Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


2nd Officer
Here we go again.......Another week where I have to think real hard to figure out what day it is. Plus now I have to remember what year it is too.

I too am terrified, KC, that there is a possibility that the Buffoon could be reelected by his fanatical fans in his cult. A lot of dumb people out there filled with hate.

Don't forget to eat up all those chips and other snacks you've got hidden behind cupboard doors, Lee. This is gonna seem like the longest week you've had in a long time.

Add Kathi and me to that list of people that watched the Rose Bowl Parade, K2. It's just not New Years without it. Hope you also got to watch the special last night that was all about the TV show MASH. I remember watching that every week when it was on.

"Age qualified community". GREAT name Bill. The first thing you do when you get home, I'm guessing, is buy a larger TV. :)


A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning.
Not much new at this early hour.
We recorded the MASH special. I’m looking forward to watching it. Hard to believe the final episode was 40 years ago.
As you said Kathie, it’s time to check the long range weather forecasts along our route.
I think an early morning coffee may be in order.
Have an excellent day everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Passing Rest In Peace GIF by GIPHY Studios 2023

Sad day in our Hutch! Got word from Missy that our dearest Mama Bear, BB or just PAT got her wings last evening. The family surrounded her as she passed to a better place of no pain. To say our girl will be missed in our extended family is a understatement. She and Bert welcomed us all into their home with open arms and of course always lots of food and drink when we were vacationing in their state. For some 23+ Years we all chatted daily, sometimes multiple times about ourselves and our family and shard good times and bad. We‘ve grown old together.
With tears in my eyes and a broken heart I salute you my good friend and wish you the peace you now so deserve. Give our love to Marcia, Carl, and of course Tony. I can only imagine him greeting you and how you too will be now be waching over the rest of us mortals in the Hutch. Rest now, rest ….



Wacky Wabbit
MISSY ASKED THAT WE “NOT” post anything to Pat’s Facebook page or other Facebook areas just yet. Bert wants to contact out of state family and friends to give personal notices to them.
I forgot to add that to my original post.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
A very sad start to our day.
Love and prayers to the rest of the family.


2nd Officer
So sorry to hear the news of Pat's passing, I know she is in a better place & those she loved were there to greet her, but it stinks for those of us who loved her & are left behind. Rest in Peace dear lady!


2nd Officer
Good morning. I got a much better night's sleep last night. Sunday I did not get much sleep and it was not because of fireworks, they were pretty much done by 10 and just about 10 minutes of them at midnight.

Today we have an inspector coming to look over the house because our insurance, the states company Citizens is working to see about selling policies to private companies. A couple of years ago Jennifer and Mikes was sold.

I do need to go to Publix today and see if there is a Rx for Bruce and will give them our new insurance info.

Temps today are supposed to stay in the 60's, so it will be long pants for me.

All have a great day.


Chief Security Officer
Sad, sad news to start off 2024. One of the highlights of every trip we have taken to Florida over the past two or more decades has been a visit to that wonderful couple. RIP
Rita spent much of our first day doing laundry and I spent some time figuring out how to navigate the TV in the living room. Think I have it down but I will still need to help Rita master the remotes.
Went to Olive Garden for a late lunch/early dinner and after dining, we came out with enough food to feed us for a good part of the rest of the week.
Watched a part of the Rose Parade but not much TV after that. Glad to see that new programming isn't that far off.
Temperatures are still chilly for Florida and aren't forecast to improve very much over the next
week or two, but it still beats what we would be experiencing back home.
Kevin reports that he is feeling better. He will be seeing an orthopedist to schedule the surgery he will need. The doctor told him he will be out of work for about nine weeks, so he might want to come down and stay with us while he recuperates. If so, we have plenty of room for him and Jamie.



Wacky Wabbit
Hi Wrabbits.
I just saw a message the Missy posted on a site that there will be NO FUNERAL Per PAT’s REQUEST. See below:

Per my mom’s wishes, there will not be a funeral. She’s to be cremated and she asked for our family to go out to dinner instead. We did that last night. I do hope at some time in the future to celebrate her life with her friends, when my dad is ready. Nothing formal, but more just a gathering of friends to share a meal, some wine for her, and share stories. Informal and fun. More laughter than tears. I’m not quite ready to plan it yet but maybe around her birthday in May.

If you know of anyone that you think should know of +Pat’s passing I would assume we can now let others know of her passing. May she RIP.

I’m going to get try and let Mike/Fay Ellis know and Nancy McKenna and Andrea in BC.I did send Christine & Gary a e-mail earlier.

I’m sure I’m missing someone. Like “Tours by Eddie” from New York. Haven’t heard from him in a long while.

Nite all. I have a full day in front of me tomorrow. Will try and check. :emoticon 0152 heart:


2nd Officer
Feeling so sad with the loss of our dear friend BB. But not even a fraction of the sorrow that Bert must be feeling. Mornings, noon's and nights are all vacant for him. A life mostly alone now without his Love.

Her passing actually took me by surprise. I guess I'd become numb to her frequent hospital stays, and figured that she'd soon be home from this one too. Especially after the good news of her involvement in her care just a few days ago.

Heartbroken while knowing I can't do anything about it to change things.

At first I thought about sending flowers, as a form of tribute to her. Now I've decided to do something more appropriate for her. And that is giving a nice donation to a group or church that provides food to people in need. Making tasty food and providing meals for people has always been her specialty. Nobody has ever left her & Bert's home hungry or unhappy.

She'll never be forgotten or not treasured.

One Grand Lady.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Good morning folks.
So many thoughts and memories yesterday. Both on here and I’m sure in many of our hearts. Yesterday afternoon Lu-Ann and I opened a special bottle of red and raised a glass to Pat. Our trip to True Blue just won’t be the same this winter. But rest assured that we’ll raise a glass of Pat’s beloved “Crazy Good” to her then too.
I’ll be off shortly to take Subie in for an oil change and pre trip checkup.
You all have a wonderful Wednesday.


2nd Officer
Dave, I think your idea of donating to a food bank is a great one & I'm going to steal it too! We have a food pantry at St. Mary's and a donation in Pat's name will be made this week!❤

Kathie, thanks for the updates again for Pat. I thought about letting Kathy (parrothead8) know but she & Pat had quite a falling out so I'm not sure I will. She treated Pat pretty shady so no need to cry crocodile tears now.

Bill, sorry for the cold welcome to Florida, at least the sun is shining! This has been the longest cold spell we've had in a while. Glad to hear Kevin is feeling a bit better.

Lee, the countdown is on! Don't forget to wave & honk as you drive past the Belleview exit, I'm only like 10 mins away so I'm sure I'll hear you go by.

Got all the outside decorations & lights down yesterday & packed away. Then took the tree down, Christmas is officially over for another year. It sure went by fast though!
Back to our regular church schedule this week, so will light a final candle for Pat this morning.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
My gosh, everything at the Subie dealer is automated! The tires and alignment are checked when you drive in over the sensors. Check in is on an iPad. The pre service walk around is a video.
The tech, they were mechanics back in the day, does another video of the service and any suggestions. Of course these all arrive in the form of a link on your cell phone. Which you can authorize or ask to discuss.
Your bill arrives in another text and you can review and pay it, again, from your phone.
As Jimmy Buffett sang “I’m a renaissance man in an MTV world”.
With us cutting over to St Augustine Karen I don’t think we drive past you on the way down this year.


Chief Security Officer
Bill, sorry for the cold welcome to Florida, at least the sun is shining! This has been the longest cold spell we've had in a while. Glad to hear Kevin is feeling a bit better.

Thanks Karen. Actually I mastered this house's thermostat yesterday and things are toasty warm. Plus the sun coming through the living room windows helped warm us until I adjusted the thermostat. Had a good night's sleep last night so I guess we are pretty well settled in. Looks like a trip to Publix and to Peterson's Groves are going to be our major activities. Will check the mail box but I doubt any of our mail that is being forwarded from back home will have arrived yet. Back home, we don't have any of those premium channels so I was pleased to see that ABC is showing "Only Murders In The Building" on Tuesday nights, so I can finally see the series that has gotten such rave reviews. The first three episodes were broadcast last night and, while I enjoyed them, I wasn't knocked out by them. I suspect that the more I watch, the more likely I am to become a fan. I did like Selena Gomez much more than I expected. I am much more familiar with Steve Martin and Martin Short so their performances were pretty much what I expected from them. I'm not generally a fan of Celebrity Jeopardy but last night they actually had three celebrities that exhibited some intelligence so I enjoyed watching them.
Congratulations on Michigan's victory in the Rose Bowl and their entrance into the Championship game. I seem to remember that you are more a fan of Michigan State, but I Thanks for the info from Missy. We were planning to drive over to Kissimmee for whatever service that was planned for Pat, but I think we will follow Dave's thought and will make a donation to some local organization that helps the needy.

Last edited:


Wacky Wabbit
Quick hello in between PT and Surgeons visit today.

Your IDEA of local Food for the needy is great. We have one or two that I can make sure they get a donation in Pat's name. I'm giving Bert a few days and then I'll try and call the Landline and see if I can actually get a hold of him. Meanwhile, I'm going to send out a card addressed to him and the 'family'!

Karen, I replied to your e-mail. Thanks for the heads up on hold to call you! :emoticon 0115 inlove: Now don't overdo it at church. Light a candle from me for PAT. I can't get to church yet to light one. Thanks.

Lee: Amazing how automated your OIL Service is. What does the poor OLD guy do if you don't have all the gizmo's to check in and pay on your phone. What ever
happened to CASH?? :rolleyes:

Negc: Good to know you got some good sleep. Always important to be able to sleep on a different
mattress, especially since you'll be there awhile. Hope the hip is not giving you too much trouble. Once the temps get up into the 70's on a regular basis you can get out into the sunshine and absorb all that Vit C and you'll hopefully feel much better.

Gotta get ready to head out of here. DANG IT'S DAMP and COLD here today. And gloomy too.

Be good to each other and for heaven's sake stay safe and healthy. :emoticon 0115 inlove:


2nd Officer
Good afternoon. Well I now have an appt for my knee, next Tuesday morning. So I went and got a CD of the X-Rays to take with me. Then went to Publix and while it was not the RX I thought I was getting I got one. Showed them the new Medicare cards and the ID number has not changed, just the plan.

I am not really surprised that Pat requested cremation and no funeral service, it seems that is more and more the way people are doing. Having a full family dinner and remembering all the good times is a great thing to do.

All have a great day.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
We just finished watching the MASH reunion special. Not unlike the original show itself it was one of the finest TV programs we have seen in a VERY long time.


Wacky Wabbit
There absolutely NOTHING on TV tonight.

Went to PT, then 4 week surgeon check both went well.
Then we drove over to pick up Hand Held massage unit from Jill. Got to see Manny. That made my day.
That was 5 hours of getting out and about out of the house! :emoticon 0111 blush: Like I was on parole!

Nite Bunnies!
good night swerk GIF