Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Chief Security Officer
Kevin saw the doctor today and she doesn't believe that surgery will be needed but will see him again in two weeks to see if the healing that she noted, continues. In the meantime he can return to light duty at work. Nice to get some good news for a change.
Wriaote out all the checks for the winners in my football pool without a lot of writer's cramp. Need addresses for 5 of them but the rest will go in the mail as soon as I can get to the post office. One of the winners lives in Nova Scotia so his will require extra postage.
Not sure if it is confined to this location, but over the weekend gasoline prices increased by 20 cents a gallon. Stations where it was $2.89 on Saturday are now posting $3.09 for regular. Happy New Year!
Mercury made it up to 81 but tomorrow's high will be a comfy 67 degrees. Can hardly wait for a week from tomorrow when they are predicting a high of 57. Crazy, crazy temperatures for FL.


2nd Officer
Quick check in, we are under a tornado watch here until 6 pm & just got a phone call we are under a severe Thunderstorm warning. Wind has really been gusting for the last couple hours & I'm hearing some thunder rumbling now too. Ginger is in the closet in the Master Bedroom for "just in case", she freaks out with storms anyhow so this way I know she's already in our safe place in case the weather gets worse. They cancelled our Women's group meeting at church tonight so I'm glad I don't have anywhere to go this evening. Catch up with you all later

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Call off The Mounties! We arrived at The Drury in Greenville, SC around 4:00. We waited until light to head out from Louisville this morning. My phone, which is also our GPS was lighting up with weather, wind, flood alerts most of the way down.
I’ll check back after our 5:30 kickback to see what you’ve all been up to. Wherever you are I hope this oddball storm system is well clear of all of you.


2nd Officer
Lee, glad you arrived safely for the night, I saw there were some serious tornado's earlier today in N. Carolina.

We had a tornado warning around 4, but from what I've seen on the news it didn't touch down any where, so that's good.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Well had Bruce pick up my Rx from Publix and only got the one I called in yesterday, the one the Dr sent in today will be in tomorrow, just glad the knee is not hurting much.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Lordy way too much CRAZY WEATHER all over the map.
Lee : Art wants to know if you pushed any rain from point A-to point B? Never fun driving in rain and back splash from other trucks and cars. But it beats BLACK ICE & Snow any day.
Take care on Wednesday.

Karen: Hope the winds & storm don’t cause any harm to you or your sisters. Good that Ginger got rounded up early.

We have had a drizzle rain most of the day. It was 43F. That won’t last. Might see snow late into the night.

Art saw the Orthopedic surgeon. MRI showed a Torn Rotator Cuff. He said he had lots of arthritis in both shoulders too. Went with conservative treatment. Cortisone injection today in the worst shoulder. (Left). He will go to Physical Therapy 2-3 times a week for 4-6 weeks.
Only other choice would be a TOTAL shoulder replacement and Art said no-way. Too old for that!

Bill: Good news on Kevin not needing surgery. Whew!

Nice the mail is slowly making its way South! Bummer having to write all those checks out.

I actually made Choc Chip cookie dough early this morning and managed to bake them around 4:30!
I’m taking more than half of them to the folks at Physical Therapy on Wednesday! First thing I’ve baked since surgery!

Dave: How’s FuzzButt doing after that Vet visit?

night GIF
Tomorrow's another day.

LEE/ Lu-Ann safe driving on Wed! Thanks for the updates! :emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer
It's a relief to see your progress reports, Lee. We know progress on your travels is going to plan, and you are all safe and sound. And probably holding a glass of wine. :)

Give me a break Bill, make sure your posts are big enough to read without a magnifying glass. And then you flew me for a loop when you used a word like "Wriaote". (Time to wipe some nose prints off the screen.)

KC; It seems like about half of us had to deal with high winds yesterday. Glad you didn't have to deal with any actual storms. We didn't either, but it sure got our attention when those high winds kicked up. So sad that Ginger gets freaked out.

I feel so sorry for Art developing so much arthritis, K2. That stuff never seems to get better. We just get better pain medications. Fuzzbutt seems to be doing fine. Yes, our 1/2 bath construction continues today. Let me explain our basement. It's been divided up into 4 rooms. Each having a door on them. The laundry room and the furnace/storage room just have cement floors with cement block walls and the studs showing on 2 of their walls. Then there is the large room that has the big TV, all Kathi's sowing stuff, and the exercise equipment. Its' walls all have paneling and dropped ceilings with tiles on the floor. Then there's my work/project room with all my tools, work bench and table saws. It too has paneling on all its' walls and a dropped ceiling with tiles on the floor.

Inside my work/project room is where the half bath is going. (Remember, it does have a door.) Half-bath just means a toilet and a sink, but no shower or tub. The toilet and sink will just be along one wall. We decided against boxing it in since it does have a door. And it would make the room smaller.

Kathi took a before picture, and soon will be taking an after picture of this potty and sink wall.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I dozed off after dinner last evening. I guess I was a little more tired than I thought.
Shortly we’ll head to breakfast and then head to St Augustine.
As always we’ll check in once we’re there.
You all stay safe please.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Well we were under a Tornado watch and alert for awhile last night and fortunately we only got some strong wind. We did not even get any rain.

Today I have a couple of plants to repot and that is my day.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Love GIF by joeyahlbum
Happy Wednesday all.

Lee: Glad you got some extra sleep after dinner last night. Hope you avoid any of the CRAZY WEATHER that seems to be EVERYWHERE lately.

Karen: Hope Ginger and Scooter are doing just fine this morning. Hope your patio flowers survived the winds.

Dave: Excellent post regarding the basement sections and bath remodel. Do you have the washer & dryer and tub-sink downstairs or is it upstairs!
Can’t wait to see pics of your new Thrown! Ha ha!
Bored Youtube GIF by Pudgy Penguins

P Therapy at Noon. Gotta remember to take the cookies!

We got lucky and SO FAR this morning did not get the snow the weather folks were predicting. Temps drop drastically the next few days!!

Have a safe day all!


Chief Security Officer
Sorry about the small print and the typos in my last post. I also had trouble reading it. I try to set the font size to a larger number but this laptop sometimes seems to have a mind of its own and also tends to jump back a few words as I am typing, thus "Wriaote". Just now when I tried to type that word, autocorrect changed it back to wrote. As I said "a mind of its own".
Hope this size is better.
Like Karen, we were also under a severe weather warning and tornado watch for a good bit of last evening, but aside from a few flashes of lightning, claps of thunder and a brief period of heavy winds and rain, we seem to have escaped unscathed and today has dawned with blue skies and bright sunshine. Not exactly pool weather. 66 degrees at present and may only rise another degree today. When I woke up this morning the outside temperature was 57 degrees and the temperature back home in MA was only 4 degrees lower. That may have been their high for the day though because, right now, their temperature has dropped to 47.

One more piece of forwarded mail yesterday, a utility bill. But it is an autopay so my bank pays it without any further action on my part. Will see what today brings.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
After three days on the road I’m pretty much done.
In spite of the good reviews, this hotel certainly isn’t my beloved Drury.
We stopped at the premium outlets and I picked up 4 Greg Norman golf shirts for $89.
Tomorrow we’ll tour old town St. Augustine. There’s a fountain of youth I’d like to take for a test drive.
G’nite friends.


2nd Officer
Good evening. Last night we were under a tornado watch and we did get a good bit of wind and some rain but not much. Bruce as awake thru it all and he said that for a bit he expected a branch of the Oak to crash on my SUV but only a few small branches came down.

Today I started working on the Tranquil Garden LEGO set. Bag 1 was easy but bag 2 gave me 18 of 2 things to put together that it took me 20 minutes to do 2 of them so I told Bruce and he has just now done the other 16 in about 20 minutes. So tomorrow I can continue. It came with 11 numbered bags plus a bag not numbered.

Went and got my new RX and since he told me to take with food and I have to take at the same time each day I will start tomorrow morning. It is a once a day pill for arthritic pain and you have to take for 2 weeks then as needed. At least it is a 90 pill Rx. When I was going back to the SUV a lady behind me said she really liked my outfit, a light weight velour pants and top in a deep green with black and pink leopard spots. Told her where she could get it and said online would be best.

All have a good night.


Wacky Wabbit
Just here looking for a CHECK/IN from LEE & LU-ANN!
Hope you two are enjoying a nice dinner and well deserved glass of wine! Take care folks.


Wacky Wabbit
I forgot to press POST earlier. Ha ha. So the above post is out of order. Duh!

Good to know you made it to St Augustine.
When you feel up to it let us know if you hit any of the storms that were shown on the weather channels!
Sorry the Drury isn’t up to par. Hope the mattress is comfortable for a good nights sleep. Enjoy your stay.

Dave: How’s the project coming along? I bet you go down to check on it after the Nephew is gone for the day. I know I would be down there peeking! Ha ha.

Karen: Did you have any church activities today? Hope your weather is improving over your way.

Hair cut day on Thurs mid-morning. Art insists on driving me! Hope the snow that is predicted stays away.

Be good little Wrabbits. Good nite folks!
Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit
4:09 a,m, and doing a Fr Dave type of passing through here!
Got a Weather notice that our Macomb area should get Flurries starting at 7:00 a.m. Hope they are wrong and it doesn’t show up. We leave for the East side of town at 9:30 am for my 10:30 am appt. :eek:
Watched some of the debates, and I’m convinced our country is going to be in a h*ll of a bigger mess than it is now if ANY of the current GOP’s running get voted in. Lord help us all. And the Chicken Sh*t Orange man has the nerve to have his private interview at the same time as the Iowa debate. Just a pitiful piece of crap if you ask me. So discusting.

Back to, hopefully, sleep for me! Catch up later.


2nd Officer
All that driving can wear a person out, Lee. Something tells me that when you get to your rental place there will be a LOT of sleeping in and naps for a few days. 4 new golf shirts.......Taking up a new sport this year?

No matter what temperature you and Bill run into, you guys may be interested to hear that we never got out of the 30's yesterday.

Bill; Sounds like your electronic devices aren't so user friendly. Or you are being attacked by that artificial-intelligence which is on the news so much now.

"Do you have the washer & dryer and tub-sink downstairs or is it upstairs!". Let me just say, K2, that your speed-reading is not your friend. So in answer to your question, I'll give you a hint. In my description of our basement yesterday morning, I mentioned that one of the rooms was the "laundry room". :) I agree with your opinion of all the Republican candidates for President.

KC; With all the tornadoes and other storms you get in Florida I can only imagine how expensive your house insurance is.

As for our 1/2 bath project; Everything is installed, up & working, and looking mighty fine. Our nephew/contractor expects to completely finish up the smaller details today. Hope to get Kathi to post a before and after picture later today.



Wacky Wabbit
DAVE: I actually did see see your POST about the sections of the basement that included the laundry area, It was just too late to correct my question!
But I have been known for SPEED READING a few times on here! :D
I see a light covering of snow on the grass and deck. Not what I wanted to see. AccuWeather says it’s going to stop in a couple of hours. :clap002:


2nd Officer
Good morning. Another coooooool day here. And it is supposed to rain. Started the new RX this morning after breakfast, and will continue for two weeks.

A high school friend is in Africa and at the hotel she posted a photo of a real good and easy salad they have made with lettuce, pomegranate, corn and Garbanzo beans, looks so good, I will have to find pomegranate and make it. Darlene is lucky enough to be able to go to so many places in the world and she always posts so many photos of all the places so her friends can see what she is seeing. And her daughter is able to get the time to go with her, she pays for it all. She has found a very nice tour company that puts together the tours which includes everything and real good prices.

All have a great day.