Return of the Cruising Bunny's....

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I couldn't figure why you wouldn't have picked up both at the same time. :)
I wanted to make sure I could get Lu-Ann’s hair safely in the car. Have you been told yet today Bill. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
They do three squiggly lines in our eye test Karen. I’m never sure if I’m really seeing the squiggles or a reflection. You press the button when you see them. I see you just popped in with the explanation. Except for the lights vs lines it sounds like the same test. Now I have to look up the other song you mentioned. Provided it hasn’t been banished from history in the name of political correctness…


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang.
Real quick!
I called Mike/Fay’s number a few time.
Tonight around 5:30pm I got a female that answered.
I asked if it was “Fay” and she said NO it’s her Daughter!
I told her who I was and how I knew her parents, etc, etc.
She told me her MOM was in the hospital and Mike was with her visiting.
Fay had some heart issues, but is DOING FINE NOW. She did not need any surgery or stents.
They are patiently waiting to get paperwork okayed for her to go to a REHAB FACILITY because she needs to regain her strength in walking around. Some of us can relate to week muscles.
I told her about PAT and said perhaps this isn’t a good time to tell her parents.
She said she thought they would like to be informed.
I told her everyone in our Chat Group sends their HELLO’s and that she should tell Mike we’ll get in touch soon.
She was a delight to talk with. Very upbeat about her Mom.
Said that Mike had “Back issues” a few years back and walks with a walker now, but otherwise he’s doing good.

That’s all I have. Lordy….please take care of yourselves. I can’t take anymore sad news.

off to make us a late dinner of Egg-Roll in a bowl recipe. Google it. It’s easy and YUMMY! I make it with ground Turkey.
I go with the song/tune Dave posted being Karen’s choice..TEN LITTLE INDIANS!
Lee: Good comeback on the BRAT!


2nd Officer
Good evening. Got the orchids repotted and they look good.

Today I started on the Succulent Lego that Bruce gave me. It is broken to bag 1, 2 and 3 and book 1, 2 and 3/ Got bag 1 done and have started on bag 2 with one glower done and a good start on the second one.

The past few nights I have been so tired, I go in to bed and read and lately only for about 15 minutes instead of 30 and then am asleep within 30 minutes and sleeping all night. So I will be going to bed soon.

All have a good night.


2nd Officer
Your story about the mother and her untrained kid totally cracked me up, Lee. But what's with this ironing clothes to go on vacation stuff???

I want one of those "The older I get the less Life in Prison is a deterrent" T-shirts, KC. Thanks so much for the explanation of what a "Field Vision" test is. FINALLY. somebody besides me that remembers the Pickin-Up-Paw-Paws song.

K2; So glad that you were able to call Mike & Fay. And great to hear how they are doing. (Even though you missed them.) Good People. I remembered today when they were in town that we met at a Bob Evans parking lot. He and I both wore goofy hats so we could easily spot one another. I can't remember what hat he wore. It'll probably come to me after I send this post. My hat had a propeller on top of it.

If nothing else is forwarded Bill, I'm sure your junk-mail will arrive. How cool, a freebee 2 day cruise.

No dust yet from our soon to be basement 1/2 bath. But there should be today. A slight setback on getting that up-flush toilet. A couple of days ago there were two in a big hardware store here in town, but yesterday there were none. So after our nephew/contractor dropped off all the other plumbing supplies and electrical supplies and other parts & pieces he had to drive to their nearest store to get one. An hour away. Being a specialty item we both were surprised the local store sold both of the ones they had. A small speed-bump.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Ya, I know Dave. Ironing clothes in general is not something I keep at the top of my list either. This day and age most clothing doesn’t need special treatment as long as you get it when the dryer stops.
Was it Mike who took a tumble off the roof cleaning gutters just before we all met on our Hawaiian cruise? He was in a wheel chair because he’d bunged up an ankle. Or do I have him mixed up with someone else? I do remember they were at the Great Toledo Bunny Gathering.
I had to look up the succulent set Nancy. Seems Lego has tapped in to a whole new market.
Kathie and Karen seem to be spot on with the tune from the paw paw song. Look what I found…

This group is fun and educational!
Be safe today everyone.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Did not get a lot of sleep last night. Woke at 3 and never got back to sleep so a nap will happen later.

It is a gloomy day and the rain is on its way.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
It’s Serbian Christmas EVE! Srecan Badnji Vece! —Happy Christmas EVE.
The second picture is of our “Mother Church” in Serbia. St Sava.

I had a nice post and lost it when I logged in on this crazy iPad. Be back when I can find a minute. Have a. Beautiful day.



Chief Security Officer
Weather folks predicted that we would get showers this morning and that heavy rain would arrive around noon, so at almost exactly noon, we got our first heavy downpour. Guess that for a change Accuweather actually lived up to its name. Nothing special planned for the day so I don't think the rain will have much effect on us.
Thanks for updating us on Mike and Fay, K2.
Those pictures are really beautiful.
I think you are right about the likelihood that our junk mail is more certain to arrive than any other mail, although aside from a few bills, little of our mail can be classified as other than "junk". For the past several years one piece of our mail has consistently failed to survive the forwarding process- the April New Car Edition of Consumer Reports. When we called CR about it we were told that it is the issue which "disappears" the most each year. Time will tell what happens this year
Safe travels Lee and LuAnn. Look forward to welcoming you to the usually sunny but not exactly warm South.


Wacky Wabbit
Huge Snow storms on the East Coast. Scranton, PA is getting plummeted with HEAVY snow. :eek: Washington,DC too! Maryland has 6”! WOW!

Negc & Karen I see Mid-70’s- 75’s in your areas. Not bad at all. Soak up that sunshine for me. Ha ha

The Weather Station has great LIVE COVERAGE of the storms.

We’re getting some flakes here in our area now. Hope all the folks heading to our Christmas Eve services and lentil dinner will be safe.

Dave: I sure hope you and Kathi wear your MASKS during the major construction of that bathroom. Like when the concrete gets broken up! :eek: That concrete dust is going to find its way to your lungs. Protect them.

Be safe folks.


Wacky Wabbit
Saw this and had to share.
So true ! How did we all let our country get into the current horrible mess? Everybody suing and challenging the courts. Only winners are LAWYERS if the get paid up front from their clients. So sad.



Wacky Wabbit

Do I feel any different, better, worse?? Haven’t noticed anything, except I still LOVE the smell of coffee brewing! :emoticon 0111 blush:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Hmmm. Unusual that Dave hasn’t popped by to kick off the morning. I hope you are managing a little extra snooze this morning.
Hristos se Rodi Kathie. Interesting self observation about a month of no coffee. Have you been drinking tea?
Suitcases are packed. Today things can be put into Subie. That way tomorrow morning I only need to put our “along the road” hotel bag in. Today we’ll wash sheets and towels and give the house a tidy. Keeping an eye to the sky it looks like it could be a wet drive in places.
Everyone have a wonderful Sunday.


2nd Officer
Merry Christmas, K2! May it be a joyous and special day for you.
To be honest, I've never really understood the Serbian's holiday dates. Thanks for the pictures. Very pretty. No concrete getting broken up in our project, thank goodness.

Your "10 Little Indians" video cracked me up, Lee. Ain't no way you could make one like it today. They'd be lined up to sue somebody. My memory fails me....I can not recall Mike & Fay on our cruise to Hawaii. Safe travels in your soon to be travels. Just take your time. No sleeping in for you tomorrow.

Bill, how curious to me that the April new car edition of Consumer Reports is their issue most likely to disappear. They should start working on a swim-suit issue. :)

As is our habit, we wait till the following Saturday evening to watch each week's "CBS Sunday Morning". We won't be watching today's program till next Saturday night.

It's just interesting to see how the attention for certain news stories completely changes in just one week.

And making it more interesting was that it was New Year's Eve last Sunday. A show they recapped the year in news, entertainment, happy and sad events of the year.

The difference in one year and just one week. It made me think that at this time last Sunday, BB was still with us.



2nd Officer

Do I feel any different, better, worse?? Haven’t noticed anything, except I still LOVE the smell of coffee brewing! :emoticon 0111 blush:
you aren't caffeine free .a cup of tea has at least 47 mg of caffeine, which is less than a cup of coffee, If you really want to go caffeine free then drink decaf coffee: A typical cup of decaf coffee has about 2 mg of caffeine, compared to a typical cup of regular coffee, which has about 95 mg of caffeine


Chief Security Officer
I also enjoy the smell of coffee brewing, K2, but, at least for me, decaffeinated coffee is more than a satisfactory substitute.
I should follow your example and tape CBS'Sunday Morning for later viewing,Dave. Since we have a TV in the bedroom, I frequently watch it from bed on Sunday morning and it gives me a bit more time to relax before my day really begins.
Heavy overcast here today with a chance of showers and more inclement weather coming to start our second week in FL



Wacky Wabbit
Thanks for the Christmas wishes everyone.

Dave good to know NO CONCRETE will be harmed in the bathroom project!

Lee & LU-Ann:
Sending you all my best wishes for SAFE DRIVING on your way South. Get to bed early and know we’ll follow your trip here on the Bunny Board! Hugs to you both and Ava too.
And I have been drinking DECAF TEA! Regular Tea has more caffeine in it than most coffee’s. :eek:

Karen: How you doing over there in Belleview?

Bill: Weather looks ugly back in your hometown! Only 34F there last time I checked.

Out of here for now.
Really miss our Mama Bunny and all her cooking.


Wacky Wabbit
Detroit Lions are giving my BLOOD PRESSURE A REAL TEST while I watch too many players going off to the side lines injured. :eek:
Score is too tight to call with 9:00 mins left in the 4th.

Snow we got this morning has melted.
Last edited:


2nd Officer
Good evening, busy days yesterday & today around here!

Kathie, the pic of your Mother Church is beautiful! So inquiring minds need to know, what made you decide to give up caffeine? I drink caffeine free tea at bedtime sometimes, but in general I drink caffeinated.

Lee, safe travels to you, LuAnn & Ava!

Bill, amazing what a couple hundred miles can make in the Fl. weather. It's been mostly sunny & mild here today, just now starting to cloud up a bit here.

Dave, that is odd that the 2 available Up Flush toilets were both sold out, must be a surge in basement bathroom additions going on in Massillon! Nice haul of treats from the grocery store the other day too!

Friday evening late into Sat. morning we had quite a bit of rain here, even woke up a couple times to thunder. By noon it had cleared off & was beautiful and sunny all day.

Church this morning was good, missed having our 9:15 mass the last 2 weeks because of Christmas & a guest priest, so it was nice to have our service again this week. Then after the 10:30 Mass I was asked to join a group that sends cards & makes calls to shut ins from the church, kind of an extension of the communion visits. After the meeting we all went out to lunch together & had a nice time, I knew a couple of the ladies in the group already & had a chance to meet a couple more new ladies. This is the last group I'm going to be joining because I'm already over my 3 "ministry" limit Rev. Lisa suggests. At least 2 of the groups I'm in only meet once a month so that isn't to bad.


2nd Officer
Thanks for the Christmas wishes everyone.

Dave good to know NO CONCRETE will be harmed in the bathroom project!

Lee & LU-Ann:
Sending you all my best wishes for SAFE DRIVING on your way South. Get to bed early and know we’ll follow your trip here on the Bunny Board! Hugs to you both and Ava too.
And I have been drinking DECAF TEA! Regular Tea has more caffeine in it than most coffee’s. :eek:

Karen: How you doing over there in Belleview?

Bill: Weather looks ugly back in your hometown! Only 34F there last time I checked.

Out of here for now.
Really miss our Mama Bunny and all her cooking.
Glad you are drinking decaf tes then no caffeine