Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
"Picken up Paw-Paws put-em in your pocket".

OK, strain your childhood memories. Do you remember that song? They had a news story about how Ohio has a lot of Paw-Paws, and I mentioned that I remember singing this song as a kid. Kathi can't remember it at all.

We took a trip to the larger grocery store yesterday for stuff the smaller store usually doesn't have. (A small shopping list.) So it was a quick in & out with yummy goodies. Lemon Oreos. a couple of individual slices of Key Lime pie, and 3 boxes of Blue Bunny mini chocolate ice cream cones. Plus a couple of non-edible items.

Lee; I wonder what that dealership would do with me since I only have a dumb, Jitterbug flip-phone.

That sucks putting away Christmas items, doesn't it KC? Even though putting them up is fun. Yea, that PH was a real piece of work.

YUP, no doubt about it Bill, when you get home you'll be getting a bigger TV. Or Rita will kill you. :)

It's good to see our favorite parolee is keeping up with her PT. I betcha if Manny licks all your boo-boos they'd heal faster, K2.

A thousand things to remember BB for. Big and little. I even thought yesterday that her passing will put an end to "As The Grille Turns".

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I don’t recall that specific tune either Dave. But there is something about the melody that seems familiar. I guess the dealership would have to do things the old fashioned way for you. Actually talk to you!
We’re off to the vet this morning. Ava is getting her toe nails clipped and we have to pick up her prescription food. We used to travel with enough to get us to FL plus a few days. Then we’d get it at the vet down there. Last year we realized it’s the same price there as it is here but we’re paying 35% MORE with the exchange.
Other than that, there’s not much new at this early hour.
Great, now I have to get that paw paw tune out of my head!
See you later everyone. And have a great day.


2nd Officer
Good morning! Quick check in for me, I have an 9 a.m. appt. at the eye Dr's this morning for my field vision test and it's about 30 mins from home so I will need to be on the road soon. Catch up with you all when I get home!

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I hope you studied for the test Karen! “See“ you later on.
I realized a bit ago that today, January 4, my Mom would have turned 100.


Wacky Wabbit
New Day Smile GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

Good morning Wrabbits.

Dave that tune about Paw Paw’s doesn’t ring a bell, but like LEE said it’s the same jingle for another kids song that escapes me right now. :eek:
Oh Dave… I feel like so bad that we won’t know when the next new chef gets hired at “As the Grille Turns!” Just one of many things we’ll miss with Pats passing.
Which reminds me I have to get a ‘card’ to Bert. Maybe we can ask the daughter every so often how the Grille is doing since she lives in the same subdivision. I’m sure Bert will be popping for dinners there!

23F here right now! Brrr. Pure Michigan! Pfthhh

Lee, I bet your Mom was as nice of a person as you are!
My Mom would have been
111 yrs old on this past Xmas Eve! Nice to keep track of the years. :emoticon 0152 heart:
Sounds like you’re getting it all together for the take off on Jan 8th! Have you ever FORGOTTEN something and had to buy it down South?

Karen: Hope you ZAPPED all those tiny little lites on the Eye Field Test. That’s one crazy test.

Negc: Hope you and Rita slept well last night. Good thing you figured out the thermostat controls. All I can say is 65F is much warmer than 23F anyday!
Be safe on the roads.

Out if here for now. Might start gathering Xmas decorations from around here and stacking them on the dining room table for future putting away in boxes.

I feel bad that I’m going to miss all the Serbian Orthodox Christmas services and singing in choir. Some of the nicest Songs are sung in Serbian for the Xmas Eve service and on the 7th Christmas! There are a few churches that still do LIVE STREAM of their services and I’ll be watching them. I know a lot of the choir members from our choir concert trips to there cities! Some since I was 15?yrs old. We’re a TIGHT GROUP - Us Serbs!
Hristos se Rodi. Christ is Born!

Enjoy your day!


2nd Officer
Good morning. The only thing planned for today is going to Publix this afternoon to pick up Bruce's Rx.
K-2 when is Serbian Orthodox Christmas?

I will be using TakeRoot on a couple of leaves that came off the African Violet I repotted yesterday. For now they are in water.

Supposed to reach 70 today so it will be long pants but not heavy ones.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Have you ever FORGOTTEN something and had to buy it down South?
Only on purpose! LOL! I can’t say that we have ever forgotten anything that we NEED on our adventures Kathie. Mind you, if we get another $585.00 vet bill like this morning’s for food, treats and meds we may “forget” to take Ava next year! It was darned cold along the river this morning with a wind out of the north.
Supposed to reach 70 today so it will be long pants but not heavy ones.
Nancy, you realize that we northerners (Canada, MI and likely even OH) would be in shorts and t-shirts or golf shirts complaining about the heat! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:
A couple more things to do this afternoon including the bank to get a little more US cash. The exchange rate for cash is right around 32%. 35% for credit cards! But we believe in helping stimulate the US economy to the best of our ability.
Be good and safe folks.


2nd Officer
Enlarge to see the whole thing, but here is the Orchid.


  • lego flower.jpg
    lego flower.jpg
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Chief Security Officer
That tune now keeps running in my head Dave, but I think I am remember it as Perry Como's "Catch a Falling Star."..and put it in your pocket, never let it get away. I think the next line was "save it for a rainy day.
Getting a larger TV has been on our list for quite a while,Dave, but it may move higher up on the list if we get too accustomed to the one in this living room.

Looks like temperatures will continue to be below average here in Florida for the foreseeable future but it is still shorts and short sleeve shirts for us rugged New Englanders.
After your comments about the show, I am regretting that I didn't watch the Mash program the other night. With the networks proclivity for repeating everything, I am hopeful that I will get another chance to see it.
I'm not sure that Bert will be hosting many meals at the Grille, K2. From the comments that Pat has posted
in recent months they haven't exactly been thrilled with the place. More likely he will take them to DiCarlo's or Manny's or several of the other great eating spots near them. I am sure Lee and LuAnn can attest to the fine Italian food we had at DiCarlo's last year when we all dined there with Pat and Bert.
Sleeping much better now that the thermostat has been adjusted.
Good luck with your field vision test, KC.


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I saw in the news that Lego has released a bouquet of red roses and baby’s breath Nancy. Your orchid looks very nice.
Yes Bill, DiCarlo’s offered up some excellent Italian food at a reasonable price as I recall.


Wacky Wabbit
Yikes LEE… 32% exchange! Remember to bring a few packages of “Pencils” to sell on the corners in case you get into a Cash Bind! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Negc: Food never seemed to good at the GRILL no mater who was running the place. Really a shame.

Did you see the storm that is heading to the East coast. Just can’t seem to get a break over there lately. Be glad you’re out of there and don’t have to worry about getting any airport.
What CITY do the owners of where you’re staying live in here in Michigan? Just wondering if it’s somewhere I’m familiar with.

I forgot to call Mike & Fay today. :rolleyes:
Watching Mich State Univ beating Penn State in basketball.
75/52 in 2nd half. :clap002: Let’s hope I didn’t jink them.

Nite Wrabbits.


2nd Officer
Oh how lucky us northerners are.

A cold front heading our way, with another one right behind it. You got out of Dodge just in time, Bill.

Sure hope none of this cold and snow interferes with your departure, Lee.

So how's the "field vision test" go, KC? I've never had one of those. Heck, I've never heard of it. I'm guessing it has something to do with peripheral vision.

K2; When you talk to Mike & Faye I hope to hear that they are fine. The last time I saw them is when they were in town for some kind of sports event. Like you did.

Today is when our nephew/contractor begins work on making us a 1/2 bath in the basement.

Let the dust begin. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning!
With the breeze it feels like 18F here. That’s chilly!
If you do reach out to Mike and Fay please say hi from us too Kathie. I’m trying to recall if they were at the gathering in Ohio. I see your MSU “barely” pulled out the win. By 31 points. ;)
At this point it looks like we’ll see rain on our drive down Dave. Fingers crossed. No matter how many barriers your nephew hangs you can bet dust will get into everywhere.
Lu-Ann has a hair appointment this morning. Then I guess when she gets home our “packing” will begin in earnest. Making sure everything we want to take is clean and ironed as needed.
But for now, coffee.
Have a great Friday everyone. I’ll check on you all later.


2nd Officer
Good morning. Today I will be repotting 3 orchids, Got the pots yesterday.

Temps for the next few days is up and down. One day it is up is Tuesday when I go to the ortho and I had planned on wearing shorts no matter the weather.

All have a great day.


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Wrabbits.


Dave always good to have a bathroom on the lower level. Good for you guys and great for resale. We have 3 bathrooms in our ranch and I would love a basement bathroom/shower. Just can’t convince Art of the idea. Have tried for decades. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

Lee: Always a hectic time these last few days before heading out on the road. Don’t stress over it. You’ve done it enough times before. Getting through customs would be my only worry after watching the TV series “To Catch A Smuggler”! Ha ha. I know you’ve never had an issue. :clap002:

PT day for me. Glad it’s only cold outside and no snow to drive through.

One thing about Serbian Orthodox Christmas being
Jan 7th it always seems to be snowy. Some years to the point you have to question your safety in driving to the church
services. :eek:

Okay I need to get a piece of toast and some decaf tea in me! 29 days COFFEE FREE! Why…who knows! Ha ha.

I will be sure to pass on all your hellos to Mike & Fay. Really nice people! They had us as houseguests years back. :emoticon 0152 heart:

Enjoy your day stay warm and be safe

Hello to Negc & Karen. :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
OK, another small job off the list. Lu-Ann‘s hair is done. While she was out I got Ava’s “road bag” packed. That means that tomorrow is the final check of what we’re takin’, wash is as needed, iron it (why?) as needed and pack it. Sunday we do the bedding, floor mats and clean.
You know Kathie, we have never not declared everything we bring back from our trips across the border. Even if it’s just a day trip. It’s not worth chancing it and ending up in secondary every time you cross. Most of the time the border agents quickly assess what you have and wave you through.
Were you able to clearly see the fields Karen. ;) I sure hope so.
It sounds to me like you are an avid orchidologist Nancy. I’d always heard that orchids really take time and patience to cultivate. Yep, there’s two things I’m known for. LOL!

A perfect example of that took place just today. I picked up Lu-Ann after her hair and we stopped by Subway to take home a little lunch. There was a little heathen and its keeper in there and the kid was running, screaming and the Mom was doing nothing. After it ran into me for the third time the Mom said “apologize to that man”. Which the kid ignored. She gave me a half hearted “sorry”. I said “you know, I’m old so a life sentence doesn’t mean that much to me.” The girls behind the counter cracked up. The Mom grabbed the kid by the arm and its reign of terror ended.
You all behave!


Chief Security Officer
Great comeback, Lee, though I'm sure that that kid's "keeper" will be telling everyone about the "old" monster who terrorized her "innocent little darling". Glad to hear that you picked up LuAnn "after" her hair, though I couldn't figure why you wouldn't have picked up both at the same time. :)
Hadn't listened to that Paw Paw song before my previous post so my reference to the Perry Como song was based solely on the wording that you put in your post, Lee. After listening to the song, it is definitely not what I originally thought.
The folks we are renting from live in Boyne Falls, MI, K2. Not sure where that is in relation to where you and Art reside.
Safe travels, Lee and LuAnn. We are a bit south of where you will be meeting Rte 4 and about a mile off of 95 at Rte 60 if you are inclined to
adjust your routing and stop by for a visit.
Have to take a short ride to the mail room at the Clubhouse to see if any of our forwarded mail has arrived. I forget how long that process took last year. Lisa checked our mailbox at home and said there was nothing there so I guess (hope) they also forwarded all the mail that they held during the time we were on our cruise.

Looks like we will be getting an invitation to a 2 night sailing of Royal Caribbean's newest ship, Icon of the Seas, later this month. Should be interesting.


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Dave, It's been a LONG time since I've heard your Pickin up Paw Paws song! It's also the tune to 10 little Indians, put'em in a boat, the boat tips over, 9 little indian men & so on. Good luck with the new bath & don't forget the pics!

Kathie, brrr, even with no snow 23 degrees would NOT be weather I'd be venturing out in for PT! I didn't realize you were not having in home therapy. Add my hello's to Mike & Fay, really sweet couple, I did get a Christmas card from him & Fay this year.

Lee, good for you for speaking up to the mom of that little heathen. There are actually T-shirts with the saying on them, the older I get the less Life in Prison is a

Bill, nice to hear you are still scoring free cruises with Royal Caribbean. It's surprising to me to see the newer, super large ships doing the short cruises to the Bahamas, but I guess they are counting on people to make the ship the destination & spend more money onboard.

Field Vision test went pretty good I guess, for once they weren't fussing at me to "quit moving my eye" so I must have stayed focused on the yellow dot pretty good. They did have to keep telling me to keep my chin in the chin rest, but I tried. I felt like I missed a lot of the little lights, but I'll find out Monday just how good or bad I did.

Worked outside this morning re-doing some of the patio blocks in back, I put some of the smaller ones in my neighbor had given me so I would have a "run off" area with gravel for when I pressure wash the back patio. Today was one of the nicest days we've had weather wise in a long time! Started out working in a sweatshirt & had to come in after about 20 mins & change to a T-shirt.


2nd Officer
Dave, this explains better what the Field Vision test is.
Automated perimetry test. This test creates a detailed map of your visual field, and is used for a more specific diagnosis of an ocular condition, or to monitor the progress of an ocular disease.

During this test, you will sit in front of a bowl-shaped device, called a perimeter. Each eye will be tested separately. The eye being tested will look through a lens containing your optical prescription to ensure that you can see well.

Your doctor will instruct you to keep your eye on the center target throughout the test. Lights will begin to flash in different areas of the bowl, some dimmer than others. As you see the lights, you will press a button with your thumb. Any lights that you did not see will be tallied at the end of the test, and provided in a print out for easy reading.

Keep in mind that this test will deliberately flash lights in areas that you cannot see to determine your visual threshold, or the lights you cannot see some of the time— so don’t worry if there is a point in the test where you haven’t pressed the button for a few seconds, this is normal.