. I asked her how she kept her cool and had the presence of mind to protect as many passengers as she could. Her reply “even as a young girl I didn’t like being pushed around and told what to do”. And yes, she still has that cockpit key.
Um, Dave. Somebody stole your drywall, vanity and toilet! I think in a crazy place like KW mounted police are the way to go!
It was 66 F when we left St Augustine Nancy. It’s 61F now in Kissimmee.
Bill, I like Kathie’s idea to have scooter races around one of the decks on Icon. The RCI 500 has a nice ring to it.
It would seem we did get out of Canada in the nick of time. Driving in Tuesdays weather was no treat Kathie. At least it was just wet and windy. Slippery wasn’t part of the equation.
Hi Karen.

Better run. If I’m not mistaken I see a trip to Disney Springs, Gideon’s Bakehouse and Joffrey’s Coffee in my future. :D
Bet I sleep good tonight.
Have a good one everyone.


2nd Officer
Good evening, finally getting a chance to check in.

Dave, that's a fine looking powder room your nephew put together for you!

Kathie, sorry to hear about your priest passing, but nice that you got to have one last visit with him.

Lee, welcome to Florida, formerly known as the Sunshine State! It rained here off & on all last night, not for long periods of time but came down hard when it did. That was quite an experience Sunshine went through, I doubt many young people now days would be as cool headed.

Bill, is the scooter charging a regular thing for all passengers or because of your C&A status? We have a cruise booked for next Sept. than Jane is thinking about cancelling because her knee bothers her so much, we talked about getting a scooter but wondered if getting them charged would be a hassle.

Today was work day at the church, the guys pulled out a bunch of shrubs that were dead & dying & it looks sooo much better. Once we get it all raked out & leveled again Carmen & I will plant some flowers around a Crepe Myrtle tree that is in the center of the bed & then put down new mulch. We worked about 3 hours today with just 4 of us, but the weather was nice & cool.

Scooter isn't doing to bad with the eye ointment, but it sure is a lot more wasteful than drops. I just hope the little tube they gave me lasts for the week she's supposed to get it put in.
It's going to be an early night for me tonight, the rain kept waking me up & then I had to be up by 6 to be at church by 7
Don't forget no banks or mail service on Monday


Wacky Wabbit
Brrr cold here folks.
28F …. 12 Real Feel. Windy

Lee: Your hometown is even colder. At 9:00pm Sat it’s 22F with a REAL FEEL of 2F. :eek:
Put your SHORTS on down there! You’re in a heat wave! Ha ha !

Karen: Good you and the other workers at church had a cooler day to do all that pulling. Beats doing it when it’s 80-85 and sunny. Sounds like it will look nice when it’s complete.
I can’t imagine trying to hold onto Scooter and get the ointment in at the same time!

Dave: I remember the horses in Key West coming up to the open windows across the street from Sloppy’s and being given treats by the waitress. Big TALL mounted horses. We rented bikes and toured the entire Key and saw some beautiful neighborhoods and house! We drove from Longboat Key and went over ALL Those Small Bridges! Stayed 2 nights. That was one fantastic trip.

Jill’s power went out today for a few hours in her whole sub.

Our neighbor next door with the huge Weeping Willow tree hand a massive branch break off. You could see a big rotten area at the break point. The entire tree is full of rotten hanging branches. The one that broke off will need a chain saw to cut it up.

Bill hope you and Rita are doing okay. When is the 3 day cruise??!!

Watching the Kansas / Miami game on my free Peacock station.
It’s -4F with a -21F WIND CHILL. YES, you saw that right. MINUS!! Crazy. And it’s a OPEN STADIUM! :eek::oops:

Good night. Stay warm.


2nd Officer
Looks like it's just you and me left up here in Yankee-Land, K2. All the wimps headed south to escape our chilly weather. I don't know about you, but today and tomorrow around here it's only suppose to get up in to the teens. That sounds like one fun trip you had to Key West.

Oh my goodness KC, there is now a
"POWDER ROOM" in my tool-room!!! When did that happen? I see the church is keeping you busy. No wonder you stay thin.

Hot Dog! You have finally reached your final destination, Lee. All safe and sound. NOW you and us can relax.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Back from our morning walk already! Our friends were clearing snow at home last night at 9:30. I can’t believe how quickly the weather up north changed!
That was some cold football game Kathie. I see that a storm has postponed The Bills / Steelers game until Monday. I hope Jill and Mark stayed warm. That willow may have to come down if it’s showing so much rot.
Another busy day at the church Karen. You sure have found a place that seems to have welcomed you as a genuine part of their family.
Yes Dave, it’s good to be here. Sadly as we were heading in to the community my thought turned to not being able to have our visit with Pat and Bert.
Looks like we may hit the low 60’s today. Shorts weather? Yep, it will be for me.
I hope that all of you stay safe and warm.


Wacky Wabbit
Yup, our REAL FEEL is -14 as I post! Can’t say I ever remember it being this cold and Windy. Brrr.
Dave & Kathi, stay inside and just eat what you have in all your refrigerators and freezers. No need to be running to the grocery store this week. Be safe.


Freezing Cold Weather GIF by JoyPixels



Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits!
The one nice thing about looking out the window right now is we finally get to see the SUN SHINING! Haven’t seen that in over a week! Nice contrast with the blue sky and snow on the ground. Mother Nature trying her best to be “somewhat” kinder to us. In my book she has a LONG WAY to redeem herself from the cold temps and harsh winds!

Lee & Lu-Ann, I hope you might be able to plan a drop by visit with Bert before your vacation is over. I’m sure he would welcome dear friends. Maybe take him to lunch at the Blue winery for a Cuban sandwich. Just a thought.
Have a fun day if you go over to Disney Springs. Wonder if any thing has changed in a year? Rules that is!!

Karen, if you see this before you leave for church please say a prayer for all of us in the HUTCH! Enjoy your Sunday.

Bill: Are you on that cruise already? Never did get the date I might have missed seeing it.

You all have a good day!
I might make us a crusty No-Knead bread or something that involves using the OVEN! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:


2nd Officer
Good morning. I know that for almost all of you the temp we have right now would be warm but for this Florida lady it is cold.

Not sure what we are doing today. It is supposed to rain in a bit and rain for awhile.

All have a great day. And stay warm.


Deputy Security Officer
Icon cruise is next weekend, K2. We will spend Friday night in Miami, board the ship Saturday and disembark on Tuesday morning.
Our crown and anchor status doesn't play any role in getting our scooters charged Karen.
We rent them through Special Needs at Sea and someone from housekeeping takes them at night, charges them and returns them at an agreed upon time the next morning. Usually they are in our stateroom when we first board but in Port Canaveral you actually get them outside the terminal, ride them inside and use them when boarding. At the end of the cruise you return them outside the terminal. Very, very convenient. Not sure what the process will be in Miami but we will manage.
It was sunny when we woke up this morning but the clouds have rolled in and we can expect rain this afternoon or evening. Considering the weather in the rest of the country we really can't complain.

This would probably be a good week to take in a movie, but I checked the listings for the local theater and didn't find anything that I would be interested in seeing, so I will have to rely on my kindle or the TV to keep entertained. At least there are a couple of football games today and tomorrow. Would have liked to watch the Chiefs - Dolphins game yesterday but the greedy NFL owners decided to only allow people who paid to subscribe to Peacock to watch it. Hope that there are sufficient complaints about this practice or before we know it, they will be doing the same thing for the Super Bowl and the World Series.


Wacky Wabbit
12 Degrees at 1:00 pm. FEELS LIKE TEMP = -6F Brrr. Thank goodness for the bright SUN!

Bill: Thanks for the cruise info. I wrote it down. :emoticon 0115 inlove:

I saw the Movie Reviews on a local TV station yesterday and NOT too much out there that I would want to spend money on going out in this cold to see. The show is nice because it actually gives you a peek at the trailers of the movie. Giving you a decent idea if you'll like it or not and then the commentator gives his opinion.
I know what you mean about the NFL and other groups making folks PAY to see the games on Peacock or Netflix. Only reason we got to watch that Kansas City game was because Comcast gave it to us free for years of loyalty. In essence we paid for that "free channel" a hundred times over the years! :rolleyes:

Enjoy your day folks. We're waiting for the late evening Detroit Lions game for our entertainment tonight. Sure hope the guys WIN. It's been a LONG, LONG TIME COMING and the club and city deserve a win.

Hopefully, the fans will welcome M. STAFFORD onto the field without any boo's. After all, he did a lot for Detroit while he was here. He still supports the local children's hospital and hospital where his wife got life-saving care. Gave a MILLION dollars for a kids playground to be built too.

Excited National Football League GIF by Rocket Mortgage


2nd Officer
Good afternoon! Still another grey gloomy day here in Belleview. It was 65 degrees in the house so I turned on the electric fireplace in the living room. That takes the chill off pretty nice.

Lee, I know, it's still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that Pat is gone. We knew she was dealing with some health issues over the past couple years but always seemed to bounce back.

Kathy, I did indeed make it to church this morning & remined the Good Lord just how special each of you are to me.

Bill, thanks for the info on the scooters, I will have to look them up online & see what the prices run. Hope the weather improves a good bit for your cruise.

Dave, hey, even hard working "tool guys" need a little class in their life, thus you have a powder room instead of a run of the mill half bath. :) Not sure about the church keeping me skinny as there seems to be food around somewhere every time I there, but they do like to keep me busy! The other lady on the ground crew team brings brownies every month & this month they were warm from the oven!

Since I missed choir practice Thurs. night taking Scooter to the vet I didn't stay for the 10:30 mass. I will catch up on Thurs for regular practice. Now I think I'm going to make something warm to drink & sit in front of the fireplace. Have a good one all!


Wacky Wabbit
Karen thank you for the prayers for the Hutch Wrabbits. You brought tear to my eyes while I was reading your post.
Miss PAT a lot. Things I do around here and want to share with her and CAN'T are the worse times. I can just imagine what she would have to say about some of our CHATTER on here. She was the best friend to all of us. :emoticon 0152 heart: Hope that Bert is getting along as best he can without his beloved PAT.

Now here's something that should PERT US UP. Especially me, since I can't stand our 4-5 resident squirrels. They would do this to me in a heartbeat. Ha Ha.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
squirrel GIF

First I grab the feeder. Then I spin to get food out. Then I hit the ground and get the seeds. Don’t you worry about the baffle Kathie. I can work around it. Your internet is safe. For now.


2nd Officer
By our weather reports, people might think we live in the same town, K2. Sunny yesterday with snow on the ground, 8 degrees, and windy. Overnight we dipped to 4 degrees. And it looks like today and tomorrow it'll only get up to the mid teens. Loved your squirrel cartoon. Time just to name the squirrels. :) YEA! The lions WIN!

Lee; A VERY smart squirrel in your video. I too hope that you can get together with Bert.

Like all of you, I feel there's a hole in our hearts with BB now gone. I often think of something I'd mention to her, but can't.

Give us a heads up when you find out what those scooter prices are, KC. By the way, I draw the line at any frilly curtains over the window in my tool room.

You are a lucky fella, Bill. While on vacation in Florida you get to go on a freebie cruise on a brand new cruise ship.

So far, no major damage or power outages at our house. Although a major gust of wind yesterday morning sucked our front storm/screen wide open. Even though it was latched. Messing up its' lock mechanism and loosening up the bolts of the stopper.

Time for an ice cream cone.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Congrats on your Lions win Kathie! At least your guys got to play indoors!
With The Cowboys loss it just goes to show that the post season is a whole new season. With The Bills and Steelers so closely matched today could be a doozy of a game.
I do have Bert’s number. I’d like to call him and see him but feel that I should wait a bit. I’m sure he’s still dealing with everything as Pat’s only been gone for two weeks.
I hope your storm door is an easy fix Dave. I guess one good thing about the temps your way is that you could enjoy that mini cone outside and it wouldn’t melt.
I hear Ava coming down the hall. No doubt she’d like to go for her morning walk. When we get back I’ll put my trash in the can. Yep, we’re back in the land of everything goes into 15 gallon trash bags then into the big wheeled bin outside. Daily The Trash Valet (yep, that’s what they’re called) comes around to clear the bins. No recycling here and I don’t know why. Especially when this community used to recycle. :mad:
Have a wonderful day.


Wacky Wabbit
National Football League Yes GIF by Rocket Mortgage

23 - 24 Lions win! Only took 32 years for this to happen again in Detroit!
Thanks for the congrats to our team folks! We get to try it again in our own stadium next week!

Lee: DAILY TRASH PICK-Up! Seems rather excessive and hard on the neighborhood street pavement.
You have some time before trying to reach out to Bert. I’m sure he would enjoy your company. I could get you his daughter Missy’s phone number if you would like to check with her first. It’s your call Buddy … no pressure from me.
Lee/Lu-Ann: What's on tap for your adventure's today?? I know you can’t just sit around and do nothing! Ha ha. Just not like you. Are any of your other Canadian friends showing up this year?

Love the Squirrel video. The birds do a good job of spreading seeds down to the ground for those darn squirrels!

Bummer on the front screen door getting that wind damage. I see a trip from your handy Nephew coming up.
And I think nice Pink frilly curtains would be perfect for that Window in your tool room! Haha

Okay -2 degrees outside now and -6 degrees with WIND CHILL. BUT… it’s SUNNY!
Pure Michigan is brutal lately!

Hello to the rest of the Hutch. Have a good day!

I need to get ready to go to
Physical Therapy Yoga GIF by Weeda & van den Berg
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Good morning, the weather here can't seem to make up it's mind at all today, grey & cloudy when I got up at 7, then about 9 it was nice & sunny so I went out to divide up some of my potted plants, only to have it start raining! That lasted less than 5 mins. so I did get my boston ferns & peace lilly's repotted.

Kathie, congrats on the Lions win, being that it was a loooong time coming just makes the win that much sweeter! Good luck in PT!

Dave, I was pleasantly surprised at the rental cost for a scooter, $175 for our 5 night cruise out of the Port of Tampa. Whether we will actually make the cruise or not is still up in the air. Between Jane's knee & her dog, my 2 cat's, one with medical issues & now Barb has taken in a stray cat also, I really don't think it's going to happen. We had looked into having a lady come in 3 times a day for Jane's dog & my cats and that alone was going to be over $200.

Lee, does the trash company really come around every day or is that just the name? If they do I agree with Kathie, seems a bit excessive. Have fun with whatever adventure you have planned for today.

Nothing much else planned for today, I postponed going to the church to plant flowers because of rain & now it's half way sunny but I'm not in the mood. I have a section of my back fence that needs the 2x4's replaced & picked up a couple 2x4's from the church on Sat. that they were tossing out. One end of them is bad but even after I cut that off they will still be long enough. I may venture out & work on that later if the weather holds or I may not. :D